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Oscar G in canada


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Oscar rocked in Montreal, i didn't hear him spin in like 5 months and i really enjoyed it...

Nice meeting Louis Puig again too...the nicest guy as long as you don't work for him hehehehe

Enjoy what you have in miami, Space is really the best club around....

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I heard he rocked it out there and that Stereo has one of the best systems in clubland period. Montreal has it good they have Oscar @ Stereo and Steve Bug @ Aria the same night.

Sounds pretty diverse to me.

Definitely will consider making it up there for Mutek next year.

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we may have to move there period...seems like the only progresive thinking nation on this side of the planet!!!!!!!!!!!

way to go canada for being an awesome country politicaly and to its citizens....wow....whoever heard of the government really providing healthcare for all its citizens, and decriminalizing marijuana!!!!!!!!! thats the way a nation on the rise thinks!!!!!!!

a better way to make money and help citizens not drag them through the mud........oh and they had oscar g this weekend....i hear that guys pretty o.k.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

i hear hes sarcastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Nah, I'm not gonna move up there...sure things all seem rosy and whatnot, but in reality, there's like a helluva wait to get that free healthcare...you probably would kick off in the waiting room.

Frankly, I like my option of establishing an independent republic on my little island (yes, i technically live on an island...) better :cool:

Glad to see Oscar kicked it up there though...show dem hosers a thing or two, eh? It's aboot time.

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Originally posted by pod

I trust your judgement in party matters so I'll let you move to my island once I figure out a way to keep those pesky police out. They're claiming that it is illegal or something...

its ur island u will have pod police that will follow pod rules!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

its ur island u will have pod police that will follow pod rules!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I'll rule like a drunken dictator...the cops won't do shit when I'm sober, but when I'm drunk there'll be some atrocities committed in my name :laugh:

"Bathe her, and bring her to me!"

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