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CompTIA A+ certification

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Who has this certification? Cost $145 x 2. They are updating it in November.

I took it today at WBI after reviewing for a few days.

900/900 on hardware, 831/900 on software. Passing is ~460/900

The lady at WBI said that nobody there has been able to pass both exams in one day. They teach 13 week classes to prepare kids for this. So if anyone here is looking to take it don't stress too much over it.

I was considering the Net+ exam as well. Either way i'm going to start studying to get my Cisco CCNA. Any tips? I know i have a long road ahead of me.

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You probably skip the network + depending on how much you know. But its still good reading. If you can get trancenders they really help with preparing for the CCNA.

If you want to really understand TCP/IP there is a book every network person I know has including myself. It is TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1, great book

I have my CISSP and soon my Solaris Security Cert. I am going to be starting on my SANS certs also.

It is tough work but the more you actually learn and not just go through the motions to get a Cert the better off you will be.

Certs are great if you know your stuff but these days if you don't they won't help you as much as they used to.

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A+ and Network+ dont really require classes or training as long as you have a clue.

Im in the process of getting my MCSE, and CCNE along with several security certs.

I've had enough of databases lol.... EVERY FUCKING DAY... So I opted to specialize in security. Much more interesting if you ask me.

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Glad that you where able to pass it with no problems....

Definitely good choice in going for your cisoc cert..

I have my MCSE IN NT 4.0 AND 2000 - CNA IN NOVELL 4.11 & 5.0





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...I have my A+ and am studying for my CCNA (I have a whole Cisco certified Workbench to myself in the office ...joy...:love:..).. I was on track to get my NT4 MCSE years ago, but moved before I could certify..I may get one or two MCP courses for the new Curriculum done..but as time goes on I'm caring less and less about Microsoft Certs...

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With all of the test you have taken and become certified in...Have you had any Job experience. Along with them preparing you for tests, have they placed you in an environment which you will be able to utilize what you have learned?:)

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Originally posted by Tr2Self

With all of the test you have taken and become certified in...Have you had any Job experience. Along with them preparing you for tests, have they placed you in an environment which you will be able to utilize what you have learned?:)

I've been in the computer field since 1996 doing independent consulting. Aside from that I've only held part time positions, makes sense considering graduated in May. My last job at Rutgers was pretty cool. I handled a bunch of stuff like wireless installation, cisco switches, rack management, etc etc. I definetely learned a lot.

I took a class last year called Linux for IT applications. Great course, I learned a lot but i'm still nowhere near capable of handling a linux admin position.

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Originally posted by Tr2Self

With all of the test you have taken and become certified in...Have you had any Job experience. Along with them preparing you for tests, have they placed you in an environment which you will be able to utilize what you have learned?:)

I have been in IT for 5 years now... I changed careers, used to be a district manager for a local newspaper....

So yes I do have working experience..

One year as a consultant

Last 4 years I have been working fulltime for a law firms.

But Certifications do not gaurantee work... Expereince is evrything and for those trying to get into the field you have to be persistent... unless you know someone then it all changes....

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Originally posted by oldschoolny

I wish I could help you out but I do government contracting. I will ask around though as I do have contacts outside of the contracting world.

Once I hear something I will ask you to send your resume to them.


I've got a few opportunities on the horizon...

I got a call from a consulting agency for a position as an NT Engineer at a company on Long Island. The keywords are 'kickstart' and 'NT scripting.' I have exerience writing and modifying linux kickstart files but i'm not sure if that is what he was referring to. I don't really have any NT scripting experience but i'm willing to learn. He told me to center my resume around those 2 topics and i'm set.

Has anyone ever heard of another usage of kickstart aside from Linux? Thanks

I've also got an on campus interview with BAE for a position as a Systems Engineer. Who knows.. i've been sitting on my ass since May, maybe something will work out.

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Some of you mentioned doing consulting.

I am actually thinking of going that way.

Set up a corp to help small to mid size businesses with IT.

Q for those who did it:

why did you decide to go to work for other corps?

is the market really that bad?

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Originally posted by PCR

Some of you mentioned doing consulting.

I am actually thinking of going that way.

Set up a corp to help small to mid size businesses with IT.

Q for those who did it:

why did you decide to go to work for other corps?

is the market really that bad?

I've been doing private small scale consulting since 1996 through my own company. No store front. I take care of mostly home users, small networks, user level support, etc etc. From what I know it's difficult to sustain your own consulting firm in IT. Most people our age who live on their own need a steady flow of income. If consulting is the only source often times you will enter a period of zero work flow. Oops, no income.. can't pay rent. SEe where I am going?

The other problem is getting clients.. it's all about who you know. Good luck!

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I have my ccna a+ network + and mcse and honestly these certifications don't mean shit in the pc world today. Luckily I work for a really good company but honestly half these clowns have all these certs yet dont know shit. Sorry to tell you guys but if you think having certs will get you a job your wrong. Its about what kind of experience you have and who u know.

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Originally posted by slyonspromos

I have my ccna a+ network + and mcse and honestly these certifications don't mean shit in the pc world today. Luckily I work for a really good company but honestly half these clowns have all these certs yet dont know shit. Sorry to tell you guys but if you think having certs will get you a job your wrong. Its about what kind of experience you have and who u know.

Yeah I'll agree with you. A lot of the jobs out there require certifications to be considered for the position but beyond that they aren't as special as they used to be. It is good preparation for the field though. I definetely learned a few things I would have never thought twice about while preparing.

Times change, market sucks. :(

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