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Good chance that the Mets...


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Reyes is no starter on any all star team if Arod goes to the NL

Yeah reyes probaly will turn out to be a good player , but this is Alex fawkin Rodriguez ,his numbers for a 6-7 yr span will blow away anything Reyes will probably put up in his career

Your talkin about the guy that will probably wind up with 800 home runs ....Mets screwed up once not gettin him they shouldnt do it again.

The wilpons have the loot , they should spend it and give their fans something to be happy about. Get arod, then trade Piazza to AL team(orioles)for pitching and maybe a second baseman

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Originally posted by bxbomb

Reyes is no starter on any all star team if Arod goes to the NL

Yeah reyes probaly will turn out to be a good player , but this is Alex fawkin Rodriguez ,his numbers for a 6-7 yr span will blow away anything Reyes will probably put up in his career

Your talkin about the guy that will probably wind up with 800 home runs ....Mets screwed up once not gettin him they shouldnt do it again.

The wilpons have the loot , they should spend it and give their fans something to be happy about. Get arod, then trade Piazza to AL team(orioles)for pitching and maybe a second baseman

Spend the money on one player and not have the $$ to fill the other holes they have....smart move :rolleyes:

A-rod is 28 while Reyes is only 20. Reyes is ALREADY as good defensifely as Rodriguez and I'd rather spend the money on players that can play defense and pitching. Besides, if the Mets do trade Piazza - since the other team will eat that contract, the Mets will not get much in return in the way of players.

I honestly think A-rod will go to the Sox for Nomar

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Originally posted by spragga25

Spend the money on one player and not have the $$ to fill the other holes they have....smart move :rolleyes:

A-rod is 28 while Reyes is only 20. Reyes is ALREADY as good defensifely as Rodriguez and I'd rather spend the money on players that can play defense and pitching. Besides, if the Mets do trade Piazza - since the other team will eat that contract, the Mets will not get much in return in the way of players.

I honestly think A-rod will go to the Sox for Nomar

Arod is just about getting into in his prime years , so who cares bout the 8 yrs at this point,

And like i said the mets have the $$ so spending a chunk of that on 1 palyer (that happens to be the BEST player in the game would be worth it :rolleyes: )

Orioles have already expressed intrest in Piazza and have plenty of young talent and good arms they got in the POnson deal, and no onne knows who will eat what of a contract until deal is made.

Your a NY market team, act like it and go get the best player in the game (possibly could wind up the greatest player ever), and you dont want to do it because Reyes might turn out to pretty good SS?!

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Originally posted by bxbomb

Your a NY market team, act like it and go get the best player in the game (possibly could wind up the greatest player ever), and you dont want to do it because Reyes might turn out to pretty good SS

Money doesn't always buy championships...case in point my team...and yours for the past 3 years ;)

BTW - Reyes won't just be pretty good..he'll be in the top 3 within 2-3 years

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Originally posted by spragga25

Money doesn't always buy championships...case in point my team...and yours for the past 3 years ;)

BTW - Reyes won't just be pretty good..he'll be in the top 3 within 2-3 years

of course $$ doesnt buy championships . Thats been the point in every single argument I havehad with you when you complain the Yanks buy their teams and championships!!!

Reyes might be a top 3 -5 ss in both leagues , but guess who will be #1 ss for the next few years and not by a slim marginb

Like i said Arods output over the next 5-7 yrs will dwarf Reyes entire career, Go ahead dont make the move for Arod

Trust me the last thing i wanna see is the Mets on top;) :D

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Originally posted by spragga25

Not worth breaking the bank for A-Rod when we already have a stud SS. Thanks, but no thanks...we'll be working on other positions.

You cant break the Wilpons bank , and what kind of revenues you think Mets would generate if Arod comes here, remember all those Piazza jerseys and sell outs the first few years.

And you would be working on other positons like a MASSIVE upgrade at ss, and gettin pitchin in return for Mrs. Sam Champion:D

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Originally posted by bxbomb

You cant break the Wilpons bank , and what kind of revenues you think Mets would generate if Arod comes here, remember all those Piazza jerseys and sell outs the first few years.

And you would be working on other positons like a MASSIVE upgrade at ss, and gettin pitchin in return for Mrs. Sam Champion:D

The Yanks have their own TV NETWORK, so their revenue is basically unlimited. If they spend for A-rod, they won't have money to fill the other positions. He destroyed Texas because he was a good portion of the payroll...and the Texas owner is no cheapskate by no means...fuck that.

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Originally posted by spragga25

Fuck A-Rod...We have Reyes who'll be an all-star SS for the next 15 years.

He might be an all star for the next few years, but you're talking about A-Rod....probably the best player in baseball who is going to give Aaron (and maybe Bonds by then) a run for the money at the home run record. The 2 are in-compareable.

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Originally posted by djprotege

He might be an all star for the next few years, but you're talking about A-Rod....probably the best player in baseball who is going to give Aaron (and maybe Bonds by then) a run for the money at the home run record. The 2 are in-compareable.

Talk to me in five years.

What's with all this "might" shit? Barring injury, Reyes is as can't miss as the Mets ever had in their system.

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Originally posted by vicman

i dont think it makes much sense for the mets to get rodriguez now when they are not in a position to be contendres for another 2 or 3 years.

exactly...The way to go now to build a contender is what the Marlins, Twins and A's have been doing - solid pitching and defense.

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the mets already have a chunk of dead wood taking up a good portion of their payroll...get rid of them and go after A-rod. he will generate more $ than anyone else on the Mets.

btw, the mets are moving towards getting their TV rights and looking at starting their own network or, teaming up withthe YES network to form a super NY sports network.

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If you want to end A-rod's career, send him to the Mets. If you want him to make it to the playoffs and lose to the Yanks, send him to Boston.

Hey Spragga- I take it your a Met fan, cuz in the other topic you would trade Jeter for A-rod in a New York minute, but in this situation you wouldn't want him inorder to give up Reyes? Don't get me wrong, I think this kid is gonna be really good and is gonna be the Mets future, I just thought it was funny when it involves your own team the situation is different.:laugh:

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Originally posted by pk1

If you want to end A-rod's career, send him to the Mets. If you want him to make it to the playoffs and lose to the Yanks, send him to Boston.

Hey Spragga- I take it your a Met fan, cuz in the other topic you would trade Jeter for A-rod in a New York minute, but in this situation you wouldn't want him inorder to give up Reyes? Don't get me wrong, I think this kid is gonna be really good and is gonna be the Mets future, I just thought it was funny when it involves your own team the situation is different.:laugh:

The Yanks can AFFORD to pay the salary and continue to be competitve...that's a different matter entirely

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