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Rave Act


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Friends and Supporters:

The war on drugs is a grievous attack on our civil liberties......and things are about to get worse. Yes, there have been successes. We've pushed senators to debate the RAVE Act on the floor, we've forced a medical marijuana vote in the House and we've got more support than ever before. Nevertheless, Congress and the Bush Administration are now conspiring against the Bill Of Rights with new legislation that threatens our right to assemble and erodes protections against search and seizure.

We have received reports that police are using the RAVE Act to pressure promoters into canceling festivals and events. Unbelievably, the first event targeted by the law was a political fundraiser in Montana. Taxpayer dollars have already been used on an expensive ad campaign calling marijuana users terrorists. Now, in an even bigger grab for control, Senators are working on a controversial bill that could punish nonviolent drug offenders as terrorists. We can't afford any illusions. If the war on terrorism is as unsuccessful as the failed war on drugs, we're all in big trouble.

Read on for some important updates and actions you can take on Rave Act II (including a September 6th protest in DC), a new "drugs and terrorism" bill, Drug Czar John Walters secretive tour around the country and the growing fight against U.S. Latin American drug policy.

With these new challenges come new costs, and your financial support is crucial in our fight to protect our rights, so please visit our online donation page at: http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=44683&l=4472 .


In the fight to repeal the RAVE Act we have come up against another piece of anti-rave legislation. If made into law, this latest attack on our civil liberties would open more doors for the prosecution of innocent business owners unable to stop drugs coming into their venue. Thousands of our supporters have already faxed their representatives about what we are calling the RAVE Act II (officially known as the Ecstasy Awareness Act) and groups across the country, like EM:DEF and ROAR, are mobilizing voters against the bill.

If you haven't faxed your Representative about the Ecstasy Awareness Act, please do so at: http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=44683&l=4336

We also need you to fax your Representative about the CLEAN-UP Act if you haven't already. http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=44683&l=4337

For more on what you can do to stop threats to hip hop and electronic music see: http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=44683&l=4338


Thousands will gather at the Capitol in Washington, DC on September 6th for a musical protest against the RAVE Act and the continuing assault on dance culture. The event, sponsored by ROAR!: The National Dance and Music Rights Alliance, will feature Junior Vasquez, D:Fuse, booths, prizes, and much, much more.

Dance for your rights. U.S. Capitol, Washington DC. 1pm onwards. For more information on the protest including directions see: http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=44683&l=4339

Tour Buses are being arranged from numerous cities. Please email info@roargroup.org for all general inquiries.


Two years ago, with the very real experience of terrorism in our lives, Senators rushed to pass the PATRIOT Act. Essentially a license for the government to spy on its own people, the Act has become one of the biggest threats to our civil liberties. Now, without urgency, Senators are about to make an even bigger mistake. The misnamed Vital Interdiction of Criminal Terrorist Organizations Act of 2003, or the VICTORY Act (hang on.....that should be a small r and where did the Y come from??), contains numerous disturbing provisions including laws that could charge non-violent drug offenders as terrorists. It has not even been introduced yet and civil libertarians are commanding their battle stations. Judging by the title of the Act the government is more concerned about propaganda than dealing with real issues of terrorism or drugs. This legislation will undermine the country's struggle with terrorism by conflating it with the war on drugs. This legislation will become the next battle ground for civil rights in the U.S.

Stay tuned, as you can be sure the Drug Policy Alliance, with your help, will be mounting a concerted and persistent campaign against this act. For more information on the VICTORY Act

see: http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=44683&l=4340


Marching to the beat of the Bush administration's drug war drum, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy's (ONDCP) Drug Czar John Walters is using tax-payer dollars to preach harmful, punitive drug policies across the nation while keeping the location of his appearances secret until the last minute. What does this say about the democratic process and the war on drugs? We've been asking supporters to contact both the White House and the ONDCP to ask that they operate in line with democratic transparency and release the dates and times of the Walter's tour.

Call the White House:



Call the ONDCP:



For more on the Drug Czar's tour: http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=44683&l=4342


Expanding its reigns beyond the borders, the Bush Administration funds the aerial fumigation of coca crops in Colombia. Damaging all crops, including food, and wreaking havoc on environmental and political conditions in a country already impoverished and plagued by civil strife aerial fumigation has only moved coca growing deeper into the forests and to other areas. The House of Representatives last month narrowly defeated Democrats' efforts to boost funds to fight the global AIDS epidemic by shifting money away from anti-drug efforts in Colombia. The House voted 226-195 against redirecting the money.

More on the vote here:


To read more on U.S. politics and power in Latin America read Drug Policy Alliance Executive Director, Ethan Nadelmann's Foreign Policy article 'Addicted to Failure'. http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=44683&l=4344


Please visit http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/unsubscribe to unsubscribe from all lists. Visit http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/managesubscription.asp to learn about other lists you can subscribe to.

For problems, please contact Jeanette Irwin at jirwin@drugpolicy.org.

Please consider joining the Drug Policy Alliance: http://www.drugpolicy.org/join

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