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Al-Qaeda continues to grow due to iraq

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Originally posted by babbo

the folks you want as friends, will slice your head off, and put it on tv- bush is no genius, but this issue go way beyond current circumstances youngin

I wasn't referring to the middle east, i was referring to Europe. See, my sister recently came back from germany and she says we are a laughing stock over there. And that is all due to Bush. Maybe they dont hate us but they dont think much of us because of Bushs policies. America deserves respect not Bushit.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

I wasn't referring to the middle east, i was referring to Europe. See, my sister recently came back from germany and she says we are a laughing stock over there. And that is all due to Bush. Maybe they dont hate us but they dont think much of us because of Bushs policies. America deserves respect not Bushit.

dont worry about what others think of you, protect yourself and your allies, all the other shit doesnt mean shit!!

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Originally posted by xpyrate

I wasn't referring to the middle east, i was referring to Europe. See, my sister recently came back from germany and she says we are a laughing stock over there. And that is all due to Bush. Maybe they dont hate us but they dont think much of us because of Bushs policies. America deserves respect not Bushit.

We are a laughing stock.. With double digit unemployemnt and negative GDP who should be laughing at who???

France lets 15k thousand of it's civilians die of a heat stroke and we are arrogant and stupid?

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Originally posted by xpyrate

I wasn't referring to the middle east, i was referring to Europe. See, my sister recently came back from germany and she says we are a laughing stock over there. And that is all due to Bush. Maybe they dont hate us but they dont think much of us because of Bushs policies. America deserves respect not Bushit.

Your endless nonsense is blowing the retard meter off the charts...

Please cease and desist....Show some pride and self-respect in yourself....

Your ignorant, ill-informed, baked in utter-stupidity commentary offers nothing...absolutely nothing.

One could only hope that imbeciles like you eventually tire from the stream of idiosy that flows from your asshole.

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Originally posted by igloo

One could only hope that imbeciles like you eventually tire from the stream of idiosy that flows from your asshole.

That's def going in my away msg :laugh: :laugh:

as for Europe - well they've tended to scoff at us for a long while, but seeing as Bush really does come across as a hard-headed knuckle dragger [read: insophisticate], and Europeans see themselves in a sophisticated/cultured/snooty light, yeah we're going to get shat on.

whatever. The only thing Europe is good for is snubbing other nations and drawing the rest of the world into their conflicts.

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Originally posted by cintron

That's def going in my away msg :laugh: :laugh:

as for Europe - well they've tended to scoff at us for a long while, but seeing as Bush really does come across as a hard-headed knuckle dragger [read: insophisticate], and Europeans see themselves in a sophisticated/cultured/snooty light, yeah we're going to get shat on.

whatever. The only thing Europe is good for is snubbing other nations and drawing the rest of the world into their conflicts.

I have no doubt that Bush foreign policy, or at least the way it is approached, is "troubling" for European elites....particularly the Bush foreign policy where he actually takes action against real problems instead of empty words and promises and hope they go away on their own....

I would suggest that France and Germany pay more attention to their own imploding countries, and less time diverting attention away from their own domestic failures by promoting their "anti-American " platform.....

It is a shame that more Americans can not see this for what it really is....

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I think the main thing that's disconcerting to the rest of the world [and myself, I admit], is finally seeing a politician that's all action, little talk. It's inverse of what you'd normally expect.

the problem with that is that the rest of the world isnt used to it and feels like he's a cowboy out of control. Kind of like a "be careful what you wish for" situation.

I think we're faced with the dillema of having a guy that does TOO much now. The problem is, nobody has a leash on him. A president that is uncontrollable is a frightening one. If the majority of a nation tells him they're uncomfortable with his foreign and domestic policy, he should at least address their concerns, not ignore them and go about his business.

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Originally posted by cintron

I think the main thing that's disconcerting to the rest of the world [and myself, I admit], is finally seeing a politician that's all action, little talk. It's inverse of what you'd normally expect.

the problem with that is that the rest of the world isnt used to it and feels like he's a cowboy out of control. Kind of like a "be careful what you wish for" situation.

I think we're faced with the dillema of having a guy that does TOO much now. The problem is, nobody has a leash on him. A president that is uncontrollable is a frightening one. If the majority of a nation tells him they're uncomfortable with his foreign and domestic policy, he should at least address their concerns, not ignore them and go about his business.

I agree with you...the world is not used to a leader who actually takes action...especially after 8 years of Clinton (whether you like Clinton or not, an objective look at his Presidency was a failure to confront true threats and a willingness to cater to the European elite)

But I disagree with you that the majority of this country are unhappy with his policies....Most polls still show favorable ratings over unfavorables....

And, let's not forget that there is a chunck of the population that will never agree with him no matter what (normal politics) ...couple that with a clear media agenda (this can not be ignored) and the Dem candidates only platform an anti-Bush one, you will see an impact on the polls,--right, wrong, or indifferent

In addition, President's polling are always at their lowest in third years. Right now, Bush has a higher approval rating than Clinton and Reagan at this point, and you know what happened in their re-elections....

Listen, I know you and I had this discussion before. I think you are making too big of an over-statement and over-generalization about Bush not listening to the people...I do not think you are looking at the polls correctly.....

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Originally posted by cintron

I think the main thing that's disconcerting to the rest of the world [and myself, I admit], is finally seeing a politician that's all action, little talk. It's inverse of what you'd normally expect.

the problem with that is that the rest of the world isnt used to it and feels like he's a cowboy out of control. Kind of like a "be careful what you wish for" situation.

I think we're faced with the dillema of having a guy that does TOO much now. The problem is, nobody has a leash on him. A president that is uncontrollable is a frightening one. If the majority of a nation tells him they're uncomfortable with his foreign and domestic policy, he should at least address their concerns, not ignore them and go about his business.

I agree with you...the world is not used to a leader who actually takes action...especially after 8 years of Clinton (whether you like Clinton or not, an objective look at his Presidency was a failure to confront true threats and a willingness to cater to the European elite)

But I disagree with you that the majority of this country are unhappy with his policies....Most polls still show favorable ratings over unfavorables....

And, let's not forget that there is a chunck of the population that will never agree with him no matter what (normal politics) ...couple that with a clear media agenda (this can not be ignored) and the Dem candidates only platform an anti-Bush one, you will see an impact on the polls,--right, wrong, or indifferent

In addition, President's polling are always at their lowest in third years. Right now, Bush has a higher approval rating than Clinton and Reagan at this point, and you know what happened in their re-elections....

Listen, I know you and I had this discussion before. I think you are making too big of an over-statement and over-generalization about Bush not listening to the people...I do not think you are looking at the polls correctly.....but we do not have this battle again.

What areas do you think he is ignoring the people?

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Originally posted by igloo

he actually takes action against real problems

What action are you referring to exactly? Plunging our economy into the toilent? Driving our country into war? Not being able to find Bin Laden?

I am still wondering what Bush has done in his 3 yrs of office. And I know igloo your gonna call me a bunch of names, so instead of calling me uneducated then educate me on what he has done. Because I really can't think of one thing he has done.

At least Clinton brought us out of the economic depression of the early 90s when, coincidently, Bush the 1st was president.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

What action are you referring to exactly? Plunging our economy into the toilent? Driving our country into war? Not being able to find Bin Laden?

I am still wondering what Bush has done in his 3 yrs of office. And I know igloo your gonna call me a bunch of names, so instead of calling me uneducated then educate me on what he has done. Because I really can't think of one thing he has done.

At least Clinton brought us out of the economic depression of the early 90s when, coincidently, Bush the 1st was president.

Son.....calling you names or asking you to get an education could never equal your own words on this post in justifying what a monumental simpleton you are....

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Originally posted by xpyrate

Plunging our economy into the toilent?

At least Clinton brought us out of the economic depression of the early 90s when, coincidently, Bush the 1st was president.

Clinton was not responsible for the economic boom. Bush was not responsible for the economic bust. Those items would have occured regardless of who was president.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

Clinton was not responsible for the economic boom. Bush was not responsible for the economic bust. Those items would have occured regardless of who was president.

Well, Bush scraped Clintons economic policies as soon as he came into office, then all of a sudden the economy goes down. Just seems too much of a coincidence/color]

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Originally posted by xpyrate

Well, Bush scraped Clintons economic policies as soon as he came into office, then all of a sudden the economy goes down. Just seems too much of a coincidence/color]

:laugh: :laugh:

You really need to stop yapping. You have actually succeeded in making me feel bad for you. It is very painful to see someone as dumb as you continually inflict harm on oneself with endless rants of idiosy and statements baked in logic-defying moronic mental retardation.

Please....please stick with Pokemon cards.

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Originally posted by igloo

:laugh: :laugh:

You really need to stop yapping. You have actually succeeded in making me feel bad for you. It is very painful to see someone as dumb as you continually inflict harm on oneself with endless rants of idiosy and statements baked in logic-defying moronic mental retardation.

Please....please stick with Pokemon cards.

:laugh: Igloo this has done too much K bro he doesn't know any better...Clinton's economic policies :laugh: .. Guy needs to pick up a book and read about the 90's expansion due to the internet/technology causing rediculous valuations in stocks. Oh wait Gore invented the internet I forgot...:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by mr mahs

:laugh: Igloo this has done too much K bro he doesn't know any better...Clinton's economic policies :laugh: .. Guy needs to pick up a book and read about the 90's expansion due to the internet/technology causing rediculous valuations in stocks. Oh wait Gore invented the internet I forgot...:laugh: :laugh:


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