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The greatest acts of terrorism are not committed by furtive gangs of masked desperados in foreign lands. The most horrific acts of terrorism in world history have always been committed by governments and their militaries.

The totally satanic military/government of the United States of America has committed massive acts of international terrorism and brutal genocide — from 1899 to the present day.

Official FBI definition of terrorism:

“Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.â€

Even by its own definition the hypocrite U.S. government is guilty of terrorism — on a massive, international scale. And for over 100 years!

The U.S. government has broken international law and the Geneva Convention many times with its brutal use of force and horrific violence against persons and property, to intimidate and coerce governments, civilian populations, and many segments thereof, in furtherance of political, social and especially economic objectives.

“If ‘terrorism’ means ‘intimidation by violence or the threat of violence,’ and if we allow the definition to include violence by states and agents of states, then it is these, not isolated individuals or small groups, that are the important terrorists in the world.

“If terrorist violence is measured by the extent of politically motivated torture and murder, ...it is in the U.S.-sponsored and protected ‘authoritarian’ states — the real terror network — that these forms of violence have reached a high crescendo in recent decades.â€

— Edward S. Herman

The Real Terror Network

“If certain acts of violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany [or Israel] does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.â€

— Robert Jackson

American prosecutor

Nuremberg War-Crimes Trial


If another Nuremberg war-crimes trial could be held today, America and its partners in crime would be the primary defendants. But America rules the world like a mafia, so there will be no justice until it is defeated. In the meantime, total hypocrisy and blatant double standards are the order of the day. The utterly lawless U.S. government is the biggest rogue state on Earth. Every crime of terrorism American politicians accuse other nations or groups of committing, America is itself guilty of committing, and ten thousand times more so. The genocidal United States is the hub of the real “axis of evilâ€.

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The United States Government

Committed the September 11 Attacks

In fact, our own evil government would have borne the ultimate responsibility for the disaster even if foreign terrorists actually had carried it out.

If the homicidal psychopaths of the United States military/government didn’t have the nasty habit of mass-murdering innocent civilian men, women and children around the world, there wouldn’t be anybody who wanted revenge.

But if foreign terrorists had planned and perpetrated the September 11 attacks they would have to be the best friends the U.S. government ever had. Who benefitted enormously from the carnage of September 11? The American plutocracy, the oil and weapons industries, the criminal Bush regime and its allies in the terrorist state of Israel. They had everything to gain and nothing to lose from this act of barbarism against the American people. And the evidence which has emerged since then makes it absolutely certain that the ruling elites within the U.S. military/government were indeed the ultimate authors of the September 11 attacks.

This will come as no great surprise if you are familiar with the true history of the United States. The U.S. military/government has committed several brutal genocides around the world since 1899, totalling millions of civilian men, women and children.

America’s rulers are inhuman. They have never had the slightest remorse for these horrific crimes against humanity. Once you know these basic (but heavily censored) historical/political facts of life, you will also know that America’s ruling elite have more than enough ruthlessness to slaughter thousands of American people too. The 9-11 carnage has provided the overwhelming mass-media propaganda needed by the ruling elite to sell American taxpayers on the idea of unending wars for world domination — and a police-state at home which will crush all domestic opposition.

The criminal Bush regime needs endless war to neutralize steadily growing opposition to its lawless behavior, and to carry out a long-planned military/economic takeover of the oil-rich Caspian Sea basin, Central Asia and the Middle East. This could never be accomplished without a massive corporate-media propaganda campaign to fool Americans into supporting an unending, hypocritical and utterly phony “war on terrorismâ€.

There is no “war on terrorismâ€. There is only the U.S. military/government’s perennial war of terrorism which slaughters innocent people all over the world, outside the U.S. and within it. The thousands of American people in the World Trade Center towers joined the ranks of the millions of people whom our government and military have brutally butchered for over 100 years.

The ruling elites within the U.S. military/government planned, ordered and supported the September 11 terror attacks.

Here are eleven facts, among many others, which support this conclusion:

Some very revealing criminal insider trading took place on Wall Street the week before September 11, 2001. Somebody actually made millions of dollars from the death of thousands of people at the WTC. The specific type of insider trading, and the people and banks involved, provide very strong circumstantial evidence that wealthy individuals allied with the CIA had prior knowledge of the World Trade Center attack.

Most revealing of all is the fact that not a single U.S. Air Force jet fighter was scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base — which is only 10 miles from the Pentagon — even a full hour after the first WTC tower was hit. Andrews AFB is charged with defending Washington D.C.’s airspace. Yet the U.S. Air Force allowed an aircraft to fly freely on an unauthorized flight path through tightly controlled airspace, descend rapidly in a tight spiral, and finally come screaming in over the treetops to slam into the Pentagon.

Definitely not acceptable behavior for an aircraft in controlled airspace over Washington D.C.

It was absolutely established, standard procedure for the U.S. Air Force and the National Guard to rapidly intercept any off-course aircraft within controlled airspaces, and to shoot them down if necessary. Therefore, somebody at the highest level of the U.S. government ordered Andrews AFB — and all the other U.S.A.F. and National Guard fighter squadrons from Boston to New York to Washington D.C. — to stand down and allow the WTC and the Pentagon to be hit. On the Army side, interestingly.

The Bush regime is suppressing evidence and testimony which links the terrorist state of Israel to the 9-11 attacks.

“Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.â€

— U.S. official

quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report

on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11

Not only did the Israelis have prior knowledge of the 9-11 attacks, they were closely involved in their implementation as well. Mossad is skilled in carrying out what are known as “false-flag operations†or “false-flag recruitmentsâ€. These are terror attacks which the Israelis covertly sponsor or directly commit while making it look like the work of Arabs. False-flag operations create enormous propaganda benefits that could never be acquired in any less ruthless way.

The U.S. military/government is well aware of these facts, and also of the fact that the Israeli Mossad and Shin Bet intelligence agencies have had an extensive spy network within the United States for as long as Israel has existed. Jonathan Pollard was just one of the few who were caught and punished.

Referring to Israel as “country Aâ€, a General Accounting Office investigation stated:

“According to a U.S. intelligence agency, the government of country A conducts the most aggressive espionage operations against the U.S. of any U.S. ally.â€

A very important four-part Fox News report was aired on December 11-14, 2001. It revealed that in the months prior to September 11, “as many as 140 Israelis had been detained or arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected espionage by Israelis in the United States.†Immediately after September 11, at least 60 more Israelis were arrested or detained for questioning. The report stated:

“A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.â€

The Fox News report said the investigation just prior to 9-11 found that some Israeli spies posed as “art students†who targeted and penetrated military bases, the DEA, FBI and dozens of government facilities, and even secret offices and unlisted private homes of law enforcement and intelligence personnel. The majority of those questioned stated they served in Israeli military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units.â€

In the first part of the report, Brit Hume asked reporter Carl Cameron:

“Carl, what about this question of advance knowledge of what was going to happen on 9-11? How clear are investigators that some Israeli agents may have known something?â€

Cameron replied:

“It’s very explosive information, obviously, and there’s a great deal of evidence that they say they have collected — none of it necessarily conclusive. It’s more when they put it all together. A bigger question, they say, is how could they not have known? Almost a direct quote.â€

“Comverse Infosys†is an Israeli telecommunications company with offices throughout the U.S. Comverse provides wiretapping equipment for American law enforcement agencies. U.S. government investigators strongly suspect, however, that Comverse has placed a “back door†in the equipment, through which U.S. government wiretaps can be intercepted by the Israeli government. And incredibly, the FBI and other agencies are forbidden to do anything about it! The Fox report stated:

“But investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying through Comverse is considered career suicide.

“And sources say that while various FBI inquiries into Comverse have been conducted over the years, they’ve been halted before the actual equipment has ever been thoroughly tested for leaks.â€

That is a very clear indication of the supreme power of the Zionist segment of the American plutocracy. They can prevent and even halt an FBI investigation of the highest importance, one that is critical to national security. The Zionist plutocracy rules the U.S. government at the highest levels.

Cameron reported further:

“And what troubles investigators most, particularly in New York, in the counterterrorism investigation of the World Trade Center attack, is that on a number of cases, suspects that they had sought to wiretap and surveil immediately changed their telecommunications processes. They started acting much differently as soon as those supposedly secret wiretaps went into place.â€

So certain people who were being investigated by the U.S. government in relation to 9-11 knew they were being wiretapped. And the wiretap equipment is essentially bugged by the Israeli government. And the FBI is not permitted to debug the equipment!

It couldn’t get any more obvious — unless Alan Greenspan, Ariel Sharon and “Lord†Rothschild were to march into the White House and give ol’ G.W. the bum’s rush out the front door, live, on prime-time T.V. No wonder people call the U.S. Congress “Israeli occupied territoryâ€. It’s beyond disgusting.

As the FOX News report aired there was the predictable, indignant, self-righteous outcry from the all-powerful Zionist lobby in America. On Dec. 21, 2001, Forward, a Jewish community newspaper in New York, reported gleefully that FOX News and Cameron were “under fireâ€, and it bragged that the FOX story had been buried by the mainstream media.

“There are no important media outlets in the U.S. that are not owned or controlled by Jews.â€

— Israel Shamir

Russian-Israeli journalist

in his article “Midas Earsâ€

(Note: Israel Shamir is a decent, conscientious man. His statement, unlike that of Forward, is meant not as an ethnocentric boast, but as a wake-up call.)

Put in his servile place by the overwhelming political power of the Zionist plutocracy, Rupert Murdoch of Fox News obediently dropped the story and pulled the transcript of Cameron’s broadcast reports off Fox’s Internet web site. The transcript was replaced with the message: “this story no longer existsâ€.

All the Israeli spies who were caught were eventually allowed to leave the country and go back to Israel — even though they were under suspicion for being involved in some way with the terror attacks of 9-11! Who controls this country? People who protect Israeli spies. People who don’t care about American lives. That can only mean the Jewish-Zionist plutocracy.

Meanwhile, powerless brown-skinned people all over America who had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11 were terrorized and even murdered by psychotic flag-wavers, just for being Arab, or for looking like Arabs, or even, as with Indian Sikhs, for wearing a turban. And the brain-dead, racist flag-wavers were egged on by the racist, Zionist, Jewish-controlled media.

Powerless people in Afghanistan and the U.S. Navy prison at Guantanamo who had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11 have been beaten to death by brain-dead U.S. Marines and brainwashed Army soldiers and tortured to death by soulless CIA agents.

And the whole nation of Iraqi people — half of them under the age of 15 — who also had nothing to do with 9-11, are now under imperial American military occupation, after yet another massive American state terror campaign, because America wants their oil and their servitude and they refused to grovel before the American Beast. And because racist, terrorist Israel wants them enslaved or dead. Forget justice. Forget truth. Forget human decency. Jewish power is what rules America. Even Ariel Sharon openly admits it. And brutal power is how America rules the world. Bestial, satanic power.

All these outrages are by no means the only major 9-11 stories linked to Israelis, stories that have been suppressed or ignored by the Jewish-owned-and-controlled “news†media in America. Consider the following:

On September 12, 2001, The Jerusalem Post printed an article titled: “Thousands of Israelis missing near WTCâ€.

It stated:

“The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has so far received the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attack.â€

4,000 was the number compiled from reports by Israeli relatives who contacted the Israeli Foreign Ministry in the first few hours after the attack. They gave the names of their Israeli friends and relatives who worked in the WTC or who had business scheduled in it or its adjacent structures on that day.

The World Trade Center had offices for many Jewish-owned corporations involved in international finance, stock trading and banking, major Jewish firms such as Goldman-Sachs and Solomon Brothers. As their relatives were well aware, thousands of Jewish-Americans and Israelis did indeed work in or adjacent to the twin towers.

So how many Israelis actually died in the World Trade Center on September 11?


Out of over 2,800 people killed, not one was Israeli. Zero, out of the thousands of Jewish people who worked in or near the WTC. Zero Israelis, in the greatest center of worldwide Jewish financial power, when over 80 different nationalities were among those killed.

The Israelis were warned ahead of time, by Mossad.

Odigo is an Israeli instant-messaging company that had offices in both the World Trade Center and Israel. The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reported that two Odigo employees received anonymous text-message warnings about a World Trade Center attack two hours before it happened.

If the story about those two Odigo employees got past the censors, you can bet that many, many others were warned too.

Zim Israel Navigational is the 9th largest shipping company in the world, with over 80 vessels. It is an Israeli government run company which had 200 employees in the World Trade Center. One week before 9-11, Zim Israel Navigational moved all its employees out of the World Trade Center. “We felt so lucky!†said company spokesman Dan Nadler.

An amazing number of Israelis got “lucky†on September 11.

Another 9-11 outrage buried in the Jewish-owned-and-controlled media is the story about the five Israeli men who were seen laughing and cheering on a roof top as they watched the World Trade Center burn. They worked for a Mossad front company in New York called “Urban Moving Systemsâ€, and were soon after arrested in their van. Inside the van were box cutters, $4,700 in cash stuffed in a sock and multiple passports.

Assuming the American police were retarded “goyimâ€, the Israeli driver of the van attempted to deflect attention from his group, saying:

“We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem.â€

It didn’t work. At least not with the police. The Israelis who laughed and cheered at the burning World Trade Center were arrested, but they were eventually released and allowed to return to Israel.

The owner of “Urban Moving Systems†was a Mossad agent named Dominik Suter. He refused all comment, and he too was allowed to leave the United States and flee to Israel.

All of this screams the fact that the Jewish-Zionist plutocracy is in control of the United States government, just as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon admits:

“Every time we do something, you [shimon Peres] tell me America will do this and will do that... I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.â€

— Ariel Sharon

Israeli Prime Minister

Knesset, Tel Aviv, October 3, 2001

This Zionist Jewish-American plutocracy is fundamentally treasonous, being more loyal to the state of Israel than to America. They are perfectly capable of sponsoring terrorist attacks in America in which thousands of Americans are killed. Particularly when that terrorist attack has incalculable value as propaganda in support of Israel and its state terrorist policies.

On September 10, 2001, The Washington Times ran a story about a 68-page study issued by the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), an elite Army officer’s school. The study detailed the dangers that would be faced by a U.S. Army occupation force in the Middle East. The Washington Times article stated:

Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.â€

This is confirmed by Andreas von Bülow, a high-ranking German government official involved in overseeing the German secret service. He too believes Mossad is behind the September 11 attacks. Von Bülow said the attacks were carried out to turn public opinion against the Arabs and to boost military and security spending.

Mossad has a lot of experience with false-flag operations. And not only Mossad. The CIA also uses this tactic for purposes of propaganda. As von Bülow said:

“Ninety-five percent of the work of the intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disinformation.â€

In the case of America, CIA disinformation is always widely propagated in the Jewish-controlled corporate media, routinely creating totally illusory but widely-believed versions of events.

On the day of the 9-11 attacks, while Americans were shocked and mournful, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a hard time hiding his glee. Asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations, his quick reply was:

“It’s very good... Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy [for Israel].â€

Who cares about the death and suffering of thousands of Americans? Israel is all that counts. And the treasonous Jewish-Zionist plutocracy which dominates America is composed of evil slime just like Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon.

The U.S. Air Force does have the technological ability to electronically hijack large jet aircraft and guide them by remote control — if the necessary hardware and software are pre-installed in the target aircraft.

The alleged “suicide hijackers†were not flying the four jets. They were merely used as part of a false-flag operation for propaganda purposes. All the hijacked jets were flown with a far higher level of skill than the alleged hijackers possessed. In particular, whoever was actually guiding the aircraft that hit the Pentagon had the skill of a military jet fighter pilot.

Here’s how world-renowned author Gore Vidal describes it:

“At 9:35, this plane conducts another turn, 360 [degrees] over the Pentagon, all the while being tracked by radar, and the Pentagon is not evacuated, and there are still no fast-movers from the Air Force in the sky over Alexandria and DC.

“Now the real kicker: a pilot they want us to believe was trained at a Florida puddle-jumper school for Piper Cubs and Cessnas, conducts a well-controlled downward spiral descending the last 7,000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes, brings the plane in so low and flat that it clips the electrical wires across the street from the Pentagon, and flies it with pinpoint accuracy into the side of the building at 460 knots.â€

The Bush regime is lying about what hit the Pentagon. It has something to hide here too.

Not only was the aircraft that hit the Pentagon flown in the tightly maneuverable manner of a jet fighter, it was also about the size of one, or smaller. Whatever it actually was, it was definitely not a big commercial jet airliner like a Boeing 757.

Immediately after impact, the damage to the side of the Pentagon was much narrower than the wingspan of a 757, and there was very little debris outside. This relatively narrow hole in the Pentagon immediately after impact cannot be explained by the 757’s wings being sheared off on impact, with only the fuselage penetrating. If the wings had been sheared off on impact there would have been flaming debris outside all over the place, with the jet fuel in the wings burning in an area commensurate with the wingspan. But the area outside, all around the impact point, was relatively clean. Later, during the fire inside the Pentagon, the roof and four upper floors collapsed over a slightly wider area, yet it was still nowhere near the 124 ft. wingspan of a Boeing 757.

Whatever hit the Pentagon not only punched a relatively narrow hole, it went inside only as far as one ring. Each ring at the Pentagon is 50 ft. wide, measured from the outer wall toward the inside. This is quite a bit less than the 155 ft. length of a 757, and yet there was no tail section or mass of aircraft debris outside the Pentagon. In addition to that, the aircraft penetrated only the ground floor. The four upper floors collapsed later, during the fire. The Pentagon is 71 ft. high. A Boeing 757 is 45 ft. high at the tail, over half the total height of the building. If a huge 757 flying at hundreds of miles an hour had somehow managed to hug the ground and miraculously penetrate only the ground floor, that would mean that the tail would have been sheared off with the debris visible outside. Instead, there was nothing left of the aircraft outside and the photographic evidence indicates that the initial hole punched in the Pentagon was only about 10 ft. high. (See photos and diagrams at links below.)

Even inside the Pentagon there was very little aircraft debris. At a September 12 press conference held at the Pentagon, Arlington County Fire Chief Ed Plaugher was asked by a journalist: “Is there anything left of the aircraft at all?â€

Chief Plaugher replied:

“First of all, the question about the aircraft, there are some small pieces of aircraft visible from the interior during this fire-fighting operation I’m talking about, but not large sections. In other words, there’s no fuselage sections and that sort of thing. You know, I’d rather not comment on that.â€

When asked by a journalist: “Where is the jet fuel?â€, Plaugher said:

“We have what we believe is a puddle right there that the — what we believe is to be the nose of the aircraft. So —â€

Yeah, right.

A huge, fuel-laden, commercial jet airliner flying at hundreds of miles an hour would have knocked out a much bigger hole, penetrated much farther, left a great deal of aircraft debris inside the Pentagon and created a lot more fire damage.

See http://www.bosankoe.btinternet.co.uk/ and http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm

for compelling photographic evidence that the Pentagon was obviously not hit by a large, commercial jet airliner. Whatever actually hit the Pentagon was definitely much smaller, like a jet fighter or a missile.

The criminal Bush regime is lying to us about what hit the Pentagon, just as it is lying about everything else connected to 9-11.

Like the Israelis, the Bush regime had prior knowledge of the impending 9-11 attacks.

Even the mainstream mass-media, FBI agents from Minneapolis, Minnesota like Coleen Rowley, FBI agents in Phoenix, Arizona, and a few members of Congress like Rep. Cynthia McKinney have publicized evidence and testimony that the criminal Bush regime had plenty of prior knowledge of plans for the September 11 attacks. They revealed that the Bush regime brushed off warnings from the intelligence services of foreign governments and even suppressed investigations by FBI agents.

When this bombshell was finally made public, desperate defenders of the indefensible entertained the world with laughable spin, portraying America’s criminal rulers as innocent children with coloring books who simply failed to “connect the dotsâ€. Of course it’s true that Unpresident Gee Dubbya certainly would prefer a nice, simple, non-verbal, connect-the-dots coloring book rather than struggle with all those big words in some boring ol’ FBI report. But the war criminals who are actually running this country are a little more competent than that.

Their absurdly lame excuses may be entertaining, but the implication of their foreknowledge and their suppression of an FBI investigation is as deadly serious as it is obvious: the ruling elites within the U.S. government were the ultimate authority behind the 9-11 attacks.

Even with the above revelations, some people still can’t believe the Bush regime would be so bold as to carry out the attacks itself. They figure the regime merely saw the attacks coming and did nothing to stop them since it had so much to gain. This is no more credible than the “connect-the-dots†spin, however. If the Bush regime would go so far as to suppress an FBI investigation and brush off international warnings, they were obviously more than passive spectators. America’s criminal rulers didn’t get control of The World’s Lone Remaining Superpower in the first place by being passive spectators of world events. America’s genocidal foreign policy and the hijacked election of 2000 are evidence enough of that. Since these war criminals have been, and still are, actively suppressing public investigations of the subsequent hijackings committed on 9-11-2001, it is highly probable that they were actively involved in planning and executing them also.

The attacks were just too overwhelmingly beneficial to the Bush regime, and indeed, critically needed, for them not to be intimately involved. The 9-11 attacks came at just the time the unelected Bush regime needed them:

to neutralize the growing political challenges within the U.S. to its criminality and illegitimacy;

to stimulate the failing American economy with infusions of blood-soaked cash through U.S. military/government spending — paid for with the lives of innocent people in America, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Colombia and many other parts of the world;

most essential of all, to provide the propaganda excuse for the military conquest of oil-rich Central Asia, which the American plutocracy had been planning for at least ten years. The bogus “war on terrorism†will also be used to attempt the final enslavement of the Iraqi people and the entire Middle East in order to get total control of its oil.

The illegitimate Bush regime is very publicly, aggressively covering up all evidence and testimony which points to its complicity in the 9-11 attacks.

Revelations of the Bush regime’s complicity would not be particularly helpful to their campaign of hysterical, flag-waving propaganda, used to mindlessly “justify†the unjustifiable — the obscenely hypocritical state terrorism which has followed 9-11. Particularly since that American state terrorism has been committed against innocent Afghan and Iraqi civilian men, women and children who had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the September 11 attacks.

So the lapdog U.S. Congress stalled the beginning of their official “investigation†until June 2002 — for almost nine months — while thousands of Afghan men, women and deadly terrorist children were slaughtered by the heroic U.S. military to make the world safe for Hypocrisy. At last the ravaged Afghan nation was happily enslaved to The Land of the Free, and the Stars n’ Stripes waved triumphantly in the breeze above the dismembered bodies of terrorist Afghan infants.

Once America’s latest service to mankind was accomplished, however, even some of the patriotic sheeple were becoming increasingly curious as to how the supreme military power of the world could have been shaken to it’s very foundations by a little group of men armed with plastic knives and boxcutters.

By 2002 the initial mass-orgy of patriotism and self-righteous intoxication was definitely waning, like all those cheap little American-flag stickers on cars and trucks and gas-guzzling SUVs, steadily fading in the sunlight of reality. America was beginning to feel the souring effects of a national hangover, and it was essential therefore to refill the hollow spaces of the flag-wavers’ simian skulls, to inject their All-American veins with renewed doses of the Official Version of unreality. Congress, at last, had to risk some semblance of hearings — which are nevertheless being held mostly behind closed doors, with the evidence kept secret, the testimony kept secret and even the findings to be kept secret. Really inspires confidence, doesn’t it?

In the meantime, people who are still stupid enough to take the corporate mass-media seriously at all have had their pliant little minds thoroughly programmed by the unceasing farce of hysterical, propagandistic trial-by-media, and of course this will continue. The long-delayed Congressional hearings will be used merely to reinforce the official coverup of U.S. government complicity in the September 11 attacks.

After the Pearl Harbor attack there was an immediate, well-publicized, sham investigation which scapegoated the two commanding officers, an Admiral and a General, blaming them for “negligenceâ€. (They were posthumously exonerated, long after the damage was done.) So it’s the standard M.O. of the criminal U.S. government to have at least the appearance of a big, public “investigation†of something as monumental as the 9-11 attacks. And yet they can’t do even that. Thanks to information made available worldwide all over the Internet, the official coverup has been such a challenge that they had to stall for almost nine months to begin even secret Congressional hearings. Pathetic.

If foreign terrorists had been responsible for the September 11 attacks it would have been the greatest intelligence failure in U.S. history. Yet, after all this time, no U.S. government officials or agencies have been held responsible — even though somebody at a very high level ordered Andrews and several other Air Force bases to stand down and allow the WTC towers and the Pentagon to be hit. The official Congressional “investigation†will, in all likelihood, scapegoat a few hapless mid-level officials, while letting the highest-level criminals go free, as always.

There will never be any honest, public, official investigation of the September 11 attacks. The criminals in control of this country have too much to hide.

Criminal hoaxes have been planned and perpetrated several times before to provide the essential propaganda to launch a U.S. war:

In 1962, following the “Bay of Pigs†debacle, U.S. military leaders had a plan for committing terrorist acts against Americans in Miami and elsewhere, while making it look like Cuba was responsible. Codenamed “Operation Northwoodsâ€, the plan was intended to provide the propaganda necessary to create popular sentiment for an invasion of Cuba. (See Body of Secrets, by James Bamford.)

The September 11 attacks were a modern-day “Operation Northwoodsâ€. Instead of Cuba, however, Moslems were blamed this time — because Moslem countries are sitting over most of the world’s oil reserves.

“Operation Northwoods†wasn’t the first time Cuba was set up to be the fall guy. During the Spanish-American War in 1898, “Remember the Maine!†was a propaganda refrain chanted by crooked newspapers from coast to coast. Contrary to the deceit of jingoistic journalists, however, the battleship Maine was not sunk by “Cuban terroristsâ€. But of course the lie was eagerly believed by Americans, and it provided the needed propaganda to launch the war. The Spanish-American War was instigated by the piratical American plutocracy in order to seize Spanish territory and assets in the Caribbean and the Philippines.

Until the 9-11 attacks, the greatest case of U.S. government fraud involving an assault on Americans was the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. Like 9-11, the Pearl Harbor attack was known about in advance. It was allowed to happen because it provided the overwhelming propaganda needed to launch a war against the German and Japanese imperialist competitors of the growing American Empire.

The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident was a hoax that provided the propaganda needed to massively escalate the Vietnam Genocide.

The Kuwaiti hospital incubator hoax provided propaganda for the Desert Storm terror campaign and genocide of the Iraqi people in 1991.

The Bosnian “concentration camp†hoax of 1992, and the Racak “massacre†hoax of 1999 provided the needed propaganda for the U.S./NATO terror campaign against the Yugoslavian people.

These and other examples are described in more detail in “Fake Terror: the Road to Dictatorshipâ€.

The brutal terrorism of September 11 against the American people is a propaganda gold mine without precedent for the brutal terrorists of the U.S. military/government and their obedient “news†media. This propaganda is absolutely essential to the U.S. military/government’s geopolitical strategy for world domination. Without the backing of a thoroughly brainwashed, taxpaying American public, that strategy would be unsustainable.

America’s genocidal history makes it abundantly clear that the U.S. government and military have more than enough barbaric ruthlessness to commit such inhuman acts as 9-11. History proves conclusively that they place no value whatsoever on human life. That’s what this whole website is about. Any government and military that will murder people by the millions for profit is not going to have any problem with murdering a few thousand Americans — if there is a major profit motive for it.

Underlying it all, the U.S. military/government has the profit motive: oil and empire.

Beginning in October 2001, the U.S. military brutally mass-murdered at least 4000-5000 innocent civilian men, women and children in Afghanistan — people who had absolutely nothing to do with the September 11 attacks.

Now American/British war criminals have once again mass-murdered and terrorized the Iraqi people, who also had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the September 11 attacks.

These should be very disturbing facts to anybody with a human conscience. Unfortunately, that rules out the entire leadership of the U.S. military/government. A few hundred thousand violently murdered women and innocent children doesn’t bother them in the slightest. Mass murder of innocent civilian people is just standard operating procedure for the U.S. military/government. History proves that conclusively.

Being the greatest terrorists in the world, the U.S. military/government has no interest in stopping all terrorism, only that which competes with their own. The Taliban were indeed a brutal, terroristic regime — one which the U.S. government covertly supported in the first place. But negotiations with them over oil pipelines through Afghanistan finally broke down in August 2001, and only then did the U.S. government resolve to replace them with a more compliant regime. There were news reports as early as February 2001 that the U.S. was planning to invade Afghanistan, perhaps leaked in order to pressure the Taliban during the negotiations.

The American oil industry, Unocal in particular, had long sought to establish oil and gas pipelines from the Caspian Sea basin through Afghanistan to the Pakistani coast on the Indian Ocean. But after the war with the Soviets, Afghanistan became a very anarchic place, one in which the physical security of a pipeline could not be guaranteed.

In the early to mid-1990s the U.S. military/government, through its puppets in Pakistan, covertly armed and supported the Taliban in the hopes that they could enforce sufficient order in Afghanistan to protect future American oil pipelines. Even with U.S./Pakistani support, however, the Taliban were never able to completely control Afghanistan’s multi-ethnic warring tribes. So the U.S. began to turn on them. During the negotiations the bullying U.S. representative actually told the Taliban that they would have to choose between “a carpet of gold, or a carpet of bombs.†The Taliban had too much self-respect to cave in to American bullying and they stuck by their principles, preferring to take their chances with American bombs rather than dirty their souls with American gold.

The subsequent American state terrorism, invasion and occupation of Afghanistan allowed the U.S. military/government to install a fully obedient puppet regime and get control of the country at last. As an added bonus, the U.S. military now has bases in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan as well.

America’s brutal state terrorism of the Afghan and Iraqi peoples is therefore an essential part of a long-term, pre-planned, geopolitical strategy to strengthen the U.S. grip on Middle East oil and get total control of Caspian Sea oil.

The September 11 attacks provided the essential propaganda pretext for a complete military/political/economic takeover of the entire Middle East and Central Asia.

Control of Middle East and Central Asian and its oil reserves will give the U.S. government a fatal military/economic advantage over all of Europe and China, and assure the supremacy of the genocidal American Empire for many dark years to come.

9-11: America’s “Reichstag Fireâ€

The September 11 attacks are America’s equivalent of the Reichstag fire. In 1933 Adolf Hitler’s henchmen burned the German parliament, blamed it on “Communists†and used it as a pretext for mass arrests and the creation of a fascist police state to destroy all remaining opposition to Nazi rule. Destruction of all resistance within Germany made it possible for the Nazis to embark upon their brutal campaign to subdue all of Europe.

It’s interesting that Unpresident G.W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was one of many people in the American corporate/banking plutocracy who quietly supported the Nazi’s rise to power. In Prescott Bush’s case it was through the Union Banking Corporation. A covert affection for Nazi strategies runs in the family to this day.

Thanks to the September 11 “Reichstag fireâ€, the state terrorists of the U.S. military and government can now affect public postures of patriotic defense. Immediately after 9-11 they began speaking of America as “the Homelandâ€, just as the Nazis spoke of “the Fatherlandâ€.

In another historical parallel, it’s interesting that U.S. government officials had the nerve (or stupidity) to invoke the memory of Pearl Harbor, comparing it to September 11. It’s quite an appropriate comparison, actually, more fitting than they would care to admit publicly. Both events are instances of U.S. government complicity in an attack on Americans.

So now it’s all about “patriotic defense of The Homelandâ€. Sieg Heil! Gone are the days when their PR propagandists had to cobble together absurd conceptual Frankensteins — such as the massive bombing of people all over Yugoslavia portrayed as “humanitarian intervention†— to sell the Pentagon’s latest butchery to the American taxpayer.

With smiles well hidden, U.S. government fascists are steadily ratcheting up their police-state repression of Americans. Using their falsely named “USA Patriot Act†they’ve tossed the Bill of Rights out the window. Doesn’t sound too patriotic to me. The U.S. Constitution is now effectively suspended, and it’s never coming back.

Once you surrender your freedom to tyrants, you don’t ever get it back — not without a revolution. Until then, democracy is officially dead in America, while the FBI tells us of its need to torture prisoners.

Americans who continue to tolerate and support this blatant evil will help to bring a fascist hell down on everybody’s heads. Such people need to understand that the U.S. military/government is totally inhuman. It doesn’t honestly care about them any more than it cares about the millions of people around the world it has butchered. As far as America’s rulers are concerned, American citizens are just cash cows to be psychologically herded this way and that, and perennially lied to. Keep ’em stupid and keep those tax dollars pouring in.

Our fellow human beings around the world are seen as powerless slaves and whores to be exploited to the maximum extent possible. If they dare attempt to be free of the American Empire, bomb them back into submission. America’s evil rulers care only for preserving their own wealth and power, nothing more.

The American plutocracy has cruelly abused the world with genocidal campaigns of state terrorism for over 100 years. Now they are thrilled with the prospect of total world domination through unending campaigns of terror and mass-murder. If the American people do nothing to stop it, they will pay a terrible price for their cowardly support of the U.S. military/government’s greed and power lust. The downward spiral of carnage and suffering will never end until we’re all enslaved or dead.

It is highly likely that the next major terrorist attacks on the American people will also be the covert work of the U.S. military/government. Look for new attacks at a time when serious domestic opposition to the criminal Bush regime begins to rise to high levels again — particularly when enough Americans begin to demand honest answers as they face up to the evidence of U.S. government complicity in the September 11 attacks.

If we want to live in peace and freedom, people must turn off their mind-controlling T.V. sets, wake up from their mass-media brainwashing and get a clue:

The greatest enemy of the American people — of all the world’s people — is the terrorist U.S. military/government.

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Millions of Victims:

The Bloody “American Centuryâ€

Altogether, the terrorist U.S. government and military have directly slaughtered literally millions of civilian people in the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Russia (invasion during the civil war of 1918-1920), Japan, France, Germany, Korea, Thailand, Panama, Grenada, Iran, Libya, Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Bosnia, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.

In addition, the U.S. military and CIA have trained, armed, funded, provided intelligence and direct military support for fascist puppet-regimes and right-wing death-squads around the world.

U.S. government-supported death squads and servant-states have carried out appallingly vicious campaigns of state terrorism. Under the direct control of the U.S. government they have committed the torture and genocide of additional millions of helpless, civilian people in Indonesia, East Timor, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Haiti, Guyana, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, China, the Philippines, the Congo/Zaire, Angola, Mozambique, Italy, Palestine, Israel, Afghanistan, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Iraq, Pakistan and Iran.


The Philippine Genocide

It was just nine years after the United States Army Seventh Cavalry mass-murdered 300 helpless Lakota children, women and men at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1890:

Immediately following the Spanish-American war, all branches of the U.S. military committed the genocide of 200,000 civilian men, women and children in the Philippines during the Philippine-American war. This slaughter was accomplished by a viciously racist United States Army, Navy and Marines, from 1899 to 1902.

$$ Why? Corporate profit. The Philippine islands were a profitable part of the old Spanish Empire. They also provided a valuable base of operations for the exploitation of China — which was far more profitable.

When the Filipinos resisted us — with the curious idea that they had a right to control their own country — American soldiers, sailors and Marines slaughtered and tortured them. Heroic American soldiers even murdered ten-year-old Filipino boys.

Thus was the American Empire born, consecrated with the blood of Philippine children, men and women. This was the point in American history when the emphasis shifted from the domestic terrorization and exploitation of Indians and Africans to the even more profitable pursuits of imperialism and international terrorism.

Mark Twain condemned the genocide in scathingly cynical terms. So did others among that small percentage of Americans possessed of a human conscience.

President William McKinley, however, was of the Official Opinion that the cruel bloodshed was “God’s Will.†Teddy Roosevelt revelled in bloodshed and thought it was all just “Bully!†Both of them echoed the mass-media of their day: the openly racist, nationalistic, “jingoistic†“yellow journalism†of the corporate press.

Just as they do today, most Americans preferred to ignore the gory, heartbreaking details. They joined their leaders and the press in hearty applause of the genocide.

“Public opinion†was led by the nose then — as it is today.

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The Dresden Holocaust

It was the greatest single massacre of World War Two, a genocide which surpassed the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Approximately 130,000 to 500,000 German civilian men, women and children were burned to death in Dresden on the night of February 13, 1945 by two massive firebombing attacks. This was a horrific and unprecedented war crime, carried out by the U.S. Army Air Force and the British Royal Air Force.

The next morning a third firebombing attack was carried out, during which sadistic American fighter pilots even strafed helpless crowds of injured and terrorized refugees as they tried to flee along the banks of the Elbe River.

Dresden had no military significance whatsoever as a target. It was one of Europe’s greatest cultural centers, and its primary industries were the production of cigarettes and china. By February 1945 it was filled with hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the atrocities being committed by advancing Soviet armies.

The attack on Dresden was ordered by Prime Minister Winston Churchill and approved by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The primary motive appears to have been revenge, for the bombing of English cities — revenge on innocent civilian men, women and children — for the crimes of the German military. And yet nothing the German Luftwaffe ever did in England even remotely compares to the Dresden attack.

Churchill and Roosevelt proved themselves to be every bit as degraded as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, as far as callous indifference to innocent human lives is concerned. Even long before the war, when Mussolini was carrying on the genocidal Italian occupation of Libya and state terrorism of the Libyan people, he was praised by Churchill and Roosevelt. (Mussolini was also highly praised by British, French and American business leaders and their corporate press.) On a visit to Mussolini in 1927, Winston Churchill told journalists that Italian fascism “has rendered a service to the whole worldâ€. In 1933 Roosevelt referred to Mussolini as “that admirable Italian gentlemanâ€.

During WWII the American and British air forces actually proved themselves to be more genocidal and inhuman than their German counterparts in the Luftwaffe. But of course history is written by the victors, so most people in America know little or nothing of the Dresden Holocaust, and English and American war criminals are portrayed as spotless heroes to this day.

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki

In August 1945 the United States Army Air Force committed the truly unnecessary atomic-bomb genocide of hundreds of thousands of Japanese CIVILIAN men, women and children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Revenge was a secondary reason for committing these war crimes — revenge on helpless Japanese civilian people for the crimes of the Japanese military.

$$ Long term anti-Soviet military-economic strategy was the primary reason the U.S. military/government abused their newfound nuclear power just as soon as they got their hands on it. By slaughtering the helpless people of Hiroshima the U.S. military took effective control of the islands on August 6, two days before the Russians had agreed to enter the war against Japan, on August 8.

The Red Army was a formidable war-machine in WWII. It was the Soviets, not the Americans, who fought the greatest land battles in history against the Nazis. Even before the war ended, therefore, the U.S. government was plotting ways to neutralize Soviet power and influence in the post-war world.

The use of this genocidal weapon was the greatest “psy-op†of all time, an act of psychological warfare without equal for sheer depth of criminal ruthlessness. By dropping The Bomb the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government was introducing the world’s governments to their new Master — with “an offer they couldn’t refuse.â€

Such a persuasive introduction did wonders for American corporate profits in the post-war era. It won America lots of venal “fair weather friendsâ€, and justifiable contempt from all the decent people in the world.

The era of “The Ugly American†was announced on August 6, 1945. It continues to this day:

“The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist — McDonald’s cannot flourish without McDonnell-Douglas, the designer of the F-15.â€

— Thomas Friedman

Ugly American

columnist for the New York Times

The blowhards of American Empire have no shame. Bullies never do.

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The Greatest American Genocides:

Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia and Laos

From 1950 to 1953, and from 1965 to 1974 the United States of America committed the brutal genocide of literally MILLIONS of civilian men, women and children in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Korea.

Unarmed women and old men were bayoneted, helpless children and even babies were blown away with M-16s and grenades, countless women and young girls were sodomized, raped and murdered by U.S. Army soldiers. These horrible things happened in many massacres like the ones at My Lai and Thanh Phong in Vietnam and No Gun Ri in Korea — while U.S. Air Force bomber crews spent years in wholesale slaughter of civilian people from the air.

For sheer magnitude of evil sadism and bloodlust, the Korean Genocide and Vietnam Genocide rank as America’s greatest, most vicious campaigns of large-scale international terrorism ever.

The U.S. Corporate Mafia Government and military want very much for you to believe that My Lai, Thanh Phong and No Gun Ri were “isolated incidentsâ€. But the testimony of the Vietnamese and Korean people who survived, and even the admissions of American soldiers, are that these were far from isolated incidents. There were thousands of such horrible massacres all over Korea and Vietnam.

During the Vietnam Genocide there was even an official CIA program of systematic terror, torture and mass-murder called Operation Phoenix.

Any politically honest psychologist in the world would diagnose the American troops who committed these crimes as racist, homicidal psychopaths. But to the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government and military they’re just “our boys†and “our buddiesâ€.

The U.S. government, the U.S. military — and many of the American people — protect and excuse these war criminals to this day. They live among us. Sadistic American war criminals like Lt. William Calley and Capt. Ernest Medina walk the streets of America as free men. But of course they are free in body only. They have hell to pay.

Why did it all happen?

$$ Maoist China and the Stalinist Soviet Union represented a limitation on greedy corporate capitalists’ huge international profits. They were gargantuan markets that couldn’t be controlled. But the most serious threat by far was the international socialist ideology itself. Nothing undermines capitalism’s sacred creed of selfish, venal competition more radically than the “Godless†ideology of social sharing and caring.

Meanwhile, the Chinese and Korean peoples themselves deeply resented American use of Japanese collaborators in the post-war Korean puppet government. That government brutally terrorized its own people, with America’s blessing. The majority of Korean people wanted the fascist Americans out of their country. The Chinese people had also suffered horribly at the hands of the Japanese and had likewise been betrayed by the U.S. government after the war. It was very natural for them to sympathize with their Korean neighbors against the foreign oppressor.

Exactly the same pattern was followed in Vietnam. After the war, the American and French governments covertly allied themselves with Japanese collaborators against the Viet Minh, even though Ho Chi Minh had worked closely with Americans during the war. When he discovered the true diabolical nature of Uncle Sham, he was forced to ally himself with the only nation that would help his people — the Stalinist Soviet Union.

Corporate America knows very well that even the very idea of popular, international, democratic socialism (which the Maoists and Stalinists pretended to champion), absolutely must be suppressed. They intend to erase it from the consciousness of the world’s people. They’ll never succeed, of course. But the humanitarian socialist ideology is a direct threat to the profits of inhuman corporate capitalism. To survive, capitalism must slander and silence international socialism by any and all means.

The massive American propaganda machine has relentlessly slandered humanitarian socialism by equating it with the genocidal dictatorships of Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. The U.S. Corporate Mafia Government lie-machine trains ignorant Americans to dismiss it all under the label of undifferentiated “communismâ€. Corporate America is determined to crush the hope and dream of popular, worldwide, democratic socialism — at any cost.

Any human cost, that is. For corporate capitalist America the well-being of millions of Asian people was (and is) not a high priority.

If Asians refused to be controlled and exploited by America — then kill ’em all! “Better Dead than Red!†was the battle cry of Americans in their genocidal wars against the Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian and Korean peoples.

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The Crucifixion of Latin America

In Central America, South America and the Caribbean the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government’s genocidal policies were executed throughout the 20th century, and are now continuing into the 21st century. The U.S. military, the cocaine-smuggling CIA and its fascist puppet-governments have relentlessly terrorized, tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of civilian men, women and children in those persecuted lands. Some of the most horrific genocides and terror campaigns have occurred in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Colombia.

$$ Why? Corporate profit, as always. Huge markets for American products, ultra-cheap labor to exploit and a whole hemisphere of natural resources under the exclusive domination of the United States. “Chiquita†bananas for the United Fruit Company. Coffee. Sugar cane. Cocaine.

Hard to believe? Can’t be that simple? Not what they tell you on T.V.? The first thing to know is that the United States government is a plutocracy — the rule of the rich. The U.S. is not now, nor has it ever been, a genuine “democracyâ€. It sells itself to the world as a “democracyâ€, of course, but in actual practice the plutocratic United States government is a corporate mafia.

And a mafia will stop at absolutely nothing to protect its profits.

Why do you think the U.S. government has always strongly supported bloodthirsty, fascist dictatorships throughout Latin America? Fascist dictatorships are “corporate friendlyâ€.

Freedom-loving democracies, on the other hand, are very hard to control. In a democracy people can demand outrageous things — like decent working conditions and living wages.

The economic interests of the majority of Central American, South American and Caribbean peoples are naturally opposed to the economic interests of American corporations.

Therefore, for over 100 years, the United States Corporate Mafia Government has done everything in its power to destroy democracy in Latin America.

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Genocide of the Iraqi People

From 1991 to 2003 the United States Air Force and Navy slaughtered over 200,000 civilian people in Iraq with Depleted Uranium missiles, cluster bombs, cruise missiles and other so-called “smart bombsâ€. During the “Desert Storm†terror campaign the arsenal also included fuel-air bombs and napalm. U.S. Air Force, Navy and Army pilots even slaughtered Iraqi soldiers who were in full retreat. American pilots joked that it was like “shooting in a sheep penâ€.

Of course, slaughtering defenseless people with overwhelming force is a hallowed American military tradition.

$$ Why the carnage? Persian Gulf oil, of course. It had absolutely nothing to do with “Kuwaiti independence.†Nor has it ever really been about “weapons of mass destruction†— the American biological and chemical weapons supplied by the U.S. government to the Iraqis for use against the Iranians.

Total control of Middle East oil is always a top priority for the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government. They’ll stop at absolutely nothing to keep that essential oil flowing into the vast murder-machine of the U.S. military-industrial complex.

With the “Desert Storm†terror campaign, America entered a new high-tech phase of its perennial international terrorism.

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American State Terrorism

of the Yugoslavian Peoples

In 1999 Uncle Sham treated the world to yet another ugly spectacle as America, with its 18 NATO whores, butchered over 3000 civilian people all over Yugoslavia. This state terrorism lasted for 78 straight days and nights, with NATO war criminals flying over 40,000 sorties. Once again, these great military heroes mass-murdered helpless women and children using cluster bombs, depleted uranium missiles, fuel-air bombs, napalm, cruise missiles and other so-called “smart bombsâ€.

These horrible weapons of mass-destruction used by cowardly American/NATO pilots literally butchered and burned alive thousands of innocent people — children, old men and women in market squares doing their shopping, people in trains, people in cars and buses, people in television stations, people in schools, doctors, nurses and patients in hospitals, people in private homes and apartment blocks — even people in remote villages were napalmed and cluster bombed.

Adding insult to injury, the U.S. military/government, and their corporate mass-media puppets, had the unmitigated gall to call this carnage “humanitarian interventionâ€. But moral considerations were the last thing on the minds of the Allied Farce war criminals at the White House, the State Dept. and the Pentagon.

$$ So why would the war-criminal U.S. government and military bother to spend billions of your tax dollars committing mass-murder in such a small, economically struggling country as Yugoslavia?

It was part of a long-term, globalist military-economic strategy involving:

Control of the huge reserves of oil in the Caspian basin, the related oil pipelines through the Balkans, and the final stages of the subjugation of Russia (Yugoslavia’s closest ally).

Control of the $5 billion worth of lead, zinc, cadmium, silver and gold ore in the Trepca mines of Kosovo. There are also 17 billion tons of coal reserves in Kosovo. Stealing all that from the people of Yugoslavia was part of a long-term strategy for destroying their economy to the maximum extent possible, thus forcing them into complete political-economic obedience to Imperialist America.

But the most important reason for the 1999 U.S./NATO terror campaign was that it was an essential part of the American Empire’s long-term geopolitical strategy for maintaining total military and economic domination of Europe. The governments of Western Europe had been venal whores in America’s harem since 1945. Russia was on its knees economically, and most Eastern European governments were clamoring to join the U.S./NATO harem. Only the Yugoslavian government led by Milosevic refused to be abject whores. The Serbians were setting a very dangerous example of proud independence, and the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government knew they had to be crushed.

This Serbian courage and independence came as no surprise to anyone who knew Serbian history. They have a long and heroic tradition of rebellion against evil empires. Little Serbian-led Yugoslavia was the last, brave holdout.

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Imperial Hypocrisy:

American State Terrorism

of the Afghan Peoples

First the U.S. military/government committed the September 11 attacks, then it set out to “fight terrorism†by committing further acts of massive, brutal terrorism against civilian men, women and children. While Unpresident Bush and the corporate mass-media trumpeted day and night that America was fighting a heroic war of “good vs. evilâ€, the evil U.S. military mass-murdered thousands of impoverished Afghan people — civilian men, women and children — who had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the September 11 attacks.

Once again, American state terrorists used cluster bombs, depleted uranium missiles, fuel-air bombs, napalm and cruise missiles to do their dirty work from a safe distance. They also dropped thermobaric bombs to suffocate people hiding in caves and used attack helicopters to gun down “terrorist†women and children who were running for their lives.

$$ Long-term strategy for control of Caspian Sea oil is the actual reason the U.S. military slaughtered thousands of innocent people in Afghanistan. The bogus “war on terrorism†is an essential propaganda cover for the military takeover of all Central Asia. The U.S. military now has a foothold in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan as well as total control of Afghanistan. In order to protect U.S. oil interests in the Caspian basin, it is essential that the U.S. have military bases nearby.

In addition, U.S. oil companies have long wanted a pipeline from the Caspian Sea to go through Afghanistan. However, talks with the U.S.-installed Taliban government broke down in August, 2001. A month later, the terror attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon provided a perfect excuse for bombing Afghanistan into total submission. How convenient.

The purpose of the carnage in Afghanistan is very closely related to America’s state terrorism of the Yugoslav peoples two years earlier. Getting military/political/economic control of Central Asia and its oil reserves is a key strategy for the final subjugation of Russia — and China as well. Not only will the U.S. cut off this oil whenever it pleases, it now has a great, central location for bases from which to launch missiles and airstrikes against the Russian and Chinese peoples in the future.

The takeover of Afghanistan also increases the encirclement of Iran and Iraq, tightening the noose around these pockets of resistance to American domination. The U.S. military/government is permanently at war with the world’s people, and when you are at war you don’t tolerate pockets of resistance. The message to all the world is this: surrender unconditionally to Uncle Sham — or get the same brutal treatment as the people of Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

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American State Terrorism

of the Iraqi People: Part 2

Now in 2003 the utterly satanic U.S. military/government has mass-murdered several thousand more innocent Iraqi people in the course of a brutal invasion and occupation.

First the American state terrorists pretended they had to invade Iraq because Saddam Hussein allegedly possessed what the U.S. has more of than any other nation in the world: “weapons of mass destructionâ€. When these could not be found by U.N. weapons inspectors, American/British propaganda shifted to the oft-visited realm of the surreal: “liberation†of the Iraqi people by bombing, invading and mass-murdering them.

Once again, American/British war criminals have used cluster bombs and depleted uranium missiles to “liberate†thousands of Iraqi people from their lives and loved ones.

Only the most idiotic and corrupt people could possibly believe the absurd lies of the U.S. government. Unfortunately, America is filled with such evil morons, and America’s rulers have always banked on that fact.

$$ Oil is one of three major reasons for mass-murdering the Iraqi people again.

All industrial economies and militaries run on oil. Therefore control of the world’s oil reserves is essential for America’s military and economic dominance. America’s titanic economy is in BIG trouble, plowing full speed ahead toward its icy doom. When it finally sinks, so will America’s political and military power. The brutal invasion and occupation of Iraq is a desperate move by the American plutocracy to cling to power.

The second reason for the invasion involves the American domination of Europe. Iraq had shifted to using the euro for all oil payments, and the U.S. will now force it to use the dollar again. America’s latest attack on the Iraqi people is actually part of an ongoing economic war against Europe. Now that America has total control of Persian Gulf oil it has a stranglehold on the economies of the European Union, which depend on Persian Gulf oil most of all.

“Fighting Moslem terrorists†is a propaganda cover for U.S. imperialism. It is in fact the E.U. which is seen by the American plutocracy as the greatest threat in the world to its imperial dominance. Since America’s evil, blood-soaked economy is steadily sinking, the E.U. could eventually replace it as the world’s greatest power. The E.U. would be totally invincible with the addition of Russia, which is forming closer ties with its European neighbors.

The threat of a dominant “Eurasian power†is something American geopolitical strategists have feared for over a hundred years. The literally satanic American plutocracy is determined to prevent this by any and all means, no matter how many innocent people have to die.

Israel is the third major reason America has invaded and occupied Iraq. The terrorist state of Israel is afraid of having a powerful Arab country nearby which isn’t subservient to the U.S., as is the whoring government of Egypt. The United States of America has long been controlled by a Jewish-Zionist banking plutocracy, and these Zionazis consider Israel as their baby. Everything must be sacrificed to protect evil, vicious little Israel, including American and Iraqi lives.

Jewish-Zionists are deeply and unashamedly racist. They see all “goyim†— their sneering term for Gentiles — as being racially inferior, of no importance and deserving of no rights. They would never admit this publicly, of course, but check out the Talmud. The Torah and the Talmud are the two major books of Judaism. The Talmud, a so-called “holy bookâ€, actually contains obscene and blatantly racist passages regarding “goyimâ€. Arising out of Talmudic Judaism, Zionism is a mirror image of Naziism. The biggest difference is that Zionists have always been much more stealthy about their obscene racism. Zionism is Jewish Naziism.

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Just who is the real “Rogue State†here?

$$ Selling State Terrorism $$

to the American People

And so it goes, year after year, decade after bloody decade. Just when you’d think our cruelly greedy rulers must surely have plumbed the depths of violent, ruthless power lust and shameless hypocrisy — America manages to go crashing through the basement floor yet again.

Totally ruthless though our evil, plutocratic government is, it’s not profoundly creative at home. It doesn’t have to be, because most Americans are credulous morons, politically. The U.S. government and its corporate mass-media propaganda machinery use essentially the same deceitful M.O., year after year, to sell American state terrorism to the American people — while the American Empire they don’t even know exists subjugates yet more hapless people abroad. While bourgeois Americans grow yet more jaded, arrogant, immoral and brainwashed.

The Jewish-Zionist controlled, corporate mass-media is a gigantic, all-pervading lie-machine. Planned U.S. government propaganda campaigns, both domestic and international, are usually very sophisticated operations, drawing on the expertise of the CIA, professional psychologists and highly skilled, highly paid, PR firms. Given enough time, they can plan things meticulously, patching up all the holes and contradictions in their stories, manufacturing “evidenceâ€, framing individuals, groups and even whole nations, buying off everyone who can be bought, and blackmailing, firing or murdering, if necessary, anyone who can’t be bought. And most importantly of all, making sure that the corporate mass-media will obediently toe the line since it will be the primary conduit for the propaganda.

In marked contrast to this, the attempted coverups of American state terrorism by idiot politicians and other U.S. military/government officials are often quite amateurish and lame-brained. This is particularly observable immediately after any given atrocity, when they haven’t had time to come up with credible cover stories or get their stories consistent with each other. Print news stories, whether hard copy or electronic, often reveal all kinds of contradictions, absurdities and careless slips of the tongue by U.S. government and military officials. They can be caught repeatedly in bald-faced lies, and even accidental revealing of the truth. It can all be easily observed (especially on the Internet) by any intelligent person who actually pays close attention, consistently, over time. Unfortunately, that means only a tiny percentage of the American people. Uncle Sham is therefore never too worried about the truth getting out. Because of the apathetic inattentiveness of most Americans, the U.S. government and its corporate McNews media can rest assured that their propaganda will succeed even with a fairly large margin of error.

The whole perennial scam tends to work very well, and it works only because too many Americans don’t honestly care the slightest bit about their fellow human beings around the world. Such Americans aren’t at all concerned about mass-media coverups of U.S. military atrocities. In fact, a great many Americans actually want to be lied to by their government. That way they don’t ever have to face their own gross immorality in supporting American state terrorism. They don’t really care what brutal horrors the U.S. military/government commits against innocent children, they just don’t want to have to hear about it. Whatever their evil leaders do is okay with them, as long as they themselves are materially comfortable, as long as they’ve “got their shareâ€.

Or shares — of inhuman corporations.

Thanks to money, technology and the inhuman indifference of most Americans, “the world’s Lone Remaining Superpower†remains also the world’s Supreme Terrorist Nation. The biggest, baddest bully on the block.

Only a total jerk could be proud.

(Of course, the bigger they are, the harder they fall... )

$$ In Gold We Trust $$

All hail the great symbol

$$ American Corporate Plutocracy $$

The Brutal Consistency

of America’s Ugly History

Waking up to all of this can be quite a shock — if you’ve got a human conscience. Liberating ourselves from a lifetime of brainwashing isn’t easy. But the grim modern realities of American state terrorism are less surprising when you realize that this ruthless mass-murder of helpless civilian people internationally is actually quite consistent with America’s domestic history...

The Indian Genocide

“The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was, far and away, the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world.â€

— David E. Stannard


In spite of the unparalleled enormity of the crime, the typical, mentally-sleeping American remains only vaguely aware of the horrific genocide of American Indians. Yet every single locality where Americans make their homes today is consecrated to the cause of cruel, racist inhumanity — with the blood of Indian people. Every single locality where Americans make their homes today is the scene of the murder, rape, torture and impoverishment of the Indian people who lived there first.

But mainstream Americans would choke on their apple pie if they dared to think about that. Too many Americans would rather stick their heads in the sand about our evil history — just as they stick their heads in the sand about what is happening today.

In the centuries after Christopher Columbus the Butcher, more than 100 million native people fell under the sadistic, racist rule of the invading European-Americans.

$$ Land is wealth, and Americans lusted for it. They couldn’t let a minor fact like the existence of millions of human beings already living on that land get in their way. So the policy of genocide, thievery, broken treaties and racist cruelty was justified with whitewashes like “Manifest Destiny†— America’s domestic version of “Deutschland Uber Alles.â€

“I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.â€

— John Wayne

All-American Hollywood actor

loved by patriotic racists from coast to coast

Black Slavery

Where the native peoples were all mass-murdered, forcibly exiled and/or dead from massive epidemics of deliberately-spread European smallpox, the European and American businessmen of that day replaced them with enslaved people purchased in Africa.

$$ The international slave trade was one of the earliest examples of international corporate evil.

Fortunately, it has become impossible in recent years to hide the historical facts of the cruel, greedy American institution of Black slavery. This thoroughly evil abuse of African peoples took place for over 200 years, with another 100 years of virtual slavery — complete with the KKK terror tactics of lynching, rape, torture, bombing, cross burning and just all-around, All-American, public abuse and intimidation.

White Slavery

$$ The existence of White slavery in America is one of the most little-known facts of American history. Initially, colonial America was built with the blood, sweat and tears of White slaves to a far greater extent than Black slaves. In fact, America’s first slaves were White people.

It’s estimated that fully one-half to two-thirds of all White “immigrants†to colonial America in the 17th and 18th centuries were actually slaves who had been brought against their will. They were known by the euphemism of “indentured servantsâ€, but in reality a great many of these people were true slaves. Their servitude was for life, and their children were forced to be slaves as well.

Virtually all of the White slaves were brought from Scotland, Ireland and the impoverished working classes of England. They were both Protestant and Catholic, victims of religious wars and the inhuman greed of the English aristocracy. It was routine for the utterly corrupt and class-prejudiced English courts to justify the forced exile of their victims to the colonies by falsely labeling them as “criminalsâ€. This charade eased the guilty consciences of the true criminals while they made money off kidnapping and the sale of stolen human labor.

If the White slaves survived the hellish voyage across the Atlantic and arrived in the new hell, otherwise known as the “New Worldâ€, they were auctioned on the block just like Black slaves. White slave children were often sold and separated from their parents and White slave women were sold and separated from their husbands.

A great many White slaves were forced to work under cruel and demeaning conditions. The Virginia Colony prescribed “bodily punishment for not heeding the commands of the master.†Half of the White slaves died within the first two years after their arrival in the American colonies.

Unsurprisingly, it was common for White slaves to run away — only to be hunted down and returned to their evil masters and mistresses. To help identify runaways, the courts in Virginia demanded that everyone have identification and travel papers. White slaves had no rights whatsoever and could be beaten and cruelly abused with impunity.

Slavery in America Today

Incredibly, slavery still exists all over the world to this day — including the United States of America. On April 2, 2000, the New York Times printed a story about a leaked CIA report which describes a flourishing slave trade that forcibly brings an estimated 50,000 women and children into the United States — each year — to serve as sex slaves, domestic slaves and so-called “bonded workersâ€.

And I thought this was the 21st century.

It turns out the Dark Ages have never actually ended for large numbers of people in this evil world. The CIA report is titled “International Trafficking in Women to the United States: a Contemporary Manifestation of Slaveryâ€. Many women and children of all races — from Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America — are lured to America with false promises of jobs and educational opportunities. When they arrive they are forced to work as prostitutes in brothels or in sweatshops, or to work as maids and sex slaves at the private estates of rich people. Gives new meaning to the term “filthy richâ€.

Some children, born into nightmarish poverty, are actually sold into slavery by their parents. And these children and women end up in America as real slaves. This is the kind of country we actually live in. If you live in New York City, Miami, Los Angeles or any of the other urban insane asylums in America, you live in the same town where women and children are actually held as slaves — being raped, beaten and tortured on a regular basis. And sometimes murdered. Forget the “Wonderful World of Disney†version of America they sell you on T.V. and in school. In the real world, America is a deeply and violently evil place. The American legal system does very little to stop the slave trade. This is because the American legal system is controlled by the American plutocracy, and the wealthy rulers of this country are totally indifferent to the horrors of slavery in America.

Now why would that be?

Might it be that some of the most wealthy and powerful people in America are involved in these crimes? Since they have no interest in stopping it, it’s highly likely they are indeed personally involved.

The slave trade around the world is committed by organized crime. This is why the criminal American plutocracy and its puppets in the U.S. government do nothing to stop it. The American corporate/banking plutocracy is literally a mafia, the world’s greatest mafia in fact, and it is therefore natural for them to work closely with lesser mafias. These include the Japanese Yakuza and Chinese Triads, and of course the well-known Italian-American and Sicilian-American mafias which operate from coast to coast. One brothel owner in New York City testified that she had paid $6,000-$15,000 for the 30 Thai women she kept imprisoned in her brothel.

And then there is the less well known “Russian†mafia, as it is called in the American press, which is actually a Russian-Jewish mafia. The fact that the “Russian†mafia is actually Jewish is totally censored by the corporate mass-media in America. This is a very clear indication of what segment of American society controls the corporate mass-media.

The Russian-Jewish mafia began arriving in the U.S. in the 1980s, particularly New York City and Miami, helped by the already established Jewish-American mafia and other powerful Jewish-Zionist organizations in America. It’s power increased dramatically in the 1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Russian government and economy are now influenced to a great degree by the Russian-Jewish mafia. It is the Russian-Jewish mafia which has exclusive control of the slave trade in Eastern European women and children. They are taken from all over Eastern Europe, but most of the victims are from the Ukraine, Poland and Russia. And they end up as sex slaves all over the world, in Israel to a great extent, and also in Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Pakistan, Thailand, Bosnia, Kosovo — and the United States of America.

If they resist being prostitutes, the sex slaves who are under the direct control of the various mafias are always beaten, tortured, starved and/or forcibly raped by the pimps. The most stubbornly resisting women are violently murdered in front of the others to terrorize them into submission. Those who remain alive often get AIDS from the filthy pimps or the stinking customers.

For more information on the White slave trade:

News reports from The New York Times, MSNBC, World Net Daily, Jerusalem Post, Independent News (UK), Australian Broadcast Corporation, BRAMA - Gateway Ukraine, Journal of International Affairs, Middle East Times.

Government reports from the U.S. Department of State, “Center for the Study of Intelligenceâ€, “Congressional Report (House) Speaker’s Advisory Group on Russiaâ€, and “Congressional Research Service Reportâ€.

Non-Governmental, Non-Profit and Academic Organizations: reports from Amnesty International, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW), (former) Global Survival Network (now WildAid and Witness.org), International Organization for Migrants, and MiraMed Institute.

(Note: The three links above are to pages on the website of woman who is indiscriminately anti-Jewish, unfortunately. It’s certainly understandable that she is very upset about the Jewish-Mafia slave trade, but it is totally unfair and unreasonable to blame all Jewish people for the crimes of a few. In fact, some of the reports indicate that there are Jewish women who are fighting the White slave trade which flourishes in Israel. Yet the significance of that important fact seems to have escaped the compiler of the reports above. Nevertheless, these pages on her site are useful for containing a wealth of important information, excerpts and links to reports from all the news, governmental and NGO groups listed above.)

Millions of our fellow human beings of all races — men, women and children — are actually suffering in slavery. And a great many of them, primarily women and children, are being imprisoned and cruelly abused right here in the United States of America. Therefore, we in America have an absolute moral responsibility to put a stop to it and bring the filthy perpetrators to justice — no matter how rich and powerful they are.

Slavery actually is a part of the hellish reality of this satanically evil world. We have to face it even though the corporate mass-media refuses to. Aside from sporadic reports, it’s all basically ignored and covered up in the mainstream American mass-media. What that means is that some of the reporters are doing their jobs, but the editors, managers and owners are generally suppressing the story. The owners of the mass-media don’t care about the suffering of these enslaved women and children, because the media owners are the filthy-rich American plutocracy — which is profiting enormously from all this degraded evil.


If you are a genuinely honest person you can come to only one moral conclusion about all of this:

What Terrorist America has done for centuries


is just plain EVIL.

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that America, the self-proclaimed champion of “human rights†and “democracyâ€, has, in reality, worked long and hard to “Make The World Safe†for an inhuman corporate PLUTOCRACY.

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that the

United States Corporate Mafia Government

is the worldwide Enemy of Democracy

and of Humanity itself.

$ $

This is the simple truth of the U.S. government, past and present:

American domestic and foreign policy is dictated fundamentally by ECONOMICS — not by moral and political values.

All the prattling by politicians about “democracy†and “human rights†— and now “patriotism†and “The Homeland†— is just so much spin for popular consumption.

America has never been a democracy, governed by “We the Peopleâ€. From its very beginnings to the present day, the ultimate power behind the U.S. government has always been a plutocracy of filthy-rich slave-owners, landowners, bankers and corporations.

Patriotism is only for the rich who profit by all this evil, and for degraded fools, eager to do their dirty work for them. Patriotism is nothing more than primitive tribalism. The American plutocracy has always exploited this primitive tribal instinct to control the idiot masses — those poor dumb patriotic fools without sufficient individuality and intelligence to realize they are being totally used.

What a Land of Opportunity. From sea to shining sea, America The Beautiful has always provided golden opportunities for evil, ruthless people to enrich themselves through the blood, sweat and tears of others.

America provides all kinds of educational opportunities too. In fact, if you’re intellectually honest, if you’ve got a social and political conscience — especially if you have the guts to ACT on it — you have the opportunity to learn the hard way that you are not living in a “democracyâ€.

With the stolen election of 2000 and the accelerating post-911 fascism however, we are all given generous opportunities to learn first-hand that “democracy†is a total myth in America. Especially after the fascist Patriot Act which effectively threw out the Bill of Rights, all the highest laws are now imposed on us by the criminal plutocracy, regardless of the will of the majority of American people. The law is used as a brutal political weapon against those without sufficient money and social connections to purchase or extort “justice†from the totally corrupt system.

America is a fascist police state — NOW.






Witness Seattle. Witness Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Detroit, D.C., New Jersey and New York City.

Witness our techno-fascist FUTURE

if We The People don’t claim our democratic power.

The U.S. government cannot and will not be reformed.

Therefore, there is only one genuine solution:

The American People

must totally overthrow the

United States Corporate Mafia Government

and replace it with a DEMOCRACY.

“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their Constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it.â€

— Abraham Lincoln

First Inaugural Address

March 4, 1861

It’s time for Revolution

within ourselves and outside


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Originally posted by sassa

The greatest acts of terrorism are not committed by furtive gangs of masked desperados in foreign lands. The most horrific acts of terrorism in world history have always been committed by governments and their militaries.

The totally satanic military/government of the United States of America has committed massive acts of international terrorism and brutal genocide — from 1899 to the present day.

Official FBI definition of terrorism:

“Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.â€

Even by its own definition the hypocrite U.S. government is guilty of terrorism — on a massive, international scale. And for over 100 years!

The U.S. government has broken international law and the Geneva Convention many times with its brutal use of force and horrific violence against persons and property, to intimidate and coerce governments, civilian populations, and many segments thereof, in furtherance of political, social and especially economic objectives.

“If ‘terrorism’ means ‘intimidation by violence or the threat of violence,’ and if we allow the definition to include violence by states and agents of states, then it is these, not isolated individuals or small groups, that are the important terrorists in the world.

“If terrorist violence is measured by the extent of politically motivated torture and murder, ...it is in the U.S.-sponsored and protected ‘authoritarian’ states — the real terror network — that these forms of violence have reached a high crescendo in recent decades.â€

— Edward S. Herman

The Real Terror Network

“If certain acts of violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany [or Israel] does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.â€

— Robert Jackson

American prosecutor

Nuremberg War-Crimes Trial


If another Nuremberg war-crimes trial could be held today, America and its partners in crime would be the primary defendants. But America rules the world like a mafia, so there will be no justice until it is defeated. In the meantime, total hypocrisy and blatant double standards are the order of the day. The utterly lawless U.S. government is the biggest rogue state on Earth. Every crime of terrorism American politicians accuse other nations or groups of committing, America is itself guilty of committing, and ten thousand times more so. The genocidal United States is the hub of the real “axis of evilâ€.

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The United States Government

Committed the September 11 Attacks

In fact, our own evil government would have borne the ultimate responsibility for the disaster even if foreign terrorists actually had carried it out.

If the homicidal psychopaths of the United States military/government didn’t have the nasty habit of mass-murdering innocent civilian men, women and children around the world, there wouldn’t be anybody who wanted revenge.

But if foreign terrorists had planned and perpetrated the September 11 attacks they would have to be the best friends the U.S. government ever had. Who benefitted enormously from the carnage of September 11? The American plutocracy, the oil and weapons industries, the criminal Bush regime and its allies in the terrorist state of Israel. They had everything to gain and nothing to lose from this act of barbarism against the American people. And the evidence which has emerged since then makes it absolutely certain that the ruling elites within the U.S. military/government were indeed the ultimate authors of the September 11 attacks.

This will come as no great surprise if you are familiar with the true history of the United States. The U.S. military/government has committed several brutal genocides around the world since 1899, totalling millions of civilian men, women and children.

America’s rulers are inhuman. They have never had the slightest remorse for these horrific crimes against humanity. Once you know these basic (but heavily censored) historical/political facts of life, you will also know that America’s ruling elite have more than enough ruthlessness to slaughter thousands of American people too. The 9-11 carnage has provided the overwhelming mass-media propaganda needed by the ruling elite to sell American taxpayers on the idea of unending wars for world domination — and a police-state at home which will crush all domestic opposition.

The criminal Bush regime needs endless war to neutralize steadily growing opposition to its lawless behavior, and to carry out a long-planned military/economic takeover of the oil-rich Caspian Sea basin, Central Asia and the Middle East. This could never be accomplished without a massive corporate-media propaganda campaign to fool Americans into supporting an unending, hypocritical and utterly phony “war on terrorismâ€.

There is no “war on terrorismâ€. There is only the U.S. military/government’s perennial war of terrorism which slaughters innocent people all over the world, outside the U.S. and within it. The thousands of American people in the World Trade Center towers joined the ranks of the millions of people whom our government and military have brutally butchered for over 100 years.

The ruling elites within the U.S. military/government planned, ordered and supported the September 11 terror attacks.

Here are eleven facts, among many others, which support this conclusion:

Some very revealing criminal insider trading took place on Wall Street the week before September 11, 2001. Somebody actually made millions of dollars from the death of thousands of people at the WTC. The specific type of insider trading, and the people and banks involved, provide very strong circumstantial evidence that wealthy individuals allied with the CIA had prior knowledge of the World Trade Center attack.

Most revealing of all is the fact that not a single U.S. Air Force jet fighter was scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base — which is only 10 miles from the Pentagon — even a full hour after the first WTC tower was hit. Andrews AFB is charged with defending Washington D.C.’s airspace. Yet the U.S. Air Force allowed an aircraft to fly freely on an unauthorized flight path through tightly controlled airspace, descend rapidly in a tight spiral, and finally come screaming in over the treetops to slam into the Pentagon.

Definitely not acceptable behavior for an aircraft in controlled airspace over Washington D.C.

It was absolutely established, standard procedure for the U.S. Air Force and the National Guard to rapidly intercept any off-course aircraft within controlled airspaces, and to shoot them down if necessary. Therefore, somebody at the highest level of the U.S. government ordered Andrews AFB — and all the other U.S.A.F. and National Guard fighter squadrons from Boston to New York to Washington D.C. — to stand down and allow the WTC and the Pentagon to be hit. On the Army side, interestingly.

The Bush regime is suppressing evidence and testimony which links the terrorist state of Israel to the 9-11 attacks.

“Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.â€

— U.S. official

quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report

on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11

Not only did the Israelis have prior knowledge of the 9-11 attacks, they were closely involved in their implementation as well. Mossad is skilled in carrying out what are known as “false-flag operations†or “false-flag recruitmentsâ€. These are terror attacks which the Israelis covertly sponsor or directly commit while making it look like the work of Arabs. False-flag operations create enormous propaganda benefits that could never be acquired in any less ruthless way.

The U.S. military/government is well aware of these facts, and also of the fact that the Israeli Mossad and Shin Bet intelligence agencies have had an extensive spy network within the United States for as long as Israel has existed. Jonathan Pollard was just one of the few who were caught and punished.

Referring to Israel as “country Aâ€, a General Accounting Office investigation stated:

“According to a U.S. intelligence agency, the government of country A conducts the most aggressive espionage operations against the U.S. of any U.S. ally.â€

A very important four-part Fox News report was aired on December 11-14, 2001. It revealed that in the months prior to September 11, “as many as 140 Israelis had been detained or arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected espionage by Israelis in the United States.†Immediately after September 11, at least 60 more Israelis were arrested or detained for questioning. The report stated:

“A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.â€

The Fox News report said the investigation just prior to 9-11 found that some Israeli spies posed as “art students†who targeted and penetrated military bases, the DEA, FBI and dozens of government facilities, and even secret offices and unlisted private homes of law enforcement and intelligence personnel. The majority of those questioned stated they served in Israeli military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units.â€

In the first part of the report, Brit Hume asked reporter Carl Cameron:

“Carl, what about this question of advance knowledge of what was going to happen on 9-11? How clear are investigators that some Israeli agents may have known something?â€

Cameron replied:

“It’s very explosive information, obviously, and there’s a great deal of evidence that they say they have collected — none of it necessarily conclusive. It’s more when they put it all together. A bigger question, they say, is how could they not have known? Almost a direct quote.â€

“Comverse Infosys†is an Israeli telecommunications company with offices throughout the U.S. Comverse provides wiretapping equipment for American law enforcement agencies. U.S. government investigators strongly suspect, however, that Comverse has placed a “back door†in the equipment, through which U.S. government wiretaps can be intercepted by the Israeli government. And incredibly, the FBI and other agencies are forbidden to do anything about it! The Fox report stated:

“But investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying through Comverse is considered career suicide.

“And sources say that while various FBI inquiries into Comverse have been conducted over the years, they’ve been halted before the actual equipment has ever been thoroughly tested for leaks.â€

That is a very clear indication of the supreme power of the Zionist segment of the American plutocracy. They can prevent and even halt an FBI investigation of the highest importance, one that is critical to national security. The Zionist plutocracy rules the U.S. government at the highest levels.

Cameron reported further:

“And what troubles investigators most, particularly in New York, in the counterterrorism investigation of the World Trade Center attack, is that on a number of cases, suspects that they had sought to wiretap and surveil immediately changed their telecommunications processes. They started acting much differently as soon as those supposedly secret wiretaps went into place.â€

So certain people who were being investigated by the U.S. government in relation to 9-11 knew they were being wiretapped. And the wiretap equipment is essentially bugged by the Israeli government. And the FBI is not permitted to debug the equipment!

It couldn’t get any more obvious — unless Alan Greenspan, Ariel Sharon and “Lord†Rothschild were to march into the White House and give ol’ G.W. the bum’s rush out the front door, live, on prime-time T.V. No wonder people call the U.S. Congress “Israeli occupied territoryâ€. It’s beyond disgusting.

As the FOX News report aired there was the predictable, indignant, self-righteous outcry from the all-powerful Zionist lobby in America. On Dec. 21, 2001, Forward, a Jewish community newspaper in New York, reported gleefully that FOX News and Cameron were “under fireâ€, and it bragged that the FOX story had been buried by the mainstream media.

“There are no important media outlets in the U.S. that are not owned or controlled by Jews.â€

— Israel Shamir

Russian-Israeli journalist

in his article “Midas Earsâ€

(Note: Israel Shamir is a decent, conscientious man. His statement, unlike that of Forward, is meant not as an ethnocentric boast, but as a wake-up call.)

Put in his servile place by the overwhelming political power of the Zionist plutocracy, Rupert Murdoch of Fox News obediently dropped the story and pulled the transcript of Cameron’s broadcast reports off Fox’s Internet web site. The transcript was replaced with the message: “this story no longer existsâ€.

All the Israeli spies who were caught were eventually allowed to leave the country and go back to Israel — even though they were under suspicion for being involved in some way with the terror attacks of 9-11! Who controls this country? People who protect Israeli spies. People who don’t care about American lives. That can only mean the Jewish-Zionist plutocracy.

Meanwhile, powerless brown-skinned people all over America who had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11 were terrorized and even murdered by psychotic flag-wavers, just for being Arab, or for looking like Arabs, or even, as with Indian Sikhs, for wearing a turban. And the brain-dead, racist flag-wavers were egged on by the racist, Zionist, Jewish-controlled media.

Powerless people in Afghanistan and the U.S. Navy prison at Guantanamo who had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11 have been beaten to death by brain-dead U.S. Marines and brainwashed Army soldiers and tortured to death by soulless CIA agents.

And the whole nation of Iraqi people — half of them under the age of 15 — who also had nothing to do with 9-11, are now under imperial American military occupation, after yet another massive American state terror campaign, because America wants their oil and their servitude and they refused to grovel before the American Beast. And because racist, terrorist Israel wants them enslaved or dead. Forget justice. Forget truth. Forget human decency. Jewish power is what rules America. Even Ariel Sharon openly admits it. And brutal power is how America rules the world. Bestial, satanic power.

All these outrages are by no means the only major 9-11 stories linked to Israelis, stories that have been suppressed or ignored by the Jewish-owned-and-controlled “news†media in America. Consider the following:

On September 12, 2001, The Jerusalem Post printed an article titled: “Thousands of Israelis missing near WTCâ€.

It stated:

“The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has so far received the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attack.â€

4,000 was the number compiled from reports by Israeli relatives who contacted the Israeli Foreign Ministry in the first few hours after the attack. They gave the names of their Israeli friends and relatives who worked in the WTC or who had business scheduled in it or its adjacent structures on that day.

The World Trade Center had offices for many Jewish-owned corporations involved in international finance, stock trading and banking, major Jewish firms such as Goldman-Sachs and Solomon Brothers. As their relatives were well aware, thousands of Jewish-Americans and Israelis did indeed work in or adjacent to the twin towers.

So how many Israelis actually died in the World Trade Center on September 11?


Out of over 2,800 people killed, not one was Israeli. Zero, out of the thousands of Jewish people who worked in or near the WTC. Zero Israelis, in the greatest center of worldwide Jewish financial power, when over 80 different nationalities were among those killed.

The Israelis were warned ahead of time, by Mossad.

Odigo is an Israeli instant-messaging company that had offices in both the World Trade Center and Israel. The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reported that two Odigo employees received anonymous text-message warnings about a World Trade Center attack two hours before it happened.

If the story about those two Odigo employees got past the censors, you can bet that many, many others were warned too.

Zim Israel Navigational is the 9th largest shipping company in the world, with over 80 vessels. It is an Israeli government run company which had 200 employees in the World Trade Center. One week before 9-11, Zim Israel Navigational moved all its employees out of the World Trade Center. “We felt so lucky!†said company spokesman Dan Nadler.

An amazing number of Israelis got “lucky†on September 11.

Another 9-11 outrage buried in the Jewish-owned-and-controlled media is the story about the five Israeli men who were seen laughing and cheering on a roof top as they watched the World Trade Center burn. They worked for a Mossad front company in New York called “Urban Moving Systemsâ€, and were soon after arrested in their van. Inside the van were box cutters, $4,700 in cash stuffed in a sock and multiple passports.

Assuming the American police were retarded “goyimâ€, the Israeli driver of the van attempted to deflect attention from his group, saying:

“We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem.â€

It didn’t work. At least not with the police. The Israelis who laughed and cheered at the burning World Trade Center were arrested, but they were eventually released and allowed to return to Israel.

The owner of “Urban Moving Systems†was a Mossad agent named Dominik Suter. He refused all comment, and he too was allowed to leave the United States and flee to Israel.

All of this screams the fact that the Jewish-Zionist plutocracy is in control of the United States government, just as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon admits:

“Every time we do something, you [shimon Peres] tell me America will do this and will do that... I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.â€

— Ariel Sharon

Israeli Prime Minister

Knesset, Tel Aviv, October 3, 2001

This Zionist Jewish-American plutocracy is fundamentally treasonous, being more loyal to the state of Israel than to America. They are perfectly capable of sponsoring terrorist attacks in America in which thousands of Americans are killed. Particularly when that terrorist attack has incalculable value as propaganda in support of Israel and its state terrorist policies.

On September 10, 2001, The Washington Times ran a story about a 68-page study issued by the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), an elite Army officer’s school. The study detailed the dangers that would be faced by a U.S. Army occupation force in the Middle East. The Washington Times article stated:

Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.â€

This is confirmed by Andreas von Bülow, a high-ranking German government official involved in overseeing the German secret service. He too believes Mossad is behind the September 11 attacks. Von Bülow said the attacks were carried out to turn public opinion against the Arabs and to boost military and security spending.

Mossad has a lot of experience with false-flag operations. And not only Mossad. The CIA also uses this tactic for purposes of propaganda. As von Bülow said:

“Ninety-five percent of the work of the intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disinformation.â€

In the case of America, CIA disinformation is always widely propagated in the Jewish-controlled corporate media, routinely creating totally illusory but widely-believed versions of events.

On the day of the 9-11 attacks, while Americans were shocked and mournful, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a hard time hiding his glee. Asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations, his quick reply was:

“It’s very good... Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy [for Israel].â€

Who cares about the death and suffering of thousands of Americans? Israel is all that counts. And the treasonous Jewish-Zionist plutocracy which dominates America is composed of evil slime just like Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon.

The U.S. Air Force does have the technological ability to electronically hijack large jet aircraft and guide them by remote control — if the necessary hardware and software are pre-installed in the target aircraft.

The alleged “suicide hijackers†were not flying the four jets. They were merely used as part of a false-flag operation for propaganda purposes. All the hijacked jets were flown with a far higher level of skill than the alleged hijackers possessed. In particular, whoever was actually guiding the aircraft that hit the Pentagon had the skill of a military jet fighter pilot.

Here’s how world-renowned author Gore Vidal describes it:

“At 9:35, this plane conducts another turn, 360 [degrees] over the Pentagon, all the while being tracked by radar, and the Pentagon is not evacuated, and there are still no fast-movers from the Air Force in the sky over Alexandria and DC.

“Now the real kicker: a pilot they want us to believe was trained at a Florida puddle-jumper school for Piper Cubs and Cessnas, conducts a well-controlled downward spiral descending the last 7,000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes, brings the plane in so low and flat that it clips the electrical wires across the street from the Pentagon, and flies it with pinpoint accuracy into the side of the building at 460 knots.â€

The Bush regime is lying about what hit the Pentagon. It has something to hide here too.

Not only was the aircraft that hit the Pentagon flown in the tightly maneuverable manner of a jet fighter, it was also about the size of one, or smaller. Whatever it actually was, it was definitely not a big commercial jet airliner like a Boeing 757.

Immediately after impact, the damage to the side of the Pentagon was much narrower than the wingspan of a 757, and there was very little debris outside. This relatively narrow hole in the Pentagon immediately after impact cannot be explained by the 757’s wings being sheared off on impact, with only the fuselage penetrating. If the wings had been sheared off on impact there would have been flaming debris outside all over the place, with the jet fuel in the wings burning in an area commensurate with the wingspan. But the area outside, all around the impact point, was relatively clean. Later, during the fire inside the Pentagon, the roof and four upper floors collapsed over a slightly wider area, yet it was still nowhere near the 124 ft. wingspan of a Boeing 757.

Whatever hit the Pentagon not only punched a relatively narrow hole, it went inside only as far as one ring. Each ring at the Pentagon is 50 ft. wide, measured from the outer wall toward the inside. This is quite a bit less than the 155 ft. length of a 757, and yet there was no tail section or mass of aircraft debris outside the Pentagon. In addition to that, the aircraft penetrated only the ground floor. The four upper floors collapsed later, during the fire. The Pentagon is 71 ft. high. A Boeing 757 is 45 ft. high at the tail, over half the total height of the building. If a huge 757 flying at hundreds of miles an hour had somehow managed to hug the ground and miraculously penetrate only the ground floor, that would mean that the tail would have been sheared off with the debris visible outside. Instead, there was nothing left of the aircraft outside and the photographic evidence indicates that the initial hole punched in the Pentagon was only about 10 ft. high. (See photos and diagrams at links below.)

Even inside the Pentagon there was very little aircraft debris. At a September 12 press conference held at the Pentagon, Arlington County Fire Chief Ed Plaugher was asked by a journalist: “Is there anything left of the aircraft at all?â€

Chief Plaugher replied:

“First of all, the question about the aircraft, there are some small pieces of aircraft visible from the interior during this fire-fighting operation I’m talking about, but not large sections. In other words, there’s no fuselage sections and that sort of thing. You know, I’d rather not comment on that.â€

When asked by a journalist: “Where is the jet fuel?â€, Plaugher said:

“We have what we believe is a puddle right there that the — what we believe is to be the nose of the aircraft. So —â€

Yeah, right.

A huge, fuel-laden, commercial jet airliner flying at hundreds of miles an hour would have knocked out a much bigger hole, penetrated much farther, left a great deal of aircraft debris inside the Pentagon and created a lot more fire damage.

See http://www.bosankoe.btinternet.co.uk/ and http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm

for compelling photographic evidence that the Pentagon was obviously not hit by a large, commercial jet airliner. Whatever actually hit the Pentagon was definitely much smaller, like a jet fighter or a missile.

The criminal Bush regime is lying to us about what hit the Pentagon, just as it is lying about everything else connected to 9-11.

Like the Israelis, the Bush regime had prior knowledge of the impending 9-11 attacks.

Even the mainstream mass-media, FBI agents from Minneapolis, Minnesota like Coleen Rowley, FBI agents in Phoenix, Arizona, and a few members of Congress like Rep. Cynthia McKinney have publicized evidence and testimony that the criminal Bush regime had plenty of prior knowledge of plans for the September 11 attacks. They revealed that the Bush regime brushed off warnings from the intelligence services of foreign governments and even suppressed investigations by FBI agents.

When this bombshell was finally made public, desperate defenders of the indefensible entertained the world with laughable spin, portraying America’s criminal rulers as innocent children with coloring books who simply failed to “connect the dotsâ€. Of course it’s true that Unpresident Gee Dubbya certainly would prefer a nice, simple, non-verbal, connect-the-dots coloring book rather than struggle with all those big words in some boring ol’ FBI report. But the war criminals who are actually running this country are a little more competent than that.

Their absurdly lame excuses may be entertaining, but the implication of their foreknowledge and their suppression of an FBI investigation is as deadly serious as it is obvious: the ruling elites within the U.S. government were the ultimate authority behind the 9-11 attacks.

Even with the above revelations, some people still can’t believe the Bush regime would be so bold as to carry out the attacks itself. They figure the regime merely saw the attacks coming and did nothing to stop them since it had so much to gain. This is no more credible than the “connect-the-dots†spin, however. If the Bush regime would go so far as to suppress an FBI investigation and brush off international warnings, they were obviously more than passive spectators. America’s criminal rulers didn’t get control of The World’s Lone Remaining Superpower in the first place by being passive spectators of world events. America’s genocidal foreign policy and the hijacked election of 2000 are evidence enough of that. Since these war criminals have been, and still are, actively suppressing public investigations of the subsequent hijackings committed on 9-11-2001, it is highly probable that they were actively involved in planning and executing them also.

The attacks were just too overwhelmingly beneficial to the Bush regime, and indeed, critically needed, for them not to be intimately involved. The 9-11 attacks came at just the time the unelected Bush regime needed them:

to neutralize the growing political challenges within the U.S. to its criminality and illegitimacy;

to stimulate the failing American economy with infusions of blood-soaked cash through U.S. military/government spending — paid for with the lives of innocent people in America, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Colombia and many other parts of the world;

most essential of all, to provide the propaganda excuse for the military conquest of oil-rich Central Asia, which the American plutocracy had been planning for at least ten years. The bogus “war on terrorism†will also be used to attempt the final enslavement of the Iraqi people and the entire Middle East in order to get total control of its oil.

The illegitimate Bush regime is very publicly, aggressively covering up all evidence and testimony which points to its complicity in the 9-11 attacks.

Revelations of the Bush regime’s complicity would not be particularly helpful to their campaign of hysterical, flag-waving propaganda, used to mindlessly “justify†the unjustifiable — the obscenely hypocritical state terrorism which has followed 9-11. Particularly since that American state terrorism has been committed against innocent Afghan and Iraqi civilian men, women and children who had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the September 11 attacks.

So the lapdog U.S. Congress stalled the beginning of their official “investigation†until June 2002 — for almost nine months — while thousands of Afghan men, women and deadly terrorist children were slaughtered by the heroic U.S. military to make the world safe for Hypocrisy. At last the ravaged Afghan nation was happily enslaved to The Land of the Free, and the Stars n’ Stripes waved triumphantly in the breeze above the dismembered bodies of terrorist Afghan infants.

Once America’s latest service to mankind was accomplished, however, even some of the patriotic sheeple were becoming increasingly curious as to how the supreme military power of the world could have been shaken to it’s very foundations by a little group of men armed with plastic knives and boxcutters.

By 2002 the initial mass-orgy of patriotism and self-righteous intoxication was definitely waning, like all those cheap little American-flag stickers on cars and trucks and gas-guzzling SUVs, steadily fading in the sunlight of reality. America was beginning to feel the souring effects of a national hangover, and it was essential therefore to refill the hollow spaces of the flag-wavers’ simian skulls, to inject their All-American veins with renewed doses of the Official Version of unreality. Congress, at last, had to risk some semblance of hearings — which are nevertheless being held mostly behind closed doors, with the evidence kept secret, the testimony kept secret and even the findings to be kept secret. Really inspires confidence, doesn’t it?

In the meantime, people who are still stupid enough to take the corporate mass-media seriously at all have had their pliant little minds thoroughly programmed by the unceasing farce of hysterical, propagandistic trial-by-media, and of course this will continue. The long-delayed Congressional hearings will be used merely to reinforce the official coverup of U.S. government complicity in the September 11 attacks.

After the Pearl Harbor attack there was an immediate, well-publicized, sham investigation which scapegoated the two commanding officers, an Admiral and a General, blaming them for “negligenceâ€. (They were posthumously exonerated, long after the damage was done.) So it’s the standard M.O. of the criminal U.S. government to have at least the appearance of a big, public “investigation†of something as monumental as the 9-11 attacks. And yet they can’t do even that. Thanks to information made available worldwide all over the Internet, the official coverup has been such a challenge that they had to stall for almost nine months to begin even secret Congressional hearings. Pathetic.

If foreign terrorists had been responsible for the September 11 attacks it would have been the greatest intelligence failure in U.S. history. Yet, after all this time, no U.S. government officials or agencies have been held responsible — even though somebody at a very high level ordered Andrews and several other Air Force bases to stand down and allow the WTC towers and the Pentagon to be hit. The official Congressional “investigation†will, in all likelihood, scapegoat a few hapless mid-level officials, while letting the highest-level criminals go free, as always.

There will never be any honest, public, official investigation of the September 11 attacks. The criminals in control of this country have too much to hide.

Criminal hoaxes have been planned and perpetrated several times before to provide the essential propaganda to launch a U.S. war:

In 1962, following the “Bay of Pigs†debacle, U.S. military leaders had a plan for committing terrorist acts against Americans in Miami and elsewhere, while making it look like Cuba was responsible. Codenamed “Operation Northwoodsâ€, the plan was intended to provide the propaganda necessary to create popular sentiment for an invasion of Cuba. (See Body of Secrets, by James Bamford.)

The September 11 attacks were a modern-day “Operation Northwoodsâ€. Instead of Cuba, however, Moslems were blamed this time — because Moslem countries are sitting over most of the world’s oil reserves.

“Operation Northwoods†wasn’t the first time Cuba was set up to be the fall guy. During the Spanish-American War in 1898, “Remember the Maine!†was a propaganda refrain chanted by crooked newspapers from coast to coast. Contrary to the deceit of jingoistic journalists, however, the battleship Maine was not sunk by “Cuban terroristsâ€. But of course the lie was eagerly believed by Americans, and it provided the needed propaganda to launch the war. The Spanish-American War was instigated by the piratical American plutocracy in order to seize Spanish territory and assets in the Caribbean and the Philippines.

Until the 9-11 attacks, the greatest case of U.S. government fraud involving an assault on Americans was the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. Like 9-11, the Pearl Harbor attack was known about in advance. It was allowed to happen because it provided the overwhelming propaganda needed to launch a war against the German and Japanese imperialist competitors of the growing American Empire.

The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident was a hoax that provided the propaganda needed to massively escalate the Vietnam Genocide.

The Kuwaiti hospital incubator hoax provided propaganda for the Desert Storm terror campaign and genocide of the Iraqi people in 1991.

The Bosnian “concentration camp†hoax of 1992, and the Racak “massacre†hoax of 1999 provided the needed propaganda for the U.S./NATO terror campaign against the Yugoslavian people.

These and other examples are described in more detail in “Fake Terror: the Road to Dictatorshipâ€.

The brutal terrorism of September 11 against the American people is a propaganda gold mine without precedent for the brutal terrorists of the U.S. military/government and their obedient “news†media. This propaganda is absolutely essential to the U.S. military/government’s geopolitical strategy for world domination. Without the backing of a thoroughly brainwashed, taxpaying American public, that strategy would be unsustainable.

America’s genocidal history makes it abundantly clear that the U.S. government and military have more than enough barbaric ruthlessness to commit such inhuman acts as 9-11. History proves conclusively that they place no value whatsoever on human life. That’s what this whole website is about. Any government and military that will murder people by the millions for profit is not going to have any problem with murdering a few thousand Americans — if there is a major profit motive for it.

Underlying it all, the U.S. military/government has the profit motive: oil and empire.

Beginning in October 2001, the U.S. military brutally mass-murdered at least 4000-5000 innocent civilian men, women and children in Afghanistan — people who had absolutely nothing to do with the September 11 attacks.

Now American/British war criminals have once again mass-murdered and terrorized the Iraqi people, who also had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the September 11 attacks.

These should be very disturbing facts to anybody with a human conscience. Unfortunately, that rules out the entire leadership of the U.S. military/government. A few hundred thousand violently murdered women and innocent children doesn’t bother them in the slightest. Mass murder of innocent civilian people is just standard operating procedure for the U.S. military/government. History proves that conclusively.

Being the greatest terrorists in the world, the U.S. military/government has no interest in stopping all terrorism, only that which competes with their own. The Taliban were indeed a brutal, terroristic regime — one which the U.S. government covertly supported in the first place. But negotiations with them over oil pipelines through Afghanistan finally broke down in August 2001, and only then did the U.S. government resolve to replace them with a more compliant regime. There were news reports as early as February 2001 that the U.S. was planning to invade Afghanistan, perhaps leaked in order to pressure the Taliban during the negotiations.

The American oil industry, Unocal in particular, had long sought to establish oil and gas pipelines from the Caspian Sea basin through Afghanistan to the Pakistani coast on the Indian Ocean. But after the war with the Soviets, Afghanistan became a very anarchic place, one in which the physical security of a pipeline could not be guaranteed.

In the early to mid-1990s the U.S. military/government, through its puppets in Pakistan, covertly armed and supported the Taliban in the hopes that they could enforce sufficient order in Afghanistan to protect future American oil pipelines. Even with U.S./Pakistani support, however, the Taliban were never able to completely control Afghanistan’s multi-ethnic warring tribes. So the U.S. began to turn on them. During the negotiations the bullying U.S. representative actually told the Taliban that they would have to choose between “a carpet of gold, or a carpet of bombs.†The Taliban had too much self-respect to cave in to American bullying and they stuck by their principles, preferring to take their chances with American bombs rather than dirty their souls with American gold.

The subsequent American state terrorism, invasion and occupation of Afghanistan allowed the U.S. military/government to install a fully obedient puppet regime and get control of the country at last. As an added bonus, the U.S. military now has bases in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan as well.

America’s brutal state terrorism of the Afghan and Iraqi peoples is therefore an essential part of a long-term, pre-planned, geopolitical strategy to strengthen the U.S. grip on Middle East oil and get total control of Caspian Sea oil.

The September 11 attacks provided the essential propaganda pretext for a complete military/political/economic takeover of the entire Middle East and Central Asia.

Control of Middle East and Central Asian and its oil reserves will give the U.S. government a fatal military/economic advantage over all of Europe and China, and assure the supremacy of the genocidal American Empire for many dark years to come.

9-11: America’s “Reichstag Fireâ€

The September 11 attacks are America’s equivalent of the Reichstag fire. In 1933 Adolf Hitler’s henchmen burned the German parliament, blamed it on “Communists†and used it as a pretext for mass arrests and the creation of a fascist police state to destroy all remaining opposition to Nazi rule. Destruction of all resistance within Germany made it possible for the Nazis to embark upon their brutal campaign to subdue all of Europe.

It’s interesting that Unpresident G.W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was one of many people in the American corporate/banking plutocracy who quietly supported the Nazi’s rise to power. In Prescott Bush’s case it was through the Union Banking Corporation. A covert affection for Nazi strategies runs in the family to this day.

Thanks to the September 11 “Reichstag fireâ€, the state terrorists of the U.S. military and government can now affect public postures of patriotic defense. Immediately after 9-11 they began speaking of America as “the Homelandâ€, just as the Nazis spoke of “the Fatherlandâ€.

In another historical parallel, it’s interesting that U.S. government officials had the nerve (or stupidity) to invoke the memory of Pearl Harbor, comparing it to September 11. It’s quite an appropriate comparison, actually, more fitting than they would care to admit publicly. Both events are instances of U.S. government complicity in an attack on Americans.

So now it’s all about “patriotic defense of The Homelandâ€. Sieg Heil! Gone are the days when their PR propagandists had to cobble together absurd conceptual Frankensteins — such as the massive bombing of people all over Yugoslavia portrayed as “humanitarian intervention†— to sell the Pentagon’s latest butchery to the American taxpayer.

With smiles well hidden, U.S. government fascists are steadily ratcheting up their police-state repression of Americans. Using their falsely named “USA Patriot Act†they’ve tossed the Bill of Rights out the window. Doesn’t sound too patriotic to me. The U.S. Constitution is now effectively suspended, and it’s never coming back.

Once you surrender your freedom to tyrants, you don’t ever get it back — not without a revolution. Until then, democracy is officially dead in America, while the FBI tells us of its need to torture prisoners.

Americans who continue to tolerate and support this blatant evil will help to bring a fascist hell down on everybody’s heads. Such people need to understand that the U.S. military/government is totally inhuman. It doesn’t honestly care about them any more than it cares about the millions of people around the world it has butchered. As far as America’s rulers are concerned, American citizens are just cash cows to be psychologically herded this way and that, and perennially lied to. Keep ’em stupid and keep those tax dollars pouring in.

Our fellow human beings around the world are seen as powerless slaves and whores to be exploited to the maximum extent possible. If they dare attempt to be free of the American Empire, bomb them back into submission. America’s evil rulers care only for preserving their own wealth and power, nothing more.

The American plutocracy has cruelly abused the world with genocidal campaigns of state terrorism for over 100 years. Now they are thrilled with the prospect of total world domination through unending campaigns of terror and mass-murder. If the American people do nothing to stop it, they will pay a terrible price for their cowardly support of the U.S. military/government’s greed and power lust. The downward spiral of carnage and suffering will never end until we’re all enslaved or dead.

It is highly likely that the next major terrorist attacks on the American people will also be the covert work of the U.S. military/government. Look for new attacks at a time when serious domestic opposition to the criminal Bush regime begins to rise to high levels again — particularly when enough Americans begin to demand honest answers as they face up to the evidence of U.S. government complicity in the September 11 attacks.

If we want to live in peace and freedom, people must turn off their mind-controlling T.V. sets, wake up from their mass-media brainwashing and get a clue:

The greatest enemy of the American people — of all the world’s people — is the terrorist U.S. military/government.

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Millions of Victims:

The Bloody “American Centuryâ€

Altogether, the terrorist U.S. government and military have directly slaughtered literally millions of civilian people in the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Russia (invasion during the civil war of 1918-1920), Japan, France, Germany, Korea, Thailand, Panama, Grenada, Iran, Libya, Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Bosnia, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.

In addition, the U.S. military and CIA have trained, armed, funded, provided intelligence and direct military support for fascist puppet-regimes and right-wing death-squads around the world.

U.S. government-supported death squads and servant-states have carried out appallingly vicious campaigns of state terrorism. Under the direct control of the U.S. government they have committed the torture and genocide of additional millions of helpless, civilian people in Indonesia, East Timor, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Haiti, Guyana, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, China, the Philippines, the Congo/Zaire, Angola, Mozambique, Italy, Palestine, Israel, Afghanistan, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Iraq, Pakistan and Iran.


The Philippine Genocide

It was just nine years after the United States Army Seventh Cavalry mass-murdered 300 helpless Lakota children, women and men at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1890:

Immediately following the Spanish-American war, all branches of the U.S. military committed the genocide of 200,000 civilian men, women and children in the Philippines during the Philippine-American war. This slaughter was accomplished by a viciously racist United States Army, Navy and Marines, from 1899 to 1902.

$$ Why? Corporate profit. The Philippine islands were a profitable part of the old Spanish Empire. They also provided a valuable base of operations for the exploitation of China — which was far more profitable.

When the Filipinos resisted us — with the curious idea that they had a right to control their own country — American soldiers, sailors and Marines slaughtered and tortured them. Heroic American soldiers even murdered ten-year-old Filipino boys.

Thus was the American Empire born, consecrated with the blood of Philippine children, men and women. This was the point in American history when the emphasis shifted from the domestic terrorization and exploitation of Indians and Africans to the even more profitable pursuits of imperialism and international terrorism.

Mark Twain condemned the genocide in scathingly cynical terms. So did others among that small percentage of Americans possessed of a human conscience.

President William McKinley, however, was of the Official Opinion that the cruel bloodshed was “God’s Will.†Teddy Roosevelt revelled in bloodshed and thought it was all just “Bully!†Both of them echoed the mass-media of their day: the openly racist, nationalistic, “jingoistic†“yellow journalism†of the corporate press.

Just as they do today, most Americans preferred to ignore the gory, heartbreaking details. They joined their leaders and the press in hearty applause of the genocide.

“Public opinion†was led by the nose then — as it is today.

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The Dresden Holocaust

It was the greatest single massacre of World War Two, a genocide which surpassed the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Approximately 130,000 to 500,000 German civilian men, women and children were burned to death in Dresden on the night of February 13, 1945 by two massive firebombing attacks. This was a horrific and unprecedented war crime, carried out by the U.S. Army Air Force and the British Royal Air Force.

The next morning a third firebombing attack was carried out, during which sadistic American fighter pilots even strafed helpless crowds of injured and terrorized refugees as they tried to flee along the banks of the Elbe River.

Dresden had no military significance whatsoever as a target. It was one of Europe’s greatest cultural centers, and its primary industries were the production of cigarettes and china. By February 1945 it was filled with hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the atrocities being committed by advancing Soviet armies.

The attack on Dresden was ordered by Prime Minister Winston Churchill and approved by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The primary motive appears to have been revenge, for the bombing of English cities — revenge on innocent civilian men, women and children — for the crimes of the German military. And yet nothing the German Luftwaffe ever did in England even remotely compares to the Dresden attack.

Churchill and Roosevelt proved themselves to be every bit as degraded as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, as far as callous indifference to innocent human lives is concerned. Even long before the war, when Mussolini was carrying on the genocidal Italian occupation of Libya and state terrorism of the Libyan people, he was praised by Churchill and Roosevelt. (Mussolini was also highly praised by British, French and American business leaders and their corporate press.) On a visit to Mussolini in 1927, Winston Churchill told journalists that Italian fascism “has rendered a service to the whole worldâ€. In 1933 Roosevelt referred to Mussolini as “that admirable Italian gentlemanâ€.

During WWII the American and British air forces actually proved themselves to be more genocidal and inhuman than their German counterparts in the Luftwaffe. But of course history is written by the victors, so most people in America know little or nothing of the Dresden Holocaust, and English and American war criminals are portrayed as spotless heroes to this day.

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki

In August 1945 the United States Army Air Force committed the truly unnecessary atomic-bomb genocide of hundreds of thousands of Japanese CIVILIAN men, women and children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Revenge was a secondary reason for committing these war crimes — revenge on helpless Japanese civilian people for the crimes of the Japanese military.

$$ Long term anti-Soviet military-economic strategy was the primary reason the U.S. military/government abused their newfound nuclear power just as soon as they got their hands on it. By slaughtering the helpless people of Hiroshima the U.S. military took effective control of the islands on August 6, two days before the Russians had agreed to enter the war against Japan, on August 8.

The Red Army was a formidable war-machine in WWII. It was the Soviets, not the Americans, who fought the greatest land battles in history against the Nazis. Even before the war ended, therefore, the U.S. government was plotting ways to neutralize Soviet power and influence in the post-war world.

The use of this genocidal weapon was the greatest “psy-op†of all time, an act of psychological warfare without equal for sheer depth of criminal ruthlessness. By dropping The Bomb the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government was introducing the world’s governments to their new Master — with “an offer they couldn’t refuse.â€

Such a persuasive introduction did wonders for American corporate profits in the post-war era. It won America lots of venal “fair weather friendsâ€, and justifiable contempt from all the decent people in the world.

The era of “The Ugly American†was announced on August 6, 1945. It continues to this day:

“The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist — McDonald’s cannot flourish without McDonnell-Douglas, the designer of the F-15.â€

— Thomas Friedman

Ugly American

columnist for the New York Times

The blowhards of American Empire have no shame. Bullies never do.

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The Greatest American Genocides:

Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia and Laos

From 1950 to 1953, and from 1965 to 1974 the United States of America committed the brutal genocide of literally MILLIONS of civilian men, women and children in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Korea.

Unarmed women and old men were bayoneted, helpless children and even babies were blown away with M-16s and grenades, countless women and young girls were sodomized, raped and murdered by U.S. Army soldiers. These horrible things happened in many massacres like the ones at My Lai and Thanh Phong in Vietnam and No Gun Ri in Korea — while U.S. Air Force bomber crews spent years in wholesale slaughter of civilian people from the air.

For sheer magnitude of evil sadism and bloodlust, the Korean Genocide and Vietnam Genocide rank as America’s greatest, most vicious campaigns of large-scale international terrorism ever.

The U.S. Corporate Mafia Government and military want very much for you to believe that My Lai, Thanh Phong and No Gun Ri were “isolated incidentsâ€. But the testimony of the Vietnamese and Korean people who survived, and even the admissions of American soldiers, are that these were far from isolated incidents. There were thousands of such horrible massacres all over Korea and Vietnam.

During the Vietnam Genocide there was even an official CIA program of systematic terror, torture and mass-murder called Operation Phoenix.

Any politically honest psychologist in the world would diagnose the American troops who committed these crimes as racist, homicidal psychopaths. But to the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government and military they’re just “our boys†and “our buddiesâ€.

The U.S. government, the U.S. military — and many of the American people — protect and excuse these war criminals to this day. They live among us. Sadistic American war criminals like Lt. William Calley and Capt. Ernest Medina walk the streets of America as free men. But of course they are free in body only. They have hell to pay.

Why did it all happen?

$$ Maoist China and the Stalinist Soviet Union represented a limitation on greedy corporate capitalists’ huge international profits. They were gargantuan markets that couldn’t be controlled. But the most serious threat by far was the international socialist ideology itself. Nothing undermines capitalism’s sacred creed of selfish, venal competition more radically than the “Godless†ideology of social sharing and caring.

Meanwhile, the Chinese and Korean peoples themselves deeply resented American use of Japanese collaborators in the post-war Korean puppet government. That government brutally terrorized its own people, with America’s blessing. The majority of Korean people wanted the fascist Americans out of their country. The Chinese people had also suffered horribly at the hands of the Japanese and had likewise been betrayed by the U.S. government after the war. It was very natural for them to sympathize with their Korean neighbors against the foreign oppressor.

Exactly the same pattern was followed in Vietnam. After the war, the American and French governments covertly allied themselves with Japanese collaborators against the Viet Minh, even though Ho Chi Minh had worked closely with Americans during the war. When he discovered the true diabolical nature of Uncle Sham, he was forced to ally himself with the only nation that would help his people — the Stalinist Soviet Union.

Corporate America knows very well that even the very idea of popular, international, democratic socialism (which the Maoists and Stalinists pretended to champion), absolutely must be suppressed. They intend to erase it from the consciousness of the world’s people. They’ll never succeed, of course. But the humanitarian socialist ideology is a direct threat to the profits of inhuman corporate capitalism. To survive, capitalism must slander and silence international socialism by any and all means.

The massive American propaganda machine has relentlessly slandered humanitarian socialism by equating it with the genocidal dictatorships of Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. The U.S. Corporate Mafia Government lie-machine trains ignorant Americans to dismiss it all under the label of undifferentiated “communismâ€. Corporate America is determined to crush the hope and dream of popular, worldwide, democratic socialism — at any cost.

Any human cost, that is. For corporate capitalist America the well-being of millions of Asian people was (and is) not a high priority.

If Asians refused to be controlled and exploited by America — then kill ’em all! “Better Dead than Red!†was the battle cry of Americans in their genocidal wars against the Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian and Korean peoples.

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The Crucifixion of Latin America

In Central America, South America and the Caribbean the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government’s genocidal policies were executed throughout the 20th century, and are now continuing into the 21st century. The U.S. military, the cocaine-smuggling CIA and its fascist puppet-governments have relentlessly terrorized, tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of civilian men, women and children in those persecuted lands. Some of the most horrific genocides and terror campaigns have occurred in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Colombia.

$$ Why? Corporate profit, as always. Huge markets for American products, ultra-cheap labor to exploit and a whole hemisphere of natural resources under the exclusive domination of the United States. “Chiquita†bananas for the United Fruit Company. Coffee. Sugar cane. Cocaine.

Hard to believe? Can’t be that simple? Not what they tell you on T.V.? The first thing to know is that the United States government is a plutocracy — the rule of the rich. The U.S. is not now, nor has it ever been, a genuine “democracyâ€. It sells itself to the world as a “democracyâ€, of course, but in actual practice the plutocratic United States government is a corporate mafia.

And a mafia will stop at absolutely nothing to protect its profits.

Why do you think the U.S. government has always strongly supported bloodthirsty, fascist dictatorships throughout Latin America? Fascist dictatorships are “corporate friendlyâ€.

Freedom-loving democracies, on the other hand, are very hard to control. In a democracy people can demand outrageous things — like decent working conditions and living wages.

The economic interests of the majority of Central American, South American and Caribbean peoples are naturally opposed to the economic interests of American corporations.

Therefore, for over 100 years, the United States Corporate Mafia Government has done everything in its power to destroy democracy in Latin America.

$ $

Genocide of the Iraqi People

From 1991 to 2003 the United States Air Force and Navy slaughtered over 200,000 civilian people in Iraq with Depleted Uranium missiles, cluster bombs, cruise missiles and other so-called “smart bombsâ€. During the “Desert Storm†terror campaign the arsenal also included fuel-air bombs and napalm. U.S. Air Force, Navy and Army pilots even slaughtered Iraqi soldiers who were in full retreat. American pilots joked that it was like “shooting in a sheep penâ€.

Of course, slaughtering defenseless people with overwhelming force is a hallowed American military tradition.

$$ Why the carnage? Persian Gulf oil, of course. It had absolutely nothing to do with “Kuwaiti independence.†Nor has it ever really been about “weapons of mass destruction†— the American biological and chemical weapons supplied by the U.S. government to the Iraqis for use against the Iranians.

Total control of Middle East oil is always a top priority for the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government. They’ll stop at absolutely nothing to keep that essential oil flowing into the vast murder-machine of the U.S. military-industrial complex.

With the “Desert Storm†terror campaign, America entered a new high-tech phase of its perennial international terrorism.

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American State Terrorism

of the Yugoslavian Peoples

In 1999 Uncle Sham treated the world to yet another ugly spectacle as America, with its 18 NATO whores, butchered over 3000 civilian people all over Yugoslavia. This state terrorism lasted for 78 straight days and nights, with NATO war criminals flying over 40,000 sorties. Once again, these great military heroes mass-murdered helpless women and children using cluster bombs, depleted uranium missiles, fuel-air bombs, napalm, cruise missiles and other so-called “smart bombsâ€.

These horrible weapons of mass-destruction used by cowardly American/NATO pilots literally butchered and burned alive thousands of innocent people — children, old men and women in market squares doing their shopping, people in trains, people in cars and buses, people in television stations, people in schools, doctors, nurses and patients in hospitals, people in private homes and apartment blocks — even people in remote villages were napalmed and cluster bombed.

Adding insult to injury, the U.S. military/government, and their corporate mass-media puppets, had the unmitigated gall to call this carnage “humanitarian interventionâ€. But moral considerations were the last thing on the minds of the Allied Farce war criminals at the White House, the State Dept. and the Pentagon.

$$ So why would the war-criminal U.S. government and military bother to spend billions of your tax dollars committing mass-murder in such a small, economically struggling country as Yugoslavia?

It was part of a long-term, globalist military-economic strategy involving:

Control of the huge reserves of oil in the Caspian basin, the related oil pipelines through the Balkans, and the final stages of the subjugation of Russia (Yugoslavia’s closest ally).

Control of the $5 billion worth of lead, zinc, cadmium, silver and gold ore in the Trepca mines of Kosovo. There are also 17 billion tons of coal reserves in Kosovo. Stealing all that from the people of Yugoslavia was part of a long-term strategy for destroying their economy to the maximum extent possible, thus forcing them into complete political-economic obedience to Imperialist America.

But the most important reason for the 1999 U.S./NATO terror campaign was that it was an essential part of the American Empire’s long-term geopolitical strategy for maintaining total military and economic domination of Europe. The governments of Western Europe had been venal whores in America’s harem since 1945. Russia was on its knees economically, and most Eastern European governments were clamoring to join the U.S./NATO harem. Only the Yugoslavian government led by Milosevic refused to be abject whores. The Serbians were setting a very dangerous example of proud independence, and the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government knew they had to be crushed.

This Serbian courage and independence came as no surprise to anyone who knew Serbian history. They have a long and heroic tradition of rebellion against evil empires. Little Serbian-led Yugoslavia was the last, brave holdout.

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Imperial Hypocrisy:

American State Terrorism

of the Afghan Peoples

First the U.S. military/government committed the September 11 attacks, then it set out to “fight terrorism†by committing further acts of massive, brutal terrorism against civilian men, women and children. While Unpresident Bush and the corporate mass-media trumpeted day and night that America was fighting a heroic war of “good vs. evilâ€, the evil U.S. military mass-murdered thousands of impoverished Afghan people — civilian men, women and children — who had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the September 11 attacks.

Once again, American state terrorists used cluster bombs, depleted uranium missiles, fuel-air bombs, napalm and cruise missiles to do their dirty work from a safe distance. They also dropped thermobaric bombs to suffocate people hiding in caves and used attack helicopters to gun down “terrorist†women and children who were running for their lives.

$$ Long-term strategy for control of Caspian Sea oil is the actual reason the U.S. military slaughtered thousands of innocent people in Afghanistan. The bogus “war on terrorism†is an essential propaganda cover for the military takeover of all Central Asia. The U.S. military now has a foothold in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan as well as total control of Afghanistan. In order to protect U.S. oil interests in the Caspian basin, it is essential that the U.S. have military bases nearby.

In addition, U.S. oil companies have long wanted a pipeline from the Caspian Sea to go through Afghanistan. However, talks with the U.S.-installed Taliban government broke down in August, 2001. A month later, the terror attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon provided a perfect excuse for bombing Afghanistan into total submission. How convenient.

The purpose of the carnage in Afghanistan is very closely related to America’s state terrorism of the Yugoslav peoples two years earlier. Getting military/political/economic control of Central Asia and its oil reserves is a key strategy for the final subjugation of Russia — and China as well. Not only will the U.S. cut off this oil whenever it pleases, it now has a great, central location for bases from which to launch missiles and airstrikes against the Russian and Chinese peoples in the future.

The takeover of Afghanistan also increases the encirclement of Iran and Iraq, tightening the noose around these pockets of resistance to American domination. The U.S. military/government is permanently at war with the world’s people, and when you are at war you don’t tolerate pockets of resistance. The message to all the world is this: surrender unconditionally to Uncle Sham — or get the same brutal treatment as the people of Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

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American State Terrorism

of the Iraqi People: Part 2

Now in 2003 the utterly satanic U.S. military/government has mass-murdered several thousand more innocent Iraqi people in the course of a brutal invasion and occupation.

First the American state terrorists pretended they had to invade Iraq because Saddam Hussein allegedly possessed what the U.S. has more of than any other nation in the world: “weapons of mass destructionâ€. When these could not be found by U.N. weapons inspectors, American/British propaganda shifted to the oft-visited realm of the surreal: “liberation†of the Iraqi people by bombing, invading and mass-murdering them.

Once again, American/British war criminals have used cluster bombs and depleted uranium missiles to “liberate†thousands of Iraqi people from their lives and loved ones.

Only the most idiotic and corrupt people could possibly believe the absurd lies of the U.S. government. Unfortunately, America is filled with such evil morons, and America’s rulers have always banked on that fact.

$$ Oil is one of three major reasons for mass-murdering the Iraqi people again.

All industrial economies and militaries run on oil. Therefore control of the world’s oil reserves is essential for America’s military and economic dominance. America’s titanic economy is in BIG trouble, plowing full speed ahead toward its icy doom. When it finally sinks, so will America’s political and military power. The brutal invasion and occupation of Iraq is a desperate move by the American plutocracy to cling to power.

The second reason for the invasion involves the American domination of Europe. Iraq had shifted to using the euro for all oil payments, and the U.S. will now force it to use the dollar again. America’s latest attack on the Iraqi people is actually part of an ongoing economic war against Europe. Now that America has total control of Persian Gulf oil it has a stranglehold on the economies of the European Union, which depend on Persian Gulf oil most of all.

“Fighting Moslem terrorists†is a propaganda cover for U.S. imperialism. It is in fact the E.U. which is seen by the American plutocracy as the greatest threat in the world to its imperial dominance. Since America’s evil, blood-soaked economy is steadily sinking, the E.U. could eventually replace it as the world’s greatest power. The E.U. would be totally invincible with the addition of Russia, which is forming closer ties with its European neighbors.

The threat of a dominant “Eurasian power†is something American geopolitical strategists have feared for over a hundred years. The literally satanic American plutocracy is determined to prevent this by any and all means, no matter how many innocent people have to die.

Israel is the third major reason America has invaded and occupied Iraq. The terrorist state of Israel is afraid of having a powerful Arab country nearby which isn’t subservient to the U.S., as is the whoring government of Egypt. The United States of America has long been controlled by a Jewish-Zionist banking plutocracy, and these Zionazis consider Israel as their baby. Everything must be sacrificed to protect evil, vicious little Israel, including American and Iraqi lives.

Jewish-Zionists are deeply and unashamedly racist. They see all “goyim†— their sneering term for Gentiles — as being racially inferior, of no importance and deserving of no rights. They would never admit this publicly, of course, but check out the Talmud. The Torah and the Talmud are the two major books of Judaism. The Talmud, a so-called “holy bookâ€, actually contains obscene and blatantly racist passages regarding “goyimâ€. Arising out of Talmudic Judaism, Zionism is a mirror image of Naziism. The biggest difference is that Zionists have always been much more stealthy about their obscene racism. Zionism is Jewish Naziism.

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Just who is the real “Rogue State†here?

$$ Selling State Terrorism $$

to the American People

And so it goes, year after year, decade after bloody decade. Just when you’d think our cruelly greedy rulers must surely have plumbed the depths of violent, ruthless power lust and shameless hypocrisy — America manages to go crashing through the basement floor yet again.

Totally ruthless though our evil, plutocratic government is, it’s not profoundly creative at home. It doesn’t have to be, because most Americans are credulous morons, politically. The U.S. government and its corporate mass-media propaganda machinery use essentially the same deceitful M.O., year after year, to sell American state terrorism to the American people — while the American Empire they don’t even know exists subjugates yet more hapless people abroad. While bourgeois Americans grow yet more jaded, arrogant, immoral and brainwashed.

The Jewish-Zionist controlled, corporate mass-media is a gigantic, all-pervading lie-machine. Planned U.S. government propaganda campaigns, both domestic and international, are usually very sophisticated operations, drawing on the expertise of the CIA, professional psychologists and highly skilled, highly paid, PR firms. Given enough time, they can plan things meticulously, patching up all the holes and contradictions in their stories, manufacturing “evidenceâ€, framing individuals, groups and even whole nations, buying off everyone who can be bought, and blackmailing, firing or murdering, if necessary, anyone who can’t be bought. And most importantly of all, making sure that the corporate mass-media will obediently toe the line since it will be the primary conduit for the propaganda.

In marked contrast to this, the attempted coverups of American state terrorism by idiot politicians and other U.S. military/government officials are often quite amateurish and lame-brained. This is particularly observable immediately after any given atrocity, when they haven’t had time to come up with credible cover stories or get their stories consistent with each other. Print news stories, whether hard copy or electronic, often reveal all kinds of contradictions, absurdities and careless slips of the tongue by U.S. government and military officials. They can be caught repeatedly in bald-faced lies, and even accidental revealing of the truth. It can all be easily observed (especially on the Internet) by any intelligent person who actually pays close attention, consistently, over time. Unfortunately, that means only a tiny percentage of the American people. Uncle Sham is therefore never too worried about the truth getting out. Because of the apathetic inattentiveness of most Americans, the U.S. government and its corporate McNews media can rest assured that their propaganda will succeed even with a fairly large margin of error.

The whole perennial scam tends to work very well, and it works only because too many Americans don’t honestly care the slightest bit about their fellow human beings around the world. Such Americans aren’t at all concerned about mass-media coverups of U.S. military atrocities. In fact, a great many Americans actually want to be lied to by their government. That way they don’t ever have to face their own gross immorality in supporting American state terrorism. They don’t really care what brutal horrors the U.S. military/government commits against innocent children, they just don’t want to have to hear about it. Whatever their evil leaders do is okay with them, as long as they themselves are materially comfortable, as long as they’ve “got their shareâ€.

Or shares — of inhuman corporations.

Thanks to money, technology and the inhuman indifference of most Americans, “the world’s Lone Remaining Superpower†remains also the world’s Supreme Terrorist Nation. The biggest, baddest bully on the block.

Only a total jerk could be proud.

(Of course, the bigger they are, the harder they fall... )

$$ In Gold We Trust $$

All hail the great symbol

$$ American Corporate Plutocracy $$

The Brutal Consistency

of America’s Ugly History

Waking up to all of this can be quite a shock — if you’ve got a human conscience. Liberating ourselves from a lifetime of brainwashing isn’t easy. But the grim modern realities of American state terrorism are less surprising when you realize that this ruthless mass-murder of helpless civilian people internationally is actually quite consistent with America’s domestic history...

The Indian Genocide

“The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was, far and away, the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world.â€

— David E. Stannard


In spite of the unparalleled enormity of the crime, the typical, mentally-sleeping American remains only vaguely aware of the horrific genocide of American Indians. Yet every single locality where Americans make their homes today is consecrated to the cause of cruel, racist inhumanity — with the blood of Indian people. Every single locality where Americans make their homes today is the scene of the murder, rape, torture and impoverishment of the Indian people who lived there first.

But mainstream Americans would choke on their apple pie if they dared to think about that. Too many Americans would rather stick their heads in the sand about our evil history — just as they stick their heads in the sand about what is happening today.

In the centuries after Christopher Columbus the Butcher, more than 100 million native people fell under the sadistic, racist rule of the invading European-Americans.

$$ Land is wealth, and Americans lusted for it. They couldn’t let a minor fact like the existence of millions of human beings already living on that land get in their way. So the policy of genocide, thievery, broken treaties and racist cruelty was justified with whitewashes like “Manifest Destiny†— America’s domestic version of “Deutschland Uber Alles.â€

“I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.â€

— John Wayne

All-American Hollywood actor

loved by patriotic racists from coast to coast

Black Slavery

Where the native peoples were all mass-murdered, forcibly exiled and/or dead from massive epidemics of deliberately-spread European smallpox, the European and American businessmen of that day replaced them with enslaved people purchased in Africa.

$$ The international slave trade was one of the earliest examples of international corporate evil.

Fortunately, it has become impossible in recent years to hide the historical facts of the cruel, greedy American institution of Black slavery. This thoroughly evil abuse of African peoples took place for over 200 years, with another 100 years of virtual slavery — complete with the KKK terror tactics of lynching, rape, torture, bombing, cross burning and just all-around, All-American, public abuse and intimidation.

White Slavery

$$ The existence of White slavery in America is one of the most little-known facts of American history. Initially, colonial America was built with the blood, sweat and tears of White slaves to a far greater extent than Black slaves. In fact, America’s first slaves were White people.

It’s estimated that fully one-half to two-thirds of all White “immigrants†to colonial America in the 17th and 18th centuries were actually slaves who had been brought against their will. They were known by the euphemism of “indentured servantsâ€, but in reality a great many of these people were true slaves. Their servitude was for life, and their children were forced to be slaves as well.

Virtually all of the White slaves were brought from Scotland, Ireland and the impoverished working classes of England. They were both Protestant and Catholic, victims of religious wars and the inhuman greed of the English aristocracy. It was routine for the utterly corrupt and class-prejudiced English courts to justify the forced exile of their victims to the colonies by falsely labeling them as “criminalsâ€. This charade eased the guilty consciences of the true criminals while they made money off kidnapping and the sale of stolen human labor.

If the White slaves survived the hellish voyage across the Atlantic and arrived in the new hell, otherwise known as the “New Worldâ€, they were auctioned on the block just like Black slaves. White slave children were often sold and separated from their parents and White slave women were sold and separated from their husbands.

A great many White slaves were forced to work under cruel and demeaning conditions. The Virginia Colony prescribed “bodily punishment for not heeding the commands of the master.†Half of the White slaves died within the first two years after their arrival in the American colonies.

Unsurprisingly, it was common for White slaves to run away — only to be hunted down and returned to their evil masters and mistresses. To help identify runaways, the courts in Virginia demanded that everyone have identification and travel papers. White slaves had no rights whatsoever and could be beaten and cruelly abused with impunity.

Slavery in America Today

Incredibly, slavery still exists all over the world to this day — including the United States of America. On April 2, 2000, the New York Times printed a story about a leaked CIA report which describes a flourishing slave trade that forcibly brings an estimated 50,000 women and children into the United States — each year — to serve as sex slaves, domestic slaves and so-called “bonded workersâ€.

And I thought this was the 21st century.

It turns out the Dark Ages have never actually ended for large numbers of people in this evil world. The CIA report is titled “International Trafficking in Women to the United States: a Contemporary Manifestation of Slaveryâ€. Many women and children of all races — from Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America — are lured to America with false promises of jobs and educational opportunities. When they arrive they are forced to work as prostitutes in brothels or in sweatshops, or to work as maids and sex slaves at the private estates of rich people. Gives new meaning to the term “filthy richâ€.

Some children, born into nightmarish poverty, are actually sold into slavery by their parents. And these children and women end up in America as real slaves. This is the kind of country we actually live in. If you live in New York City, Miami, Los Angeles or any of the other urban insane asylums in America, you live in the same town where women and children are actually held as slaves — being raped, beaten and tortured on a regular basis. And sometimes murdered. Forget the “Wonderful World of Disney†version of America they sell you on T.V. and in school. In the real world, America is a deeply and violently evil place. The American legal system does very little to stop the slave trade. This is because the American legal system is controlled by the American plutocracy, and the wealthy rulers of this country are totally indifferent to the horrors of slavery in America.

Now why would that be?

Might it be that some of the most wealthy and powerful people in America are involved in these crimes? Since they have no interest in stopping it, it’s highly likely they are indeed personally involved.

The slave trade around the world is committed by organized crime. This is why the criminal American plutocracy and its puppets in the U.S. government do nothing to stop it. The American corporate/banking plutocracy is literally a mafia, the world’s greatest mafia in fact, and it is therefore natural for them to work closely with lesser mafias. These include the Japanese Yakuza and Chinese Triads, and of course the well-known Italian-American and Sicilian-American mafias which operate from coast to coast. One brothel owner in New York City testified that she had paid $6,000-$15,000 for the 30 Thai women she kept imprisoned in her brothel.

And then there is the less well known “Russian†mafia, as it is called in the American press, which is actually a Russian-Jewish mafia. The fact that the “Russian†mafia is actually Jewish is totally censored by the corporate mass-media in America. This is a very clear indication of what segment of American society controls the corporate mass-media.

The Russian-Jewish mafia began arriving in the U.S. in the 1980s, particularly New York City and Miami, helped by the already established Jewish-American mafia and other powerful Jewish-Zionist organizations in America. It’s power increased dramatically in the 1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Russian government and economy are now influenced to a great degree by the Russian-Jewish mafia. It is the Russian-Jewish mafia which has exclusive control of the slave trade in Eastern European women and children. They are taken from all over Eastern Europe, but most of the victims are from the Ukraine, Poland and Russia. And they end up as sex slaves all over the world, in Israel to a great extent, and also in Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Pakistan, Thailand, Bosnia, Kosovo — and the United States of America.

If they resist being prostitutes, the sex slaves who are under the direct control of the various mafias are always beaten, tortured, starved and/or forcibly raped by the pimps. The most stubbornly resisting women are violently murdered in front of the others to terrorize them into submission. Those who remain alive often get AIDS from the filthy pimps or the stinking customers.

For more information on the White slave trade:

News reports from The New York Times, MSNBC, World Net Daily, Jerusalem Post, Independent News (UK), Australian Broadcast Corporation, BRAMA - Gateway Ukraine, Journal of International Affairs, Middle East Times.

Government reports from the U.S. Department of State, “Center for the Study of Intelligenceâ€, “Congressional Report (House) Speaker’s Advisory Group on Russiaâ€, and “Congressional Research Service Reportâ€.

Non-Governmental, Non-Profit and Academic Organizations: reports from Amnesty International, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW), (former) Global Survival Network (now WildAid and Witness.org), International Organization for Migrants, and MiraMed Institute.

(Note: The three links above are to pages on the website of woman who is indiscriminately anti-Jewish, unfortunately. It’s certainly understandable that she is very upset about the Jewish-Mafia slave trade, but it is totally unfair and unreasonable to blame all Jewish people for the crimes of a few. In fact, some of the reports indicate that there are Jewish women who are fighting the White slave trade which flourishes in Israel. Yet the significance of that important fact seems to have escaped the compiler of the reports above. Nevertheless, these pages on her site are useful for containing a wealth of important information, excerpts and links to reports from all the news, governmental and NGO groups listed above.)

Millions of our fellow human beings of all races — men, women and children — are actually suffering in slavery. And a great many of them, primarily women and children, are being imprisoned and cruelly abused right here in the United States of America. Therefore, we in America have an absolute moral responsibility to put a stop to it and bring the filthy perpetrators to justice — no matter how rich and powerful they are.

Slavery actually is a part of the hellish reality of this satanically evil world. We have to face it even though the corporate mass-media refuses to. Aside from sporadic reports, it’s all basically ignored and covered up in the mainstream American mass-media. What that means is that some of the reporters are doing their jobs, but the editors, managers and owners are generally suppressing the story. The owners of the mass-media don’t care about the suffering of these enslaved women and children, because the media owners are the filthy-rich American plutocracy — which is profiting enormously from all this degraded evil.


If you are a genuinely honest person you can come to only one moral conclusion about all of this:

What Terrorist America has done for centuries


is just plain EVIL.

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that America, the self-proclaimed champion of “human rights†and “democracyâ€, has, in reality, worked long and hard to “Make The World Safe†for an inhuman corporate PLUTOCRACY.

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that the

United States Corporate Mafia Government

is the worldwide Enemy of Democracy

and of Humanity itself.

$ $

This is the simple truth of the U.S. government, past and present:

American domestic and foreign policy is dictated fundamentally by ECONOMICS — not by moral and political values.

All the prattling by politicians about “democracy†and “human rights†— and now “patriotism†and “The Homeland†— is just so much spin for popular consumption.

America has never been a democracy, governed by “We the Peopleâ€. From its very beginnings to the present day, the ultimate power behind the U.S. government has always been a plutocracy of filthy-rich slave-owners, landowners, bankers and corporations.

Patriotism is only for the rich who profit by all this evil, and for degraded fools, eager to do their dirty work for them. Patriotism is nothing more than primitive tribalism. The American plutocracy has always exploited this primitive tribal instinct to control the idiot masses — those poor dumb patriotic fools without sufficient individuality and intelligence to realize they are being totally used.

What a Land of Opportunity. From sea to shining sea, America The Beautiful has always provided golden opportunities for evil, ruthless people to enrich themselves through the blood, sweat and tears of others.

America provides all kinds of educational opportunities too. In fact, if you’re intellectually honest, if you’ve got a social and political conscience — especially if you have the guts to ACT on it — you have the opportunity to learn the hard way that you are not living in a “democracyâ€.

With the stolen election of 2000 and the accelerating post-911 fascism however, we are all given generous opportunities to learn first-hand that “democracy†is a total myth in America. Especially after the fascist Patriot Act which effectively threw out the Bill of Rights, all the highest laws are now imposed on us by the criminal plutocracy, regardless of the will of the majority of American people. The law is used as a brutal political weapon against those without sufficient money and social connections to purchase or extort “justice†from the totally corrupt system.

America is a fascist police state — NOW.






Witness Seattle. Witness Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Detroit, D.C., New Jersey and New York City.

Witness our techno-fascist FUTURE

if We The People don’t claim our democratic power.

The U.S. government cannot and will not be reformed.

Therefore, there is only one genuine solution:

The American People

must totally overthrow the

United States Corporate Mafia Government

and replace it with a DEMOCRACY.

“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their Constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it.â€

— Abraham Lincoln

First Inaugural Address

March 4, 1861

It’s time for Revolution

within ourselves and outside


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: HORSE SHIT WILBUR.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: HORSE SHIT WILBUR.

two things: as usual, no intelligent comment from you about the material itself.

#2: can you discredit anything with rational, neutral proof? i mean NEUTRAL proof, no ann coulter/bill o'reilly article. :blank::rolleyes:

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Originally posted by sassa

two things: as usual, no intelligent comment from you about the material itself.

#2: can you discredit anything with rational, neutral proof? i mean NEUTRAL proof, no ann coulter/bill o'reilly article. :blank::rolleyes:

Is there something wrong with you?....seriously....

Stupid cunt.....no wonder you are a fucking freak, wasting time with bullshit conspiracy theories hatched by fellow insecure hate-America losers...


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Originally posted by sassa

two things: as usual, no intelligent comment from you about the material itself.

#2: can you discredit anything with rational, neutral proof? i mean NEUTRAL proof, no ann coulter/bill o'reilly article. :blank::rolleyes:

why do you constantly start threads with fanatical liberal conspiracy theory articles and ask conservatives defend themselves against it?

why not try putting your own ideas out there first for once instead of taking the easy way out and simply criticizing another's defense of their position...

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

why do you constantly start threads with fanatical liberal conspiracy theory articles and ask conservatives defend themselves against it?

why not try putting your own ideas out there first for once instead of taking the easy way out and simply criticizing another's defense of their position...


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Originally posted by sassa

The greatest acts of terrorism are not committed by furtive gangs of masked desperados in foreign lands. The most horrific acts of terrorism in world history have always been committed by governments and their militaries.

The totally satanic military/government of the United States of America has committed massive acts of international terrorism and brutal genocide — from 1899 to the present day.

I read up to here and stopped. By calling the U.S. government satanic all this writer is doing is alienating the people they are trying to get their message across to. The only thing this writer proved to me was that they have no idea on how to present an argument. The basic rules of presenting an argument are to incorporate the opposing view and to civilly disprove it. Starting off with “the satanic U.S. government/militia†shows this source lacks credibility. If you really believe that the U.S. government/military is satanic, I would love to hear what you call the rest of the world.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

including Pre-United States history as well?? how sad....

......what's even sadder is that you don't realize the value and important of history in the world. come now, don't you think events that occured right before this country was established have some grounding? wtf.....:blown::idea:
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Originally posted by sassa

......what's even sadder is that you don't realize the value and important of history in the world. come now, don't you think events that occured right before this country was established have some grounding? wtf.....:blown::idea:

your an ass

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Originally posted by sassa

......what's even sadder is that you don't realize the value and important of history in the world. come now, don't you think events that occured right before this country was established have some grounding?

if ur going to compare United States to mistakes done in this part of the century...i think its pointless, yes....why bring up "white slaves" when most of those that owned slaves were "British" (as in citizens) or am i wrong here?

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

if ur going to compare United States to mistakes done in this part of the century...i think its pointless, yes....why bring up "white slaves" when most of those that owned slaves were "British" (as in citizens) or am i wrong here?

well, i guess that totally flew past your head...that was not what i was getting at at all.
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Originally posted by igloo

Is there something wrong with you?....seriously....

Stupid cunt.....no wonder you are a fucking freak, wasting time with bullshit conspiracy theories hatched by fellow insecure hate-America losers...


Not only are you lacking in cerebral heft, I'm wondering whether you're really a member of the human race. Are you able, at least, to talk to the animals, Doctor Doolittle?

And speaking of "conspiracy theories", Here's one for you written by the hand of President Bush and from the Federal Register.


Click on that link, then scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on 2003.


Click on "wednesday may 28"


Now, scroll waaaaaay down til you see "Presidential documents"

and you will also see "executive orders". Under Executive Orders, you will see this... "Iraq; protection of the Development Fund for Iraq and certain other property (EO 13303),

31929–31932 [03–13412]"

To the right are 2 links, for text (http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/14mar20010800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2003/03-13412.htm) and for pdf (http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/14mar20010800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2003/pdf/03-13412.pdf).

This is the "conspiracy theory" you will get.

[Federal Register: May 28, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 102)]

[Presidential Documents]

[Page 31929-31932]

From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]


[[Page 31929]]



The President


Executive Order 13303--Protecting the Development Fund for Iraq and

Certain Other Property in Which Iraq Has an Interest

Presidential Documents


Title 3--

The President

[[Page 31931]]

Executive Order 13303 of May 22, 2003

Protecting the Development Fund for Iraq and

Certain Other Property in Which Iraq Has an Interest

By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of

America, including the International Emergency Economic

Powers Act, as amended (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.)

(IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601

et seq.), section 5 of the United Nations Participation

Act, as amended (22 U.S.C. 287c) (UNPA), and section

301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of

America, find that the threat of attachment or other

judicial process against the Development Fund for Iraq,

Iraqi petroleum and petroleum products, and interests

therein, and proceeds, obligations, or any financial

instruments of any nature whatsoever arising from or

related to the sale or marketing thereof, and interests

therein, obstructs the orderly reconstruction of Iraq,

the restoration and maintenance of peace and security

in the country, and the development of political,

administrative, and economic institutions in Iraq. This

situation constitutes an unusual and extraordinary

threat to the national security and foreign policy of

the United States and I hereby declare a national

emergency to deal with that threat.

I hereby order:

Section 1. Unless licensed or otherwise authorized

pursuant to this order, any attachment, judgment,

decree, lien, execution, garnishment, or other judicial

process is prohibited, and shall be deemed null and

void, with respect to the following:

(a) the Development Fund for Iraq, and

(B) all Iraqi petroleum and petroleum products, and

interests therein, and proceeds, obligations, or any

financial instruments of any nature whatsoever arising

from or related to the sale or marketing thereof, and

interests therein, in which any foreign country or a

national thereof has any interest, that are in the

United States, that hereafter come within the United

States, or that are or hereafter come within the

possession or control of United States persons.

Sec. 2. (a) As of the effective date of this order,

Executive Order 12722 of August 2, 1990, Executive

Order 12724 of August 9, 1990, and Executive Order

13290 of March 20, 2003, shall not apply to the

property and interests in property described in section

1 of this order.

(B) Nothing in this order is intended to affect the

continued effectiveness of any rules, regulations,

orders, licenses or other forms of administrative

action issued, taken, or continued in effect heretofore

or hereafter under Executive Orders 12722, 12724, or

13290, or under the authority of IEEPA or the UNPA,

except as hereafter terminated, modified, or suspended

by the issuing Federal agency and except as provided in

section 2(a) of this order.

Sec. 3. For the purposes of this order:

(a) The term ``person'' means an individual or


(B) The term ``entity'' means a partnership,

association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group,

subgroup, or other organization;

© The term ``United States person'' means any

United States citizen, permanent resident alien, entity

organized under the laws of the United

[[Page 31932]]

States or any jurisdiction within the United States

(including foreign branches), or any person in the

United States;

(d) The term ``Iraqi petroleum and petroleum

products'' means any petroleum, petroleum products, or

natural gas originating in Iraq, including any Iraqi-

origin oil inventories, wherever located; and

(e) The term ``Development Fund for Iraq'' means

the fund established on or about May 22, 2003, on the

books of the Central Bank of Iraq, by the Administrator

of the Coalition Provisional Authority responsible for

the temporary governance of Iraq and all accounts held

for the fund or for the Central Bank of Iraq in the

name of the fund.

Sec. 4. (a) The Secretary of the Treasury, in

consultation with the Secretary of State and the

Secretary of Defense, is hereby authorized to take such

actions, including the promulgation of rules and

regulations, and to employ all powers granted to the

President by IEEPA and the UNPA as may be necessary to

carry out the purposes of this order. The Secretary of

the Treasury may redelegate any of these functions to

other officers and agencies of the United States

Government. All agencies of the United States

Government are hereby directed to take all appropriate

measures within their statutory authority to carry out

the provisions of this order.

(B) Nothing contained in this order shall relieve a

person from any requirement to obtain a license or

other authorization in compliance with applicable laws

and regulations.

Sec. 5. This order is not intended to, and does not,

create any right, benefit, or privilege, substantive or

procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by a party

against the United States, its departments, agencies,

entities, officers, employees, or agents, or any other


Sec. 6. This order shall be transmitted to the Congress

and published in the Federal Register.

(Presidential Sig.)B


May 22, 2003.

[FR Doc. 03-13412

Filed 5-23-03; 11:28 am]

Billing code 3195-01-P


In other words igloo, the language of the executive order the president used when he wrote it cleverly made it out that the money form the oil from Iraq was going to the development fund to rebuild Iraq. If you look at section 1. parts a and b, you will find they are independant.

(a) the Development Fund for Iraq, and

(B) all Iraqi petroleum and petroleum products, and

interests therein, and proceeds, obligations, or any

financial instruments of any nature whatsoever arising

from or related to the sale or marketing thereof, and

interests therein, in which any foreign country or a

national thereof has any interest, that are in the

United States, that hereafter come within the United

States, or that are or hereafter come within the

possession or control of United States persons.

What it's saying is that any oil company can go into Iraq and pump all the oil they want. Also this executive order gives the oil companies immunity from lawsuits in federal court, even from organizations who would sue to make sure the money goes to a justifiable cause.

The oil companies (and Bush) are also immune to being tried for war profiteering.

What this executive order clearly shows is the truth in the acccusations of deception and the chain misleading statements made by President George W Bush. If anyone doesn't see it in an excutive order written by President Bush himself they will never see it no matter what.

In other words iggy, oil is the reason Bush wanted this war. This executive order proves it.

Looks like the president is the one writing the "conspiracy theories" Dr. Dolittle.


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that article has staright up lies in it. just blatant blatant lies. not one israeli was killed? you stupid stupid ignorant idiot!

Leon Lebor,

Shai Levinhar,

Hagi Shefey,

Danny Lewin,

Alona Abraham,

these are just some of the israeli-jewish americans killed on september 11. how about you shut your stupid ignorant mouth before you spew any more lies and bullshit.

and do you know how many countless jews were killed that werent of israeli decent?

how about you go and look through the fucking list instead quoting your BS leftist radicalist publications. i'm not gonna waste my time on a retardlike you if youre gonna quote a straight up lie.

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Ok, I've been known to have not a problem with long posts and replying to such.

BUt my oh my, I couldnt afford 3 hrs of any day to thoroughly reply to each subject brought up in that one. I think the ONLY subject that wasnt touched is how the aliens secretly rule the planet by use of clones..lol.

But I will say, Sassa, definately a thorough argument, and kutos for for the overflow of info, but I of course do not agree.

One phrase could sum up my opinion, even though Ill still ellaborate.

"selective historical reference"

Although some of those facts may be true, you have to look at the sources and in addition the one side of the coin that you are looking at.

Small time conspiracy newsletter writers Id say were the main contributors, but that would be childish to say all of it was from them.

I noticed Fox news as a reputable source...ha.. no comment.

As far as the rest of it, I feel it probably was taken out of context and/or exxagerated.

I mean like I said before I have no time to reply word for word that entire post, shit that has to be the wickedest one yet that Ive seen on the current events board.

My simple understanding of it all (meaning the governments actions both good and bad) is that shit happens sometimes that no one would understand the reasons, and when something is hard to understand... make-shift ideaologies and theories are made up to be able to get a grasp of whats going on in this fucked up world.

To each his own with beliefs, etc...

As for me...

Im proud of our country. We have are faults, Im not saying we are perfect, but the bad comes with the good.

Your thinking right now, blah...fuck America for always getting involved with near EVERy countries problems, always trying to be the older brother/parent of the world. Ha, even the mafia of the world (cute comparison).

I see it similiarly but with a twist.

I know that the United States gets into a hell of alot of business of which is not neccessarliy effecting them, but I give them credit. Granted there is going to be positive outcomes, from alliances to even oil. But grow up, we could be like switzerland and take the neutral angle, building up a wall around the country like china did to isolate ourselves from the outside world. But to instead take the initiative and take care of people other then ourselves.

If people are planning to copy and paste and quote articles and speeches to reply to me, do me the favor. Research positive points for once. Lets talk about all those people we've saved from famine and carnage, brutal dictorships and cruelty. As far as the terrorist America killing millions upon millions and genocides around the world through time..

Sure, we did that....seriously. Now that I think about it the tooth fairy was the president during that administration and Elvis, Biggie Smalls, Tupac, and the Easter bunny were in it's cabinet.


Not to sound like that semi-silly commercial.

But, I am an American... and in addition..Proud as fuck to be such.

To let a few in on a secret, that I really rarely have been talking about. I joined the Military a few months back and have had hot and cold phases of ambition you could say. Doubts, etc. But now Im %5000 sure of my decision. And on top of that I cant wait to make a difference.

Of course there will be the people that insist that Id be merely a pawn in a cowboy oilmans chess game and probably be killed. In reply(ahead of time) to those, of who would state such a remark.

Fuck you two times....

Fuck you for having no real grasp on how the system really works, and fuck you for not knowing me..

Your loss, and I wont try to explain too much, but whatever endevour of which I took on, Ive succeeded in doing such full throttle. Modestly speaking, whether the outcome was good or bad, Ive made a difference. And with this more recent decision I cant wait.

I cannot wait to give back to my country and show appreciation for the freedoms and libertys of which I took for granted.

Yours Truly,

A new member of a militaristic terrorist American Army,

Paul Adamo aka eccentricmofo

Have a nice day :blown:

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Of course there will be the people that insist that Id be merely a pawn in a cowboy oilmans chess game and probably be killed. In reply(ahead of time) to those, of who would state such a remark.

Have you read MY long assed posting in here Mr. Adamo?

You should ACTUALLY read it.

Because you REALLY ARE a pawn in a texas cowboy oilman's chess game. The soldiers REALLTY ARE pawns in a Texas cowboy oilman's chess game. There is an executive order written and signed by Bush himself in that last posting of mine that proves it. But you conveniently ignored it like all ignorant conservatives do.

Are their lives REALLY worth Iraqi oil?

Is YOUR life worth it?

Is your SUV worth it??

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Originally posted by normalnoises

Of course there will be the people that insist that Id be merely a pawn in a cowboy oilmans chess game and probably be killed. In reply(ahead of time) to those, of who would state such a remark.

Have you read MY long assed posting in here Mr. Adamo?

You should ACTUALLY read it.

Because you REALLY ARE a pawn in a texas cowboy oilman's chess game. The soldiers REALLTY ARE pawns in a Texas cowboy oilman's chess game. There is an executive order written and signed by Bush himself in that last posting of mine that proves it. But you conveniently ignored it like all ignorant conservatives do.

Are their lives REALLY worth Iraqi oil?

Is YOUR life worth it?

Is your SUV worth it??

Alas, my CP nemisis...lol long time no argue.

Obviously you never played any board game more advanced then checkers... In the game of chess, even a pawn is as valuable as a queen or knight.

Is my life worth risking for oil? No, I wont even go into that with you right now, if you knew anything about the military, you would understand that oil has nothing to do with it. Politically speaking is a another conversation. Im talking about the military.

Is my life worth it?

As far as joining to serve and protect my country? The answer is yes. I have this characteristic called "selflessness". Surely you have not a clue to what that means so Ill educate. In lay terms, it means that I care about bigger and more grandiose things on a hugh scale of which you'd never be able to fathom.

Yes Im willing to risk my life to make the lives of OTHERS, better. How can you not understand that? Im not looking for glory, never have and NEVER will. But the same time if I choose to do something noble and large enough of a decision that even indirectly helps you, show a tiny bit of fucking respect.

But Im not looking for respect, or praise, from you or anyone else. Im doing this for myself, my family, and my friends.

And not to sound like a scene from a movie, but to be honest with you also doing this for my future. How wonderful (sarcastically speaking) would it be to raise a family in a nuclear fallout zone that used to be refered to as New York City.

I could just imagine, walking them to a bunker for a class in a makeshift school the size of a small bus. And telling them of how life USED to be while making sure their chemical suite is on nice and snug before they go outside to search for fresh water.

Ok, I once again got that damn rant fever, so Ill relax a bit.

Do me a favor. Quit the bullshit angle of refering to me as an ignorant conservative. After me not replying to that statement many a times before I'd think you would of realized by now how stupid it is. But obviously you havent.

Bottomline is this.

YOu, mister glad to be anonymous far from normalmoise's hombre should get a wake up call. Realize that WHATEVER you say is just that, spoken words.

Spoken words, claims, statements, rants, raves, writing, typing, whining and bitching have NEVER in all of history made a difference in life.

The things that have made a difference.

Action, participation, fuck it..action action action.


How about that old and overused cliche, "actions speak louder then words". Think about it. Seriously.

What actual difference have you made (for an example) in the past five years, with just talking shit. Im assuming nothing.

I love those that talk the talk..and are beyond scared to even CONSIDER, walking the walk. Thats my edited version of that cliche.

So, when you decide to stop watching CNN and then just bitch like hell on a very very insignificant (no offense, speaking big picture here) online chat forum about how the world is horrible, and instead get off your ass, go outside and make a fucking difference in the world......then speak to me.

Until then your comments will be considered worthless to me, just used to fill a void of space on a speck of memory of some harddrive hub of which this system is based from.

Completely off the subject here, but I would seriously PAy to actual have a live discussion with most of these people on here. Id love the opportunity to speak to someone without the ability to copy and past and be face to face.

HA... anyways, Im off to save the world, who knows normalnoises maybe Ill ask bush to keep you around after we take over. UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD!!! lol. kidding but hell of an idea....


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Originally posted by eccentricmofo

P.S. normal noises..

I dont own an SUV, but something better.

A 30 year old gas guzzling, emissions test failing polution vehicle and everytime I step on the gas and smell those fumes of torturing plants across the world Im going to think about ya. I dont even recycle....too...


What do you got? wow. Just wondering.

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