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bowling for columbine!!!!!!!


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i just saw it after much anticipation......im starting this thread to get an educated debate going!!!!!!!

ill start with this......this is the country and government that some of u stand up for!!!!!!!!!!

a governmant that wants to install fear in its own citizens!!!!!!

call me a hippy but that imagine song seems clearer and clearer to me all the time!!!!!!!

let the fun begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest saleen351


I shot a gun twice, never liked it, and won't ever do it again, unless i get to mown down some camel jockies or some gooks or the occasional trance dj...

roger and me was better by the way..

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You, anti-gun? Damn...never would have pegged ya.

My logic is that in an armed society, the unarmed citizen has the most to fear...

Society is dangerous, and if I feel the need to keep a weapon, I should have the right...

A gun ban will never happen here, not with almost 500 million firearms in this country.

And a small part of me likes to think that if the government gets any more anti-liberty, that the people have the option for an armed revolt.

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

i just saw it after much anticipation......im starting this thread to get an educated debate going!!!!!!!

an educated debate? lol..... good luck here, if its not about music drugs or sex, about 6 people are able to carry a conversation :)

but what the hell, Ill play.

1) god bless the hippies, they certainly have the right idea. The only problem is that it takes one person willing to resort to violence to fuck up everything. The world certainly would be a better place, its just unfortunately not going to happen, so lets deal with reality. You have a better chance of having everyone in america giving you a dollar, sure it could happen and youd be rich. Its just not likely.

2) gun control. If its not like england where all handguns are prohibited (well almost all) it isnt going to work. It will just be the criminals who will have the guns, lets face it, if they are willing to break the law and use them, they are willing to break the law to have them. I would actually be willing to support total gun control, but this assult weapon ban and half ass measures just wont do shit. A semi auto shot gun will do as much damage as an assult riffle, and there is no chance of banning them.

3) our system is totally fucked... but it is still less fucked than all the others. As long as people run government, some of them are going to be down right evil and tyranical for personal beliefs of gain. We just need more hippies to keep watch over them.

4) its too easy to think that everyone else thinks like you... they don't, there are hundreds of thousands of people in america who would kill you for your shoes and use your pocket change to go out parting the same night. Go to some other countries, and that attitude is the norm (most of africa, mid east, much of asia, etc)

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Guest saleen351

there is a simple solution that is already working

enforcement of current federal laws have cut illegal guns by a huge percentage, cause under federal law, a illegal gun is a mandatory 5 years in prision, no parole no exceptions...

NJ has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, might be the most restrictive. I never had to deal with guns, or gun viloence in my entire life up there, yea part of that that i come from a well to do area, but none the less you'd be an idiot to carry an illegal guy in nj, or even a legal gun.

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The only thing I'll give the square state folk is that they're generally pro-2nd Amendment...but at the same time, anti-1st...it's funny, you can't get one group that just says "This is what the Bill of Rights says, and this is the way it's gonna be..." There's always some group who wants to take only the parts that apply to them...you get the hippie types who only want the 1st and 4th Amendment, and want to disarm the people, and then you get the square state folks who want to keep their huntin' rifles and shootin' guns, but at the same time want us to be in a G-rated world.

Even worse is the politically correct brigade...

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Originally posted by saleen351

there is a simple solution that is already working

enforcement of current federal laws have cut illegal guns by a huge percentage, cause under federal law, a illegal gun is a mandatory 5 years in prision, no parole no exceptions...

NJ has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, might be the most restrictive. I never had to deal with guns, or gun viloence in my entire life up there, yea part of that that i come from a well to do area, but none the less you'd be an idiot to carry an illegal guy in nj, or even a legal gun.

Gun laws don't mean much in relation to gun violence unfortunately. There is no way a simple law will make any significant difference. Without addressing the availability of guns, we are fucked. Tell a 16 or 17 yr old that he is going to go to jail for five years in just about any inner city in america and they will laugh at you and honestly tell you they really don't expect to be alive in 5 years. They are either more concerned about keeping from being shot, or robbed, or so defiant they are going to do whatever they can for as long as they can until they die. Its totally fucked but true.

The people who are smart enough to even know what the laws are, are not the ones carrying out the gun violence.

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Every gun owner I know is a responsible citizen, who keep weapons either for sport or for self/home defense, and are properly licensed to do so...some have pre-ban assault weapons, others simply have a Glock pistol or a IMI Desert Eagle...but they're all responsible with them, keeping them well away from children, and so forth.

To me, the current methods of gun control are a futile exercise in this country, with the amount of firearms present....a good model would be Switzerland, where everyone owns a weapon, literally (as part of their homeland defense tradition...so it's like a semi-automatic rifle...) but yet gun deaths are extremely low. Guns are not the cause of the problem, people are the cause of the problem...what needs to change is peoples' attitudes towards firearms...with freedom comes responsibility.

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the problem is that we humans as a species are freakin idiots!!!

so no matter how resonpsible the people u know r....it only takes very little and a bad desicion in a moment of unclear thinking to make the responsible...the unresponsible!!!!!!

and thats the bottom line......cuz human nature says so!!!!!!

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What a koinkidink! I saw it for the first time the other night. I thought it was very relevant and accurate regarding all the points Michael Moore was trying to get across. Especially the rudeness and complete lack of respect of that clown from the NRA with the rallies that were scheduled in both Flint and after Columbine massacre (it's like stabbing an open wound). I believe the fact that the US has had a long (haha, funny) and violent history is a bullshit excuse to explain why americans are obsessed with guns. I have lived in countries where the media is much more restricted in its displays of stupidity. Maybe Mr. Moore should also consider making a movie about the obsession that americans have with the damn TV. There is not one answer as to why this country is obsessed with violence. I think it has to do with a lifelong conditioning process and brainwashing by the media. But if you liked this movie, go to Amazon and order the european (uncensored) edition of his book "Stupid White Men." He talks about theinvoluntary ignorance of the american people (involuntary because it's not by choice it's due to lack of exposure to outside culture on a global scale), democrats vs. republicans (his view on this is quite biased towards Ralph Nader), corporate america and the blowhard that is GW Bush.

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