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Does Anyone want a cat?

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I found a beautiful cat on saturday night, friendly as anything. Im taking it to the vet today to get a clean slate of health....then I have to try and introduce it to the other animals. Hopefully they will get along, but just incase they dont, Im looking for a back up plan....so if anyone knows anyone or might want a cat themselves, please give me a shout.

Thank you...

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Originally posted by xrapturex

I found a beautiful cat on saturday night, friendly as anything. Im taking it to the vet today to get a clean slate of health....then I have to try and introduce it to the other animals. Hopefully they will get along, but just incase they dont, Im looking for a back up plan....so if anyone knows anyone or might want a cat themselves, please give me a shout.

Thank you...

I thought u where going to put up signs?

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Im starting with phone calls to the human society to see if anyone reported it. Being that it was found off a rest stop, who knows where it came from. For all I know it jumped out of someone's car...it would take a whole lot of signs man. Quite frankly, I dont know if I would trust bringing it back to its owner.

I already bonded, so I really want it to have a good home....hopefully I can keep it. Thats only 50-50 now though.

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Originally posted by dibs

It's a very cute and friendly cat... I was there when she found it.....:D

Jill if you want to make up signs, I drive past the place we found it everyday on the way home from work, I can put them up for u.

OK, Im making more calls today, if no one has heard anything, I will let you know. I feel so sorry for it :( Thanks....

I want to keep it so bad....the thing just doenst seem to like other animals. Although, it might just be scared, maybe it could get used to them. (wishful thinking)

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I wish I could have a cat, but my mother says she has enough animals in the house (me, my sisters, my dad)

you can drop it off in my lot, there are about 7 strays that live there, they can play and mate, hehe

The just built a Banco Popular in the empty lot by my house and the poor cats have no where to go, they just chill in my yard; it's so cute!!

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Originally posted by cynstam21

I wish I could have a cat, but my mother says she has enough animals in the house (me, my sisters, my dad)

you can drop it off in my lot, there are about 7 strays that live there, they can play and mate, hehe

The just built a Banco Popular in the empty lot by my house and the poor cats have no where to go, they just chill in my yard; it's so cute!!

I cant even bring myself to bring it to a shelter, nevermind a bungaloo by your house! :tongue:

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Originally posted by dani672

hey jill at least you got some pussy this weekend! :laugh:

i tried to pick up a cat in delaware..when we were driving back from va.. but my bf wouldnt let me:(

You can have this one if you want it. Im taking it to the vet and everything.....

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Originally posted by xrapturex

I cant even bring myself to bring it to a shelter, nevermind a bungaloo by your house! :tongue:

LOL, it's not a bungalow, it's a garage!! A neighbor feeds them and they play in the yard and take care of any rodents. If we take them to a shelter and nobody claims them in a week, they are gonna kill them.

They lived happily until the bank took over there land. Goddamn bankers!!! Always takin the land that belongs to nature, so they can get rich, ughhhhhh. A few of the cats are missing, I hope no onne called the city animal control fat prick; this guy couldnt catch fish in a tank.

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Originally posted by replicorexxx

I hate cats, they are very boring, same with dogs. I like exotic animals, snakes, lizards, eels. Large spiders, maybe even a grinder monkey.

when i come across a stray monkey i will be sure to keep you informed.

In the meantime, Please dont jack my thread.


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Originally posted by xrapturex

when i come across a stray monkey i will be sure to keep you informed.

In the meantime, Please dont jack my thread.


No hard feelings, just playin. But yeah keep me mind when you find a stray grinder monkey, I think I would call him pogo. Yeah, Pogo.

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