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Iron Mike Tyson's...Diet! He is so IRON!

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I lost a lot of sleep last night trying to think who the most Iron of all Iron Brother's is.....After 1 scoop & Crystal Light, 2 Tylenol PMs and some "get me to sleep fuck"...I finally figured it out....Yes! The answer is "Iron" Mike Tyson.....His rage, his training his sickness......Check out his diet.....

His current weight, as of the weigh-in for the fight yesterday, was 223 pounds. He emerged from prison at the weight of approximately 280 pounds because most of the food that was consumed by him in prison was basically high starch, high fat, institutional food, and as a result of that, he gained quite a bit of weight. The way he lost the weight was exercise all along the way and also eating a healthy diet that was low in carbohydrates. Basically what he ate was chicken, fish, beef, all lean, and leafy green vegetables. He eliminated a lot of the starch--the pasta, corn and potatoes. All of the things that your body would store as fat. So he was basically on a low carbohydrate, high protein diet. When he wanted a snack, he would drink a protein drink.

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Originally posted by njbigtime

Tommy- get serious.........Tyson's diet advisor is Chad Nicholls.......Who the advisor to many bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman.....Chad creates diets and coaches on med intake.......He is the best in the business........

Big time, i did not know this, but i have heard of chad nicholls

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Stacked, last night my dog died. JK, but I had intended to call you however due to unforeseen circumstances i could not.

Chris, i had a very long day & i actually am calling you 2night, between 7:30--8:30. We need to touch base on some things.

Please forgive me & please give me one more 1 hour window.


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i think the true iron brother is none other then arnold...ever see those pics post-heart surgery??? even though t3 was computer enhanced...he still was fucking jakked...nothing like watching pumping iron to get the blood pumping for a 2 hour squat session...

stacked...missed your call...called you back...we will discuss at a benevelent time...i think the crumbcake diet is far superior then the chad diet... ;)

Bigtime...t minus 3 days until we have reached scoop city...

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Originally posted by njbigtime

Tommy please smarten up.....Start reading muscular development every month cover to cover....Best mag out there........Flex is complete BS..........You will be tested!!!!!!!!!!

i love the column with palumbo...is he iron??? does he qualify??? i worry about him in the hotness category...sometimes he looks a little too sketch to me...

Stacked...I myself replicated your get to be fuck...only in long island...but in long island it is called spooning like you are fucking the life out of the chick you love...Iron

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Originally posted by deppnade

i love the column with palumbo...is he iron??? does he qualify??? i worry about him in the hotness category...sometimes he looks a little too sketch to me...

I use to really back Palumbo until he sold out the IRON BROTHERHOOD to the daily news and really put the spot light on GH use.....What a asshole bringing on heat for alot of people in the NJ/NY area just for publicy for himself.............not very iron of him!

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indeed bigtime...once again showing that us Iron can even read the paper ;)

Bigtime...off topic..but on topic of most iron...why the decline in elite??? it seems that last year the club board was going nuts with meetups...etc...etc...now its all fockers that post there...i dont quite get the decline...that spellwin kat is sure not iron with that platinum shit...

Bus...im more a fan of loading 1cc in 10 different darts and going to fucking town on any part of my body that has a fucking muscle...and then using them as darts outside to kill squirrels...makes the day more enthralling...

Stacked...did u blast any prop today??? how are the bis treating you...update us on yesterdays workout...and i am scared of the Vampires...you are correct...but i am taking your word that the shore has some hotties...ones that are hot even before the scoops...

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Deppnade...Too funny...I had Court listen to your SO IRON MESSAGE! We will work it out....Did you like my Vampire Soundfactory Theory....hahaha...made you think there pal!

Anyway....Bis are killing me still....Bad Idea to workout on that shit!

I had Court give me the Tricep Inj...since I oculd not move my arms......

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Deppnade...Too funny...I had Court listen to your SO IRON MESSAGE! We will work it out....Did you like my Vampire Soundfactory Theory....hahaha...made you think there pal!

Anyway....Bis are killing me still....Bad Idea to workout on that shit!

I had Court give me the Tricep Inj...since I oculd not move my arms......

Stacked...something about your ironess makes me want to go in a huge hole on the beach down at the shore and experience this you call Jersey...

Stacked...can u let me in on what you have consumed as of right now...diet wise...i want to know...preach sir preach...

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus


That would be so Iron not to spot 10 spots....

That action was not being questioned....

I change pins with each shot, using the same plunger...

Only a slinkie would take 10cc's, and stick it all in his ass...

A waste of infetions and soreness...

actually...on a serious iron note my soon to be jersey brother iron comerade of scoopedness...in speaking with sir iron shawn ray i was told he took 5ccs at a time in said glute...3ccs of sus...2ccs of enanthate...every other day...when off season...that is sure fun in the morning...almost better then road head...

Bus...i expect your iron princess to introduce me to some of jersey's finest at said surf club...i need to experience this to die a happy fellow...

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Depp...I am using SwoleCats Diet...a friend bought it and sent it to me and Bigtime....

Today I ate so far....:

6:00am- 1/2lb Ground Turkey cooked in Olive Oil

9:30am- 1/2lb Ground Turkey cooked in Olive Oil

noon- same

3pm- same

6pm- same

7pm- Detour Bar

9pm- Grilled Chicken Wrap with Turkey Balls.

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Depp...I am using SwoleCats Diet...a friend bought it and sent it to me and Bigtime....

Today I ate so far....:

6:00am- 1/2lb Ground Turkey cooked in Olive Oil

9:30am- 1/2lb Ground Turkey cooked in Olive Oil

noon- same

3pm- same

6pm- same

7pm- Detour Bar

9pm- Grilled Chicken Wrap with Turkey Balls.

so you are on a 0 carb diet??

i thought on that diet you must consume an apple before lifting...and a carb meal after lifting with a carb drink after the workout??

i wasnt impressed with the swole diet...

im in bulk season...as all the pros i talk to tell me to keep gaining mass...mass...mass...i try to have a shake for every meal...shake following...i must go now and get chinese...steamed chicken and white rice...they love me long time...

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