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Long Island Heads... Open Turntables night...


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This is of course for the Long Island heads. There's an open turntable night every Tuesday out in Bellmore if you want to play to a receptive crowd.

It's a small bar, but it sooo out of place for Long Island, it feels like it should belong on Ave. B or something. Anyways, great for bedroom DJs looking to practice or play! Last month they had Adam X, and they book alot of other great DJs. For Long Island, this is extremely RARE!

check it - www.terminalbeats.com

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by optic

why not @ the juke? do you have a better place??

i like the juke. they let you do whatever you want.

LOLL, yes i definitely know that.. I have friends that go there, i was only asking why because alot of the crowd that hangs there are into punk music and seem very closed minded towards any other people or anyone "normal" that might go.. do you go there any other days or just for when you posted.. i might have maybe met you there once if so..

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actually, i know what you mean. but most of those punk kids are into other stuff. they won't admit it, but they are. i do hang out there on other nights as well. thursdays use to be a mish-mosh pit of everything, then the promoter started forcusing more on punk and bringing in punk bands and stuff. now, they stopped the bands, but the punk element is still there, which i don't mind. i'm into pretty much everything. but this makes the place perfect for other non-commercial types of music and crowds. on tuesdays it's a mix of goth kids, techno heads, junglists, and turntablists. their all into electronica based music, and are outcasts everywhere else. most bars won't permit anything like that unless your raking in big bucks for them at the bar. in this case, the owners are very flexible and understanding, and know that sometimes it's not just about the money, but about the quality and vibe of a place. People will spread the word, and they will come. And it's worked. Tuesdays & Thursdays are their busiest no-band night.

anyways, perhaps we know each other, or have seen each other around. i bartend on tuesdays.

- o.

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I've been listening to house music since the early 90's, but I only started fucking around on turntables in 2000. I'm pretty good at mixing / beat-matching, but I still have yet to master it enough to spin in front of an audience for a considerable period of time. I also have to work on my programming.

I guess spinning house has been more of a hobby for me. I've been buying and collecting house records for a while now, and I have a fairly extensive collection, but I've never thought about actually dj-ing for money. I've always just loved the fact that, whenever I'm just chilling, smoking a blunt, or having a few beers, I have my all of my favorite house songs on vinyl with tables to spin them on. I have been investing in a few more tools as of lately though, just for the sake of learning how to use them.

It's cool just having a little set up in the corner for those moments when you feel like getting open and enjoying the vibe.

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just found out...

ADAM X tuesday 11/25 along with HEDDABOMBz and MYTH-I-S

No Cover!

I know tuesdays are hard for some people, but this is Thanksgiving week, so i know it will be slow at most jobs, and there's no school also. So if you can come out and support!

Last time Adam was there, we didn't close the place down till about 7!!

Juke Joint

213 Bedford Ave.

Bellmore, NY

As for the open turntables... there's only 2 slots for this night, cause Adam likes to spin longer than the usual 1hr set, so whenever he gets off, that's when we'll have the open deck slot. There is 1 slot from 10-11 still open, so if anyone is interested email: iwannarockit@terminalbeats.com

- o.

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