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*** Now i really dont get girls ***


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Originally posted by sexxyme

You know something...in all honestly, most of the guys I meet these days are jerk offs, so I can honestly say that if there would be a guy who's not "HOT" but would treat me with the same respect that I believe all girls deserve (just as much as guys ;)), I would def go for him and enjoy being with him.



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Originally posted by joeg

hahahhahahaha yeah seriously, jesus christ... that was the biggest load of horse shit i've ever seen...

if you're attractive, you're personality is all but irrelevant... you can parlay almost anything short of down syndrome into something they can 'tolerate.'

That is so untrue, it's comical. You can only tolerate so much, for so long, even IF it's only about sex. And if it's about a relationship... you can tolerate less for a shorter amount of time. I've dated guys who were soooo fine in the beginning... but after I got to know them a little better, I didn't even want to look at them anymore...

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Originally posted by tastyt

That is so untrue, it's comical. You can only tolerate so much, for so long, even IF it's only about sex. And if it's about a relationship... you can tolerate less for a shorter amount of time. I've dated guys who were soooo fine in the beginning... but after I got to know them a little better, I didn't even want to look at them anymore...

right, i didn't say you'd marry them... i said you'd go out with them, and probably have sex with them...

but if the guy's ugly, he won't get 5 minutes of your time.

(and by 'you' i don't mean YOU, i just mean females in general :) )

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Originally posted by joeg

right, i didn't say you'd marry them... i said you'd go out with them, and probably have sex with them...

but if the guy's ugly, he won't get 5 minutes of your time.

(and by 'you' i don't mean YOU, i just mean females in general :) )

Well, if you re-read your original post... you didn't specify.

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Originally posted by joeg

but if the guy's ugly, he won't get 5 minutes of your time.

(and by 'you' i don't mean YOU, i just mean females in general :) )

this totally depends on how and when people meet.

sure, when you're out at a bar or club, probably intoxicated in some manner, and really not in the right setting to converse on more than a shallow level, people WILL tend to gravitate towards people who look good to them at first, second, or third glance.

on the other hand, if you're at a house party, or in a classroom, or at a meeting, and interacting on a more personal and involved level with people, there's a greater chance that you'll end up talking to someone who you might not have initially approached if you had seen him or her in a club. however, since you get a better sense of who the person is... and there's a greater chance that something beyond looks and an ability to chatter entertainingly whilst drunk will appear attractive to you.

that said, this is a clubbing board, and if most people here only meet people at clubs and bars, i'm not surprised they feel this way about relationships and attraction.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Well, if you re-read your original post... you didn't specify.

true. :)

Cat: i'm just going off of what i see around me day to day... with friends of mine, and with people in general... i don't even consider whateverthefuck that happens in clubs a 'relationship'... more like consenting mutual daterape...

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Originally posted by wideskies

this totally depends on how and when people meet.

sure, when you're out at a bar or club, probably intoxicated in some manner, and really not in the right setting to converse on more than a shallow level, people WILL tend to gravitate towards people who look good to them at first, second, or third glance.

on the other hand, if you're at a house party, or in a classroom, or at a meeting, and interacting on a more personal and involved level with people, there's a greater chance that you'll end up talking to someone who you might not have initially approached if you had seen him or her in a club. however, since you get a better sense of who the person is... and there's a greater chance that something beyond looks and an ability to chatter entertainingly whilst drunk will appear attractive to you.

that said, this is a clubbing board, and if most people here only meet people at clubs and bars, i'm not surprised they feel this way about relationships and attraction.

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Originally posted by joeg

Cat: i'm just going off of what i see around me day to day... with friends of mine, and with people in general... i don't even consider whateverthefuck that happens in clubs a 'relationship'... more like consenting mutual daterape...

i guess it's a community thing..

clubs? do you still go out to clubs? :P

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Originally posted by wideskies

on the other hand, if you're at a house party, or in a classroom, or at a meeting, and interacting on a more personal and involved level with people, there's a greater chance that you'll end up talking to someone who you might not have initially approached if you had seen him or her in a club. however, since you get a better sense of who the person is... and there's a greater chance that something beyond looks and an ability to chatter entertainingly whilst drunk will appear attractive to you.

Yes, exactly. As I said before, I've dated those who were initially attractive but then totally lost it as their personality shone through- well, the exact opposite is also true. Sometimes (a lot of times, actually), there's just something about a "plain" person's personality that makes them oh-so intriguing, and yes, even beautiful and sexy.

I don't think anybody's arguing against the fact that we all enjoy looking at pretty people... or saying that someone who's very attractive won't normally garner more attention than someone who's plain... just that in the long run, looks can only take a person and a relationship so far.

Ya dig? :afro:

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Originally posted by axel-a-promos

howcome i see these beautiful, hot girls with the ugliest fuckin guys...??:mad:

and the funny part is that the girl is all over the dork..

Just because your not mature enough to get beyond games and your low self esteem and these "hot" girls are more mature than you got past looks and realized that respect and loyality are more important does not give you the right to mad. Grow up and get over your self cause no matter what there will always be someone better than you no matter what they look like.

So what if I have 70k car that does not mean you cann't win my girl over and the other way around. Learn how to treat people then come back and complain.

I suggest you get real humble real quick or one of these "dorks" is going to do for you.

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Originally posted by fearlesss

Just because your not mature enough to get beyond games and your low self esteem and these "hot" girls are more mature than you got past looks and realized that respect and loyality are more important does not give you the right to mad. Grow up and get over your self cause no matter what there will always be someone better than you no matter what they look like.

So what if I have 70k car that does not mean you cann't win my girl over and the other way around. Learn how to treat people then come back and complain.

I suggest you get real humble real quick or one of these "dorks" is going to do for you.

Isn't what you said just as shallow? :confused: :confused:

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Originally posted by spragga25

Isn't what you said just as shallow? :confused: :confused:

Not really sure how me basicaly telling him to grow up and get over himself is shallow. I know did not say it but my point was WHO is he to question why someone is w/ someone? Simple no one, never has been or will be.

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Originally posted by fearlesss

I know did not say it but my point was WHO is he to question why someone is w/ someone?


first of all, i never fuckin questioned anyone..

second, i hate to see beautiful girls with ugly guys...and what????

thats my fuckin opinion, and u can not change it by telling me to grow up...

WHO the hell are you to judge my opinions..i might be wrong to you...but thats the way i look at it and thats my opinion.

so just beacuse i dont like something, i am not mature???


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<<second, i hate to see beautiful girls with ugly guys...and what????>>

That statement alone proves that you question why someone is w/ someone and that your not mature. you may not do beyond the looks surface but you sure as hell do it. 2nd they are guys that see you with some girl and they say why is she w/ that ugly mother F$%^%.

I'll leave it @ that.

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let's be honest. of course, looks are the first thing we all notice in a person, not to mention the way they act, talk, dress, and overall appear...

personality comes into the picture later on. if the person doesn't have one, but looks good...what's the point. looks fade after a while, and we're all not going to be young forever....

better to find substance than superficial beauty.

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