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lilliz77 what is your take?


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lilliz77 - What is your thoughts of your trip?

Sounds like you had a good time but how did other stuff go. Living places, jobs? what you thought of the area besides the clubs. Also interested in how you compare your experiences from Ft. Lauderdale to Miami.

I know it is always nice to visit someplace else, but actually live there is always a big change.

I wish stayed at Venu longer , looks like you all had fun with all of CP, inspite of small crowd.

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awww thanks for asking....well I will tell you this, I don't think I could have done it without Tonie and Flip's help. Wednesday I got in and Flip picked me up from the airport. Got to my hotel and walked to Burdines, but needed to go to the one downtown for te position I was inquiring about. The bus lady gave me the wrong direction and I ended up getting lost. I called Tonie for reassurance and then called a cab. The cab driver was super duper nice and even tried to fix me up with his son. Never made it to Burdines (they closed at 6:00) so I got back to my hotel and went up and down Washington and Collins submitting my resumes to random stores. Thursday went to 2 appointments to see apartments and the cab driver again was sweet as hell. He waited for me (with the meter off) and didn't charge a lot and helped me out with directions and locations. I had 2 more appointments but they were in the same neighborhood as the 2nd one and I didn't like the area. I really liked the first apartment. I got dropped off proceeded to WALK all the way from 43rd and Collins all the way to Bal Harbour. Well midway through I got tired and called Flip to drive me the rest of the way. Submitted more resumes and took the bus back. Figured I did enough so stayed in the rest of the night. Friday Flip picked me up and headed to 2 interviews. Both were the same positions (Entry Level Marketing/Management) but I liked the second one better becuase they had a huge well known client list (sports teams/entertainment and hospitality). The first wanted me to go for the second interview today and I said fine in case the 2nd didn't pan out. The 2nd called while I was at Flip and Tonie's place saying that they want me back as well. SO I called the guy and am waiting for him to call back to set that up and have also looked on line for apartments newar there. It is in the Kendall area. So yeah things look promising. That is why I celebrated by drinking so hard too fast. But hey it was all good times. A lot of walking and sweating, but well worth it.

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Originally posted by erickamikaze

Also interested in how you compare your experiences from Ft. Lauderdale to Miami.

ooops didn't answer this question. I really can't give a definate answer seeing as though I dont remember much of Ft. Lauderdale, but I will say that in general I like South Florida. I do like the nightlife and the fact that the streets were filled at 12:00 Wednesday night when I was by Clevelander and Washington Street.

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well since you can't remember it must have been a good time. Sounds like you had some sewat, blood, and tears in your trip, but it is all worth it. Did you say you would be working in Kendell? and living on SoBe? thats a shitty commute. If I was you and have any chnace to find a job in between. look around the Aventura area. Broward to live and Sobe to party at. just my 2 cents.

Well my Friday night was crazy as hell. thats why Venu was kinda blur also for me. I drank more on Friday than I have I have in the last year or so. started at Max's for 3 for 1 drinks, then to Venu, 2 very strong drinks, then to Karma, then to Voodoo, and if I remember right back to Karma. between the Karma and voodoo trips thats where it all gets blurry.:confused:

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Originally posted by erickamikaze

well since you can't remember it must have been a good time. Sounds like you had some sewat, blood, and tears in your trip, but it is all worth it. Did you say you would be working in Kendell? and living on SoBe? thats a shitty commute. If I was you and have any chnace to find a job in between. look around the Aventura area. Broward to live and Sobe to party at. just my 2 cents.

Well my Friday night was crazy as hell. thats why Venu was kinda blur also for me. I drank more on Friday than I have I have in the last year or so. started at Max's for 3 for 1 drinks, then to Venu, 2 very strong drinks, then to Karma, then to Voodoo, and if I remember right back to Karma. between the Karma and voodoo trips thats where it all gets blurry.:confused:

Whew glad to see I wasn't the only one..

Actually I am not looking for a place in Sobe. I think the first apartment that I liked was more North Miami and I have saw some apartments on line yesterday within my price range in Kendall (one just 6 min away from the company I want to work for). I know that Kendall is far south, but gotta do what I gotta do. I'll keep you guys abreast on my decisions (sp?)

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