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A single state of mind

N.Y. has biggest percentage of unwed



It's official: New York has the hottest singles scene in America.

The U.S. Census Bureau released a report yesterday showing New York has a greater percentage of bachelors and bachelorettes than any other state - and most of the singles are in the city.

In the five boroughs, there are 2.4 million people who have never married.

Half the state's adult population was either widowed, divorced or had never been married, according to "Marital Status: 2000."

The nationwide study also concluded that men and women are waiting longer than ever to say "I do."

And the odds for women hoping to marry aren't good.

The study found 86 unmarried men for every 100 unmarried women.

"I don't know if they're all confirmed bachelors," said Tavia Simmons, a co-author of the report.

The study doesn't go beyond statistics, but single New Yorkers offered lots of explanations for their cold feet.

"I'm single by choice because I have aspirations that are easier achieved on my own," said Jason Price, 26, a New York University student majoring in cultural anthropology. "I don't want to have to compromise just yet."

Furniture saleswoman Elisa Borgatti, 31, of Mount Vernon, in Westchester County, said there are simply too many choices.

"Every corner that you turn there is somebody else who is good-looking, and everybody is always out for a bigger and better prize," Borgatti said. "I'm not going to settle for just anyone."

Aspiring dancer Shawn Brzezinski, 25, of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, said he has had several boyfriends since moving to the city five years ago but none has worked out.

"This is a city of millions of people but sometimes it's the loneliest," Brzezinski said.

Garner Abrahams, 32, of Hempstead, L.I., said he has been more focused on a sports marketing career than on looking for a mate.

"At one time I was doing a lot of dating. Now I want to cool off a little, stay out of the scene," said Abrahams.

"I don't want to date, I want to focus on my career. If it comes my way - great. If it doesn't - so what?"

Originally published on October 21, 2003

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...i keep thinking of that scene from fight club...on the plane...single serving...it's so true...and i honestly think all this catering to individuality has caused so many problems - including relationships - no one wants to work any more - everyone thinks that the "perfect" person is out there....lol...not saying you should compromise, but allow for imperfections and mistakes...then again, who am i to say all this...i'm so single, i've been classified as a monk...

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you know there are so many dimentions to this.

In a way, this will reduce the population (less couples = less children) which is a GOOD thing.

Then again, i have to feel sorry for people who are always "me first". It seems like they keep running somewhere, hoping to achieve something, but never settle down.

Or, they keep having to satisfy that craving for intimacy, go out on lots of dates, but they don't amount to much.

Either way, this might just be a generational thing. It seems like people in my generation at least like to have steady b/f - g/f

Or not :confused:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

In a way, this will reduce the population (less couples = less children) which is a GOOD thing.

Errr- you're assuming that no unmarried people are having children... that the people who *are* having babies are only having one or two... and that the city's population isn't being replenished due to people moving in from out of town.

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Damn, this milimeter is a guy of small words :laugh2:

yeah tasty, that's all a factor. but a majority of the time, people who get married usually have kids (IMO).

This study says people aren't marrying, which leads me to believe they won't have kids.

but instantly thinking, most of the time, it goes like this:

1 meet someone ~~>have kids ~~> get married


2 meet someone ~~> get married ~~> have kids

Now, according to this study, it's

3 meet someone ~~> meet someone ~~> meet someone.

Im not saying the world is so black n white. Im just saying that this trend (people choosing not to marry) will make them be more choosy about who they will be with, in turn putting off having kids.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Damn, this milimeter is a guy of small words :laugh2:

yeah tasty, that's all a factor. but a majority of the time, people who get married usually have kids (IMO).

This study says people aren't marrying, which leads me to believe they won't have kids.

but instantly thinking, most of the time, it goes like this:

1 meet someone ~~>have kids ~~> get married


2 meet someone ~~> get married ~~> have kids

Now, according to this study, it's

3 meet someone ~~> meet someone ~~> meet someone.

Im not saying the world is so black n white. Im just saying that this trend (people choosing not to marry) will make them be more choosy about who they will be with, in turn putting off having kids.

The thing is, you're basically talking about the educated middle-class... and they aren't usually the ones who are having the most children. Also- the study did mention those who are divorced... and they could have children from their previous marriage.

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