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Vue to a new afterhours place called THE HOSPITAL!

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Probably the funniest night I can remember since getting drunk in high school....going to McDonalds ..trying to steal a huge Blow Up Ronald ....having the manager jump over the counter...try to tackle me and ME beat the living Hell out fo him!....................

Yeah...so we go to VUE..Me, Digga and Bigtime...along with our three guidette monsters...the night started out a little weak...after Digga a.k.a "Mr. Industry" failed three times trying to get us into a Very Exclusive Club...(bwahhhahhaha)...He tried everything First he dropped DONDIEZELS name..that didn't workl then he dropped the guest list of BIGTIME...that didn't work....finally he tried "Brad's" list and yet another failed attempt...Finally the lady asked us to leave the line and I told her...if she got us in...I would get her into the Surf Club! hahaha!

Next stop...VUE! Went to VUE and honest to God I had the best time in there...The hip-hop was a good change and everyone was getting tweaked...and just having fun!

Anyway...the best is yet to come...We were hanging in VIP (like where else would we be) when I decided to test out the railing above the dance floor...ummmmyeah needless to say the railing worked fine...and did the trick (chop chop rip!)

The girls were being girls dancing and teasing eachother....while Rod and I were trying to figure out the Champagne Glasses...It was STRANGE they kept breaking it was really weird! Rod broke one in his hand and that is when the problem started...He says to me...."Oh Shit!"...I said "what" he said " I need to go to the HOSPITAL" OMG!...His middle finger was hanging by a few veins and a little bit of tendon! It was fucking horrible! The glass penetrated through the finger and the surrounding area....I told Rod it would be fine...and even offered to sacrifice a strangers jacket to help clean up the bloody hand! But Rod looked at me like I had 5 heads and suggested we round up the troops and go to the E.R.!

At the Hospital..it could not have been anymore out of Control.....We rush Digga in and everyone else follows...of Course Bigtime is more concerend about Food so him and Guidette Monster #2...decided to go stuff their faces! While I assisted the Doctor in everyway..I was part of the Surgery Team and a key component in the procedure! Doctor knew I was serious because I scrubbed my hands and put on a set of Surgery Gloves! Meanwhile in the bed next to Rod...there is a Heroin Over Dosed guy...who keeps mumbling ...I keep yelling at him telling him to "SHUT UP"...hahaha The Doctor and I worked on Digga's hand for about 2 hours...The doctor gave Rod 20 shots of "numbing factor" to the infected area...meanwhile in the room ...my Guidette Princess and another Guidette Monster are discussing breast implants...I suddenly see Rod...start to go down....his dark complection becomes white and his eyes start twitching...I asked everyone for a moment of silence and I conduct a brief prayer....Bigtime finally came back and I let him know that Rod has about a 50% chance of making it...Several times...Rod was trying to speak while fighting the pain...I told him numerous times; "Rod...You are delerious...and have no clue what you are saying...it is more important that we try to conserve as much oxygen as possible"....I would rub his foot and comfort him...basically just trying to give him a little HOPE! ...Well after an intense 2 hours Rod...some how survived...no blood transfusion...NOTHING! I tried as hard as I could to get Rod some type of Pain Killer...but the Doctor looked at the 6 of us and jsut shook his head NO! ....Anyway...we found the car...and started the decent home.....as we are going through the Lincoln Tunnel....Bigtime..requests that i pull the Car Over! ...BBBWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHHHAHHHA! yeah Right.,..Rod and I look at eachother...and just lose it...laughing at Bigtimes request...so he rolls the window down and unleashes a unique combination of foods.....all over the Lincoln tunnel....as well as my car! The night ended...with me thanking God that Digga...Survived this insane night!

Pictures will be posted shortly!

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Awww Rod you almost gave me a heart attack last nighT! I was waaasted and got this TM from you "I"m in the hospital" I was like.....:eek:.......so I called you right away and spoke to a girl, can't remmeber her name...maybe Karen!? She assured me you were okay........Hope you're doin okay :kiss2:

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i've lived life w/ a quarter brain,......................... do you think 15 stiches and no feeling in my hand, but throbbing pain in my finger is going to stop me?????????


great time last night, thanks KELLY for hooking me up!!!!!

VUE was definatly worth it, i had a great time last night, till i heard my ALL TIME FAVORITE BATTLE, BIGGIE VS. TUPAC!!!!!!!, thats when all hell broke loose......................cant get into detail, but too funny!!!!

never had a better afterhours..............diggas first words to the doc in the ER was, "I WANT WHAT THE HOROIN ADDICT IS ON".....................ha ha ha ha, the guy looked like he was having the best time, that was great, if you guys could have seen the look on this guys face, messege to all "DO NOT DO HEROIN!!!!!!!!!!!"

what a scene in ER, looked up and saw stacked standing at the end of the bed w/ gloves on and a camera, karen in the docs hip pocket reminding the HORON ADDICT how bad drugs are, while chewing the docs ear off,........... tiff and court in the background discussing implants, AND bigtime 2 beds over screeming "COACH ARE YOU GOING TO BE OK, AND DOC CAN YOU COME HERE NEXT" GOOD TIMES AND CANT WAIT TO CUT MY OTHER FINGERS OFF!!!!

this took 3 hours to type, will HOLLA MORE LATER!!!!!!

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Next stop...VUE! Went to VUE and honest to God I had the best time in there...The hip-hop was a good change and everyone was getting tweaked...and just having fun!

Pictures will be posted shortly!

Sorry to hear about that w/ Rod and his finger..That's crazy!! But def glad to see you had a good time, I actually couldn't make it theere last night (A.C. was calling my name) But I'm glad the party was good, Is seems to def be week after week a good time.

Hopefully that finger heels (CANT WAIT FOR PICS!) and I'll get a chance to meet you guys face to face in the weeks to come at VUE...Thanks For The Continued Support of Vue Jersey!!!

Victor Soto ( Red Carpet ) . Jerry X ( Milennia ) . Johnny Marc ( Upper Level ) & CliQue Entertainment presnts.........

Vue, a restaurant and a nightclub, presents the world's first ever 360 degree digital surround cinema in a nightlife venue. Vue's white walls and towering domed ceiling serve as an immense breathtaking screen onto which eight strategically placed projectors cast digitally-enhanced, panoramic images, instantly transporting the patron into a stunning three-dimensional world of sight and sound.

Or Hit The Site For More Info www. Upper Level Ent .com

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Originally posted by roddigga

oh and it was def not the clubs fault!!!!!!!!! TRUST ME!!!!!!!!

Dani is right - if you dont have health insurance make sure the club gives you money for the bill since it happened on their premises with their glass.

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nah i got health insurance.........i wouldnt do that to the club, especially since two of my friends do the party there, kelly and ralphy!!!!!,

nina you've knows me since HS and know this is just a WAR wound!!!!!!...............ill be fine, but thanks rod loves ya hun!!

i broke 3 fingers on the secaucus football field attempting to rip someones helmet off his face, i tore all the tendons in my finger, and broke the bone right at the bend and they were all bent in a 45 degree angle!!!!!!............i fixed it myself on the field, coach took me out when he noticed my finger kept flappin to the side whenever i picked my hand up!!!!!!!!.............did i sue the school???????, NO.............i taped up the fingerS and kept trying to rip peoples face masks off the rest of the season!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by roddigga

nah i got health insurance.........i wouldnt do that to the club, especially since two of my friends do the party there, kelly and ralphy!!!!!,

nina you've knows me since HS and know this is just a WAR wound!!!!!!...............ill be fine, but thanks rod loves ya hun!!

i broke 3 fingers on the secaucus football field attempting to rip someones helmet off his face, i tore all the tendons in my finger, and broke the bone right at the bend and they were all bent in a 45 degree angle!!!!!!............i fixed it myself on the field, coach took me out when he noticed my finger kept flappin to the side whenever i picked my hand up!!!!!!!!.............did i sue the school???????, NO.............i taped up the fingerS and kept trying to rip peoples face masks off the rest of the season!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Then its all good :D

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Honestly VUE was pretty sick! We definitly ran the place...Great bathrooms by the way....!!!

Digga...How funny was it when the Doctor asked me to help him out? Hahaha! I was still laughing all day just thinking about the insanity...I kept telling the doctor how good he was and telling you how lucky you were that he put the "numbing factor" on your wound!!!

"SHUT THE FUCK UP OVER THERE"...I said that to the Heroin Addict and the guy looked at me with the cutest face pointed to his throat and said WATER! hahahahaha!....So I did something really really mean...I turned the HOT knob and gacve him a nice HOT glass of WATER! ...hahahahaha! Court was ready to kill me!

I cannot wait for coming weekend....Me in my old High School Uniform is going to be a very very bad scene!

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Probably the funniest night I can remember since getting drunk in high school....going to McDonalds ..trying to steal a huge Blow Up Ronald ....having the manager jump over the counter...try to tackle me and ME beat the living Hell out fo him!....................

Yeah...so we go to VUE..Me, Digga and Bigtime...along with our three guidette monsters...the night started out a little weak...after Digga a.k.a "Mr. Industry" failed three times trying to get us into a Very Exclusive Club...(bwahhhahhaha)...He tried everything First he dropped DONDIEZELS name..that didn't workl then he dropped the guest list of BIGTIME...that didn't work....finally he tried "Brad's" list and yet another failed attempt...Finally the lady asked us to leave the line and I told her...if she got us in...I would get her into the Surf Club! hahaha!

Next stop...VUE! Went to VUE and honest to God I had the best time in there...The hip-hop was a good change and everyone was getting tweaked...and just having fun!

Anyway...the best is yet to come...We were hanging in VIP (like where else would we be) when I decided to test out the railing above the dance floor...ummmmyeah needless to say the railing worked fine...and did the trick (chop chop rip!)

The girls were being girls dancing and teasing eachother....while Rod and I were trying to figure out the Champagne Glasses...It was STRANGE they kept breaking it was really weird! Rod broke one in his hand and that is when the problem started...He says to me...."Oh Shit!"...I said "what" he said " I need to go to the HOSPITAL" OMG!...His middle finger was hanging by a few veins and a little bit of tendon! It was fucking horrible! The glass penetrated through the finger and the surrounding area....I told Rod it would be fine...and even offered to sacrifice a strangers jacket to help clean up the bloody hand! But Rod looked at me like I had 5 heads and suggested we round up the troops and go to the E.R.!

At the Hospital..it could not have been anymore out of Control.....We rush Digga in and everyone else follows...of Course Bigtime is more concerend about Food so him and Guidette Monster #2...decided to go stuff their faces! While I assisted the Doctor in everyway..I was part of the Surgery Team and a key component in the procedure! Doctor knew I was serious because I scrubbed my hands and put on a set of Surgery Gloves! Meanwhile in the bed next to Rod...there is a Heroin Over Dosed guy...who keeps mumbling ...I keep yelling at him telling him to "SHUT UP"...hahaha The Doctor and I worked on Digga's hand for about 2 hours...The doctor gave Rod 20 shots of "numbing factor" to the infected area...meanwhile in the room ...my Guidette Princess and another Guidette Monster are discussing breast implants...I suddenly see Rod...start to go down....his dark complection becomes white and his eyes start twitching...I asked everyone for a moment of silence and I conduct a brief prayer....Bigtime finally came back and I let him know that Rod has about a 50% chance of making it...Several times...Rod was trying to speak while fighting the pain...I told him numerous times; "Rod...You are delerious...and have no clue what you are saying...it is more important that we try to conserve as much oxygen as possible"....I would rub his foot and comfort him...basically just trying to give him a little HOPE! ...Well after an intense 2 hours Rod...some how survived...no blood transfusion...NOTHING! I tried as hard as I could to get Rod some type of Pain Killer...but the Doctor looked at the 6 of us and jsut shook his head NO! ....Anyway...we found the car...and started the decent home.....as we are going through the Lincoln Tunnel....Bigtime..requests that i pull the Car Over! ...BBBWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHHHAHHHA! yeah Right.,..Rod and I look at eachother...and just lose it...laughing at Bigtimes request...so he rolls the window down and unleashes a unique combination of foods.....all over the Lincoln tunnel....as well as my car! The night ended...with me thanking God that Digga...Survived this insane night!

Pictures will be posted shortly!

Too bad I walk in to Vue and you guys were leaving 10 mins later I had a SICK time at Vue Hip Hop was sick house music was good

Had a great time for once I got to hang out not working I really needed that

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billy sorry for the quick hello...........but when i saw you it was when i was drippin blood everywhere!!!!!!!!

i called kelly later to say thanks and that i was OK!!!!

gotta love war wounds, stacked has the pic of my finger we cant post it b/c its too big a file or something like that

and VUE was def. a good party..............


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Billy...I wish you could have spent the night with us...we would have stayed if Digga didn't get into the fight with that Champagne Glass!

Yeah...My bad for not mentionig Kelly's Hook Up! Thank You! Billy you have yourself a great girl!

Hip Hop was on point I love the Reggae as well "If I was a Rich Girl" "nanananananaahhhhh" hahaha!

Digga...."This is what its's like to DRIVE on C@&$!N" SECRET SODA!

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Originally posted by njstacked2

I am waiting for Rod's response to this...

Karen...Was it me or did it seem like the entire night was a fucking joke...I have never laughed so hard.....Pics will be sent Beaotch!!!

Ive been laughin all day about it! You know you have a good night when you have stories to tell such as ours!

F*cking excellent! next sAT is gonna be even better!

i felt like i was in the twilight ZONE!

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