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tHE IRONY of it all ............


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Originally posted by mursa

First the US goes to WAR without the permission of the UN .............. " yea we dont need you guys , we're going at it alone , since it's for our countries national security etc "




.............and now the US is taking the first steps to ask for UN to help them stabalize/reconstruct Iraq as they now see that they most probably bit off more than they could chew .

hipocritessssssssssss ... :)

Unfortunatly it's things like this that have made this years college tuition go up almost 10% for me, aswell as my taxes to go up in the near future . :rolleyes:

and how exactly is it that you tie the war making your tuition go up?

and what in the world are you talking about your taxes going up??

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Real quick economics LESSON for you armchair economists...

UNEMPLOYEMENT IS A LAGGING INDICATOR... The high of 6.4 and the latest reading of 6.2 should tell you something UNEMPLOYMENT has hit it's bottom:)


unemployment rate also is poorly defined... 500k people dropped ouf of the labor force.. tha explains the drop in the UR.. however, paryolls declined by 44k.. a better gauge of the the labor market...

in any case, with regards to unemployment, for those complaining... i dont' know what country you've been living in (its especially baffling since we are pretty much amongst the best of the best as relates to the UR), but 6.2% unemployment is historically not even that high.. we had 10%+ in the early 80's... and unemployment at 6%, albeit high in the recent past, is historically not as bad as its even beeing made to seem... i took the liberty of putting together a few figures for the benefit of this discussion..

these numbers summarize historical unemployment rates from 1948-Present...

<4% <5% >5% >6%

15.2% 34.7% 65.3% 33.0%

as you can see, historically, more then half the time our economy is over a 5% unemployment rate.. a third of the time over 6%, and only 15% under 4%... additionally, the median unemployment rate over this period is 5.6%, not too far from where we are now, is it... so, i think you need to rethink the old stance on unemployment ..

i'm much more open to the tax cuts then i was previously.. offsetting measures in the plan increased other gov't revenues, and effectively lowered the cost to a much more acceptable level IMO.. also, congress is beginning to lean on the gluttonous gov't agencies and this has already yeilded some substantial trimming of different agencies budgets.. combine all these with an economic recovery in the 5-6% gdp growth range, and gov't revenue will return to levels seen during the clinton days, and we'll see the budget gap start to narrow as gov't revenues pickup..

some other leading indicators that have just come out recently for june...

factory orders up +1.7%

durable goods orders +2.6%

backlog of orders +0.3%

also worth noting.. is that our growth is being hobbled by the poorly performing global economy.. if europe could manage to hit even 1% gdp growth it'd be a miracle... that is why the trade gap keeps widening... the fact that the trade gap is growing, given all other factors is actually a GOOD thing... it illustrates how much better we are doing then the rest of the world...

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

unemployment rate also is poorly defined... 500k people dropped ouf of the labor force.. tha explains the drop in the UR.. however, paryolls declined by 44k.. a better gauge of the the labor market...

in any case, with regards to unemployment, for those complaining... i dont' know what country you've been living in (its especially baffling since we are pretty much amongst the best of the best as relates to the UR), but 6.2% unemployment is historically not even that high.. we had 10%+ in the early 80's... and unemployment at 6%, albeit high in the recent past, is historically not as bad as its even beeing made to seem... i took the liberty of putting together a few figures for the benefit of this discussion..

these numbers summarize historical unemployment rates from 1948-Present...

<4% <5% >5% >6%

15.2% 34.7% 65.3% 33.0%

as you can see, historically, more then half the time our economy is over a 5% unemployment rate.. a third of the time over 6%, and only 15% under 4%... additionally, the median unemployment rate over this period is 5.6%, not too far from where we are now, is it... so, i think you need to rethink the old stance on unemployment ..

i'm much more open to the tax cuts then i was previously.. offsetting measures in the plan increased other gov't revenues, and effectively lowered the cost to a much more acceptable level IMO.. also, congress is beginning to lean on the gluttonous gov't agencies and this has already yeilded some substantial trimming of different agencies budgets.. combine all these with an economic recovery in the 5-6% gdp growth range, and gov't revenue will return to levels seen during the clinton days, and we'll see the budget gap start to narrow as gov't revenues pickup..

some other leading indicators that have just come out recently for june...

factory orders up +1.7%

durable goods orders +2.6%

backlog of orders +0.3%

also worth noting.. is that our growth is being hobbled by the poorly performing global economy.. if europe could manage to hit even 1% gdp growth it'd be a miracle... that is why the trade gap keeps widening... the fact that the trade gap is growing, given all other factors is actually a GOOD thing... it illustrates how much better we are doing then the rest of the world...

:aright: you have to understand that most people here have no idea what they're talking about. Patience is a virtue ;)

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

unemployment rate also is poorly defined... 500k people dropped ouf of the labor force.. tha explains the drop in the UR.. however, paryolls declined by 44k.. a better gauge of the the labor market...

in any case, with regards to unemployment, for those complaining... i dont' know what country you've been living in (its especially baffling since we are pretty much amongst the best of the best as relates to the UR), but 6.2% unemployment is historically not even that high.. we had 10%+ in the early 80's... and unemployment at 6%, albeit high in the recent past, is historically not as bad as its even beeing made to seem... i took the liberty of putting together a few figures for the benefit of this discussion..

these numbers summarize historical unemployment rates from 1948-Present...

<4% <5% >5% >6%

15.2% 34.7% 65.3% 33.0%

as you can see, historically, more then half the time our economy is over a 5% unemployment rate.. a third of the time over 6%, and only 15% under 4%... additionally, the median unemployment rate over this period is 5.6%, not too far from where we are now, is it... so, i think you need to rethink the old stance on unemployment ..

i'm much more open to the tax cuts then i was previously.. offsetting measures in the plan increased other gov't revenues, and effectively lowered the cost to a much more acceptable level IMO.. also, congress is beginning to lean on the gluttonous gov't agencies and this has already yeilded some substantial trimming of different agencies budgets.. combine all these with an economic recovery in the 5-6% gdp growth range, and gov't revenue will return to levels seen during the clinton days, and we'll see the budget gap start to narrow as gov't revenues pickup..

some other leading indicators that have just come out recently for june...

factory orders up +1.7%

durable goods orders +2.6%

backlog of orders +0.3%

also worth noting.. is that our growth is being hobbled by the poorly performing global economy.. if europe could manage to hit even 1% gdp growth it'd be a miracle... that is why the trade gap keeps widening... the fact that the trade gap is growing, given all other factors is actually a GOOD thing... it illustrates how much better we are doing then the rest of the world...


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Originally posted by mursa

First the US goes to WAR without the permission of the UN .............. " yea we dont need you guys , we're going at it alone , since it's for our countries national security etc "




.............and now the US is taking the first steps to ask for UN to help them stabalize/reconstruct Iraq as they now see that they most probably bit off more than they could chew .

hipocritessssssssssss ... :)

Unfortunatly it's things like this that have made this years college tuition go up almost 10% for me, aswell as my taxes to go up in the near future . :rolleyes:

What is your MAJOR at college?? Bag mitten?

1) How are we "Begging the U.N. for help"

2) Who is raising taxes?

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Originally posted by mr mahs

What is your MAJOR at college?? Bag mitten?

1) How are we "Begging the U.N. for help"

2) Who is raising taxes?

Yes I would like to know this also. I could have swore in all my finance classes this year they were talking about some kind of tax cut. Im not sure though....Maybe I misunderstood :rolleyes:

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