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its 9:02


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Originally posted by dgmodel

everyone is a liar... i stayed in the office late, because a gentleman made a firm commitment to me that would could conduct some business... i informed him that i have a wake to go to and that i feel we will do substantial business together and i will arrive late... he said it would be in your best intrest to do so... and what does he do... yeah i dont even want to finish this post... im going to drop a brick on his head...


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9:25am ...at work on about three/four hours sleep...bacon, egg and cheese def helpin the hangover...and i cant believe my car read -1 when i left this morning...but alas...my salvation is at hand...


...just a few hours and counting...

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Originally posted by marcid21

10:51 . . . i smell testosterone.

10:53...in a short while you'll be smelling something else...


...you wouldve been proud of me last night marci...some great one liners...i.e..."...and NO...a hat like that does NOT hide a double chin!!"...

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Originally posted by phatman

10:53...in a short while you'll be smelling something else...


...you wouldve been proud of me last night marci...some great one liners...i.e..."...and NO...a hat like that does NOT hide a double chin!!"...

10:58 . . . :laugh2: laughing and loving my phats more and more.

:kiss2: x 1,000

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Originally posted by dgmodel

now: my nerves are shot... wtf... i have the jitters all afternoon... what do you think its from??? (i drank heavily last night, and had ample sleep and food in the morning, but you think its from the drinking or???)

your on those diet pills again??

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