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To all the bedroom DJ's - Rise Up!!!

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Originally posted by fierciaroxx

The movement will not be televised!!!

You would be surprised what ONE mind is capable of achieving...!

Is that too much for you?

The promoters in this city don't know WTF is going on with this city,they are all about money,money,money..


What sells?

Hot chicks and guys with 6 packs?

Is this what has happened in this city?

I tell you this,I will not stand by one minute more and allow this...

I am appreciative of the fact that I played at your party,but,to be completely honest with you,YOU should be happier and more grateful that I played for you...

Do u yet know what kind of entity that you are dealing with..

Perhaps you have no idea,,

I will see you on the other side my friend....


Could Not have said it better myself!

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Originally posted by fierciaroxx

I am appreciative of the fact that I played at your party,but,to be completely honest with you,YOU should be happier and more grateful that I played for you...

how can you tell me every promoter is out for the money when the party I help to organize has absolutely nothing to do with money? 200 djs have played at homegrown and you're still going to tell me its all about the money? not one of them was paid, and all were HAPPY to play for us. Homegrown exists SPECIFICALLY FOR the scene and the people in it. None of the reesidents are paid either. It is entirely not-for-profit.

Please don't preach to the choir.

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The fact remains lasix, that yes, what you are doing is a great thing and it is great for the scene. There are many people out there who are doing similar things which are strictly to help the scene. Speaking for myself at least, when talking about how promoters and owners are only in it for the money, I am talking about many many promoters who fill the clubs with crappy DJs who play mainstream music and only care about putting money in there pockets, don't want to pay anyone, and could care less about the scene, but only the "glamour" of being a "big time" promoter. Homegrown, as I understand it, was started to give the true underground people and the lesser heard DJs a chance to come together and keep whats left of the scene going. I assume you would have similar feelings on this matter as me, as you are one of the heads of Homegrown.

A few bad apples ruin the bunch. Unfortunately in this case, it is way more than a few.


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one party can change everything... me and my friends used to be like "are we going to that stuck on earth thing this weekend, columns of knowledge or drop bassnet..."....and sit and argue about which one would we prefer for a week...nah can't go to that one too much bts over at that one their gonna fake a fight and steal everyone's school bags... can't do this one, cuz they won't have XYZ to ingest and michelle won't like that... at this one...too crowded at this one... and we'd go back and forth it was so much fun!!! = _)

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Originally posted by chrischu

one party can change everything... me and my friends used to be like "are we going to that stuck on earth thing this weekend, columns of knowledge or drop bassnet..."....and sit and argue about which one would we prefer for a week...nah can't go to that one too much bts over at that one their gonna fake a fight and steal everyone's school bags... can't do this one, cuz they won't have XYZ to ingest and michelle won't like that... at this one...too crowded at this one... and we'd go back and forth it was so much fun!!! = _)

I have no words on this!

This is brilliant!!

When you mention these stuck on earth parties..it gets me going..

These parties will be here,and they have already started..

There will come a day when ravelike and true music will reign again in this city,and you will have too many to choose from...

These days are upon us once again...

Thank you..

Roxxia:eek: :eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by chrischu

Bottle service sux, takes up dance space....

I couldn’t agree with you more.

There’s still a few clubs in this here city that will never give in to that. Granted they are not fancy or elegant but they have some of the best grooves and best vibes.

You got to think that clubs are in fact a business and their primary goal is to make money and lots of it. So if they know that if they play mainstream KTU & MTV like music they’ll get more people they will do so. They know that in a spot where 6 people can dance (or try to dance) they can put a table & bottle service and they will triple their money for that spot they will do so.

It sucks but that’s the truth.

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this bottle service thing has GOT to stop being prodominant in the places it doesnt belong----

last week myself and a team of djs did this one spot


man let me tell you

we got all the equipment going

got our additional goodies ladied out and just simply got the night ready to go

music is already started

i wanted to actualy punch the man in the face ( manager)

he came to myself and the booking agent as we sat down and started talking about this and that

we asked y are there so many tiny tables and seats around-

his reply was " arent you guys expecting alot of bottle service " ---" i wanted to keep the seating areas down here only for that"

uhh now wait - the max seating cap. that i could see there was about good for 50 ppl

he already knew we had an exess of 200 comming

where the hell is everyone going to STAND / DANCE ?

now never mind that but

lets say that NOT ONE PERSON wated any bottle service

does that mean NOT ONE PERSON can use this seating style?

so? where would you have 200 ppl stading then?

its just a stupid lame ass sheep move again

this was started at supper club

and that s good place for it but my god-

ppl trying to do this in a high energy house room with seating for less then 40 ppl?

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

this bottle service thing has GOT to stop being prodominant in the places it doesnt belong----

last week myself and a team of djs did this one spot


man let me tell you

we got all the equipment going

got our additional goodies ladied out and just simply got the night ready to go

music is already started

i wanted to actualy punch the man in the face ( manager)

he came to myself and the booking agent as we sat down and started talking about this and that

we asked y are there so many tiny tables and seats around-

his reply was " arent you guys expecting alot of bottle service " ---" i wanted to keep the seating areas down here only for that"

uhh now wait - the max seating cap. that i could see there was about good for 50 ppl

he already knew we had an exess of 200 comming

where the hell is everyone going to STAND / DANCE ?

now never mind that but

lets say that NOT ONE PERSON wated any bottle service

does that mean NOT ONE PERSON can use this seating style?

so? where would you have 200 ppl stading then?

its just a stupid lame ass sheep move again

this was started at supper club

and that s good place for it but my god-

ppl trying to do this in a high energy house room with seating for less then 40 ppl?

Very nicely put,Liqid..

I happened to be at Luanns that same night..and don't get me started...

First of all,I WAS on a guestlist and I STILL had to wait in line,me and about 10 other poor souls looking around in bewilderment as about 20 girls in heels and tight mini-skirts and men with hair spiked up a mile high walked right through the rope without a moments wait...

You mean to tell me that just because I had a coat on,and not a mini skirt and implants that I had to wait in line?

The coat thing,I can't pass through without checking my coat??

I thought I was going to show some support and hear music,well,LISTEN to music..and I have to abide by 20 different stupid house rules?

I was going to a party,to be myself and just enjoy quality music and good vibes,,if I wanted to go to a fashion show,well,fashion week ended already...


and you're telling me that if I don't pop down 300 for a bottle of Belvedere,that I am unworthy of your club??

UGH!! How disturbing?

and people have the nerve to say that the NYC nite life scene is hot?

I must be mistaken here,maybe I need to get with the times,because I thought a night out was be yourself,hang,chill,dance,get down,and rock on to great fucking music!

Now a night out is a fashion extravaganza of the latest labels,and who can pull the first hottie,and who has the most money?

Well,I have blessed with the co-operative efforts of a one Liqid Touch,and we are ensuring that the NYC night life is back on par,and that a night out,once again will equal only,simply stated...


and of course,EDM!!!!`but,everyone already knew that...

and sheep,stop following the herd,because when I see a pack of sheep,they don"t ever seem to be too happy,such a humdrum life.....

Time to wake up people..


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