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Fags and the Catholic Church


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by demo909

First off read what I wrote carefully!! I am not putting those guys down at all. I've always loved there music and their production work. Of course Abyss was good back then thats why I mentioned it.....why was it good cause the music at the time was gay oriented and just plain slamm'n......I have more clues then you'll ever know Saleen Lets see Razor and Guido (who is gay by the way and a good close friend) remix just about every vocal anthem you can shake a stick at...from Kim English to Suzanne Palmer to their own work like like "do it again" All Gay hits!! and made for that market...not for guido's

second...now i spin where??? try Nerve, Crobar, monthy residencies in ATL @ level3 and NYC at Lotus.........but then again I'm a nobody.

dude i have razor live from the tunnel, but that was for gays??? you still make no sense, just because the str8 crowd and gay crowd likes the same tunes, doesn't mean it's gay oriented. All you are doing is putting up fake barriers and fact remains that those tunes were when house had soul.... I have the R&G cd, from 1997 or 96, i have it currently in my alpine in my car. I know nelson has that cd too. probably the best cd, ive ever bought for club tunes...

R&G were never a gay anthem duo, they just appealed to everyone... Use to see them at float, tunnel etc.. they were big!

On a side note, i miss old abyss, you'd see more djs and celebs in there than any other club... Manny the Greek, richie santana, jhonny vicious, scribbles, tsettos etc.. those were the good ole days, of dressing up, waxing your car, and rolling posse deep to the club... I got to touch Debra Cox'es leg at abyss:eek:

I use to live 20 minutes from there. Biggest bouncers on earth:eek: I saw Dr Dre perform there one night..

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Originally posted by saleen351

dude i have razor live from the tunnel, but that was for gays??? you still make no sense, just because the str8 crowd and gay crowd likes the same tunes, doesn't mean it's gay oriented. All you are doing is putting up fake barriers and fact remains that those tunes were when house had soul.... I have the R&G cd, from 1997 or 96, i have it currently in my alpine in my car. I know nelson has that cd too. probably the best cd, ive ever bought for club tunes...

R&G were never a gay anthem duo, they just appealed to everyone... Use to see them at float, tunnel etc.. they were big!

On a side note, i miss old abyss, you'd see more djs and celebs in there than any other club... Manny the Greek, richie santana, jhonny vicious, scribbles, tsettos etc.. those were the good ole days, of dressing up, waxing your car, and rolling posse deep to the club... I got to touch Debra Cox'es leg at abyss:eek:

I use to live 20 minutes from there. Biggest bouncers on earth:eek: I saw Dr Dre perform there one night..

All i'm trying to say is why you can tolerate and receive enjoyment from our music but not tolerate us as human beings??

sexual orientation for anyone is a prefference. Some people say they are born that way (I'm not sure I believe that either)...but over all choosing to be gay is not the decideing factor in someones life. There's more to any of us (Even you) then just who we want to sleep with.

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Originally posted by demo909

All i'm trying to say is why you can tolerate and receive enjoyment from our music but not tolerate us as human beings??


here is my take:

Homosexuality is immoral...but so is sex out of marriage (if u believe what the Bible says)...i dont treat gays any diff. than i do someone who has sex out of marriage....its their choice....EVERYONE on this board does immoral stuff...from smokiing to drinking to sex to drugs to whatever....who cares if ssomeone is gay? who cares if Razor and Guido produce gay anthems? who cares if Saleen puts peanut butter on his "special place" so the Hog (the actual dog) can lick it off while he watches Jena Jameson videos?

in this day and age...we must learn to tolerate....if we dont, we become the very thing that we are trying to fight (aka Terrorism)...just my .02 cents

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Originally posted by shroomy

OK for the first time, sallens remarks need a whole new thread (for those who didn't see these gem's in the How does NJ and Lauderdale get Jr V but thread

god I dont even know where to start, normally I would go after the most ignorant part, but there are so many candidates I cant even pick one.

I guess randomly.

Being gay is immoral... even here do I point out all the immoral shit that he does? no, too easy. Ill make the assumption that its immoral because his uncle told him the bible said it. The big one is one line in levitcus about being an abomination to lie with a man as with a women"

Well at least uncle guido knew something besides to change his undies once a month. It sure does.... right after it says It is an abomination to wear clothes of mixed fibers , It is an abomination to eat pork, It is an abomination to eat shellfish, Its is an abomination to drink milk, It is an abomination to have a blood transfusion, If your brother dies, you are commanded to take his wife as your own etc...

But hey, I’m sure its only the homo line that god really meant, he was just joking about the rest.

Lets not even look in the other books of the bible to talk about some of the crazy shit said there. We can just pick and choose the parts we want. All those times they talk about treating others as you would have them treat you…. Fuck that! Lets get the fags because of the two lines in a thousand pages.

But incase your curious….

We can support slavery….

Slaves, obey your human masters in everything; don't work only while being watched, in order to please men, but work wholeheartedly, fearing the Lord

Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property

We can keep women in their place

Women should be silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak, but should be submissive, as the law also says

But for now just the homos.

BTW with homos of course we only really care about the guys… if its chicks!!! God bless em, just let me watch.

More to come…..

......incredibly well said....my respects;)

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277


here is my take:

Homosexuality is immoral...but so is sex out of marriage (if u believe what the Bible says)...i dont treat gays any diff. than i do someone who has sex out of marriage....its their choice....EVERYONE on this board does immoral stuff...from smokiing to drinking to sex to drugs to whatever....who cares if ssomeone is gay? who cares if Razor and Guido produce gay anthems? who cares if Saleen puts peanut butter on his "special place" so the Hog (the actual dog) can lick it off while he watches Jena Jameson videos?

in this day and age...we must learn to tolerate....if we dont, we become the very thing that we are trying to fight (aka Terrorism)...just my .02 cents

wow... finally an intelegent response to the issue...

but Jes, let me ask you since I have a chance of getting a reply besides "well my daddy went to a seminary school and he knows it all"

Why do you think it is immoral? Same with drinking and drugs btw? It was always my opinion that it was someones actions towards others that is moral or immoral, being on drugs and killing someone is just as bad as being sober and killing someone, the drugs make as much difference as what they were wearing.

And I find it hard to distinguish between alcohol and other drugs, and since Jesus turned water into wine at the weddding feast, I can't imagine he had anything against alcohol, after all they didnt run out of wine because they were thirsty, and they could have drank the water too.

On a similar note... even after looking at this thread, who in their right mind would choose to be gay and be discriminated against and riddiculed by 80% or more of the population every single day. Fuck, if I had to put up with it, I would have end up killing someone every day.

BTW does everyone agree with the church that it is immoral to use birth control? To masturbate? To have your wife be your equal? All are immoral by catholic doctrine. but remember doctrine is just the church's, and thus man's interpritation of god. They have been wrong so many times in the past, why is everyone so certain they are right now?

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Guest saleen351

you can take all of that and toss it out.. Why is simple, it's not a question of gods law, it's a question of gods law coupled with natural law....

Science aswell as theology...

It's that simple...

And the church has a real hard time dealing with evolution etc... But there is no denying natural law...

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then masturbation is unnatural.... your going straight to hell

having sex with out wanting a child is unnatural.

hell scuba diving is unnatural by that fucked up logic.

and Rape is natural... plus it happens in nature all the time in primates, dolphins etc...

BTW what exactly does natural mean to you? and how can anything done by gods creations not be natural?

You are naturally retarded, and some people are naturally gay. Tell me boy george made the decision to be gay, and wasnt born that way.

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Originally posted by shroomy

wow... finally an intelegent response to the issue...

but Jes, let me ask you since I have a chance of getting a reply besides "well my daddy went to a seminary school and he knows it all"

Why do you think it is immoral? Same with drinking and drugs btw?

well using the same line of reasoning (the Bible)...God created a man and a woman...and that is the "natural" order of things...men were never suppose to go with men (speaking in terms of the Bible)...same with drugs and other vices....but i am NOT PERFECT, hence i dont judge like that...taking a book from the teachings of Jesus "He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone"....and i know this b/c i studied the Bible from Pre-kindergarten till my Senior year of high school...i went to a Bible thumping Baptist private school...and as far as the water to wine...everything in moderation...INCLUDING MASTURBATION!!:tongue:

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I don't know if anyone saw it or not, but a few months ago Details magazine ran an article about how 'NJ guidos' and 'Chelsea boys' are almost completely interchangable from their appearance, attitudes, behavior and yes taste in music. Kinda ironic, no? :D

NEWS FLASH >>>> We live in a society guided by secular principles of gov and not religious principles or standards

The United States is a society that purports to offer freedom and civil rights to everyone regardless

A decision about same-sex marriage should be made using RATIONAL ARGUMENTS, not emotional or tradition-based/religous arguments

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Originally posted by saleen351

so you are saying you didn't call and pm guyman and lola for my info?

Does "guyman, no questions asked, just give me his address" ring a bell? They didn't give it to you for a reason,

Yea Nick... Just like I'd never give you Shroom's address or phone number... I don't give shit out to anyone without permission. Its a respect that I have for others privacy. (Why was my good name dragged into this shit)

Now, as far as your little fag crusade... carry on.

And remember NICK - if you let a man suck your dick once, you probably WILL NOT turn gay (just bi) :laugh:

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and back to the point a bit......

why is gay unnatural? It has been around since the dawn of man, and exists in other species too.

Now saleen, he is unnatural.

A bicicyle is unnatural.

A car is unnatural.

Why is it moral to bang some chick in the ass but not some guy?

both are not natural... what ever that means.

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

all i know is what i see, and i see that for some reason pedaphiles r drawn to become priest....the facts speak for themselves.....i know this is a little off topic, but it needed to be said!!!!!!!!

I think it is a result of lack of sex.... so don't even think about letting your kids near saleens house.

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