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I found this @ craigslist.com... UNREAL. I DID NOT post this guys. I just think it's pretty incredible for someone to think/question/write this. This is just some random guy somewhere in new york posting on another messageboard:

I am asking this question because I’m curious. I’ve have dated and slept with several races of women, white, black, Asian, and Spanish. I know that there’s a race thing with guys and there cocks. Black guys are big white medium…we all know how it goes. I know it doesn’t necessarily hold true all the time but I would say over 50%.

So do certain races of women have nicer vaginas? Do certain races of women have tighter vaginas?

What I have found in my research is that the Asian girls I have slept with have all be very clean down there. All there pusses we very nice, not too hairy, well groomed, not smelly, nice sized lips that aren’t shriveled and it tasted good, pretty nice pink purple color to. Is it true Asian women have tighter pussys? Wouldn’t only make sense to accommodate asian mans penis? I’ve slept with more white girls, and there pussy didn’t match up to the Asians. One girl was really smelly down there and unclean. I mean if you shave then try and keep it somewhat shaved this white girl was a mess. The nastiest pussy I’ve ever seen was on a 19 yr old white girl. Her lips looked like crimple potatoes chips and her clit dangle past her lips she had a hot face but the clit thing turned me off. The Spanish women I have dated ranked up there with the Asian ones, but on one girl I noticed she had a lot of hair near her ass hole and he pussy was pretty hairy too. The black girls were pretty good, im not too much into the color of them or that taste , one I slept with had a lose pussy, I mean really lose, she claimed she only slept with 4 guys but those 4 guys stretched that shit out. Do black girl have larger pussys to fit the "large" black penis?

So women and men share your experiences on the different races and there pussy that they have I would love to know.

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OMG I ALMOST PISSED MY PANTS.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

but i've slept with all races and have to kinda agree, Asian girls tend to be best of all the races.. but spanish girls are better in bed, and well, they typically have more to grab on to.. (i.e. hips ... [yes it's wrong of me to say but i said it])

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Due to copulating with the same race after 100's of years....

The females body is bound to be similar to her male counterpart...

However sanitary issues are usually due to class/caste not race.

But always remember there will be at least 5% of the population that will exhibit traits of another race. (due to dormant genes)

DOC~B "Serving all of your psychosexual needs since 1971"

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From a girls point of view -

Puerto Rican men were thicker and big in my experience but weren't as well kept down there...

Italian men were up there with the thickness but weren't as big but they were cleaner...

The other white males of non-Italian descent that I've slept with weren't thick but they were long and clean...

I dunno if that compares with anyone else but I'm just sharing my experiences :blank:

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Originally posted by i3itch

From a girls point of view -

Puerto Rican men were thicker and big in my experience but weren't as well kept down there...

Italian men were up there with the thickness but weren't as big but they were cleaner...

The other white males of non-Italian descent that I've slept with weren't thick but they were long and clean...

I dunno if that compares with anyone else but I'm just sharing my experiences :blank:

I totally agree. Sicilians are also pretty thick. :tongue: wonder why..

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According to my gyno, Asian women have smaller/shorter cervical canal, perhaps thats why it feel's tighter.

She told me this when she was giving me a check up, she said I didn't have a Latina "vagina" more that of an Asian woman, lol:laugh:

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