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its 9:02


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Originally posted by phatman

12:35pm .....i cant even think about a shake right now...i just had a wheat bagel with an overload of veggie creamcheese and a cup of coffee...next up is the fresh squeezed oj...

(but the shake does sound delish...)

12:55pm... just finished my lunch... campbells low-fat minestrone soup. It definately doesn't taste like the real minestrone, thats for sure :(

I want beer and cookies :)

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Originally posted by phatman

...i want the same...but i want to be in my massage chair at home...in a pair of shorts...watching the game...

whoa.. yer a poet and didn't know it:confused: :laugh:

My grandma laughs that my cousin mike and i will eat cookies and drink beer to wash them down.

Can't do that too often or I'll get a big ol' ass:laugh: :blown:

3.25 hours and i'm outtie.........I have 3 cans of Busch left, calling my name:tongue:

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Originally posted by solbeam

2:16 Im hurting really bad right now and im going to do it all over again tonight :laugh:

...lmao...try to get more sleep...then go exercise...like cardio for an hour...sweat all that shit out - just be aware that you'll prob funk a bit...lol...you'll be able to start over again, no prob...:)

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3:07 and just got home from work

Had a jerk of a patient and a mile high stack of paperwork

Got told I get to do all the bleachings from Jan 20th on because we're getting a new system and my boss wants me to do it

(the one that takes only 2 hours that they use on Extreme Makeover)

yay for me:blank:

Get to sleep in tomorrow though:D

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