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com·pan·ion·ship ( P ) Pronunciation Key (km-pnyn-shp)


The relationship of companions; fellowship.

\Com*pan"ion*ship\, n. Fellowship; association; the act or fact of keeping company with any one.

three times in the past week, three different ppl unrelated to each other, who i see here and there asked me if i was seeing anyone in a serious relationship blah etc... i replied simply "nopes..." they in-turn ask why not? i replied "i gave up on it, and im focusing on myself and my career..." which then leads up to the topic of this thread... they all said "dont you want companionship~!?" so it had me thinking... wtf is this companionship these mofos are banging on about... so i looked it up... and nowhere does it say or imply that it is synonomous with dating... more importantly, why is that they feel that you "have" to be in a relationship, gdamn these ppl are youngstas only in their early twenties... but the odd thing is this, all of them said that they feel that the next step at this point in their life is marriage... wtf... dude live... what about that??? i dont get it... i really dont understand...

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different folks, different stokes... personally, i don't see the point in planning things out in every aspect of your life because i believe in fate and that no matter what you do, whatever is meant to happen will happen eventually. so if you don't feel like pursuing relationships and looking for companionship you shouldn't feel obligated or pressured to do so...

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Originally posted by mssabina

different folks, different stokes... personally, i don't see the point in planning things out in every aspect of your life because i believe in fate and that no matter what you do, whatever is meant to happen will happen eventually. so if you don't feel like pursuing relationships and looking for companionship you shouldn't feel obligated or pressured to do so...

i agree...

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