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ktu BARFstock what a horrible concert.

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Originally posted by velvetrope

this shit was like a fuckin reunion for all the clubbers. i saw probally everyone there. all fucked up and trashed. the only people that got to see the concert were the people that had seats. everyone on the lawn didn't give a shit who was on. i lost everyone for about two hours then god only knows how i found them at the end of the night. then i pass out in my friends car only to wake up in front of temps. don't even think i slept saturday night. woke up monday at my friends house to find out there was a fight at his house and i broke up with my girl.

ahaha awesome now thats a night

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Originally posted by carusomaas12

well at least youre catching on....we think the DJ's you named in your post are great DJ's...but they are on from 1am -5am on saturday night...which is about less than 1% of the airtime in a week. Try putting those guys on (or the music they spin) all day long...and you'll find a much larger audience. I have no problem with the music on your station during 1am-5am on saturday nights...its the 99% other stuff you play....cheese, garbage, etc. You guys are behind the trends...except for sunday mornings at 1am.

Take some action...get back to us when you've overhauled.

dammmnnn haahah awesome

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Originally posted by notallthere666

that was supposedly "the biggest song of the summer

" according to Spic Latino hahahahahahahah i love it

When people pay $40 for a ticket they will cheer for a fucken homeless person jumping rope becuase they are determend to have fun




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Originally posted by carusomaas12

The sad thing about this topic is that satellite radio is the up and coming thing and because of that:

a) KTU will invest nothing in changing their image....they know they are only around for a little while longer. I think they realize they are losing their supporters but what can they really do about it? They're just beating the same old drum at this point because the $$ isnt there to adapt to dance music of the 2000's.

B) No entrepreneurs will invest anything in regular broadcast radio at this time....when satellite radio is about to take over the industry. If I had 250K to start up a radio station...I sure wouldnt take the chance. Thats a lot of $$ to put up for one for any entrepreneur and the risk is just too big with satellite radio making its way into the market.

I love how everybody here is an 'expert'. The facts are this:

-There are no more frequencies in the market to put a station on the air, thats why there arent any more - you cant put 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag- once there are no more channels left that can exist without interfering with station in other cities, theres nothgin left.

-Assuming you wanted to put a station on, it would cost WAAAAYYYY more then 250k - a transmitter alone would cost you that, not including studios, phone equiptment, links between the locations, etc.

-There are a shitload of reasons why KTU is the way it is, but I'm not going to get into all of that, the bottom line is that everything is a business, and you cater to whom you can make the most money off of (and thats not necessarally a bunch of 20 year old clubbers) - so for most of the masses who think they know what the scene is about they think ktu is cutting edge (hell Appreciate Me just got added as 'new music' about 2 weeks ago), the rest of us will always just live off our CD collections...and honestly i dont see whats wrong with that.

-Oh, and Notallthere, I love how back in February (granted you were drunk at the time) you were all but about to suck Broadway Bill Lee's dick to take a picture with a KTU microphone in your hand at Metro Lounge - now all of a sudden you seem to have become the biggest KTU hater of all time --- could this be that now they have a promotion running with njguido.com which your lil website has no shot in hell of competing against? Nothing for nothing, but dont hate the player, hate the game

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Originally posted by berniec

I love how everybody here is an 'expert'. The facts are this:

-There are no more frequencies in the market to put a station on the air, thats why there arent any more - you cant put 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag- once there are no more channels left that can exist without interfering with station in other cities, theres nothgin left.

-Assuming you wanted to put a station on, it would cost WAAAAYYYY more then 250k - a transmitter alone would cost you that, not including studios, phone equiptment, links between the locations, etc.

-There are a shitload of reasons why KTU is the way it is, but I'm not going to get into all of that, the bottom line is that everything is a business, and you cater to whom you can make the most money off of (and thats not necessarally a bunch of 20 year old clubbers) - so for most of the masses who think they know what the scene is about they think ktu is cutting edge (hell Appreciate Me just got added as 'new music' about 2 weeks ago), the rest of us will always just live off our CD collections...and honestly i dont see whats wrong with that.


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Originally posted by berniec

I love how everybody here is an 'expert'. The facts are this:

-There are no more frequencies in the market to put a station on the air, thats why there arent any more - you cant put 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag- once there are no more channels left that can exist without interfering with station in other cities, theres nothgin left.

-Assuming you wanted to put a station on, it would cost WAAAAYYYY more then 250k - a transmitter alone would cost you that, not including studios, phone equiptment, links between the locations, etc.

-There are a shitload of reasons why KTU is the way it is, but I'm not going to get into all of that, the bottom line is that everything is a business, and you cater to whom you can make the most money off of (and thats not necessarally a bunch of 20 year old clubbers) - so for most of the masses who think they know what the scene is about they think ktu is cutting edge (hell Appreciate Me just got added as 'new music' about 2 weeks ago), the rest of us will always just live off our CD collections...and honestly i dont see whats wrong with that.

-Oh, and Notallthere, I love how back in February (granted you were drunk at the time) you were all but about to suck Broadway Bill Lee's dick to take a picture with a KTU microphone in your hand at Metro Lounge - now all of a sudden you seem to have become the biggest KTU hater of all time --- could this be that now they have a promotion running with njguido.com which your lil website has no shot in hell of competing against? Nothing for nothing, but dont hate the player, hate the game

there is all this talk about 2 million listeners...thats not saying much. there 13 million in nyc alone....close to 100 Million in NJ and just about the same in all of NY state and CT. So of the 213 million i just mentioned...KTU has 2 million listeners? Less than 1% of the population is about as good as nothing. Get with it KTU...the masses listen to today's dance music...not that of the 90's. What worked in the past is not going to work in the future. Your station blows

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Originally posted by acclubs

there is all this talk about 2 million listeners...thats not saying much. there 13 million in nyc alone....close to 100 Million in NJ and just about the same in all of NY state and CT. So of the 213 million i just mentioned...KTU has 2 million listeners? Less than 1% of the population is about as good as nothing. Get with it KTU...the masses listen to today's dance music...not that of the 90's. What worked in the past is not going to work in the future. Your station blows

2 mill listeners is actually really good for a staion - the entire population of NY/NJ/CT is not what ratings are based on - they are baed on 9 or 10 counties of NY, the five boro's of NYC, and Nassau/Suffolk, and i'm not exactly sure of what parts of CT - so once you take away all the parts not included in the 'NY market' ratings wise' your 213 million population is WAAAYYYY too high.

For comparision, here is a list of the ratings for all the stations in NY: http://www.nyradioguide.com/ratings.htm

the number one station in the market has a 6.7 - and they are LiteFM - now think of all the stores, elevators, and old people that have that station on, KTU has a 3.6 - just about half that number - which isnt bad considering all the public places that have lite on vs. ktu.

do some homework before you post meaningless information ;)

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Originally posted by carusomaas12

well at least youre catching on....we think the DJ's you named in your post are great DJ's...but they are on from 1am -5am on saturday night...which is about less than 1% of the airtime in a week. Try putting those guys on (or the music they spin) all day long...and you'll find a much larger audience. I have no problem with the music on your station during 1am-5am on saturday nights...its the 99% other stuff you play....cheese, garbage, etc. You guys are behind the trends...except for sunday mornings at 1am.

Take some action...get back to us when you've overhauled.

Well I’m catching……. On

are your fucking kidding me, Dude first off I Don’t work for KTU…..

How can you support that @ night is less then 1% of the listening audience where did you arrive at these numbers

I like dance music I like the clubs I like the dj’s But you must use your head here….. If a Radio Station Like Ktu Played all of the driven beats we hear in the clubs …. Then Check this out THE CLUBS Would Sound like the radio and people like you would still complain that Junior Paul David Denny Etc Etc are CHEESE…..

Dude I’m not fucking with you but you really need to think before you post and know what you’re talking about Helps Too!!!!


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Originally posted by berniec

I love how everybody here is an 'expert'. The facts are this:

-There are no more frequencies in the market to put a station on the air, thats why there arent any more - you cant put 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag- once there are no more channels left that can exist without interfering with station in other cities, theres nothgin left.

-Assuming you wanted to put a station on, it would cost WAAAAYYYY more then 250k - a transmitter alone would cost you that, not including studios, phone equiptment, links between the locations, etc.

-There are a shitload of reasons why KTU is the way it is, but I'm not going to get into all of that, the bottom line is that everything is a business, and you cater to whom you can make the most money off of (and thats not necessarally a bunch of 20 year old clubbers) - so for most of the masses who think they know what the scene is about they think ktu is cutting edge (hell Appreciate Me just got added as 'new music' about 2 weeks ago), the rest of us will always just live off our CD collections...and honestly i dont see whats wrong with that.

-Oh, and Notallthere, I love how back in February (granted you were drunk at the time) you were all but about to suck Broadway Bill Lee's dick to take a picture with a KTU microphone in your hand at Metro Lounge - now all of a sudden you seem to have become the biggest KTU hater of all time --- could this be that now they have a promotion running with njguido.com which your lil website has no shot in hell of competing against? Nothing for nothing, but dont hate the player, hate the game









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Originally posted by thefamousmred

How can you support that @ night is less then 1% of the listening audience where did you arrive at these numbers

4 hours (1am to 5am) vs the 168 hours in a week. 2% actually...

no one said it was a % of the listening audience...just the % of hours in a week...read and learn not to infer. my point is that i refuse to listen to a station that plays good music 2% of the time on the air. If this station played good music....they'd probably pick up a good million or two more listeners from jersey. Please make inquiries and have them change...feel free to report back. kthankslater

In the meantime...KTU blows and you can continue trying to reverse people's opinions with your useless posts...its a free world...

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Exactly, not to mention that out of those 2.5 million listeners only 10-15 percent are under the age of 30. That's why these fockers continue to cater to the old fucks who don't go out to clubs or even have a clue what's being played in the clubs...

The other issue is the statistic that in "general", people only listening to FM Radio 45 minutes out of they're day. So these stations continue cram down the same garbage over and over every day in a 1 hour time period.

Also, I'm not even braggin but our internet radio station has a 4.5 hour listener average which means the average listener is tuned in for more than 4 hours at a clip each day.


Originally posted by carusomaas12

4 hours (1am to 5am) vs the 168 hours in a week. 2% actually...

no one said it was a % of the listening audience...just the % of hours in a week...read and learn not to infer. my point is that i refuse to listen to a station that plays good music 2% of the time on the air. If they played good music....you'd probably pick up a good million or two more listeners from jersey. Please have them change and report back. kthankslater

In the meantime...KTU blows and you can continue trying to reverse people's opinions with your useless posts

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The music was sick.. except for the last four hours!!!!

The show may have been weak...

But the tailgate party was off the hook.....

Our friends from Statin Island were still talking Monday morning about how much fun they had....

Should have just packed up and headed home around 8pm....

Next year... tailgate earlier, go home before the freestyle starts...

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Originally posted by berniec

I love how everybody here is an 'expert'. The facts are this:

-There are no more frequencies in the market to put a station on the air, thats why there arent any more - you cant put 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag- once there are no more channels left that can exist without interfering with station in other cities, theres nothgin left.

-Assuming you wanted to put a station on, it would cost WAAAAYYYY more then 250k - a transmitter alone would cost you that, not including studios, phone equiptment, links between the locations, etc.

-There are a shitload of reasons why KTU is the way it is, but I'm not going to get into all of that, the bottom line is that everything is a business, and you cater to whom you can make the most money off of (and thats not necessarally a bunch of 20 year old clubbers) - so for most of the masses who think they know what the scene is about they think ktu is cutting edge (hell Appreciate Me just got added as 'new music' about 2 weeks ago), the rest of us will always just live off our CD collections...and honestly i dont see whats wrong with that.

-Oh, and Notallthere, I love how back in February (granted you were drunk at the time) you were all but about to suck Broadway Bill Lee's dick to take a picture with a KTU microphone in your hand at Metro Lounge - now all of a sudden you seem to have become the biggest KTU hater of all time --- could this be that now they have a promotion running with njguido.com which your lil website has no shot in hell of competing against? Nothing for nothing, but dont hate the player, hate the game

wow, is that chapter 1?

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why dont you say that to my face the next time you see me out somewhere tuff guy ;)

and i talk that way i do b/c i work in the industry and know what the hell i'm saying is based on facts not someones ass backwards opinion...now please go back to your own message board and leave everyone else alone...oh tahts rite, theres nobody to talk to on your board :laugh:

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trust me... when clubnyc now clubplanet started, there wasn't anyone on this board either. I hear the industry calling you, you better go now.


Originally posted by berniec

why dont you say that to my face the next time you see me out somewhere tuff guy ;)

and i talk that way i do b/c i work in the industry and know what the hell i'm saying is based on facts not someones ass backwards opinion...now please go back to your own message board and leave everyone else alone...oh tahts rite, theres nobody to talk to on your board :laugh:

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my point is this guy thinks he's hot shit cause he goes to clubs and takes pics, puts them on a web site that nobody even visits, and then bashed everyone else -- many who are far more knowledgable them himself.

oh, and no worries, i only work weekends, so nobdody calling during the week :finger:

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I dont why anyone would buy a ticket to this concert.Its top 40 dance stuff,which I dont like except Lasgo.Area one was an example of a great concert.This area is really lacking in the music dept.Everything is commercial house music,freestyle.Down in fla they have a great radio/tv station for electronic music.

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Originally posted by berniec

my point is this guy thinks he's hot shit cause he goes to clubs and takes pics, puts them on a web site that nobody even visits, and then bashed everyone else -- many who are far more knowledgable them himself.

oh, and no worries, i only work weekends, so nobdody calling during the week :finger:

I never said I am “Hot Shit†as you put it. My REDPL0W site is for fun. We have no advertisers and we’ve had a nice amount of offers. I DONT want it to be a source of stress it’s for fun. I mean shit if I ever got a big ass deal hell yeah I would do it. I love money. But none of these shity $25 a week banner rotation crap .. Now you are saying you want to start shit when im out? And I will not say this shit ri9ght to your stupid face?... YOU KNOW WHAT I LOOK LIKE..im sure.. soooo ILL BE AT JOEYS TOMMOROW NIGHT LETS GO PUSSY BOY KTU SPIC LATINO FAG LOVER hahah I will not only say it to your face but ill point my finger in yoru face wile I say it. Try me

oh yeahh and backatacha bro with the wink shit ;) ;) ;) ;)

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Originally posted by berniec

why dont you say that to my face the next time you see me out somewhere tuff guy ;)

and i talk that way i do b/c i work in the industry and know what the hell i'm saying is based on facts not someones ass backwards opinion...now please go back to your own message board and leave everyone else alone...oh tahts rite, theres nobody to talk to on your board :laugh:

Oh and INDUSTRY worker. Why do you keep saying that? You’re a fucken douche bag... whats your boss's email??... I need to let him know what a plastic ego douche bag he has working for him

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