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Bartending School

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I actually know numerous people who went to bartending school and in they end, it wasn't worth any penny. Most of the schools claim they will help with job placement and then they don't pan out. What you really need to do to is head to Barnes and Nobles and get a book with drink receipes. Teach yourself on your own time and then go out looking for a place to hire you. Certain cities require you to have a license but you can pick that up by heading to Town Hall.

Don't waste 100's of dollars on a pointless school. Train yourself. In reality, you only need to know how to make Long Islands, Vodka & Cranberry, Martinis, Tom Collins. You know, the basics. ;) Good luck!

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i will say that bartending school is definitely a plus when u havent a clue how to mix a drink to serve it to customers... its one thing to know whats in the shit that u like to drink but its a totally different thing to know HOW to make it RIGHT.... i went to bartending school even though i already had a job lined up in my own lounge... but i went anyway so i can learn and be ahead of the game.

it cost $299 for 40 hours of classes.... and i made that back the 1st 2 nights that i worked... in the summer, when our place is the slowest... but once september came around.. i made that back in a night... a lot of times, more. so its not totally fair to say that its not worth it to pay that much to go... it all depends on where u end up getting a job. if ur lucky, like me, ull make that money back in no time.

but for those of u who dont know how to bartend at all and are just starting to look into it, its worth it to go.

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I suppose, depending on the person, bartending school can be benefitial. Truthfully, this is the first time I've actually heard someone say something positive about them. Off the top of my head, I can think of 6 people I know who enrolled and came out feeling it was a waste of time and money. I also think the schools in which they attended were more money than the one linabina went to.

On the other hand, I don't see what would be so bad about teaching yourself how to make drinks. If you can read, following directions, and know measurements then why not? It's not like it's rocket science or anything and in the end, you save a more money and work at your own pace.

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dont waste your time... It is all about WHO you know... bartending school is the BIGGEST scam out there...

anyhow if you wanna work in manhattan most places start you off as a barback for a little bit anyhow. Buy bartending for dummies best book out and you'll save yourself $500



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all im saying is that i started bartending with one foot already in the door cuz i had the know how... and it helped.... and i just practiced what i was taught and with experience i got better and better... but different strokes for different folks... to me, it was worth it. esp since i made the $ back the 1st weekend i worked.

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I went to New York Bartending School on 39th, I think it was, and 5th Ave. I had such a great time!! The teacher was awesome, I DEFINTELY learned a lot, and I still think it was worth the money. I didn't know a damn thing when I walked in, and knew hell of a lot more than I think some bartenders behind the bar do. And of course there's things you learn when you're out of school and actually working with customers. It's also the cheapest, I think, in the city.. cost me $450 w/ the textbook. I agree it's who you know, but you can get lucky. If anything, it was worth the experience, plus I have my liscense. Here's the website:


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