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South Park Is Ova......................

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This is great news. I hadn't missed a friday at metro or a saturday at merge for like 2 years. But since the metro party went to southpark i went like twice. Same DJ same bartenders but the room was TERRIBLE. I absolutely hated south park and i am very glad to hear that the party is moving to drama.

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I knew this was going to happen.

When you first posted the move in the summer, I wasn't a fan and even told you guys, but I knew you had to do what you got to do. I thought Metro firdays was the best friday party by far and a long lasting one and when you guys hyped the move like it was going to be better then the the old I knew it couldn't be better then the old. How could it ?????

It was the real home of the word METRO, were it all started !!!!!

How could you beat the afterhours deal, the location was great and your cliub was located in a hotel!!!!!!

I know in the past how many great things I heard about Junior's party at Twilo and now I have heard shit of him at Exit, if the bitch is still even there. It is very hard to just pack a great party and move. I understand that you may have had problems with the town or whatever to move, but I knew the move couldn't have been better then old.

Didn't get to make it to the new Metro, but I do think the room at Drama is alot better for you guys and what kind of party Metro throws. I hate the location though, but best of luck George your a class act and hope it works out great.

One last thing..........Do you know what would be really siiiiiccccccccckkkkkk ???????????? Go back to the old Metro

Kosta and Badass, you guys are funny, your supposed to be boyz

that's why I would never ever get involved with working in the "Industry".........friendship always come first !!!!!!!!!

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I will be honest I never checked out Metro Fridays @ South PArk so I can't say how it was but It didn't sound like a good idea from the start. South Park could never have given out the Metro Vibe.

Drama has the potential because of the space and set up. What is going to happen with the second floor? Is it going to be all one kind of music or 2 different styles? I hope it all works out.

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When will Cicra be done? Why not just call Cicra........"Metro" and just leave a good thing alone.......................................... If u want to do something good, get Afterhours back!!!!!!!! Joeys first then Afterhours at metro, leads to a nice nite out.

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Originally posted by mkutlass

When will Cicra be done? Why not just call Cicra........"Metro" and just leave a good thing alone.......................................... If u want to do something good, get Afterhours back!!!!!!!! Joeys first then Afterhours at metro, leads to a nice nite out.

Afterhours will never happen in Jersey again except for AC

and the Mayor of AC own Tru/Studio 6 so anything goes in AC

That is one big reason why BEDLUM never opened up 3 years ago

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Afterhours is possible..............Just have to ask the town council what they want. Alot of people thought it would never happen in the first place and it did, so anything's possible. There r too many lounges that no people r going to. Cicra shouldn't become a boring lounge, it needs to be a nightclub. This probably doesn't make sense, I'm confusing myself LOL.

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

Afterhours will never happen in Jersey again except for AC

and the Mayor of AC own Tru/Studio 6 so anything goes in AC

That is one big reason why BEDLUM never opened up 3 years ago

WOW BEDLUM, I remember doing that party for that one day only, lol. It would of been a great party to do. But the major will not allow any parties unless he is part of it. Smart man. Smart money maken man.

victor soto

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