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Discotheque afterhours

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Here is a nice review from jrs board which pretty much sums up the party.

Despite very unfortunate negativity by some (dare I say many?), this was one serious party done the right way! I left home with an open mind, excited to hear Junior, but admitedly with some concern over the place being overcrowded and unbearably hot. I was enthusiastic to attend a Junior party in a different place. I arrived at 10:30 a.m. and the party had certainly begun! The place was very dark.

The decor was extremely impressive. Perhaps it is easier to decorate a smaller space. Fantastic job!

I thought the club was perfect. I had not been there since it was Champs. Loved how you just walk in and there it is--a dance floor. How perfect for a Junior party! Yes, it was crowded, but not terrible. I always had room to dance, and it remained very cool throughout. The staff appeared exteremly professional for the most part. Security seemed fine, with the exception of the very tall security guard who thought it appropriate to stick his long neck into the bathroom stall--shame, shame. Side note: We asked one security officer where we could go to smoke and were informed there was no such place. But, to our surprise, he advised that we go to the center of the dance floor, and "keep it low" and away from sight of the other security on the other side.

How nice to have Junior down low where you can see him. I spent a lot of time watching him work those turntables so perfectly, always "cooking-up" his next moment. Also, thought the door hours being shorter was a great idea. Close it up at 12:00 and it was just "us"---much better! Liked it being Junior from beginning to end, and the party length was perfect.

Not too many distracting shows, but the few were nice diversions. Rubio and Kid seem to always have something amazingly creative and entertaining. A bit too demonic for my taste. Kevin is, well, Kevin and always fun. Raphaella (yawn--excuse me).

Bathrooms were clean and it never seemed like a long line despite few facilities. I'm still puzzled by that. The crowd was energetic, fun, and seemed to be very attractive (more so than usual). Some that you regularly see at Junior parties were missing.

Sound was, to my surprise, quite good. I was told that Shorty had been there and done work. Lights OK--not great. Liked the green laser. Now the important part--those blaster things that send wind, smoke and a huge blast of cold are the best things going. Clearly, no Junior party should be without them--they are nothing short of necessary. I'm told there has to be a special permit or some shit (who cares--and how do people know this??)...just get them.

Lastly, and most important--Junior. Junior held the reins in this party and had the crowd right there in his control. Sometimes, things just work--and Sunday, it worked. He was less theatrical than sometimes--he did not dance all around that booth. But he was hard at work, and he knew that he had control. I love (or have learned to love) his unpredictibility. He did not follow the:warm-up-->heavy, dark beats--> anthems/vocals-->"bring it down progression". He was all over the place, but in a perfect way. He went from his typical Junior-style beats, to a vocal (for example--throwing in "Your Child"), then back to the beats. He would slam one record into another in the most bizzare but brilliant way; then other times, slow and smooth transitions. As always this man can create drama like none other, and Sunday was no exception. I can't get the way he introduced 'Hollywood' out of my head--"look so good, look so good". Clearly, a highlight.

At approximately 5:30 p.m., Miss Kevin was clearing the space for the typical runway. Usually this is done at the end of his parties. The lights went from dark to on and bright. I must say we were disappointed at what appeared to be Junior abruptly ending the party. Afterward, the lights went back down and the beats came back. What a mind-fuck.

All I can say is THANK YOU Junior. I am still smiling. This was one party you did not want to miss. Leave it to Junior to turn it out when so many had the comments and expectations they did. You bitch--WORK!

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