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tHE IRONY of it all ............


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First the US goes to WAR without the permission of the UN .............. " yea we dont need you guys , we're going at it alone , since it's for our countries national security etc "




.............and now the US is taking the first steps to ask for UN to help them stabalize/reconstruct Iraq as they now see that they most probably bit off more than they could chew .

hipocritessssssssssss ... :)

Unfortunatly it's things like this that have made this years college tuition go up almost 10% for me, aswell as my taxes to go up in the near future . :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by mursa

.............and now the US is taking the first steps to ask for UN to help them stabalize/reconstruct Iraq as they now see that they most probably bit off more than they could chew .

or how the US is begging for help in dealing with North Korea

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Originally posted by mursa

Unfortunatly it's things like this that have made this years college tuition go up almost 10% for me, aswell as my taxes to go up in the near future

bro...tution has ALWAYS been going up...even during the Clinton years...part of life...transfer to FIU....;)

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

bro...tution has ALWAYS been going up...even during the Clinton years...part of life...transfer to FIU....;)

Bush's handling of economic issue's has been poor at best. Trying to revive reganomics just isn't the answer.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

bro...tution has ALWAYS been going up...even during the Clinton years...part of life...transfer to FIU....;)

FIU huh ?!........we'll FIU is still cheaper than my university ( St Thomas )...im going to enter my senior year in about 4 weeks time , and this years tuition will be near 18 grand , compared to nearly 14 grand that i first paid in my freshman year ( Jan 2000 ) .

Thank god I got scholarships & grands to pay for nearly 90% of the bill , but an increase in tuition will NOW definetly hurt me on

my pocket money budget . :blank:

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

Bush's handling of economic issue's has been poor at best. Trying to revive reganomics just isn't the answer.

What exactly has his handling of the economic issues been? What is he supposed to do? Regardless, the economy is already rebounding.

hey mursa, college tuition goes up, that's just what it does. The difference is minor compared to last semester anyway. I feel sorry for the people in the ivy leagues that have to pay almost 40 grand a year. I'm really more pissed about the book prices than anything else. How can you justify paying 100+ dollars for a textook you'll probably never have to look at again?

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Originally posted by mursa

FIU huh ?!........we'll FIU is still cheaper than my university ( St Thomas )...im going to enter my senior year in about 4 weeks time , and this years tuition will be near 18 grand , compared to nearly 14 grand that i first paid in my freshman year ( Jan 2000 ) .

Thank god I got scholarships & grands to pay for nearly 90% of the bill , but an increase in tuition will NOW definetly hurt me on

my pocket money budget . :blank:

you're lucky. i had to pay between 23-26K a year for my university. and that's just tuition and board. i stopped buying books and would just get them from the library or borrow from friends, it's ridiculous to spend $250 a semester on useless books.

i think tuition goes up on average 4% a year. is this a fixed rate?

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Originally posted by acmatos

What exactly has his handling of the economic issues been? What is he supposed to do? Regardless, the economy is already rebounding.

hey mursa, college tuition goes up, that's just what it does. The difference is minor compared to last semester anyway. I feel sorry for the people in the ivy leagues that have to pay almost 40 grand a year. I'm really more pissed about the book prices than anything else. How can you justify paying 100+ dollars for a textook you'll probably never have to look at again?

The economy is already rebounding ??????! :eek: ..... if you consider a drop in unemplyment claims from 6.4 to 6.2 to be a "rebound" then I dunno buddy ............ I think i haven't seem so many people use coupons in the supermarket as I have in the past few months . Unhappiness and frustration is quite visible in many peoples faces when I go out to shop or take a trip to the mall .

I don't buy books ( or very rarely ) , and that saves me around 600-700$ a year ......thats why the photocopy machine is my best friend during the semester . :D

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Originally posted by mursa

The economy is already rebounding ??????! :eek: ..... if you consider a drop in unemplyment claims from 6.4 to 6.2 to be a "rebound" then I dunno buddy ............ I think i haven't seem so many people use coupons in the supermarket as I have in the past few months . Unhappiness and frustration is quite visible in many peoples faces when I go out to shop or take a trip to the mall .

I don't buy books ( or very rarely ) , and that saves me around 600-700$ a year ......thats why the photocopy machine is my best friend during the semester . :D

If you had watched the news yesterday(which you probably didn't) you would know that the GDP went up 2.4% just in the second quarter of this year. If you think that's chump change then you must be living real large. Unhappiness and frustration on people's faces :confused: That's why they're in the mall shopping, right? I think you need to lay off the drugs buddy. Also, the economy is not only measured by the unemployment rate. There are many other factors involved, most of which are precursors to any change in the unemployment rate.

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Originally posted by acmatos

If you had watched the news yesterday(which you probably didn't) you would know that the GDP went up 2.4% just in the second quarter of this year. If you think that's chump change then you must be living real large. Unhappiness and frustration on people's faces :confused: That's why they're in the mall shopping, right? I think you need to lay off the drugs buddy. Also, the economy is not only measured by the unemployment rate. There are many other factors involved, most of which are precursors to any change in the unemployment rate.

Alright let me respond piece by piece :

- Yes , i did watch the news yesturday on TV and over the internet .......Fortunatly people are in the mall because of something called CREDIT CARDS for the most part . Its great to get things without paying for it upfront , and then paying the MINIMUM when you get your mastercard bill at the end of the month .

- Do you know what sectors grew in the second quarter of this year ?.......well it was stores like KMART-WALMART-Target and other low priced outlet stores ........now you know what those people are doing with those Tax-cut $ .......Unfortunatly , there is only so much that 400-700$ can do , and even though lay-offs at these stores has deminished for this period , no new jobs have been gained ...only maintained .

- And my step-dad just received his Tax-cuts (child-dependant package ) and I surprizingly found out that it was a ADVANCE !.......which more or less means that next year my parents will not receive it . Funny and slick stuff if you ask me.

- As far as the Drug comment .........oh man , i better not open my mouth too much since I believe in personal accountability / responsability ........but let me just say that in a DAY-to-DAY basis Im absolutely sure that I am sober much more than you . :idea: ............. think about it , and lay off the subject in which you can burn yourself quite easily .


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a GDP growth of 2.4% is nice, but not enough to sustain the unemployment rate. the WSJ reported that economists estimate that GDP growth near 3.5% is needed to sustain the current rate of unemployment. i would post the artcile, but i no longer have a subscription to the WSJ.

as for the dip in the unemployment rate, the only reason that it fell was because 470,000 people gave up and stopped looking for work!

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Originally posted by mursa

Alright let me respond piece by piece :

- Yes , i did watch the news yesturday on TV and over the internet .......Fortunatly people are in the mall because of something called CREDIT CARDS for the most part . Its great to get things without paying for it upfront , and then paying the MINIMUM when you get your mastercard bill at the end of the month .

- Do you know what sectors grew in the second quarter of this year ?.......well it was stores like KMART-WALMART-Target and other low priced outlet stores ........now you know what those people are doing with those Tax-cut $ .......Unfortunatly , there is only so much that 400-700$ can do , and even though lay-offs at these stores has deminished for this period , no new jobs have been gained ...only maintained .

- And my step-dad just received his Tax-cuts (child-dependant package ) and I surprizingly found out that it was a ADVANCE !.......which more or less means that next year my parents will not receive it . Funny and slick stuff if you ask me.

- As far as the Drug comment .........oh man , i better not open my mouth too much since I believe in personal accountability / responsability ........but let me just say that in a DAY-to-DAY basis Im absolutely sure that I am sober much more than you . :idea: ............. think about it , and lay off the subject in which you can burn yourself quite easily .


first of all, does it matter whether people buy with credit cards? All I'm saying is that they're not unhappy and frustrated, or at least you can't see it on their faces walking around. yeah, only stores like kmart and walmart grew. Right, good one.

Next, please explain to me how getting an advance means that you're step-dad is not going to get anything next year? Please enlighten me.

Finally, you need to get a fucking clue. My drug comment was a sarcastic joke that I thought you would get, but as usual you have no fucking idea what anybody is saying. And you had to take it to another level. You're absolutely sure that you are a more sober person than me, PLEASE. You think you know me. Personal accountability/ responsibilty??? Do you ever get tired of having so much shit come out of your mouth. I hear immodium is good for diarrhea. This conversation could get alot uglier, but no one here wants to read this bullshit. Considering that we know eachother, if you have any more things you want to get off your chest, then be a man and come say it to me personally. Leave Clubplanet out of it.

oh yeah, wait


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Originally posted by acmatos

What exactly has his handling of the economic issues been? What is he supposed to do? Regardless, the economy is already rebounding. "

When i say handling of economic issues I am referring to tax cuts and their are two reasons i dislike his policies. First his 550 million dollars worth of tax cuts are supposed to "stimulate" the economy but the fact is they are not given to the people who need it the most. The majority of the tax cuts should be given to lower income people one reason. Giving a tax cut is that the money is supposed to be invested into the economy. A person making 150k already has a good share of assets so hence he or she is less likely to spend it into the economy than a person making 40k a year who needs a new washing machine or kitchen table but could not afford it without a tax break.

My other reason for disliking his taxcuts is because I feel they are way too much. Only a fool would believe that the increase in GDP and hence revenue the government will collect in the future due to this tax break is going to offset the debt that we are going to amass. We are on the road to the same place we were at in 92 with 4 trillion dollars of debt and no end in site.

Recessions are cyclical and i dont blame George Bush for this recession and neither do i call this the "clinton, gore" recession as Hannity does on a daily basis but i really think that by now we should have been seeing some recovery. Despite what you want to say every encouraging piece of economic data is shadowed by a discouraging figure and the Stock Market is a roller coaster. Ask someone searching for a job these days how the economy is.....

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

a GDP growth of 2.4% is nice, but not enough to sustain the unemployment rate. the WSJ reported that economists estimate that GDP growth near 3.5% is needed to sustain the current rate of unemployment. i would post the artcile, but i no longer have a subscription to the WSJ.

as for the dip in the unemployment rate, the only reason that it fell was because 470,000 people gave up and stopped looking for work!

Come on man, these are the same economists that estimated the GDP would be 70% lower than it was. Its all speculation and these economists are almost always wrong.

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

Originally posted by acmatos

What exactly has his handling of the economic issues been? What is he supposed to do? Regardless, the economy is already rebounding. "

When i say handling of economic issues I am referring to tax cuts and their are two reasons i dislike his policies. First his 550 million dollars worth of tax cuts are supposed to "stimulate" the economy but the fact is they are not given to the people who need it the most. The majority of the tax cuts should be given to lower income people one reason. Giving a tax cut is that the money is supposed to be invested into the economy. A person making 150k already has a good share of assets so hence he or she is less likely to spend it into the economy than a person making 40k a year who needs a new washing machine or kitchen table but could not afford it without a tax break.

My other reason for disliking his taxcuts is because I feel they are way too much. Only a fool would believe that the increase in GDP and hence revenue the government will collect in the future due to this tax break is going to offset the debt that we are going to amass. We are on the road to the same place we were at in 92 with 4 trillion dollars of debt and no end in site.

Recessions are cyclical and i dont blame George Bush for this recession and neither do i call this the "clinton, gore" recession as Hannity does on a daily basis but i really think that by now we should have been seeing some recovery. Despite what you want to say every encouraging piece of economic data is shadowed by a discouraging figure and the Stock Market is a roller coaster. Ask someone searching for a job these days how the economy is.....

first of all, its not true that the tax breaks went to the wrong people b/c people making over 150k pay almost all of the taxes anyway. So naturally, when there is a tax break they will get most of the break. But everyone benefitted. Where do you think that people with more assets will spend their money, on Mars? Or they just hold on to it forever b/c they don't need to spend money? The debt has absolutely nothing to do with tax breaks. In fact, the only reason there ever is a recession is not because we're not taxed enough, it b/c those assholes in Washington can't stop wastefully spending it. They pump billions of our dollars into programs that are unessential and, even if they are necessary, could be properly funded for much less. They tax us for things such as city constructon and maintanance, but wherever I go all I see is neverending construction, yet the streets are still full of potholes, street lights are out, and traffic lights are out of sync causing huge jams. Just to state a few. So you think we need to give them more money?

Don't you think it would be better to cut them off a bit and make them be more responsible and accountable for the way they spend our money?

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Originally posted by acmatos

first of all, does it matter whether people buy with credit cards? All I'm saying is that they're not unhappy and frustrated, or at least you can't see it on their faces walking around. yeah, only stores like kmart and walmart grew. Right, good one.

Next, please explain to me how getting an advance means that you're step-dad is not going to get anything next year? Please enlighten me.

Finally, you need to get a fucking clue. My drug comment was a sarcastic joke that I thought you would get, but as usual you have no fucking idea what anybody is saying. And you had to take it to another level. You're absolutely sure that you are a more sober person than me, PLEASE. You think you know me. Personal accountability/ responsibilty??? Do you ever get tired of having so much shit come out of your mouth. I hear immodium is good for diarrhea. This conversation could get alot uglier, but no one here wants to read this bullshit. Considering that we know eachother, if you have any more things you want to get off your chest, then be a man and come say it to me personally. Leave Clubplanet out of it.

oh yeah, wait


--Various market-stock specialists ( even on conservative channels Fox/msnbc ) stated that the companies with the most growth over these summer months have been Walmart-kmart and other affordable outlet retailers .

- Advance on the 2003-2004 fiscal year ...........that pretty much explains it all ....i'll try and find my step-dads treasury letter and type it up more detailed if its requested .

............I don't have anything on my chest to say, and if i did I'd have no problem in saying it to you . You on the other hand accuses me of "talking shit "(a slip of the tongue ?) ......maybe you have something to say , i dunno .

* 1..."Stay off the drugs buddy"


2...."Stay off the drugs buddy" ....

now........... I want you to guess , which one is the Sarcastic joke and which one is a normal comment ! ..... It not too easy to distinguish someones intensions when the writing is the same for both .

........ you shouldn't put irrelevant comment such as "stay off the drugs buddy " when people are more or less having a civilized debate over an issue . Maybe you were joking and all , but what if someone that I knew or will meet reads something like that and come to premature assumptions of me ( rumors fly my friend ) .

I would expect a controlled-low key person like yourself to be more discrete about things like that . You gotta learn when to draw the line .

I know you for just as long as you know me .....................but it seems like you underestimate my intelligance-vigilance just because I have a naive-playful "shit talking" way of being .

I'll leave it at that .....this is becoming a bit too Dramatized .....if anything PM me .


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"first of all, its not true that the tax breaks went to the wrong people b/c people making over 150k pay almost all of the taxes anyway. So naturally, when there is a tax break they will get most of the break. But everyone benefitted. Where do you think that people with more assets will spend their money, on Mars? Or they just hold on to it forever b/c they don't need to spend money?"

The whole point of this "tax break" is not to give back to the poor people have been unfairly paying taxes but rather as a stimulus to the economy. The consumers of the nation are not the upper class they are the lower working classes. People making 150k + do pay their taxes but do not need a tax break to increase their spending into the economy they already have the assets to purchase. A person who is struggling to pay their bills will spend that tax break on essentials (clothing, appliances etc) and that in turn will jumpstart the economy. Unfortunately the tax break to these people is really not enough to even have an impact.

"The debt has absolutely nothing to do with tax breaks"

Really??? Even top officials in the Bush administration admit that "some" debt will be accumulated from the tax break. If decreasing the revenue that the government receives below its budget costs does not cause debt to occur then please explain to me how the lost funds are replaced?????

" In fact, the only reason there ever is a recession is not because we're not taxed enough, it b/c those assholes in Washington can't stop wastefully spending it. They pump billions of our dollars into programs that are unessential and, even if they are necessary, could be properly funded for much less. They tax us for things such as city constructon and maintanance, but wherever I go all I see is neverending construction, yet the streets are still full of potholes, street lights are out, and traffic lights are out of sync causing huge jams. Just to state a few. So you think we need to give them more money? [/"

The basics of economics teach you that recessions are cyclical. I agree their should be some reforms in public spending but i really dont see public spending as a reason for a economic decline you are the first person to give this theory to me please state fact to prove your argument (if u can prove your case then u might change my view). I never said i think we should raise taxes right their you are putting words in my mouth, what i simply stated was i feel that if you want to stimulate the economy then you should give money to the consumers to increase the demand for goods. If you think that millionaires are the main consumers my friend........

" Don't you think it would be better to cut them off a bit and make them be more responsible and accountable for the way they spend our money?"

Yes but nothing got cut off that is why debt is increasing. Everyone gets an income tax break meanwhile the states and cities are broke. College tuitions are going up, residential taxes are increasing, bridge tolls up as well etc......

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Real quick economics LESSON for you armchair economists...

UNEMPLOYEMENT IS A LAGGING INDICATOR... The high of 6.4 and the latest reading of 6.2 should tell you something UNEMPLOYMENT has hit it's bottom:)

What area of the GDP has shown to sustain the latest CYCLICAL economical down turn????



The GDP has been lagging in what areas???

That's righht boys and girls CAPITAL SPENDING & MANUFACTURING!!!!

Ok we know where it needs to improve before a full recovery in the soft labor market, which remember is the last to respond...

what has happened so far???

The ISM reading on Friday came in at 51.8 which ANYTHING over 50 means EXPANSION...

So that report means that the much needed manufacturing sector has shown some life, a defenite plus in recovering the lossed jobs in that sector...

Now if we look at history my anti-bush/pessimistic failure seekers, recession is cyclical and it happens every 10-13 years just like the record growth we experienced from 83-84 -- 88-89 years under Reagen to the BOOMING 90's that fell into the lap of BUBBA..

Now the current pickup in the buisness cycle is setting it's place in history what stalled it slightly was the stalling of OUR buisness mega machine following 911 and 2 wars that has caused the lagging element of the GDP,capital investment.. The business sector has gained confidence and the record build up of technology in the late 90's is starting to become outdated which is a plus..

There are companies reporting earnings that have improved from last year..Yes there are still companies that are lagging but that's business for you , don't worry we have gone over the hump..

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

Really??? Even top officials in the Bush administration admit that "some" debt will be accumulated from the tax break. If decreasing the revenue that the government receives below its budget costs does not cause debt to occur then please explain to me how the lost funds are replaced?????


The basics of economics teach you that recessions are cyclical. I agree their should be some reforms in public spending but i really dont see public spending as a reason for a economic decline you are the first person to give this theory to me please state fact to prove your argument (if u can prove your case then u might change my view). I never said i think we should raise taxes right their you are putting words in my mouth, what i simply stated was i feel that if you want to stimulate the economy then you should give money to the consumers to increase the demand for goods. If you think that millionaires are the main consumers my friend........

Yes but nothing got cut off that is why debt is increasing. Everyone gets an income tax break meanwhile the states and cities are broke. College tuitions are going up, residential taxes are increasing, bridge tolls up as well etc......

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Now if we look at history my anti-bush/pessimistic failure seekers, recession is cyclical and it happens every 10-13 years just like the record growth we experienced from 83-84 -- 88-89 years under Reagen to the BOOMING 90's that fell into the lap of BUBBA..

You forgot the record debt we experienced from 83-89.

I have been hearing about how the economy is a recovery period from my pro Bush/optimistic republicans cant do no wrong believers for about a year and a half now so my question to u is when are the laggin indicators going to start experiencing this economic "boom" that we are in right now??????

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anti Bush liberals complain about the debt constantly, as if there can be nothing good happening if there is debt.

Also, i see your point( the recovery has been slower than some expected but its happening nonetheless), but in reality the American economy is one big "boom" Despite fluctuations (some quite massive), the stock market tripled in the 80's and again in the 90's. Never in history have the people of a nation become so prosperous so quickly.

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Originally posted by acmatos

anti Bush liberals complain about the debt constantly, as if there can be nothing good happening if there is debt.

Also, i see your point( the recovery has been slower than some expected but its happening nonetheless), but in reality the American economy is one big "boom" Despite fluctuations (some quite massive), the stock market tripled in the 80's and again in the 90's. Never in history have the people of a nation become so prosperous so quickly.

I understand what u are saying as well, u need to produce some debt in order to stimulate the economy. I tend to disagree with the details of the Bush tax cut myself but eventually their will be a recovery i just dont feel we are recovered yet.

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Originally posted by seximofo2k

I understand what u are saying as well, u need to produce some debt in order to stimulate the economy. I tend to disagree with the details of the Bush tax cut myself but eventually their will be a recovery i just dont feel we are recovered yet.

true, I don't think many people are trying to say that we are recovered, only on the way

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