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Please PM me if you know Godisadj...location, pictures!


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Originally posted by njstacked2

Boston Really? hahahaha...Road Trip Anyone?

Figures you are a pussy.

Roaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddd Trip - Kosta pack you bags. I am down - I need a break from here anyway. Stacked - you must promise to kill him at the end of the night - I want to go out first
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Originally posted by deeelite1

he's lying.

there is a person from boston with the screen name godisadj also, and when he got called out he said it wasn't him.

he's from Jersey

we should all do a road trip anyway - Miami? Boston? Jills house? wherever as long as its fun. J/K jill -
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Originally posted by godisadj

i was @ deep 2 weeks ago

See thats why you are a puss - we dont want to know about two weeks ago we want to know this weekend. Picture please - bro be a man - anything I say I will say to a persons face. For Example Kos is a fag - and I will tell him that tomorrow when I see him
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Originally posted by godisadj

i will be @ deliahs den friday!

figures youcant get pussy so you go to strip clubs to pretend youre hetero and conceal your true sexuality as well as any normal guy would go to a bar or club and meet a girl he has potential to hook up with too...Bu t ig uess with your looks and that shitty personality you have to turn to paying females to remain in your presence. I wish you the best of luck...If you need some money I always donate to charity and would have no problem giving yousome lap dance money you fucking loser.

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Sorry...but this is all too funny...wanting a piucture of someone or wnting to know where they are hanging out so you can go and kick his ass......that is understandable if he did something to ya....ok

But all this person does is talk shit over a computer...hello?

just ignore him......he will go away.....I would waste my time finding him:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

NOT our problem GODISADJ is a fingerbanger...:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by skippyd

Sorry...but this is all too funny...wanting a piucture of someone or wnting to know where they are hanging out so you can go and kick his ass......that is understandable if he did something to ya....ok

But all this person does is talk shit over a computer...hello?

just ignore him......he will go away.....I would waste my time finding him:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

NOT our problem GODISADJ is a fingerbanger...:laugh: :laugh:

as i have stated numerous times no fight has ever to my knowledge broken out over this board. As many fights as Ive picked no one has ever had the balls to do something about it.

Now stached on the pther hand its not really considered fighting. Remember when midget tossing was the cool thing to do in bars and they had that whole velcro suit and stuff.....well this is the Iron Brothers version called Slinky tossing. Ya kinda grab the slinky by the neck and shot put them 15 to twenty feet in the air. or youtoss them up in the palm trees at surf ar the showers even. It is quite amusing as well as politically correct because you arent picking on the physically challenged or whatever they call them just the mentally incapacitated.

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