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a new RAVE act?? sign the letter to your congresspeople


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these bills get passed with very little talk, unless we pass the word along and take action! just click the links below and all ya have to do is attach your name on the dp alliance's site; they'll send the letter for you. take a minute to help stop this ridiculous and dangerous legislation :no: !!!


Your Right to Dance Is Under Attack - Again!

Take Action at: www.actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=21598&l=4021

Earlier this year, backdoor politics led to the passage of the RAVE Act, a law that makes it easier for law enforcement to arrest event holders for the drug offenses of their patrons. Now, Congress is at it again. Under the Ecstasy Awareness Act live entertainment will receive another threatening blow. Your rights are in danger, take action now!!

Already the RAVE Act has been used to intimidate promoters of festivals and political fundraisers into calling off their events. Like the RAVE Act, the Ecstasy Awareness Act, could effectively ban live music and dancing while throwing innocent people like you in jail. In light of the fact that drug use is a probable occurrence at any musical event, HR 2962 opens the door for any concert promoter, event organizer, or nightclub owner to be fined and jailed. It doesn't matter if they tried to prevent people from using drugs. Nor does it matter if the vast majority of people attending the event are law-abiding citizens that want to listen to music and not do drugs.

The Ecstasy Awareness Act of 2003 is another dangerous piece of legislation that could prevent you from seeing your favorite band or DJ live! It is vital that voters contact their Representatives and tell them not to co-sponsor this bill.

Actions to Take:

** Fax your Representative today. To find our more go to www.actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=21598&l=4021 .

** Forward this alert to your friends, family, and co-workers.

For more information on this bill, go to www.actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=21598&l=4022 and under "bill number" search for HR2962.

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