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Attn Godisadj


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Hey fag boy.

Its like the pot calling the kettle black.

In reference to your post on saying stacked does drugs....

posted by you 05-27-2003

10:11 PM

Originally posted by godisadj

djchopa, sorry i go to a club to hear the sick buidups not some goof balls talking every 5 minutes & also i like to get banged up & i don't want to worry that i'll be on some losers website.

Originally posted by godisadj

manny the greek (really cant mix)

giorgio (track slection)

moo (if you own a site =doesnt make you a dj)

Who died and made you the authority on dj's.

Do you spin?? Prob not.

Manny is up there with many others never mind his years of experience. Giorgio is getting gigs all over and draws a crowd so a mojority of the people seem to like him Why because he plays shitty?? I DONT THINK SO GENIUS.

Moo Spun a couple sets Ive heard and he's better than some of these tools that call themselves dj's.

and Ill quote you on this last one.

You are a fat disgusting pathetic admitted drug addict. There is no sugar coating this fact. Get over yourself.

Originally posted by godisadj 05-26-2003

02:47 PM

just calling it as it is. sorry the truth hurts!

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Originally posted by kostaP

Bullshit name the time and place Ill fucking go just to hear you before I rip you apart because youprobably suck monster balls.

Id at least give you a shot before i criticize.

Kosta put it together man - He is a strip club DJ - Mad skills I am sure. listen can you do my cousins Christening please??
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Originally posted by godisadj

i will spin Final Chapter for you musically incline

great song...not my favorite macaluso track though. I am happier with utopia.

Youcant say thats not a hott track. Everybody rocked it when it came out it got great crowd response...to me that is a good track??

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Originally posted by kostaP

great song...not my favorite macaluso track though. I am happier with utopia.

Youcant say thats not a hott track. Everybody rocked it when it came out it got great crowd response...to me that is a good track??

Kosta - he spins in a strip club dude. I am not knocking it but playing whitesnake and guns and roses for strippers dosent exactly take talent
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this is how I look at it.

Nobody on this board knows who godisadj is therefore nobody is going to take his bullshit pessimistic crap that he spews all over this board daily seriously.

He has absolutely no credability. As far as I'm concerned he is JohnHolmes, khole6969 and all of the other haters that come on here and know so much about everyone yet nobody knows them.

Has godisadj ever said anything positive about anything or anyone on here?

Not that I recall. Just my .02 cents.

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Originally posted by deeelite1

this is how I look at it.

Nobody on this board knows who godisadj is therefore nobody is going to take his bullshit pessimistic crap that he spews all over this board daily seriously.

He has absolutely no credability. As far as I'm concerned he is JohnHolmes, khole6969 and all of the other haters that come on here and know so much about everyone yet nobody knows them.

Has godisadj ever said anything positive about anything or anyone on here?

Not that I recall. Just my .02 cents.

He originally started posting to bash joe giorgio cherri and matty c

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Originally posted by kostaP

He originally started posting to bash joe giorgio cherri and matty c


all he ever posts about is how bad a dj is. I think if he was a man he'd give up the name of the Philly club. That will never happen because I'd bet the farm on it that this is a person we all know and has 2 screen names.

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Originally posted by nootsy

Kosta its amazing how you know all this crap - you are like the Club Planet Oracle

if youclick on the search button you can view every post a person has ever posted. I briefly scan and cut and paste to remind these idiots what fools they truly are.

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