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Beatstock Review

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Originally posted by godisadj

it was ok. the music sucked, but i expected that so it didnt effect my night. the best part of the day was tail gaiting in the parking lot.

I def. agree on that.... Tail gate party was just insane, we got there at 1:30. Uncle Buc working the grill....

The show was awful but it really didn't matter b/c tons of hot girls were there...

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i went to the jones beach one and i can honestly say i will NEVER ever go back to jones beach no matter who was there. they have some pretty ridiculous rules there. first of all the tailgate parties were weak compared to PNC. pretty boring. then lets talk about the rules at jones beach theatre:

-they dont serve any alcohol beyond 2 hours prior to show

-when you buy a beverage, no matter what it is, they take the cap so you have to keep it open

-straws are no allowed in the whole complex

-they dont put lids on sodas, which means those big cups spill all over the place

-last and certainly pretty important, the rent-a-cop security guards there are all a bunch of jerkoffs; the state troopers at PNC are more easygoing then these clowns

as for the concert, lasgo was the only act worth mentioning

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the parking lot was a disaster......fucking mangled messes everywhere, music blasting at every car, and every one that has ever been in the scene made there way there somehow......fucken awesome....too bad we had to actually go to the concert.....hell......I would rather do the tailgating parking lot party every weekend.........next year.......i am going to get there at 2 stay till 8 and go strait down the shore.....fuck the concert!!!!!.....oh yeah, I watched stacked consume everything from sandwiches to cookies to pretzels to potato chips to..........dinner mints......very rubber like stacked.....definitely not iron!!!!...ha ha ha!!!!

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mangled messes:

let me know if anyone else witnessed this. walking from one of the premier parking lots to the front entrance as a state trooper drives by. right after he drives by, this girl comes the opposite way in the parking lot and runs over one of those metal barricades. the trooper sees this, turns around and follows her through the parking lot and pulls her over. not sure if she got a ticket or DWI or whatever, was just pretty amusing to see it

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