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>>The DEAR DIARY Thread


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Post here everyday (as many times a day) , as if it were your diary.... :)

Dec. 1st 1:32pm

-Dear Diary,

I woke up around 12:30 because my friend called to wake me up....or else i probably wouldve still been sleeping...I went to bed so late last night, like 5am...i just couldnt sleep, and couldnt get of the damn computer. I spend too many hours on it...i think i have a problem...oh well...

...so, today i have to go teach @ 4pm...and come up with new steps for the 2 routines im choreographing for...damn...i have to come up with some cool ideas, im kinda blank right now, i need motivation.

Im pretty freezing right now, i have to feed ALL my dogs...

Techna, (my teacup chihuhua) is sleeping right now on her heating pad....she looks so cute...

Im hungry...I gotta go eat my cookies in milk...

Ill write to you later...

bye bye

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Great thread idea!!

December 1, 2003 3:05 pm

Dear Diary,

Today has got to be the longest day at work ever! I swear I'm about to kill someone. I feel like crap and my head hurts.....probably from the lack of sleep this past weekend.

Not to mention feelin a little on the pudgy side~Must work out today :(

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Decemeber 1st 3:03

Dear Diary,

I have to go to work now....

...I just dont understand why there are so many shady people everywhere...

Im really starting not to trust people....which totally sucks, because I usually trust everyone...

...damn...I dont know...

ok...gotta go get ready...Ill write later...Im feeling a bit down right now...maybe my students will cheer me up :)

bye bye

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Today I woke up at the time I was sposed to leave to work and resulted in coming to work a full hour late, oh joy.

It's brick cold outside but at least I got music blastin on my cd player to keep me warm somewhat inside.

So far no one has caught on to why i'm wearing a skully cap all the time today.

Lunch sucked.

I'm so tired and sleepy but got a shit load of stuff to do at home, ugh.

My friend told me it snowed earlier but I saw no snow, I want snow, it's the only great thing about winters in NYC, besides cuddling with someone.

"too chicken nugget....fuck it"

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Dec. 1, 2003 3:10pm

Dear Diary,

YAWN :zzz: i am so tired. i drove all the way to school (35 min) to my one class of the day... only to see a sign on the door stating that it was CANCELLED. granted i was happy but so pissed that i drove all the way there. :mad:

anyway, im exhausted. i am so drained. i went to the gym this morning and could barely keep up with the class. i was so out of it. im physically exhausted, mentally exhausted from school (cannot wait till this semester is over) and im emotionally exhausted from this weekend, especially from the funeral yesterday.


i want to take a nap but i have so much work to do. but ill prolly be able to focus more if i sleep a lil first.

nap time :)


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Decemeber 1st 7:43

Dear Diary,

I just got back from work...ate some vietnemese food...MMM...loce that spicy chicken soup...

Im pretty bored...I have to go update my website....I hate doing that!!!! I feel like every month goes by TOO fast!!!

Im watching Everone loves Raymond now...I dont really love Raymond, so I dont get the title...oh well...

Techna is trying to jump on my table to try and get some food that I didnt eat....

Im go nna go to Tronic tonight & listen to Frankie Bones,Adam X.& Heather Heart...should be a decent night...

Technas biting ME!!! OUCH!!! she's trying to bite my butt!!!!! What the hell!!!!

ok....gotta go update site...


bye bye

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Dec 1st 8:38 pm

Dear Santa,

I have been a naughty boy all year. I know you dont reward bad boys. This year, I really dont give a fuck. Most of the gifts you left me were kinda tacky in terms of quality. I aint mad at ya son, just holding mines....ya hear me son ? Holla.

Anyway, I will make sure your usual milk n cookies are at the table. I will make you a deal: I spike your milk with dads' rum and you leave me a laptop. Say hello mrs santa (she still fat as hell?)

Holla Santa. Peace, I'm out :)

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Originally posted by solbeam

psssst...It says Dear Diary ...not "Dear Santa"

just helping a brotha out ;)

Dear diary (a.k.a santa) Today:now)

Why peeps gotta shit on my game ??

I cant catch a break around this mofo, sup with dat ??

Imma break sum fools off just to hold mines :D

p.s marissa, my journal is just for santa this month :tongue:

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Originally posted by solbeam

ok ok...carry on then ;)

I didn't know grown ass men believed in santa but that's just me :tongue:

I like this thread, btw..

If you like it so much, why not post an entry missy? Let it rip :)

...and when I say post an entry, it doesnt include bashing my dreams n thoughts. Yes, I believe in santa when i want something...just like in this case :D

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Went to play pool, checked out the big breasted waitress who was all up on my blue hair, PIMP and tore the table up with my mediocre skillz.

Froze my ass off in the cold waiting for the fuckin train and now i'm home reading threads about how i'm a toole:tongue:

Now my ex is trying to get all nostalgic on my ass about our past relationship.

A fuckin interesting night indeed. Hoo hah

all i gotta say is..........too chicken nugget....fuck it.

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It finally fuckin snowed, that in itself made my day.

Also ppl seem to think I give a fuck about what they think of me n what not, if that were true I wouldn't be sportin blue hair and looking like thing number 1 from the cat in the hat today with my red sweater:tongue:

Coffee in the morning is sweet sweet nectar........im out ;op

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I fell asleep at work and didn't get caught, life is good indeed, I shall sleep some more.

Gotta pick up an extra cell phone to give to my lil bro as a bday gift and head on home to mix on the decks some more, my rooms a fucking disaster area.

Ah and to all the ppl who have time to bitch about threads like these, dont post here if you don't like it but hey...


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Originally posted by fkornre

i am not writing in a "journal" like u are trying to...

now that we have :jacked: this thread

btw...i post to make fun of queers like u...

Damn you homophobic like that man, so sorry, someone must have fucked you up the ass pretty bad huh, you can get help for that i hear, so sad man.

and to throw this thread back on track

Imma head to lunch in a few minutes and am having a great time laughing at fkornre feeble attempts at mockery, i laugh at him, here i go gwuahahahahahaha......man thats good

here again just for him now, but i bet it reminds him of the finger up his ass but who cares right


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December 2nd, 2003 (1:41pm)

Dear Diary,

Tired, annoyed confused, hungry...

I gotta go feed all my dogs....get ready to go visit my Grandma (which she's prob. playing bingo right now) and them rush over to work...

she's temporarily living in a senior citizen home while my house in getting renovated...she actually loves it there, and we were in shock because we thought she was gonna hate it there..

...Everytime I visit the "home" i get depressed...

...all the people living just want to talk and be around a young person....anything I say amuses them and I can see their eyes brighten up when they see my sister and I walk in the "recreation room" especially when I bring my little puppy they all get so excited and happy...

I really cant wait to have my grandma close to me again...I miss hangin out with her and watching old greek movies... :(

Ok....gotta go now...

bye bye

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Originally posted by iamsamurai

Damn you homophobic like that man, so sorry, someone must have fucked you up the ass pretty bad huh, you can get help for that i hear, so sad man.

and to throw this thread back on track

Imma head to lunch in a few minutes and am having a great time laughing at fkornre feeble attempts at mockery, i laugh at him, here i go gwuahahahahahaha......man thats good

here again just for him now, but i bet it reminds him of the finger up his ass but who cares right


another gay attempt from this punk ass at trying to be funny...ur not funny homo...:ghey:

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Originally posted by fkornre

another gay attempt from this punk ass at trying to be funny...ur not funny homo...:ghey:

I grow tire of you and your cheap attempts at an insult, the cheap attempts are an insult in and of themselves, pfff, i mean seriously you waited for me to come back from lunch as well, man you crushing on me or something. Whats with all the gay stuff anyway, you trying to hide something? shit man just come out and say your gay, no one will care. I read about stuff like this, how ppl like you project their own probs onto others, so is cool if your gay man, i'm not but respect to ya, keep them rainbow flags flying.

Now time for my journal entry.

Lunch was good and I get a huge kick out of all the business ppl around my work gawking at my blue hair. I'm all suited up and POW, blue hair, it is very nice. The sales person at Barnes n Nobles even asked to touch it:laugh: funny shit, guess they don't go downtown much.

Man i'm beat, it's mad cold outside but thats alright I enjoy it, specially when i got a nice sweater on for it.

Still gotta go find out about that cell phone for my lil bro, then i'm thinking about taking out my lil neice *cuzins daughter* out to eat or something. I'll parade her around like my daughter, I get kicks out of that:tongue:

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Originally posted by fkornre

ur the one talking about banging asses and shit...i think ur the one with the gay thoughts...and blue hair...come on now...how old are you...13....just remember i said your gay...nothing about fucking asses or anything like that...you brought that up...now grow up...

Seriously i've had enough of you, talk all you want i'll just keep hittin you back and all you can say is "your gay" man you in junior high or something, go do homework.

:laugh: :laugh: you telling me to grow up, oh man thats golden right there, the fool trying to school the wise, step down lil man.

.....I loves my blue hair:D

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Originally posted by iamsamurai

Seriously i've had enough of you, talk all you want i'll just keep hittin you back and all you can say is "your gay" man you in junior high or something, go do homework.

:laugh: :laugh: you telling me to grow up, oh man thats golden right there, the fool trying to school the wise, step down lil man.

.....I loves my blue hair:D

of course you do...most candy raving queers like you do...go suck on your pacifier and step away from the keyboard before you get smacked

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Originally posted by fkornre

of course you do...most candy raving queers like you do...go suck on your pacifier and step away from the keyboard before you get smacked

Actually i must correct you fool, i am not a candy raver, that just hurt:laugh: and again with the queer stuff, dude stop trying to turn me to your ways, i'm cool with just diggin chicks:D

Can't step away from the keyboard, i deal with accounting and have to key in data and money into the network systems for the company I work for.

......how do you intend to smack me......,man you type slow yo, seriously "step away ...before you get smacked" :laugh: man yo, whatever you on, as the caring person that I am, step of the stuff not cool, not cool indeed.

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Originally posted by iamsamurai

Actually i must correct you fool, i am not a candy raver, that just hurt:laugh: and again with the queer stuff, dude stop trying to turn me to your ways, i'm cool with just diggin chicks:D

Can't step away from the keyboard, i deal with accounting and have to key in data and money into the network systems for the company I work for.

......how do you intend to smack me......,man you type slow yo, seriously "step away ...before you get smacked" :laugh: man yo, whatever you on, as the caring person that I am, step of the stuff not cool, not cool indeed.

type slow...not really...i dont have a desk job...i can only type when i get down time from running around...

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