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House Diva Revealed!photo!

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Originally posted by damack

wow you really need to get a life, go take care of your kid or something, stop caring about people on the internet.

I agree, by posting her pic all over the board it proves you are just as patheic as her

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

No it's just funny and trying to teach this mess a lesson

no its immature, "teach her a lesson" - she obviously doesnt feel good about herself already or she wouldnt post what she does & making fun of someone for being big is one thing, but its another when you make fun of someone for a deformity, yes she is a bitch, but why stoop to her level, ppl should do better things w/their time

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Originally posted by damack

wow you really need to get a life, go take care of your kid or something, stop caring about people on the internet.

EXCUSE me??????This freak has been harassing me and tons of other people.And who says I dont take care of my child?Cause I post a photo?You dont know me so SHUT THE FUCK UP.And yes it is real.Someone she stalked and harrassed happned to have it.Anyone who treats people the way she does deserves it.And her face is alot worse then the hand.I dont pick on nice people.EVER.
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Originally posted by trancadictgurl

Ladies and gentlemen here it is!The photo you have all been waiting for!!Now you can all see how much better she is then all of us! 4535HoDiva-med.jpg

Why don't you act your age, you rancid cunt? As annoying as housediva can be sometimes, you're several times worse. Get a fucking clue about what your priorities should be. Sadly, you couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field of clues if you smeared your body in musk and did the clue mating dance.

You're 30 something years old, with a kid, do drugs and spend your precious free time arguing with people on messageboards. How pathetic are you?

Don't answer that because the answer is obvious.

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Originally posted by trancadictgurl

EXCUSE me??????This freak has been harassing me and tons of other people.And who says I dont take care of my child?Cause I post a photo?You dont know me so SHUT THE FUCK UP.And yes it is real.Someone she stalked and harrassed happned to have it.Anyone who treats people the way she does deserves it.And her face is alot worse then the hand.I dont pick on nice people.EVER.

See but a fucking ADULT would know when they've beaten a dead horse. Seriously, you're fucking stupid. I feel sorry for you and the unfortunate child that has to have you as a parent.

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Originally posted by njangel

no its immature, "teach her a lesson" - she obviously doesnt feel good about herself already or she wouldnt post what she does & making fun of someone for being big is one thing, but its another when you make fun of someone for a deformity, yes she is a bitch, but why stoop to her level, ppl should do better things w/their time

Actually we didnt notice the hand at first,I was laughing at the face too much. This asswipe called me a whore,slut,cunt on sicktracks and she had no idea who I was.She calls sexxybabyd a spic and a gook.Sorry but I have NO SYMPATHY for her at all.And if you do obviously you have never been one if her victims.
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Originally posted by £ddie

Why don't you act your age, you rancid cunt? As annoying as housediva can be sometimes, you're several times worse. Get a fucking clue about what your priorities should be. Sadly, you couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field of clues if you smeared your body in musk and did the clue mating dance.

You're 30 something years old, with a kid, do drugs and spend your precious free time arguing with people on messageboards. How pathetic are you?

Don't answer that because the answer is obvious.

Wow you KNOW everything dont you?And all I can see is you trying to abuse me on a MESSAGE BOARD!! Wow Im 30 something with a child.Woohoo!!!
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Originally posted by £ddie

Why don't you act your age, you rancid cunt? As annoying as housediva can be sometimes, you're several times worse. Get a fucking clue about what your priorities should be. Sadly, you couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field of clues if you smeared your body in musk and did the clue mating dance.

You're 30 something years old, with a kid, do drugs and spend your precious free time arguing with people on messageboards. How pathetic are you?

Don't answer that because the answer is obvious.

A little lube would have been nice :laugh:

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Originally posted by trancadictgurl

Wow you KNOW everything dont you?And all I can see is you trying to abuse me on a MESSAGE BOARD!! Wow Im 30 something with a child.Woohoo!!!

You've posted your drivel and dirty laundry for everyone to see. There's not much "research" I need to do about you--sorry, unlike you, I don't have time for that bullshit. Your life is available in a very conspicuous fashion on the internet for everyone to read you stupid fuck. I'm done with this thread, but thanks for playing. :aright:

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Originally posted by trancadictgurl

Actually we didnt notice the hand at first,I was laughing at the face too much. This asswipe called me a whore,slut,cunt on sicktracks and she had no idea who I was.She calls sexxybabyd a spic and a gook.Sorry but I have NO SYMPATHY for her at all.And if you do obviously you have never been one if her victims.

i dont have sympathy for her, but honestly you are acting like your in high school and its ridiculous

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Originally posted by £ddie

You've posted your drivel and dirty laundry for everyone to see. There's not much "research" I need to do about you--sorry, unlike you, I don't have time for that bullshit. Your life is available in a very conspicuous fashion on the internet for everyone to read you stupid fuck. I'm done with this thread, but thanks for playing. :aright:

You and Hodiva should start a "Im better then everyone else club" oh and the "Lets abuse people and then whine when it happens to me club"

GATE [2:59 PM]: she calls people spics and gooks

GATE [2:59 PM]: its just a pic

edge [3:01 PM]: she calle dpeople fat

edge [3:01 PM]: ugly

edge [3:01 PM]: said shit like peoples eyes are too close together

edge [3:01 PM]: dumb shit

edge [3:01 PM]: bignose

edge [3:01 PM]: ugly tits

edge [3:01 PM]: it goes on and on

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