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Defender Of Hialeah


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Thats really lame obby ... cant you come up with something original instead of stealing someone esles work and putting your name on it ... pathetic ... really pathetic ... I personaly know the person that made that pic .. and it sure as hell wasnt you! At least do a decent job of covering up where you obviously photoshopped your name onto the pic ... the nerve of some people.

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Originally posted by genom

Hey Obby, why did you rip a pic off and put your sig on it? Thats not nice at all. At least leave the original sig on it and dont claim it for your own.


Let me ask you a question.

Who pissed in your wheaties this morning?

I know you didn't just join the board to ask me this.


Are you already a member but did not have the nerve to post this question with your real screen name?

The answer is actually very simple.

BECAUSE I CAN (PS: It had no original sig silly)

Now delete your cookies and sign on back with your real screen name.

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Originally posted by obby

Let me ask you a question.

Who pissed in your wheaties this morning?

I know you didn't just join the board to ask me this.


Are you already a member but did not have the nerve to post this question with your real screen name?

The answer is actually very simple.

BECAUSE I CAN (PS: It had no original sig silly)

Now delete your cookies and sign on back with your real screen name.

I just joined this board for the sole purpose of pointing you out as a fraud ... BECAUSE I CAN

Youre a cheat .. nuff said.

OH... BTW ... heres the original thread where my boy Brew created it along with several versions of it ...


So keep on being a liar and try to convince everyone on this board youre "funny"


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You are this first person that has talked down to me on this board. Nice to meet you too. I was actually warned that I might run into some people such as yourself.

I do not have time to waste with silly people like you.


If this really bothers you which it looks like it does. I suggest you confront me personally and I will be more than happy to straighten things out with you the proper way.

Bet you won't though.



Trip out. All my MP3's which I have converted from my vinyls have my websites name on it. Does that mean I made those tracks or that they are supplied by me???????

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I have to tell you for people like Chuckaberry Finn, Rench, and Genomie to get sooooooo offended by a pic that someone found funny and wanted to share it with the other people on the message board just shows how much of a life you kids really have. Every joke, Pic, Mp3, song, article, advertisment, flyer, ect. was'nt originally created by the person who posts it but who gives a F*ck, it's all about sharing the wealth with others. Obviously you want to keep pics like these to yourselves so you three can sit around on a Saturday night, jacking each other off, trading Pokemon cards, and talking about how your biggest accomplishment in life was creating SUPERMENG, you guys are a bunch of dorks, straight up!

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Yeah, we are sure your the image of integrity so your opinions matter.

I merely pointed out it aint cool to rip other peoples stuff off. Your boy Obby feels he can do whatever the fuck he can. Fine. Guess what? So can I.

At least I know 1 more asshat to avoid around town.

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Orly I appreciate you jumping in on this but no need.

Genom, I will tell you what I told Luigi and then I'm done with this silly argument.

Trust me I received that pic from my bro and it had no sig on it. I ALWAYS place my name on both my MP3's and the pictures that I plan on keeping (that have no sig). That way people can know that it was SUPPLIED by me. NOT made by me. It was an innocent gesture that obviously was taken in the wrong way by either you or your boys.

I am not one to disrespect people but if I am disrespected my self then you can rest assure that I will stand up for myself.

Again, if it would have had a sig I would have not fucked with it and I would have still posted it considering that I found it funny (good job creating it). <-----would any decent person still say this after being talked down to?

NOW, if your boys want to call me this and that like little kids then please tell them to be a man about it and confront me in person.



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Sorry CP Crew (the cool ones)

I am sure you guys know I am not one for the drama but more for the beats. I didn't think me posting this pic would cause such ruckus but I forgot. Not all of us think in the same manner.

The original creator just contacted me via e-mail and was actually very polite with me so I think the proper thing to do will be to post his info in hope that it will stop the drama.

The picture was originally created by:

"Brewtalized by Luigi 2003"

Luigi just informed me that the original post can be found here


now can we get back to being adults?


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Originally posted by obby

Sorry CP Crew (the cool ones)

I am sure you guys know I am not one for the drama but more for the beats. I didn't think me posting this pic would cause such ruckus but I forgot. Not all of us think in the same manner.

The original creator just contacted me via e-mail and was actually very polite with me so I think the proper thing to do will be to post his info in hope that it will stop the drama.

The picture was originally created by:

"Brewtalized by Luigi 2003"

Luigi just informed me that the original post can be found here


now can we get back to being adults?


Geez...talk about drowning in a glass of water....:rolleyes:

You may get sued, Obby, so be careful.

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