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AIM, Buddy Lists, and Away Messages

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When did people start to leave autobiographies on their going away messages?

A few weeks ago I realized that I had about 82 people on my buddy list that I haven't talked to in about 5 years. SO I figured I should start to delete a few. Before I deleted I realized so many had away messages on. For whatever reason I started to read them and realized how times have changed from the standard 'I'm away from my computer right now' to messages leaving cell numbers, others had their life story, some had temper tantrums, lots of MALE bashing, and some even had convos with OTHER AOL'ers. When did this happen?

Ever since then I'm addicted to readin all of these away messages of these people that I dont even know or remember. I just think its funny. AND to top it all off, I noticed MY away messages gettin odder and odder.

Oh boy, I need to get out of this house QUICK.

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Ok here is an example... This girl has been IM'ing me for 2 years now. She thinks i am someone else and all her friends IM me too. They constantly talk about cheerleading practice and when I tell them Im not their friend they say STOP KIDDIN WITH US. So at this point I just play along....

Her away msg...

its deirdres birthdayyy woohoo!

"you guys are like my condoms..your good friends and you protect me when things get hard"..haha well said erica!

META/TMC/near and far/nothing compares/u girls mean everything to me and more <3

El, Anna, Katie, Mike, Dan, Tom-blessed to have u guys in my life!! i love yas

F.U. regis 3..good times good times mwa!

Allison Barra

Regis 323




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ha ha. that is so tru. every time i'm on the computer i find myself just sitting here reading peoples away messages. its not like its anything important and like you said i dont even talk to half of these people anymore. oh well. its something else that i can do to procasternate gettin my work done! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by clubindiva

ha ha. that is so tru. every time i'm on the computer i find myself just sitting here reading peoples away messages. its not like its anything important and like you said i dont even talk to half of these people anymore. oh well. its something else that i can do to procasternate gettin my work done! :rolleyes:


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Yeah I noticed that too....People have a lot of shit in their away message. Its gay.

I really like it when people put shit like this...

Im not here right now. I went to the bank, then I had to go shopping, after that Im hitting a movie, and then stopping for gas...etc..etc...

Like I care what you are doing all day. Why not just TURN OFF THE COMPUTER?

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Seriusly though I am a big dork bc when I was still in college, we all had like "friend quizzes" and shit like that in the buddy info.......:laugh: and then once you took someone else's the results showed up......so you could see who took it!

And we always had those spylink things.........

um yeah I'll stop talking now

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Seriusly though I am a big dork bc when I was still in college, we all had like "friend quizzes" and shit like that in the buddy info.......:laugh: and then once you took someone else's the results showed up......so you could see who took it!

And we always had those spylink things.........

um yeah I'll stop talking now

Haha IMChaos is the best. So many random people checked my profile, some over 50 times wtf.

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Originally posted by danfury

Haha IMChaos is the best. So many random people checked my profile, some over 50 times wtf.

Lmao! I had it linked to my picture page, so TONS of randoms would click it........I'd even sometimes IM the people and be like "who the heck are you and why do you have me on your buddy list?"

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I looked at the people on my buddy list the other day and I dont even know who some of them are!!! I am going to start deleting soon b/c i cant even add new people anymore....and as for autobiographical away messages, i laugh at them...."going to the gym, then to the store, around 936 i may stop and get a soda, i think it will be cherry coke.....etc etc etc"

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Seriusly though I am a big dork bc when I was still in college, we all had like "friend quizzes" and shit like that in the buddy info.......:laugh: and then once you took someone else's the results showed up......so you could see who took it!

And we always had those spylink things.........

um yeah I'll stop talking now

I love spylink...www.imchaos.com...its so great!!

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