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if there are ghosts...


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I don't know about actually coming face to face with one..

I'm scared like the ghosts of my family members that have passed see what I have become...

I'm waiting for my mom to go on John Edwards and have him be like "Yea your uncle wants you to know your daughters a dirty whore"

NOT cool dood :blown:

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Originally posted by naughtybabe

They are everywhere... however they are affected by sex etc..

its no longer part of them so you guys have nothing to worry

about... having sex.. taking a shower, farting, pooping.. they

do not recognize those things anymore..

How do you know this..?! :shaky:

Put my sick mind at ease cuz I'm afraid that when I die and get up there, a loooooot of people are gonna have things to say to me :laugh:

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Originally posted by i3itch

How do you know this..?! :shaky:

Put my sick mind at ease cuz I'm afraid that when I die and get up there, a loooooot of people are gonna have things to say to me :laugh:

If im wrong dont worry you wont be the only

one getting shitted on. I will be right next to

you getting screamed that for the things I

have done... Shit you one live once ;):D:tongue:

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I believe in ghosts and so does my mother and I'll tell you why, when my mom first moved to Fl. she lived in Miami. Well one day my stepfather's mother was visiting and she was in my sister's room and noticed blood on my sister's closet door so she went and told my stepfather who then told my mom, so my mom went into the room and wiped the blood off the door with a paper towel and after she wiped it off she looked at the paper towel and nothing was on it. Another time my mother was in the kitchen making coffee and she had a strong feeling someone was behind her and when she turned around she saw a shadow walking away from her. Also I saw something to one year when I was visiting her, she had a ceiling fan in the living room and it started spinning on it's own without it being on and there was no windows or doors or draft to make it move by itself. So that's why I say I believe in them.

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Originally posted by jerzeygirl

I believe in ghosts and so does my mother and I'll tell you why, when my mom first moved to Fl. she lived in Miami. Well one day my stepfather's mother was visiting and she was in my sister's room and noticed blood on my sister's closet door so she went and told my stepfather who then told my mom, so my mom went into the room and wiped the blood off the door with a paper towel and after she wiped it off she looked at the paper towel and nothing was on it. Another time my mother was in the kitchen making coffee and she had a strong feeling someone was behind her and when she turned around she saw a shadow walking away from her. Also I saw something to one year when I was visiting her, she had a ceiling fan in the living room and it started spinning on it's own without it being on and there was no windows or doors or draft to make it move by itself. So that's why I say I believe in them.

Some trippy sh*t Jerzeygirl.... Ghosts are nothing to be afraid of though.. They are "unclean spirits" Usually hang around ppl you have a "BAD VIBE" toward. Unseen, yet u can see them.. They pollute households where anger/hate reside.


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Originally posted by dgmodel

do you think they can tell you the future??? would you try talking to them, or would you just shit yourself and pass out???

I don't think they could tell you the future... not as if I'm some kind of expert... but the way I imagine ghosts, is as spirits somehow trapped on the margins of this reality, unable to move on to either a higher realm, or oblivion, whatever the case may be... They can only see the reality of which they are a part...

And the same exact things could be said about us.

If I saw one... I'd probably run... :(

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