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its worth seeing... its definatley not great compared to the previous ones... but thats a given...

the first one was ground breaking... the 2nd laid out the story in full detail... the third one is just to wrap up the loose ends and bring it to a close...

i saw it tonight, its definatley worth seeing...

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Originally posted by joeg

its worth seeing... its definatley not great compared to the previous ones... but thats a given...

the first one was ground breaking... the 2nd laid out the story in full detail... the third one is just to wrap up the loose ends and bring it to a close...

i saw it tonight, its definatley worth seeing...


it was a cool movie, but didnt blow me away like the first...the 2nd was better, and as you said, this one just wrapped it up.

i would rather have waited longer while they took their time making these movies rather than rushing through them :half:

nonetheless, me still likes the Matrix :aright:

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...i was whole-heartedly disapointed with the ending...i'm not going to give anything away but it left me flat...as a whole, i thought the movie was great and there's nothing like seeing it on the big screen with a ton of people...but idk...i need to think some more about the way it finished - right now, i'm just not happy with it in the least...

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Originally posted by phatman

...i was whole-heartedly disapointed with the ending...i'm not going to give anything away but it left me flat...as a whole, i thought the movie was great and there's nothing like seeing it on the big screen with a ton of people...but idk...i need to think some more about the way it finished - right now, i'm just not happy with it in the least...

yeah, i felt the same... i don't know whats wrong with it exactly, but somethings just not right...

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dude what else is there to think about??

the oracle and neo "do the nasty"...thus creating the most powerful being on the planet..the powers of neo..the omniscience of the oracle...what else is there to discuss? that was the only way they were goan defeat morpheus and smith

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...i was referring to establishment of peace...that the war is over...for now...it's either hollywood fluff or lack of creativity and/or balls...i think i would've rather seen one triumphant over the other...and then seeing the oracle and the architect speak in front of a sunrise/sky....blah...it's fluff god damnit...and it leaves the door open for even MORE sequels...i needed closure...lol...idk...still mulling it all over...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

dude what else is there to think about??

the oracle and neo "do the nasty"...thus creating the most powerful being on the planet..the powers of neo..the omniscience of the oracle...what else is there to discuss? that was the only way they were goan defeat morpheus and smith

yeah, for an old gal, she sure is agile...

i can't believe trinity was cheating on neo with morpheas...

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Originally posted by iamme

i would rather have waited longer while they took their time making these movies rather than rushing through them :half:

rush? the first one came out in 1998...we waited almost 5 years for the second one. the only reason the 3rd came out so soon after the 2nd was because they were made together.

i dont think they rushed making these movies...unless you call a 5 year waiting period rushing..

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