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JP @ Sahara..what do we think????

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Originally posted by shortyrockrox

I only stayed at Mirage for like 2 hours because I was working there, but at like 11:30 the dance floor was pretty much empty still besides 4-5 very strange older people!! they were dancing like weirdos, spinning around, diving on the floor, it was the funniest thing, my friends and I literally just stood there and watched laughing for a good half hour!! Anyone else see this??

Too funny

yes...i too saw that...but after 100 vodka and red bulls...once 1am hit...place was super packed...despite its competition(posh), me and mad boys were starting circles...it was sick...cool that you left...you could have seen my jump kick and toe touch...;)

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Originally posted by shortyrockrox

I only stayed at Mirage for like 2 hours because I was working there, but at like 11:30 the dance floor was pretty much empty still besides 4-5 very strange older people!! they were dancing like weirdos, spinning around, diving on the floor, it was the funniest thing, my friends and I literally just stood there and watched laughing for a good half hour!! Anyone else see this??

Too funny

by the way...u are a little over 1 week older then me...i was born on friday the 13th...last thurs was my bday...that was why i was at mirage...getting wasted...i also am a student...bouncer...etc...you copy my style lil momma...:)

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Guest shortyrockrox
Originally posted by deppnade

by the way...u are a little over 1 week older then me...i was born on friday the 13th...last thurs was my bday...that was why i was at mirage...getting wasted...i also am a student...bouncer...etc...you copy my style lil momma...:)

Happy Birthday fellow scorpio!! We are the best!!! hmmm? Do I know you????? My friend and I were in school girl outfits handing out free guiness....

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Oh you wanna go the Tech route...well..plastikman by far, DJ rush when hes having a good day, PICOTTO is a GOD...i was just tryting to keep with the music at hand. Shit...i like some hardcore stuff.

I used to go to Zachary's back in the day....too small and too packed...BUT! I might have to check it out one night.


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Originally posted by shortyrockrox

Happy Birthday fellow scorpio!! We are the best!!! hmmm? Do I know you????? My friend and I were in school girl outfits handing out free guiness....

oh no...you arent gieoli's ex??? cause one of the girls was my friends ex...that i believe...short...short blondish hair...cute smile...

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Originally posted by shortyrockrox

I had a feeling it was you!!! Yes I am!! Glad you had a good Birthdya!!!


Your my Boardy barn buddy!!

wow...is all i have to say...

so you are just older then me huh??

that night was just a blur...u should have stayed...i must have had 100 vodka red bulls...i even left my leather coat there that night and just got it back today...

dont hate me because i have a crush on you...:)

and you def are my boardy barn buddy...even though im sure u think i am just some obnoxious loud meathead...behind these blue eyes might be a nice guy...:(

but dont ask my friends...;)

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Originally posted by Teknojunkee

Oh you wanna go the Tech route...well..plastikman by far, DJ rush when hes having a good day, PICOTTO is a GOD...i was just tryting to keep with the music at hand. Shit...i like some hardcore stuff.

I used to go to Zachary's back in the day....too small and too packed...BUT! I might have to check it out one night.


i know...but i think the party is worth checking out...if u have seen the flyer they even give me a shout out...

and chris liebing at arc the 13th...u scared??? im scared of sahara and jp...im not a fan of not being able to move...especially when u want to do a toe touch for no reason at all and you end up landing on a yuppees foot...a foot that shouldnt even be there in the first place...:)

Tek...where can i go to start circles??? im soo lost without my home...circles at mirage just aint the same...

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Originally posted by deppnade

i do love you bro...but i dont know about this...

yes, they are strict on ids...moreso then factory...so that is a given...but a good fake id should work anywhere...

factory also has a zero drug policy...except at sahara there arent any pat downs...so you do the math...ive seen kids blow lines off the railings at sahara...give me a break on that one...

they do have a dress code...which consists of nice jeans...diesel shoes...and a nice shirt...so all you need if u dont want to get all schnazzied up is a nice pair of jeans...decent shoes...and a tight long sleeve for the juiceheads or a nice collared for the other kats...

by the way...mirage was sick this saturday...sick i say...

hey i just re-posted what somebody shared on the JP board, how much of it is true i dunno.

and ya facotry mite have had a zero tolerance policy for drugs but a few people on some board (cant remmeber which...maybe thats a clue i'm on too many! lol) said they have a crazy number more bouncers then factory does...who knows.

and your description of a dress code dont sound bad at all-- these peeps made it sound slike you all but needed a tux to get in there lol

and as far as the ids factory more or less (unless u really looked like a scumbag) was 18+ after 4...so i always figured who gives a shit i'll be 21 in february anyway why bother wit a fake <kicks self in head> and now i'm SOL since jersey has these fuckin computer licenses now :mad:

enjoy- looks like i'll be spending the nite @ roxy :(

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