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attn groovefire


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:laugh: :laugh:

Nothing better than dishing out 3am drunken, angry, shove-it-in-your-face-that-my-night-is-better-than-yours phone calls!!

Next time Buckman up and come with me...that goes for you too Nancy D:Rew.

PS - Jones - Trarver...whadaya think? Did Jones win? Tarver only did damage when Jones let him...in the center of the ring, Jones owned him. But tough call really.

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I gave Tarver 4 rounds out of 12. He was effective against Jones but not enough. Not even effective enough to draw or keep his belts.

I knew something was up with Jones from his interview with Larry Merchant in the locker room. He looked WAY too skinny and dehydrated. Looked like he hasnt eaten or slept in days. His answers to questions were off too. It was like he was sluring his speach or something. He said it himself "right now, strengthwise... I'm only about 70%".

I watched the fight again today with the volume off so I didnt have to hear Foreman sucking Tarvers dick. After watchng a second time on mute I thought Jones dominated him and it wasnt even a close fight. Those flurys of punches Tarver would throw when Jones would go against the ropes didnt do shit, 9 out of 10 werent even landed. The body shots and 2 punch combinations thrown by Jones were clean shots... all of them. Thats how you win a fight on points. Not by throwing 100 shots on someones foreams while there in a corner.

Even though Jones dominated this fight and got his belts back it was stupid. The whole idea of it. He drops 19 lbs. of muscle and beats the shit out of his body to gain the light heavyweight belts back just to give them up again. Hes not gonna fight at light heavyweight because he cant anymore. Hes too big and losing all that weight makes him weak and run out of gas too early.

who the fuck is Tarver anyways? What does Jones have to prove? Nobody and nuthin. I would have much rather seen Jones beat the tar out of a mediocre heavyweight like Tua, Tyson or Holyfield.

Jones says he wants the "money" fight with Tyson now. If you asked me a week ago who would I take in that fight, I would have told you that I'd bet my life savings ($11.59) on Jones. I thought Tyson wouldn't have a chance in hell against beating Jones. After seeing Jones lose all that weight and his poor performance (its a poor performance to me, becasuse he should have knocked Tarver the fuck out in 4 rounds or less) against Tarver I dunno who I would pick to win. Going from 175 to 200, back down to 175 then up to 200 again is just too much on the body. I dont think he can be as affective in the heavyweight division now as he was 8 months ago. Hes 34 years old, not 24... you cant just toy around with 25 pounds of weight in either direction and expect to be effective.

If Jones wants 1 big fight before he retires it should be against Toney. Toney is on top of his game right now and the talk of the boxing world. He wants Jones too... wants to avenge his loss to Jones. Jones would only have to gain like 10-15 pounds which isnt a big deal. Jones never owned a cruiserwieght title too. That would be a GREAT fucking fight.

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Originally posted by groovefire

:laugh: :laugh:

Nothing better than dishing out 3am drunken, angry, shove-it-in-your-face-that-my-night-is-better-than-yours phone calls!!

Next time Buckman up and come with me...that goes for you too Nancy D:Rew.

PS - Jones - Trarver...whadaya think? Did Jones win? Tarver only did damage when Jones let him...in the center of the ring, Jones owned him. But tough call really.

I enjoyed the "you are pathetic" line over and over:laugh:

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