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I thought Gore won, bush looked visibly shaken at times. You could here the wobble in his voice.

Not much was acomplished, though. That was the worst debate i have ever seen. Only about 10 points were made by both of them and repeated in different orders for 60 mins.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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*best valley girl accent*

Um... Like... I don't know who won the debate....but like I couldn't ever vote for Bush...cause, like, I hate hair, especially down there, and like Bush reminds me of hair...

so.. I guess I'm voting for Gore, even though it rhymes with whore...like it's still better than bush!.... cwm25.gif



You put me in heaven with your touch....I just wanna hold you so much....

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Originally posted by beautious1:

*best valley girl accent*

Um... Like... I don't know who won the debate....but like I couldn't ever vote for Bush...cause, like, I hate hair, especially down there, and like Bush reminds me of hair...

so.. I guess I'm voting for Gore, even though it rhymes with whore...like it's still better than bush!.... cwm25.gif



I would like to add, Bush can take his "Fuzzy Math," and kiss my "Fuzzy Ass!"


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me

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Originally posted by nightcrawler:

anyone see the premier of dark angel? that girl is freakin hott cwm7.gif

yeh i have alread sent her a letter offering her my babies.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


[This message has been edited by back2basics (edited 10-04-2000).]

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Def Gore won. He's a f'ng machine - he's very *studied* on the issues and can crank out #'s like a computer. (But is it me or all of his answers come straight out of poll results?) Bush looked visibly shaken at times and just looked lost up there. IMO it's a travesty that Nader wasn't allowed to raze these pro politicians' asses and get some real truth.

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Gore seemed like he had done it a little more and new the specifics a little better, but he also came across as incredibly arrogant. Objectively they tied because neither made any great points or really damaged the other, but since Bush was able to stand up to him and not make any major mistakes, he essentially won because everyone expected Gore to trounce him.


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