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Georgie!! Yes....I read the entire post!! I'll print it and we can debate further over shots!! Like how you snuck the plug in...lol.

I would love to be @ Richie's B-Day party but the chances are looking a bit slim. I will try my best regardless....It will be sick!!

Please buy Richie a shot for me regardless...and put it on Petey's tab!? :D:laugh:

I need to repeat myself just to make sure that despite others mention of specific clubs in their posts, anyone reading understand that my inital post was not meant to be directed at any club in particular. I was talking about the frequency of "classics" night and the lack of focus on new music only.....not about clubs, DJs, etc. Just to clarify.....

You too make some good points...points that back up what I said and points that definitely show why I TOO like some classics...the memories. I don't mean to be an hypocrit either, after all, I was at RETRO METRO...and I had a great time....Richie was awesome!! I missed the classics nights this summer at Merge and TEMPS but heard they were great!!! (Needless to say why I wasnt there....lol)

The only thing is that (as someclown mentioned) I would like to be reminded of these memories less often.....all I'm saying is that it would be nice to have some nights where new music ONLY is the focus. I understand how it might not be one specific club playing classics all the time.....but its just that lately there seems to be one doing it every week. This week alone...the number of promoters pumping up classics night...seriously....count them!!

I don't think that having nights dedicated to new music would impact business or $$'s for that matter. After all its still the same great DJ's that we all go and listen to......which means that the music would be played right...which (as you said) is what makes it or breaks it.

I disagree on one point...and that is that only Industry (got that piro!!) people want to hear new music. I think you helped me to prove my opinion that "regular people" would notice if new music would be played....and that they welcome it in your own reply:

"I heard from PK that the guy that played at Surf this past sunday (im sorry, i dont remember his name) was off the hook. He said he played mostly UNfamiler stuff .......but.............he keeped the dance floor packed, happy ,jumping with energy,and MOST IMPORTANTLY the girls were into it!!!! And i actually heard a few girls mention that the music was different and "sexy" was a word i heard it descdibed as."

Different......non-Industry girls noticing it.......and loving it!!!

Imagine new music being played by Richie,Denny,Kirk....played well......great energy....people dancing getting into it...saving the oldies for 'Classics/Retro Night'. A bit of variety pumping out everynight. I am realistic though, after all, you cant fill a night with just totally new music...but at least let's get more focus back on it and the more recent music!!! Let's save the classics for that one SICK night!!

I agree....lets not kill that night.....if you don't play new music the classics WILL BE the regular daily music.....which makes me ask are they really classics?

How about a "FUTURES NIGHT"?? A night devoted to the same genre of music that everyone likes...but with as much variety of new music as possible in that one night??? Just a thought.......

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Just to illustrate my point......retro/classics this week:



I'm sorry but EVERY SAT is RETRO @ DeJais!! Twist the bottle?!?!?! I can't believe that anyone even had that record/cd, whatever it is on....... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ......what next?

Vanilla Ice?

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3rd floor, i guess i did not make my MAIN point clear. Richie rydell plays more NEW music than anyone else i can think of. Theres is no arguing that. And he plays it incredible, the right way ,where the energy is through the roof at all times, but, the main thing i think i mentioned is that he has the CROWD that he can play like that to on a weekley basis all year long and thats the only reason he can get away with playing basicly all the new music he wants mixed in with his current "big room craziness" that eveyone expects to here week after week....its called an identity.WE LOVE THAT! That would not work in most other rooms in jersey. It doesent make anything any better or worse. For example, in the winter take joeys friday and metro friday. Both packed, different crowds, but with some crossover people. Richie could never play the way he does at metro on friday if he was playing at joeys on a friday , he would not be playing right for the ROOM.He would have to alter the set FOR THE ROOM and whats in front of him, which is the REAL skill in djing IMO thats all i was trying to say. Of course everyone wants to hear new music, BUT not ALL night long. Remember, think about when you are driving in a car, when you hear a song you like or your current favorite song, you turn up the radio, start singin, jumpin around and getting pumped up....right? Well after that song is over and they go into a new song, which might be a great song you never heard before, you still listen.....it still sounds good, you loose the excitment you just had....and before long you are switching the radio station to a new station to find a song the get you back that same feeling you had a little while ago. Imangine if you were stuck in you car for 3-4 hours (like in a club for 3 or 4 hours) hearing all the new music in the world.... you would get board REAL FAST thats kind of how i realate to that. I argee if it is not done right its horrible. Thats were the skill comes in.

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Oh come on people, don't you think you're being a little too hard on the classics? I agree that there is an overabundance of classics nights lately, and not just in NJ but NY as well, yet that's what people love to hear. It's not that they don't embrace the new music coming out but sometimes, it's nice to hear that old track that places you in a club where the whole ambiance of it was an experience and not just a night out. I love going out and hearing something I remember hearing dropped by DT for the very first time in Tunnel. It brings back so many amazing times for me. Somtimes, ya just like to reflect back on those memories and feel what you felt then.

I don't necessarily people don't like new music. Hell, I know a lot of classic heads who know more about the new music on the scene than anyone else. New songs are for this time of clubbing....the classics are timeless. Half the stuff I hear now, I don't really see calling a "classic" in 5 or 10 years now.

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I agree with your comment about Richie. I do get your point....I just want u to get my point that I'm not talking about Merge/Metro...I'm just talking in general....every place doing classics a bit too often in my opinion.....that's all :):D

We could go back and forth on this one for a while...lol.

If I dont see u this weekend....definitely next weekend...... promise me it will be a classics night?? (just busting your chops)

Maybe I'm just looking for an explanation as to why (no matter how well the DJs do spin)...there isnt as much energy as there used to be? Who knows.....

PS: I understand your point about new music.....I just want to

be at least be in that situation for one night (all new music)!!

Ciao 4 now......Have a great time this weekend......get Richie with those shots will ya?!?!?

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I guess my direction gets lost with all my babaling. I DID NOT think you were talking about us at all. I started my original post saying that i agreeded with you...............way to many retro nights at the wrong places.


I will make sure to do shots with richie

see ya soon 3rd floor.

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Originally posted by ml2k3

I guess my direction gets lost with all my babaling. I DID NOT think you were talking about us at all. I started my original post saying that i agreeded with you...............way to many retro nights at the wrong places.


I will make sure to do shots with richie

see ya soon 3rd floor.

George please include your Works Cited and Parenthetical references when you write a novel like that.


CEO ;)

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Originally posted by misskittie

It's not that they don't embrace the new music coming out but sometimes, it's nice to hear that old track that places you in a club where the whole ambiance of it was an experience and not just a night out. I love going out and hearing something I remember hearing dropped by DT for the very first time in Tunnel. It brings back so many amazing times for me. Somtimes, ya just like to reflect back on those memories and feel what you felt then.

I totally agree with you misskittie. :D

But I also agree on 3rdfl's point that classics night is being over done lately. Yeah you may get excited when you hear a song that reminds you of the tunnel days or SF back in 98'.....BUT the excitement gets ruined when that one song is played 10 times in 3 months......so I'm with you 3rdfloor. :D :D :D

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It's only "overdone" if you go to every single Classics Party. Some people can't make it out certain nights so the more options of the C. Parties, the better it is for them. They get to pick and choose which venue or which DJ. Just because it's a classics party doesn't mean it's the exact same tracks at each of them. I'm certain they all have a variety of different tracks to play.

And what's so great about new music anyway? I LOVE hearing a new track layed down when out partying. It drives me insane. But I HATE how I can go to say 5 parties in one month and hear that same exact track at every party. Where's the fun in that? Where's the experience in that? Sucks if you ask me...How come noone ever complains about DJs running amazing tracks into the ground? Noone complains when they hear it over and over and over again at every party they hit. DJs need to stop jumping on the damn bandwagon. Where's the complaints about that?!

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Originally posted by danfury

Neeeeeeena :( When are u guys coming out of hibernation?

I know this has been the longest month of my life. I miss seeing everyone so much. Next weekend...We'll be at Merge/Temps and yes even Surf.....I can't wait to get my drink on.....see you then....save a dance for me. :D :D :D

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