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Freinds and Money


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I know there have to be other people in this situation. You lend a freind some money cuz they really need it and you're a good freind. Time passes and you don't see them trying to pay it back. You pull them aside and ask them what's going on on they get insulted and break off ties with you... Its a classic scenario that happens all too often.... If a freind owed you a considerable amount of money and the only way they have of paying you back is to give you his/her jewelry...would you:

a: take the jewelery

b: tell them to sell the jewelery and give you the money

c: take the money in very small installments

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

I know there have to be other people in this situation. You lend a freind some money cuz they really need it and you're a good freind. Time passes and you don't see them trying to pay it back. You pull them aside and ask them what's going on on they get insulted and break off ties with you... Its a classic scenario that happens all too often.... If a freind owed you a considerable amount of money and the only way they have of paying you back is to give you his/her jewelry...would you:

a: take the jewelery

b: tell them to sell the jewelery and give you the money

c: take the money in very small installments

depends on the circumstances surrounding why the money was needed.....if it was to help his dying mother, thats a whole different scenario than him needing to buy an oz. to feed his drug habit...

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i dont loan people money for this exact reason. i actually loaned my boy like 1,300 bucks a few weeks back. he was making it so difficult for me to get my money back. he would hold it over my head constantly, he would say i was only friends with him b/c he owed me the money. finally he payed it back and ironically, we are no longer friends, partially b/c of the way he acted. i dont really care, i am just happy i didnt lose 1,300 bucks over his dumb ass. the kid makes like 5k+ a day why would he make it difficult, i think it is just because he wanted to make me feel like i needed him. i was ready to take the bill to not deal with him anymore but things worked out and i got a check from him. after it cleared i cut all ties. ;):laugh: ok, that sounded really bitchy but that is life.

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not really, he just ran out of money in his checking account and has no credit. i dont think it matters what the money is for. if a frend borrows money they should have full intent of paying it back & know their plan of getting it before they even ask to borrow it. if i did i would make sure i got it back to them in a timely fashion, even if it meant getting a loan from a bank or taking it off a high interest credit card but then again, i have never borrowed money from anyone in my life. well except my dad lol.

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There are only 2 people I would ever consider lending money to only b/c I've known them forever & I trust they will pay me back (which they always do)....But as far as others....I don't do it.....Money is the root of all evil...Your good enough when someone needs it....But ur forgotten when your owed....

Bump in your situation...It depends on how trustworthy the person is & how close you are.....If you trust them enough to pay you back in small amounts...I say do that...But if it's someone who is a bit shady....Make sure they pay you back any way they can & fast.....even if it means selling their own shit...it's not your fault your owed money

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the quickest way to lose a friend is to lend them money... but in all seriousness (every situation is different but) ask yourself this... why are they asking for the money to begin with??? and if they dont have money now, how will they have it later??? more importantly what are they doing with the money once you lend it to them??? chances are paying off debt, or blowing it... so now theyll be in more debt... lol doesnt sound like good to me... its throwing good money after bad... (im not talking about 50 dollars here or 100 there to go out or if theres a lapse in checks but like if someone asks for you a thousand or even half that...)

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This is a real dilemna for me....The guy owes me 3k ,,, and it's been 4 months now... i got into it with him this morning and he was like I really don't know when I'm gonna be able to pay you and that he owes other people money too. I started getting the impression that he's in over his head. I'm not exactly shy about collecting what's owed to me. He finally came out with... the only thing I have thats worth that kind of money is my wifes engagement ring...he says he paid over 7k for it... At this point I feel like a real scumbag to tell the guy to take his wifes engagement ring off her finger to give to me. I ask him if the ring is insured and he tells me he's already pulled a fake robbery at his house to get more money... This type of thing normally wouldn't bother me but I grew up with the guy and his wife and sucks that it has to come to this...

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

This is a real dilemna for me....The guy owes me 3k ,,, and it's been 4 months now... i got into it with him this morning and he was like I really don't know when I'm gonna be able to pay you and that he owes other people money too. I started getting the impression that he's in over his head. I'm not exactly shy about collecting what's owed to me. He finally came out with... the only thing I have thats worth that kind of money is my wifes engagement ring...he says he paid over 7k for it... At this point I feel like a real scumbag to tell the guy to take his wifes engagement ring off her finger to give to me. I ask him if the ring is insured and he tells me he's already pulled a fake robbery at his house to get more money... This type of thing normally wouldn't bother me but I grew up with the guy and his wife and sucks that it has to come to this...

personally, if i grew up with the guy, that would be a different story

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:laugh: you actually think he was offering his wifes ring? i think it was just a guilt tripp.

you should tell him you NEED the money & if you dont, why are you stressing about it? i am not saying let him keep it but i am saying, dont be up his ass about it if you dont need it.

if you do need it explain the circumstances to him and i am sure he will try his hardest to get it. i dont think your friend is being malicious, he is just in over his head.

my friend on the other hand was being malicious.. using the money as a way to get me to go to his house. i asked him to mail it to me and he said he wouldnt give it to me if i didnt go to his house and get it. so i went there, i got it, he kept making moves, i teased him & i went home... ;)

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Originally posted by somebitch

:laugh: you actually think he was offering his wifes ring? i think it was just a guilt tripp.

you should tell him you NEED the money & if you dont, why are you stressing about it? i am not saying let him keep it but i am saying, dont be up his ass about it if you dont need it.

if you do need it explain the circumstances to him and i am sure he will try his hardest to get it. i dont think your friend is being malicious, he is just in over his head.

my friend on the other hand was being malicious.. using the money as a way to get me to go to his house. i asked him to mail it to me and he said he wouldnt give it to me if i didnt go to his house and get it. so i went there, i got it, he kept making moves, i teased him & i went home... ;)

I'm gonna take the ring and hold on to it.... i figure if I don;t take it he's gonna offer it to someone else anyway... I don't need the money.... but the more I think about it the more pissed off i get...

He did lie to me.....and used my money to pay back a loan from someone else....

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