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God can someone help me get a god damn JOB

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been unemployed for 5 and half months after my company laid me off due to bankruptcy...ive had a few interviews, some were good, some were bad, one i turned down and one i was unqualified for....i have a BBA in international marketing, minor in law with a 3.3 GPA, 2 and half years as a business analyst (full time), 1 year as an MIS consultant and i cant get a god damn job anywhere....unemployment is pennies to me and its looking like i may have to take a step down sooner or later and become cop...ive been going for my processing and may have no choice but to take the job which would be a big decrease in salary and basically a waste of 4 years of college...i dont look down on the NYPD by any means all im saying is that why would i have gone through breaking my ass for 4 years to not have a corporate job where theres big money...anyone got any help or advice cause im losing my god damn mind...my financial situation is fine for a long time but i wanna start saving for my future (i.e 401K and stuff like that)...the main problem now is that im disciplining myself by not doing things that i loved like traveling and going to all these classy joints in the city... thats whats really bothering me so anyone out there in my shoes let me know whats up

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I feel the same way...cant find a job right now either. I know how it feels to have to settle because there isnt alot out there right now.

hopefully things will get better because if they dont, i have to seriously consider changing ny plans.

the best thing to do is take a job now and let everything happen. the job market has to get better some time...

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bro i was unemployed for 9 months, and now finally i got a job and i start i monday, all i can say is hang in there....just to let u know the reason i got my job is i turned to politics and worked on a recent election and that's how i met massive contacts to help me get the job i have now....the money sucks, but your not there for money your there to meet and greet, and who knows where it'll take you, good luck

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Originally posted by joecrack13

been unemployed for 5 and half months after my company laid me off due to bankruptcy...ive had a few interviews, some were good, some were bad, one i turned down and one i was unqualified for....i have a BBA in international marketing, minor in law with a 3.3 GPA, 2 and half years as a business analyst (full time), 1 year as an MIS consultant and i cant get a god damn job anywhere....unemployment is pennies to me and its looking like i may have to take a step down sooner or later and become cop...ive been going for my processing and may have no choice but to take the job which would be a big decrease in salary and basically a waste of 4 years of college...i dont look down on the NYPD by any means all im saying is that why would i have gone through breaking my ass for 4 years to not have a corporate job where theres big money...anyone got any help or advice cause im losing my god damn mind...my financial situation is fine for a long time but i wanna start saving for my future (i.e 401K and stuff like that)...the main problem now is that im disciplining myself by not doing things that i loved like traveling and going to all these classy joints in the city... thats whats really bothering me so anyone out there in my shoes let me know whats up

if you got a job why did you turn it down... you shouldve taen it an kept looking... its easier to get a job when you have a job ;)

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this could be really good for those that are self motivated and want have a flexible career. It's not for everyone, you have to love working for yourself and have your own drive. I just started it a while ago, I love it.

The service is awesome. If anyone remembers those fat Entertainment books, it's kinda similar to those, but a hundred times better.

This is the Access Code: MersadaC4958

and the web address is:


If you have any questions feel free to email me at:


GOOD LUCK....It's tough finding something that really makes you wanna work....I hope this works for you, as it did for me!!

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Originally posted by muzikchick


this could be really good for those that are self motivated and want have a flexible career. It's not for everyone, you have to love working for yourself and have your own drive. I just started it a while ago, I love it.

The service is awesome. If anyone remembers those fat Entertainment books, it's kinda similar to those, but a hundred times better.

This is the Access Code: MersadaC4958

and the web address is:


If you have any questions feel free to email me at:


GOOD LUCK....It's tough finding something that really makes you wanna work....I hope this works for you, as it did for me!!

this gotta be a scam

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Werd... i graduated in May from Rutgers with a BS in Computer & Electrical engineering and can't find shit. I've had a few interviews, but no offers. I do part time consulting so i've got some flow, but it's abou time I find full time. The market sucks :( I'm also looking for IT as well since I'm more qualified for that.

OH well ... the search continues.

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Originally posted by teklord310

Werd... i graduated in May from Rutgers with a BS in Computer & Electrical engineering and can't find shit. I've had a few interviews, but no offers. I do part time consulting so i've got some flow, but it's abou time I find full time. The market sucks :( I'm also looking for IT as well since I'm more qualified for that.

OH well ... the search continues.

Dude, you're an EE and you can't find anything?! Wow... Well, here's my unsolicited advice for you...

Maybe you could consider the IP industry. Take the patent bar exam and work as a patent agent/scientific advisor for a law firm or a corporation. Perhaps you can even work for them as an advisor first and then take the patent bar while you're there. Some firms/corps will pay for your bar review. And if they like you, they'll put you through law school too. EE patent agents/attorneys/scientific advisors have been sought after for about the last coupla years! And since you have a Comp Sci degree, that's even cooler.

Alternatively, if you don't mind moving to DC/VA, you can work as a Patent Examiner for the US Patent & Trademark Office. You need at least a BS in a technical degree to work there. I'm not sure if they're hiring right now, but I know that they have a huge backlog of work there. I know because I worked there the last coupla years. www.uspto.gov

Good luck

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Originally posted by teklord310

Werd... i graduated in May from Rutgers with a BS in Computer & Electrical engineering and can't find shit. I've had a few interviews, but no offers. I do part time consulting so i've got some flow, but it's abou time I find full time. The market sucks :( I'm also looking for IT as well since I'm more qualified for that.

OH well ... the search continues.

Dude don't even bother with I/T. It took me nine months to get a new job after being laid off from a 2 year consulting gig.. and I have 6 years experience and many certifications.. if you want to get into I/T try getting a low level position like helpdesk or desktop support.. get some experience and work your way up.. what ever way you go your gonna need some luck so GOOD LUCK. :)


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Originally posted by joecrack13

been unemployed for 5 and half months after my company laid me off due to bankruptcy...ive had a few interviews, some were good, some were bad, one i turned down and one i was unqualified for....i have a BBA in international marketing, minor in law with a 3.3 GPA, 2 and half years as a business analyst (full time), 1 year as an MIS consultant and i cant get a god damn job anywhere....unemployment is pennies to me and its looking like i may have to take a step down sooner or later and become cop...ive been going for my processing and may have no choice but to take the job which would be a big decrease in salary and basically a waste of 4 years of college...i dont look down on the NYPD by any means all im saying is that why would i have gone through breaking my ass for 4 years to not have a corporate job where theres big money...anyone got any help or advice cause im losing my god damn mind...my financial situation is fine for a long time but i wanna start saving for my future (i.e 401K and stuff like that)...the main problem now is that im disciplining myself by not doing things that i loved like traveling and going to all these classy joints in the city... thats whats really bothering me so anyone out there in my shoes let me know whats up

my friends a cop and he makes a ton of money. he travels everywhere, has everything he wants & never gets tickets. :laugh: i dunno, i wouldnt ever wanna be a cop but if it something you could stand to do, you can make money. then again he is a detective so i guess it is a little different :confused:

marketing is the worst field to be in, there are so many people looking and not so many jobs. your experience and you degree dont seem to match up too well... what kind of jobs are you looking for? something with MIS, business, or marketing? maybe you should consider going back to school and getting a law degree? at least if you study law you should be able to get a job. you really need to have a specific focus to get a good job. if you want to be in MIS, you should have a degree in that field or something related... a lot of companies will pass up a resume without education in the field they are applying for a job in. i know it sux. i was a designer for years and i cant get a design job now because i dont have a degree in fine arts... i have a lot more experience than a lot of people with degrees, but unfortunately that doesnt matter.

it is really about who you know not what you know. you need to know someone, i know people who have no education & barely graduated HS and are making 500k a year and i know people who went to ivy league schools with straight a's and cant get jobs. it is all about who you know. next best thing is to be very focused on what you want to do & intern while youre in school, this way you meet people and have a foot in the door.



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so true, alot of the bums I went to high school with got/bought their series 7 and are now in the bling bling....giving financial advice and making tons on trading....i wouldn't trust these guys with a dollar......yet, without a degree...they are doin' it.

Sales pays, if you can swing it.

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Originally posted by somebitch

my friends a cop and he makes a ton of money. he travels everywhere, has everything he wants & never gets tickets. :laugh: i dunno, i wouldnt ever wanna be a cop but if it something you could stand to do, you can make money. then again he is a detective so i guess it is a little different :confused:

u just gotta pt in mad work an adance up to being a detective

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Computer system communications ( marines )

chemical science ( marines )

Audio engineering ( nyc )

thats just a few things i took and passed with honers but

i still went out of work for almost a FULL YEAR not counting temp positions because they were TOTALY not in my field of work- as well as only lasting from 2 weeks to a month and a half)

part of the problem is NOT that no one is looking for you

the major factor is that there are sooooooo many ppl with the same skills looking to take on the same postions at the same companies-

theres really no way around it other then just being in the right place at the right time ( hardly good advice but still) something to keep in mind-

what got me back into work was that i completely STOPPED looking for the same type of similar fields of work as my history- instead started looking into companies that are into completely differnet and unknown fields of product that i am accustom to-

they are also desperatly looking for heavily qualified ppl but in some cases that have expertise and/ or great knowlegde of OTHER trades-

in other words its time to introduce yourself the the UNKNOWN fields you would have otherwise turned away from-

also theres nothing wrong with taking a "step down"

i mean even if its a matter of pride.. YOUR the only one that knows its a step down

everyone else at the company will just see you still as the newbie anyway - right?

no one likes stepping down

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