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top ten reasons why you can´t get laid


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No.. But from my VAAAAAAAAAASt experience with women, I have seen their true nature. i have been privy to female conversatiosn where they let out all their secrets and true desires. Not saying I'm an expert. I'd have to cut my nuts off and call myself Shirley to be that. But I'm tired of hearing bullshit how girls just want a certain things from guys when I see the exact opposite.


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Originally posted by Evan

No.. But from my VAAAAAAAAAASt experience with women, I have seen their true nature. i have been privy to female conversatiosn where they let out all their secrets and true desires. Not saying I'm an expert. I'd have to cut my nuts off and call myself Shirley to be that. But I'm tired of hearing bullshit how girls just want a certain things from guys when I see the exact opposite.


Maybe you're hanging out with the wrong women... ;)

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okay Evan, hope my point of view helps.

i don't agree with all of this:

Originally posted by Evan

11.) YOU ARE ARE NOT A DRUG DEALER OR CAN'T GET US DRUGS. Let's face it. We want to get fucked up. Especially if you are ugly or boring, we want to be able to deal with it by getting high enough that we don't care who we are hanging out with.

12.) YOU HAVE NOT SPENT ENOUGH MONEY ON US. We don't want no cheap motherfuckers. We want you to spend enough money that it hurts. Also, when we are out with my friends, you better pay for them too. Hell, just give us your credit card.

13.) YOU EITHER HAVE A CRAPPY CAR OR NO CAR AT ALL. We don't want to around town where people can see us in a broken down Maxima. We don't care if your saving up money for a BMW. We are gonna go fuck the first guy in a Ferrari we see.

14.) OUR FRIENDS DON'T LIKE YOU. We listen to our friends. If one of them doesn't like anything about you, your history. It doesn't matter that they don't know you or that you have treated me like a princess. Your out of here.

15.) YOU TREAT US TOO NICELY. We want a bad boy. Someone that is gonna abuse us, and leave us in tears. If you treat us to nicely, we are gonna go back to our ex boyfriend even though we still have a restraining order against him.

hope that makes things clearer.


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Hmm..let's see:


Every time I see m,y drug dealer freinds hanging out with the hottest girls and getting booty. I know when i was dealing or providing drugs, I'd get laid every day. When I went to a club with drugs, I could get 5 girls on my jock in a minute.


I know girls that date men just for their money. You ever hear of Anna Nicole Smith. I had girls calling me left and right for money. I had girls offering me sex and more for a slice of my pie. It was sickening.


EVERY time I talk to a new girl, one of their FIRST questions are: "what type of car do u drive?" You don't see me asking "What size bra do you wear?" in the first conversation, do u?


I have been witness to girls talking with each toher bad mouthing boyfriends. I have seen girl's break up with their boyfriends because of this conversations. i have even seen one girl break up with her boyfriend after one friend badmouthed him..then seen that same friend go after him a week later.


This is from actual experience. I treat all the girls I date like princess; Yet, everytime, the next guy they date is a total asshole, even soemtimes beating them. They call me for help, and I tell them to break up, but they stay in the relationship. Then they blame me for their bad realtionships cause I spoiled them itno the nicer things in life and that isn't reality.

I'm not saying women are twisted or anything like that. men are pigs too. This thread would have 1000 posts if it was all about men. But I didn't like the way this thread started by making it look like girls are innocent and just want a well dressed, well spoken guy.


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I've dated everything from Club Girls, to Jewish Girls, to Catholic Girls, to Good Girls, to Bad Girls, to Bar Girls, to Nerd Girls, to Wall St. Girls, etc.. A woman is a woman is a woman.

If you had the choice of dating a guy that would treat you nicely, but never partied, had no money, worked as a plumber, drove a fiat, and was 5 lbs overweight or would you want a guy that treated you badly, partied like a rock star, was rich as fuck, worked on Wall St., drove a Benz, and had abs like steel. I actually know BOTH guys. And let me tell u, my plumber friend treats women as if they were angels, yet, he hasn't been able to be in a relationship in 3 years. My Wall St. friend, treats women like peices of meat, yet has a new girlfriend every 3 days (his choice).

Again. I am NOT dissing girls. I know guys who have ditched a girl for another one with bigger breasts, but smaller brains. I am just wanting the TRUTH out there.


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If you're looking for a new girlfriend every 3 days, then you're looking for a certain type of girl -- the type you can fuck and leave by the curb, who's just looking for money and cheap thrills.

If you want something more than that, like a lasting relationship... like I said... you're hanging out with the wrong women. I've known plenty of women who would take heart over money.

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Originally posted by Evan

If you had the choice of dating a guy that would treat you nicely, but never partied, had no money, worked as a plumber, drove a fiat, and was 5 lbs overweight or would you want a guy that treated you badly, partied like a rock star, was rich as fuck, worked on Wall St., drove a Benz, and had abs like steel. I actually know BOTH guys. And let me tell u, my plumber friend treats women as if they were angels, yet, he hasn't been able to be in a relationship in 3 years. My Wall St. friend, treats women like peices of meat, yet has a new girlfriend every 3 days (his choice).

Here's a thought- how about a happy medium! :idea:


Life isn't black and white, you know.

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A woman is a woman is a woman.


Again. I am NOT dissing girls. I know guys who have ditched a girl for another one with bigger breasts, but smaller brains. I am just wanting the TRUTH out there.


the TRUTH is that women are not all the same, just as men are not all the same. there is nothing inherent about having two X chromosomes that makes one act as those women you've experienced ("experience" being a key word here) act.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Here's a thought- how about a happy medium! :idea:


Life isn't black and white, you know.

Does that mean u want both guys? :D

I can accept that there are nice girls out there that will like a guy for who he is. I just wish one day I'd meet one.


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Originally posted by Evan

I can accept that there are nice girls out there that will like a guy for who he is. I just wish one day I'd meet one.

Well, it's all about compatibility... I would never expect a "perfect" man, because he would want nothing to do with me!!! :laugh:

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alright first of all girls, you should not be bitching at us, because your the ones who posted that feminst rubbish to begin with. As an earlier arguement stated, women have lobbied for decades over securing equal rights, however, it only applies to "when its convienent." If a woman wants equal rights in the workplace thats fine. She wants to go play on the Mens Golf Tour, sure thats a joke, and she got embarassed. However, whenever we go out to dinner, the guy has to pay, although we are now equals! But the women should never pay because thats outrageous. Now that we have lobbied for equal rights and make equal wages, I still do not have to pay, what a pig! Or how women can kick the shit out of a guy (well a ficticious scenario...but a guy can't lay a finger on a woman...) Or this whole sexual harrassment debacle. Women never get accused of sexual harassment, although by women's standards it qualifies as it if it were addressed towards them. Or employment quotas. Women complain against discrimination in the past, however, women get jobs not based upon meritocracy, but based upon sexism...the most qualified candidate should be afforded with the position. Instead of the corporation saying... o no we can't hire another male who is more qualified than this young female because we have to abide by certain regulations, as a result, productivity will go down and we will lose a valuable asset. Oh well maybe she will put out :idea:

Another valid point, why do WE have to intiate everything. Are you that helpless a void that you can't make to first move. We're equal remember now. So according to equality, men should not have to work more than women, equal work should be put in. Men being boring...go talk about the skirt you bought or how you can find ways to waste your money and time with make-up. I'm sorry but my standard of an attractive girl is one who can look beautiful without all the glam and fake "ness". Last time I checked, women can suck it bed too..talk about us showering take care of that horrible smell downstairs! I can get laid, just got laid a few days ago, but b4 I did I went through your vapid checklist, and sure enough...voila...the panties dropped thank you sooo much for pointing out the many faults of men and offering us your generalizations...I'm going to go see if I can attain a contract with a publishing company right now so that all men can arrive at the same conclusion as myself. O yeh, next time you ask what kind of car a guy drives, why don't you think to yourself...GO BUY YOUR OWN FUCKING BMW BITCH...cuz u can't afford one and need a man to buy it for you! Thank you...have a nice day...also I agree with all that Evan has aforementioned-seems liek a honorable guy to me...

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to part of what roadrunner said, i personally like to go out with girls who propose to pay every now and then, or throw in.

It has nothing to do with me being broke (im not)

It's just something i like. And there are girls out there who like it too.

I just have more respect for a woman who can take care of themselves and get their own things.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

to part of what roadrunner said, i personally like to go out with girls who propose to pay every now and then, or throw in.

It has nothing to do with me being broke (im not)

It's just something i like. And there are girls out there who like it too.

I just have more respect for a woman who can take care of themselves and get their own things.

agreed very well stated point. This whole thread is ridiculous. Dating is a two-way street. No one should be catered to. Its about giving and recieving. Not just recieving.

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hmm.. I'm kinda on the fence with that one.

I like a girl that makes the first move. Huge turn on for me. But I'm sure girls are timid about doing that, not wanting to be labeled a slut.

As for a girl paying for dinner. I'm not really too cool with that. i mean, if they are liberated and insist, then i'm not gonna argue. But as a rule, i like to take care of the bills. i know that a girl has to spend hundreds of dollars doing their hair, dress, makeup, waxing, etc... One date could cost a girl more than the guy spends on dinner. (I told you I know women's secrets)


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Originally posted by Evan

hmm.. I'm kinda on the fence with that one.

I like a girl that makes the first move. Huge turn on for me. But I'm sure girls are timid about doing that, not wanting to be labeled a slut.

As for a girl paying for dinner. I'm not really too cool with that. i mean, if they are liberated and insist, then i'm not gonna argue. But as a rule, i like to take care of the bills. i know that a girl has to spend hundreds of dollars doing their hair, dress, makeup, waxing, etc... One date could cost a girl more than the guy spends on dinner. (I told you I know women's secrets)

dude, maybe your problem is that you're only dating women who spend "hundreds of dollars doing their hair, dress, makeup, waxing, etc..."

maybe they don't really have much emotional energy to spare for you, since they're so concerned about their image.

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Originally posted by wideskies

dude, maybe your problem is that you're only dating women who spend "hundreds of dollars doing their hair, dress, makeup, waxing, etc..."

maybe they don't really have much emotional energy to spare for you, since they're so concerned about their image.

Your right.. I'm gonna look for a girl with messy hair, ripped jeans, no makeup, and hairy legs.

If a girl doesn't get prepared for me, then I think that maybe she doesn't think I'm worth the effort. I mean..yeah..down the line if she wants to go out casual..that's fine. But not for actual dates.


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Let's see... I dont mind paying for the bill; I basically supported my ex, trying to help him get his life back on track when he was going to school; I'm the one who initiated conversation when first seeing my boyfriend.

Ummm... now what were you saying Roadrunner??? Oh yeah, just as an fyi- the person who started this thread- is a guy.

THIS is the infantile, over-simplifying drama I was trying to avoid. Now I'm going to excuse myself from this thread because it's only going to get more retarded with each over-generalizing post.

*waves goodbye*

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But the content of tyhe first post was WRITTEN by a girl.

Oh..and for the men that are asking how a girl spends "hundreds" on getting ready:

Waxing: $50

Hair: $100

Dress: $100

Shoes: $100

Makeup: $75

Date with me: Priceless



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Originally posted by Evan

Your right.. I'm gonna look for a girl with messy hair, ripped jeans, no makeup, and hairy legs.

If a girl doesn't get prepared for me, then I think that maybe she doesn't think I'm worth the effort. I mean..yeah..down the line if she wants to go out casual..that's fine. But not for actual dates.


Let's see...

Hair brush (reusable): $1.00

Non-ripped jeans (reusable): $50

Makeup: Maybe $2.00 for the amount needed for a single night?

Razor: $2.00

Seems to me a woman could put on a VERY presentable face for minimal investment... now, if you expect her to dress like a queen and wear a pound of makeup, good luck finding someone who will treat you as anything other than an income source...

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Originally posted by Evan

But the content of tyhe first post was WRITTEN by a girl.

Oh..and for the men that are asking how a girl spends "hundreds" on getting ready:

Waxing: $50

Hair: $100

Dress: $100

Shoes: $100

Makeup: $75

Date with me: Priceless



What. The. Fuck.

You are DEFINITELY dating the wrong women. That's hideous.

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FOr starters, the world isn't so black and white (i think that's an echo from tastyt)

There are girls that spend that much on waxing/makeup, there are girls that wear riped jeans and Def Leopard shirts, and there are NUUUUUUUUUMEROUS girls in between.

There are girls, for instance, who use make up sparingly, don't get waxes, and pay for their own apartment.

I do think you need to spread your wings and check out other birdies :aright:

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It's called CLASS. Some girls have it. Obviously, other girls don't. There are girls that will ponder for hours what to wear, and others who don't give a fuck (like u) and wear whatever comes out of your closet.

The last girl i dated looked like a princess, dressed like a princess, as well as made her own money so she didn't need me to provide her with this.


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