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vicman's wisdom for today 7-30-03


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when on a business trip, don't get hammered. being in an alchol-induced state around your supervisors can only lead to trouble, being drunk is a no-no, no matter how cool you think your bosses are.

it will be an interesting day at work tommorow.

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Originally posted by weyes

:woah::( if you don't mind my asking, what happened?

wuz out at a conference with other people from my company earlier in the week. after tuesday's session the owner of the company took us all out to dinner. we had dinner and some people had some drinks.

we returned to the hotel after dinner and i could tell she was a bit "happy" although i had not been sitting at the same table she was during dinner, i would suppose she had some wine or a mixed drink during dinner. no biggie.

upon returning some people went to the bar for a few more drinks, i went to my room as we still had the final day of the conference to attend on Wed. apparently she got blitzed and started lambasting senior staff, and she made such drama in the bar that senior staff had to come down and see what was going on.

company is pretty strict with stuff like that and she had just been hired a month or so ago so she was still within her 90 day evaluation period, so she got separated from the company.

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Originally posted by vicman

wuz out at a conference with other people from my company earlier in the week. after tuesday's session the owner of the company took us all out to dinner. we had dinner and some people had some drinks.

we returned to the hotel after dinner and i could tell she was a bit "happy" although i had not been sitting at the same table she was during dinner, i would suppose she had some wine or a mixed drink during dinner. no biggie.

upon returning some people went to the bar for a few more drinks, i went to my room as we still had the final day of the conference to attend on Wed. apparently she got blitzed and started lambasting senior staff, and she made such drama in the bar that senior staff had to come down and see what was going on.

company is pretty strict with stuff like that and she had just been hired a month or so ago so she was still within her 90 day evaluation period, so she got separated from the company.

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Originally posted by lostin310

Man, I've done some serious drinking with bosses and cow-orkers. Hell, one time I even projectile vomitted while sitting in the hotel bar drinking with the IT Director of a company I was consulting for! :puke:

They ended up hiring me later.

hell one of my brother in laws has had to take clients to strip joints and basically get wasted along with them and his boss. i guess different strokes for different folks, but i still think that its better to keep it on the safe side and limit your drinking around people from work.

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