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"So you have to say good bye for the summer"(What r you

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So It’s almost over…

Summer of 2003 passed you by

before you knew it. Fall’s around

the corner (My personal favorite season).

My summer was amazing!

Probably the best one I’ve had in years.

So many great nights in sooo many beautiful

places all over Europe. Met great people

and healed manymaaaaany wounds

that I thought would never stop bleeding.

All in all I think this summer turned me

back to the person I once was so many

years ago…A person that almost drowned in

his own head almost one year ago.

SO here I am! And I have so many

plans for Fall! Art projects (Animated shorts

done in Flash) A NEW Short story I’m working

on, A screen play for an indie film I want to put

together, More trips (India, Japan, London,

NY and Mexico) and a new group of friends from

the Italian nightlife that want to get me more

involved in bringing NYC talent as well as getting

me to be a full time promoter..I 'm also getting better

at spinning and have even been offered a one off

at an old 80’s pub (Where I plan to ride through EBM

into techno and electro when I get the chance)

Day time I will be spending with my father and

his company learning how a business works and

in the long run I want to go back to school after

the New Years and get my Masters..

All in all life is good..

So now I ask YOU:





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My summer was aight...actually no that is a lie! I spent the entire first half of my summer studying for the Series 7...which I failed by 2 damn questions....(that alone ruined my summer)...

So I took like 3 weeks off after that to get hammered! But still didn't do to much - and now I am getting back into study mode again. My next test is September 15th!!

I am definatly looking forward to passing this time (otherwise, I lose my job) - but after that I plan on making it one hell a fall season to make up for the summer (which will be impossible!)

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Originally posted by jrsygrl

My summer was aight...actually no that is a lie! I spent the entire first half of my summer studying for the Series 7...which I failed by 2 damn questions....(that alone ruined my summer)...

So I took like 3 weeks off after that to get hammered! But still didn't do to much - and now I am getting back into study mode again. My next test is September 15th!!

I am definatly looking forward to passing this time (otherwise, I lose my job) - but after that I plan on making it one hell a fall season to make up for the summer (which will be impossible!)

The first time I took it I failed by one... 174/250... I was fuming.

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Originally posted by jrsygrl

My summer was aight...actually no that is a lie! I spent the entire first half of my summer studying for the Series 7...which I failed by 2 damn questions....(that alone ruined my summer)...

So I took like 3 weeks off after that to get hammered! But still didn't do to much - and now I am getting back into study mode again. My next test is September 15th!!

I am definatly looking forward to passing this time (otherwise, I lose my job) - but after that I plan on making it one hell a fall season to make up for the summer (which will be impossible!)

good luck on the next one..

anyone else?

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I feel like I already said goodbye when I left Italy :(

Now I'm just getitng into some new stuff - internships at Yoshitoshi and the cultural branch of the Italian Embassy....

so that's cool, but i had an excellent summer. Everything from beaches at Vada and Viareggio to hot springs in Civitella to getting a day off of work to sit on the boat 'cause NY had no power :tongue:

But I'm still hoping and hoping and hoping ot go back to Italy soooooooon!

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

my summer was crap. i spent a lot fo time looking for jobs and interviewing. got screwed over a few times.

i was really sick for the first half of it. i'm still not feeling right.

now COBRA is kicking in on top of car payments and insurance....goodbye savings!


i got laid off 3 months ago...i was hoping to have the summer off and by then get a job cause being laid off in the winter is miserable....ive done everything i can and all ive gotten is 3 interviews....1 will take me but the pay is only $30K and the hours are 5 in the morning til 1 in the afternoon....thats not really comparable to the salary i had....even going through people i know isnt getting me anywhere so im living off unemployment...monday i had an interview with Sony Music but it was just a general interview (damn i would love to work there), not for a particular position so who know what will come out of that....it really hasnt affected my summer...i went to vegas and ibiza and plenty of side things like my house in the hamptons but when i got back from ibiza i said i wont be going on anymore trips til i get a job and thats what i did the most and loved to do...overall my summer was insane

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Originally posted by joecrack13

i got laid off 3 months ago......i went to vegas and ibiza and plenty of side things like my house in the hamptons ...overall my summer was insane

Wow that sucks bro..

Being unemployed in NYC sucks ass.

I was "let go" from my old animation

job at nickelodeon and I spent almost

TWO years floundering around doing

bits here and odd freelance jobs there..

Of course 9-11 hit in the midst of it all

so it was an Exceptionally hard time for

everyone but I know where you are coming


fUCKITTHOUGH at least you got to

Travel to Ibiza and Vegas and have some fun.

Keep your head up man..Things

will get better soon nuff....

Thanx for sharing y'all..



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