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will there ever be world peace...


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As long as there are differences between people, probably not. Even if there is a peace, it'll only be temporary, since that "us" "them" mentality will always be there, waiting to explode.

The best we can do is learn to live with each other.

OK, maybe "no" is too strong - there can be peace, but I highly doubt it'll be permanent.

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Originally posted by sassa

somehow, i seriously doubt it. look, even we can't get along in this piece of shit board. ;)

Sometimes I think that Wars-Violence along with diseases is natures way to control world population (human) .

Kinda cruel control mecanism , but hey its a Cruel world we live in .


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Originally posted by sassa

:rolleyes: why must you insist on being such a jerk all the time? seriously?

wasn't always that way. tried actually having normal conversations in my first few posts(go looke them up if you dont believe me), and after that I saw how much of an unreasonable miserable bitch you are....so why do I owe you any respect?? You started with me from the beginning accusing me of being someone's alter ego. You even just recently admitted on here that you don't act like this in person. From reading your posts you are everything you accuse everyone who shares different beliefs than you of. Any one who doesn't agree with you is a sheep. Well sassa unless you have been in the middle east recently for the war or you know for a fact where Iraq's unaccounted went, then you too are a sheep. You just choose to be led by different people. None of us no 100% for sure what is actually happenening around the world. We can only go on what other people say(ie. media, liberals, conservatives, freinds relatives...etc) unless we have witnessed all these things first hand. I am willing to bet you haven't. Yet you will call us sheep for following the government and the media, but you are not for folling extremist liberals??:rolleyes:

You tell people to stop posting shit and ruining threads. One word: ANNUNAKI!!!!!. Not to mention all your smart ass remarks. Do you think you are the only one its ok for to be a wise ass??

Oh by the way you seem like a really great person flowing with tons of positive energy and you definately have a great sense of humor. I just have no idea why I would ever be a jerk to you. What was I thinking :rolleyes:

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you just don't get it do you.

btw, because i posted the annunaki site, that makes me a believer? please. nice of you to jump to such a conclusion to serve your purpose: to bullshit day and night on this board about how much of a leftist, airhead, etc etc about ,e. it's really getting old. and tiring. and diverting from the real purpose of this board: to discuss current events in a civilized manner. frankly, i'm sick of the majority of bullshit that is posted. why can't you motherfuckers grow up already. i will act accordingly. seriously, this shit talking needs to stop. this is worse than the drama board. it's not funny anymore. it's irritating and pathetic.

what's even more sad is that i am 10000% sure that someone is going to write a bitchy response to this: how i'm arrogant, what a bitch i am, how misguided. it never ends. i truly hope you people don't act like this in real life. then i'd really have to wonder who the misguided shmuck is. :blown:


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Originally posted by sassa

you just don't get it do you.

btw, because i posted the annunaki site, that makes me a believer? please. nice of you to jump to such a conclusion to serve your purpose: to bullshit day and night on this board about how much of a leftist, airhead, etc etc about ,e. it's really getting old. and tiring. and diverting from the real purpose of this board: to discuss current events in a civilized manner.

Doesn't make you a believer but the theory is bullshit and you purposely posted shit on the board but accuse others of doing the same thing.

frankly, i'm sick of the majority of bullshit that is posted. why can't you motherfuckers grow up already. i will act accordingly. seriously, this shit talking needs to stop. this is worse than the drama board. it's not funny anymore. it's irritating and pathetic.

You didn't act accordingly when I first came to this board. My first respones had no name calling what so ever, and you came back at me with being someone else's alter ego and immediately with talking shit. So....no I highly doubt you will act accordingly if you are given any respect on this board.

what's even more sad is that i am 10000% sure that someone is going to write a bitchy response to this: how i'm arrogant, what a bitch i am, how misguided. it never ends.

your right because you know the way you act on here you are deserving of all those things you said.

i truly hope you people don't act like this in real life. then i'd really have to wonder who the misguided shmuck is. :blown:


Okay moron you are the one who admitted that you don't act in real life the way you do here. On here you are nothing but one disgusting miserable instigating motherfucker, but we should treat you with respect because we are supposed to know that you aren't this way in real life, right? :rolleyes:

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At some point you all are just gonna have to get over it and start again. I suspect though that very few people in this forum actually have the desire or the knowledge to really discuss any issues. Mostly it seems that people just want to discuss other people that they don't like.

just my 2 cents

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