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The BBQ was a blast from the moment we got there. It was great seeing so many people, meeting new ones, just relaxing and having a good time without any bullshit of having to go to a club. Lyrik, you are the man for hosting us, and your place is the perfect set-up. Everyone chipped in and brought so much food it was ridiculous, but it is all gone, ( I think I gained about 5 pounds). Thanks to the chef's for cooking all day at the grill, the meat was endless, especially the whole cow someone brought. :laugh:

The alcohol flowed like water and people kept on drinking. :beer:

As for the music and DJ's. :dj: It flowed pretty good and decent variety in the house genre. Then later on Michael Martin dropped the choons and started throwing in other genres, nice set. ! I bet Lyrik's neighbors were glad when it started raining and the music stopped.

Great turnout, I think there was around 60 people throughout the day. Is that a good estimate?

I am editing all the pictures as I type this. Crazy amount of pictures, I think there will be around 140 pictures from the BBQ up later today.

Can't wait for the next one, when is it? Lets try one a little north like North Miami or Ft. Lauderdale.


Post away and put your reviews.

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my review!!!!!!!

good tunes+good food+good people= GREAT TIMES

it was a very nice event!!!!!!!

it was nice seeing the old, and of course always nice to put a face to the screenames!!!!!!!

Lyrik thanku for u wonderful hospitality!!!!!!!!!!!

my suggestion on the next bbq is to not have one till winter...till like december, and if we wait till then, we will have it at my house, which is in broward....well dade/broward line!!!!!!!!!

once again very nice event!!!!!!!!!!

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I had a great time.

Lyrik....:aright: You're awesome! The house was perfect!

Thanks again Jackie for pulling me into the pool :rolleyes::tongue:. And Jackie really hooked it up with the food...her churrasco, and moro, and white rice and black beans....don't forget the cuban bread! She went all out.... it wasn't a BBQ for her, it was a feast! :)

It was great hanging with my usuals and meeting new faces.

Again, Mike (mrmiami), I'm sorry I had to leave, I really wanted to see you spin, but the line-up was running late and we had to pick up the kids. I'll catch you one of these days. :D

Smashley....you'd better get to posting!!! :mad:

Looking forward to the next one...hopefully even more CPers will make it out next time.


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i had a great time hanging out with everyone, the music was awesome, the food was great, and there was an awesome vibe!

we got there a little late so we didnt get to stay very long :(

the only thing that sucked was mrmiami didnt get to play:confused: but theres always next time!!

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Originally posted by 1smashley

i had a great time hanging out with everyone, the music was awesome, the food was great, and there was an awesome vibe!

we got there a little late so we didnt get to stay very long :(

the only thing that sucked was mrmiami didnt get to play:confused: but theres always next time!!

FFFIIINNNAAAALLLLLLLYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

smashley has arrived!!!!!!!!!!

the funnyiest shit is that her and mjm have the same avatar...:laugh:

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Originally posted by 1smashley

the only thing that sucked was mrmiami didnt get to play:confused: but theres always next time!!

Yeah, that does suck...I thought he just played later on after we left. I was really looking forward to hearing him. :( Oh well, next time.

Glad to see you posting, finally!


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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

Yeah, that does suck...I thought he just played later on after we left. I was really looking forward to hearing him. :( Oh well, next time.

Glad to see you posting, finally!


Oops, this was me! :D

Forgot to log him out.

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i had a blast....nice people ....exellent food!!!! it was very nice finally being able to put a face to some screen names......thank you everybody...and i loved playing for you cp people......

the only bad thing is that i didnt meet themrs and fliptoniaaa:confused: i was looking forward to it........i was expecting labels!!!:laugh:

well ...see you next time!!!:D

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Okay I think Im starting to digest some of my food so I think I can type now. First and foremost I want to send a BIG thanks to Lyrik for his hospitality, GREAT BBQ, your the man! It was great to meet some new faces and also to seeeee the old ones. I have to say there was sooooooooooo much food, my GOD I felt as if I was in the medieval days with all that meat. Yo and those shrimps were off the chain. For all of you who spun thanks for setting the pace of the BBQ and keeping everyones heads bobbing throughout the day and night.

Lastly, yesterday as I was eating and drinking and observing the whole scene at the BBQ I realized that through all the reviews, shit talking, promotions, questions, meetups, ect. behind everyone of those posts (for the most part) are cool, down to earth people that have regular lives, love to party, and pretty much just love to have a good time. The internet is great. Hope to see you all soon again. Peace.


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Originally posted by sotuorlando

Lastly, yesterday as I was eating and drinking and observing the whole scene at the BBQ I realized that through all the reviews, shit talking, promotions, questions, meetups, ect. behind everyone of those posts (for the most part) are cool, down to earth people that have regular lives, love to party, and pretty much just love to have a good time. The internet is great. Hope to see you all soon again. Peace.


And when it comes down to it, that's all that matters...great to hear wonderful reviews for this, I only hope I can one day experience this for myself :aright:

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What can I say that hasn't all ready been said.

It was really cool meeting some new people and also hanging with the familiar ones. I look forward to the next one already.

The classic story in my book for last evening was while in the kitchen talking with Jackie, I hear a little voice behind me repeating....."breaks, breaks, breaks, breaks breaks,.....When I turn around a I see a tall blond girl (sorry, forgot your name) with a somewhat disappointed look on here face repeating the words....."breaks, breaks, breaks, breaks breaks.

She was alone at that time so I can only imagine that she was praying to God to give her some break beats.


All and all the turn tables where rocking and the food was awesome. Fun Times!!!!!!

Thank you Wendel for the CD, I look forward to jamming to it. It's always nice running into you and seeing how similar we see think about the music scene. Great set like always.

DJXL...thank you for your CD as well and it was nice hanging with you guys. Everyone seemed like really nice people.



Sounds Of The Underground



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Like I said before I had a great time and thanks everyone being such very respectful guests in my home.....I think I was asked about 20 times by different people through-out the night if they could help me clean up or help in anyway with the party.....kids holding down the kitchen area really looked after things and were constantly cleaning....for as many people were at my house last night...there really wasn't too much clean-up the next day.

All the DJs that came out mad props XL, Wendel, Mirza, Reiss, Rico, Michael Martin & Vacom....and I want give an apology to mrmiami..who unfortunately did not get to spin...again.....I promise the next thing we do that I organize you will get the PRIME spot....I am looking to hook something like this up again but do it Park style.....very soon!! Jimmy T again showed how much of a down to earth guy he really is...came out and chilled to all the DJs and basically took a back seat for the night for all the other guys...I really wanted to get ya on the decks too...much respect to you guy!

All the FOOD...my boy Rico that was cooking most of the time told me we went through about 60 lbs of meat among all the other sides.

I met so many people last night that it is hard to remember just who I did meet...but to all of ya thanks for making it a great party with an awesome vibe....people kept telling me just how great it was to be around so many like-minded people!

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great bbq !!! had a great time ... & great to finally meet alot of the new people on here ... great to meet the guy with the koolest screen name on here (mp3some) kool cat !! lyric really went out of his way & threw a great party .. heard a few eye opening mini sets:eek: :eek: & heard 2 tracks that really made my jaw drop !! :jawdrop: :jawdrop: OBBY !! better hook that shit up !! :D ... sorry that mrmiami didnt get a chance to spin :( was a bit upset about that but hey ... whatever ... special thanx to themrs & miss trouble for looking after the youngest party animal in the pool :D i dont think he was gonna complain about that :eek::D eric kamikazee great seeing you and hangin with ya.. definately a kool cat ! & great pics btw ... well im out !! just wanted to say i had a great time and that at the time im writing this im still FUCKING FULL !!! food was great !! and if you didnt go ... u missed a great party !! peace out !!

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Just wanted to say was up to everyone and say thanks for an awesome time. Parties like this is one of the reasons why i love djing. just watching everyone just having a good time made me realize just how powerfull Music really is. if not for it, some of us would problely would never meet . some once again thanks for a great time and a great get together.

meng i'm sorry i had to go had to to work at the Club

but i know u had agood time anyway

See YAa!!

:) :)

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Just wanted to say was up to everyone and say thanks for an awesome time. Parties like this is one of the reasons why i love djing. just watching everyone just having a good time made me realize just how powerfull Music really is. if not for it, some of us would problely would never meet . some once again thanks for a great time and a great get together.

meng i'm sorry i had to go had to to work at the Club

but i know u had agood time anyway

See YAa!!

:) :)

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