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its 9:02


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Originally posted by nybeauty

11:01 how u been stranger

11:03...i have been ok...very busy here at work and home...my company has decided to restructure the health and health care groups and move offices and cubes so my department is handling that...it is a long 3 week move so i have had very little time to be on here + school and homework :(

how have u been? last time i was on ur doggy wasnt doing well...whats going on with that???

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Originally posted by fkornre

11:03...i have been ok...very busy here at work and home...my company has decided to restructure the health and health care groups and move offices and cubes so my department is handling that...it is a long 3 week move so i have had very little time to be on here + school and homework :(

how have u been? last time i was on ur doggy wasnt doing well...whats going on with that???

11:04 im putting her to sleep tonight :boohoo:
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Originally posted by nybeauty

11:10 ty sweety....so what else is new, im going to enroll in the film academy :D

11:22...that is kewl...i wish u lots of luck with that...

what else is new....i am broke as hell...i have no clue where my money went....did u take it..:confused:

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Originally posted by upjumpdaboogie

10:05 - Holy mashoogana it's cold out.. actually it's not that bad.

I've got bagels, doughnuts and munchkins for everyone. Coffee and Juice.

Everything w/ scallion cream cheese, poppy w/ butter&jelly for me.. Hazelnut coffee w/ cream and sugar...

chow down..


2 bagels for you??? you fat fuck

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