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OK before we all get excited and opinionated about the past weekend at Crobar let me fill you all in on a few facts.

Firstly on behalf of all the staff and management we would like to thank you for the weekend opening of Crobar.

We know that with such an amazing turnout, there were problems at the door and let me explain some of what happened.

At 11.30pm on Thursday night (Private opening night) the turnout on the street was far beyond what we had expected.

Numbers in the club had reached full capacity as well as a further 1000 plus people trying to get in outside.

The Police arrived on mass and immediately closed off 28 street at 10th and 11th Avenue. At that time we were at capacity and were told by them not to allow any further entrances.

Because of this some people who had tickets simply had to wait until we were allowed to reopen the door.

Now some of you also had issues with our door people and some of your comments may or may not be valid.

I would like to know (constructively please) what the issues were and we will try and address them.

Please understand however that this was our opening weekend and was our first couple of events at a brand new space.

As time goes by and things settle down we hope to have the kinks ironed out.

In regards to Friday Nights event (Electronic Music Festival).

This event was actually scheduled for another weeknight date but at the last minute had to be changed to the Friday night of opening weekend.

This type of special event would not normally be a part of the weekend schedule.

Our musical program is still under review except for Saturday Night which will be alternating between David Waxman and Victor Calderone.

The reviews are many and varied but in general the issues of concern are things that can be improved upon in time.

The positive comments are many and we are so pleased that you liked it.

OK I obviously didn't "Blow" Muzikchicks "Mind" but in general people had a lot of fun.

I hope that if you did attend the club, you felt comfortable and at home at Crobar.

We hope that in the coming weeks you all get something positive from the experience.

Thank you again.

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two questions, if you dont mind.

#1 - will it usually be "you need to be on a list to gain entry"

#2 - is it true that you are purposely making lists difficult to get on

#3 - will lit be a miami style club where the doorman picks attractive people to gain entry, or will it be first come first served?

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Originally posted by fouroneone

two questions, if you dont mind.

#1 - will it usually be "you need to be on a list to gain entry"

#2 - is it true that you are purposely making lists difficult to get on

#3 - will lit be a miami style club where the doorman picks attractive people to gain entry, or will it be first come first served?

Thats actually 3 but whose counting

A#1 No. This weekend was different because we had some private events that had their lists of invited guests. We will not normally operate guest lists although the staff may be allowed to invite some guests

A#2 NO

A#3 I always thought that if you make an effort to look good and you treat the doorman with respect, then you dont have a problem. Doesn't always work though.

Also the club is trying to keep a balance of the sexes so I dont suggest you show up with a big group of guys.

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hey, don't pick me out on this one, that isn't fair. I wasn't there....but, I was expecting some "blown mind" reviews. You were the bold one putting it out there....i commend you for your bravery.

When the hype dies out, I will pay a visit to see the new addition to the club scene family and give an honest opinion. I personally, could care less about "crowd", I'm more interested in seeing other the decor, etc.

Kenny Ken, I haven't seen on the scene since he did the door at Life.............he can have his "moments", that I know.


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The door policy needs a little work. But I understand that it was opening weekend. Any new place will have a lot of craziness going on for the first couple of weeks, if not months. I think as time goes on and things start to settle, it'll be a lot easier to judge how it is. The early weekends are just too crazy to have an objective view.

I think people should just take a step back, enjoy what we have. For those who were pissed off at first glance, give it a month or two and then check it out again. I'm sure it'll be different at that time. And then you can make final judgement on whether the place is for you or not. As for me, I'll give it a rest until well after new years eve. A club's true spirit shines during the off season, like in the middle of February.

I do have one question and some advice though. Given what you stated about your door policy, what would happen if you had a ticketed event? Say....you get Sasha/Digweed to spin and there are advanced tickets. Does that "picky" door policy still apply to ticketholders? Not that I would show up with a pack of 2 dozen grungy dudes or anythin'. Also related to this, selling more tickets that space allowed is just not a good idea. I know it was your opening party but its an easy way to piss off a WHOLE bunch of ticketholders if they can't get in. It happened earlier this year at the Roxy and it pissed off a whole boatload of ppl.

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Oh yeah, I remember that guy at Life. He wouldn't let a friend of mine in cuz he was talking too loud while waiting on line. We had 4 girls and 3 guys so i know it wasnt the guy/girl ratio problem. We never went back there again. And guess what...surprise surprise, the club closed down not too long afterwards (not because of me you wise asses. :tongue: ). But any club with that kinda attitude at the door will eventually shut down.

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Originally posted by muzikchick

Life closed down due to Cabaret issues and sound issues in an area where people live. So, it now it's a theater...no more boom boom boom...........for their neighbors.:hat:

ahhh, didnt know. But maybe the guy who couldn't get in was the guy living next door and the one who filed the noise complaint on a daily basis. :hat:

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I'll say one thing I was there for the "media preview" thursday... there was a huge crowd outside even at 12:30 - 1:00 when i got there with my freind...And yes... the block was closed off by police... Personally I didn't have a problem getting in... but I did see alot of pissed off people walking away saying don't bother you're not getting in.... I have to say the place is very nice...even impressive.... Dont know about the service on a "normal" night but it was ok....The Music was good... a little something for everybody going on...Hip Hop Room, House etc.. A VIP area large enough to be comfortable in without taking away space from the main floor. The Sound Sytem was Good... didn't blow me away... but good... I'm sure it will be tweaked in the near future..... My one critiicism .. and this is just my personal opinion... I think you guys are trying to hard to "blow people's minds" with the air cannons..and other distractions... Just focus on having good , innovative music and use the "gimmicks" to enhance the experience..

I can't really comment on how the door is operating but I have been to crobar in miami in the past and there were definate "issues" with doormen soliciting cash to get you in...and general rudeness towards the people on line...The space is put together well and has alot of potential and it would be a shame for it to fail after all that's been invested....

I think the no guestlist policy is a good one...Let's face it if you're gonna be giving reduced admissions to people you may as well just promote yourself on the web....like 90% of these guys do... or offer some type of VIP card on certain nights (maybe NYE or something) that will give reduced admission and an incentive to come back without the hassle of contacting these "promoters".

I hope the place does well. It could be a great place. The design and construction was well planned and executed... Maybe there is something going on at the door that needs attention...If there is a problem I suggest you "fix it" immediately.... As you can see...word travels fast....

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Originally posted by djinnom

ahhh, didnt know. But maybe the guy who couldn't get in was the guy living next door and the one who filed the noise complaint on a daily basis. :hat:

LOLOLOL...possibly. Too bad, it was a nice place...especially their Tuesday night party. That is where I got to see Twilo's Phil Smith and Marvisi hanging out when their own clubs were not open. I complained to Phil about his Twilo sunday morning policy in there, he listened...........nice to see your patrons at other places when your off, huh? lol.;) oh well, no more Life, too bad.

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In my opinion, any club that has a dick head door staff will eventually meet its maker. People are smarter nowadays and will not be treated like that....especially me, I wont tollerate some meathead with an attitude problem. I'll take my money elsewhere, where its appreciated....i'll be hitting crobar when the hype dies down and I dont have to fight for dance space.

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.02 cents: )

I worked @ LIFE for 3 yrs...They had complaints throughout the 4+yrs they were open, it happens to every club, but the fact that there were apts over and right next to Life made it worse, obviously. Half the people in the building over us came 3x a week and we comped them all to keep them happy - every time someone complained they ended up drinking there for free that night :) But at some point not everyone would take that - a few older ppl and then just the sheer number of complaints PLUS the decisions of the owners to succumb ended it after NYE 2000. IT was time to close, its day had passed, and I think anything past that point woudl have been a mistake anyway. The funny thing is , security ALWAYS worked at keeping noise and people organized outside the club for this reasons - then they get called names and talked down to for this, but when the place gets closed for complains, people talk shit - if people hadn't been such assholes for not getting in, and calmed down/stayed sane out on the line, then the complaints wouldn't have been so bad! So its the same ppl that bitch and moan and cause drama at the door that cause it to close down - then say, oh it was b/c of noise complaints!

ITs funny how only people who get denied call Kenny names - people who dont appreciate his personality and quirkiness and the much needed tell-it-like-it is, no sugarcoating. In 3 years I can tell you - Kenny RESPONDS to people, he doesnt start it - if he says not tonight, and they respond with but, but, but and hold the line up - you better bet your ass ANY doorman would get pissed. It isn't being a dickhead or asshole, its doing the job, and dealing with the tons of assholes who give HIM a hard time. You guys probably haven't seen many of the complete morons who hold up the line, get loud, get violent, call him names etc etc....

When you dont have that at a door AT A PLACE LIKE THIS, the club goes downhill in terms of crowd for the most part. IF its something like Vinyl/ARC, you can have a much more lenient and open policy, because that's the type of venue/promotion it is. But a huge mega club it different............The minute he lets them in , its ' i love him, what a fabulous person' LOL. He was one of the reasons ppl buzzed about LIFE and buzz about anywhere, one of the last few charachters who brings some creativity and personality to the door, and come on, you HAVE to have cuntiness to do that job. FYI he is one of the most intelligent, well spoken, kind, caring and dedicated people I've ever met- respected staff and guests and clients better than 99 percent of ppl in the industry ever would......& would sit with me for hours at the end of the night when I had to work and everyone else was off.....

You have no idea the bullshit you deal with esp on opening night, 2940380492834 people who all 'know' someone and many who are loud, rude, pushing,obnoxious, throwing things etc... And the lies - I remember when I first started there, answering phones and even I WOULD HAVE PEOPLE come say they were my guests, Kenny would bring them in to me and I'd be like WHO the hell is that? LOL

He had people try to hit him, throw things at him,we even got half a dozen DEATH THREATS on the phone from ppl who got denied (and its not rocket science - 95 percent of the ppl denied either looked bad, acted bad, or were single guys at the wrong time - hellooooo) and called him every horrible name in the book - JUST because he was doing his job. & his job is not to let everyone in no matter what, it's to DO the door! I never understood why ppl didnt get that - they try to rationalize why they didnt get in "I was dressed good" (subjective) "I had girls" (so?) and "FAGGOT UGLY TRANNY" Well, with that attitude, he was RIGHT not to let you in - jesus lol :)

Sorry just had to put my 2 cents in after working w/ him for years I couldnt let these comments pass :)

BTW King who also does the door is wonderful - much more laid back, still as tough, but great guy!

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I understand that you are defending the guy. But you make it sound like he never made a mistake. Maybe on that particular day I went, he made a mistake for telling my friend to shut the fuck up for talking to his friends too loudly, on the STREET. That's almost, and I reiterate the work ALMOST....the same as you walking up to a person standing on the street talking to his friend and telling him to shut the fuck up. There was no reasons for his behavior. My friend didn't know about any noise complaints, I doubt anyone on that line did. If he had come over and say, "we had some noise complaints, can you keep it down", my friend most definitely would have quieted down. I'm a reasonable guy and so are the people I hang out with. So from my standpoint, I'd call that experience to be a little more than rude.

But, given that I haven't had much interaction with the guy, I can't argue the good points you make about him. I hope you are right, I really do. I guess we'll just have to see as time passes and the parties become a little more "regular" at Crobar.

No hard feelings. I guess we'll both have to remember that there are always two sides to a story.

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Absolutely - no one's perfect, and no person is ALWAYS going to say everything perfectly. You have to remember- he had been through hours of people giving their 'let me in im so and so' and I know hours of police drama, owner drama, customer drama, and basically EVERYONE bugging him for all reasons- so if he got snippy when telling him to shush, rather than being polite, it's as warranted as it can get - is it the ideal way to tell someone to be quiet - no - but given that he's yelled at and called names all night, you can't really blame him - and same way Kenny brushes most of it off and knows its not person, someone on the line who gets told to leave/shush whatever, should like wise realize its not really personal and thats the way this night/club/job works - sometimes you get the back end of other bullshit that has nothing to do with you. Kenny deals with it all night, every night - ppl yelling at him when COPS SAY do not let ONE person in the door..... so we all have to understand that and sometimes take it as well..........

Also - think about it EVERYONE on that line talked loudly and didnt respect that the cops were there/ mobs were there - THATS what makes noise and in turn, cop issues / complaints. I've been told to shut the fuck up a few times back in the day and I learned a long time ago if everyone just chilled, everyone would get inside a lot quicker / things would move much smoother . PLus - you gotta just suck it up sometimes and respect how crazy the door gets, it goes out of control sometimes and when cops are breathing down your neck, and kids are yelling on the line - it doesnt make you happy :)

And I've actually seen Kenny get upset at people ,and the kids were TOTALLY cool and respectful and 2 minutes later Kenny went over and apologized and let them in. If he's really out of line, or loud, he knows it and admits it, but for the ton of shit he gets while doing this job, he does a pretty good job


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Originally posted by joecrack13

my friend got turned down with 5 girls...he was the only guy with good looking chicks as well...how the hell u gonna explain that

All the girls were looking HOT all around (great Jeans etc) trendy

The boy was probably wearing dark pants with blue collar shirt = 9am-5pm work CLOTHES BIG NO, NO for NYC CLUBBING


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Originally posted by MissDiva

.02 cents: )

I worked @ LIFE for 3 yrs...They had complaints throughout the 4+yrs they were open, it happens to every club, but the fact that there were apts over and right next to Life made it worse, obviously. Half the people in the building over us came 3x a week and we comped them all to keep them happy - every time someone complained they ended up drinking there for free that night :) But at some point not everyone would take that - a few older ppl and then just the sheer number of complaints PLUS the decisions of the owners to succumb ended it after NYE 2000. IT was time to close, its day had passed, and I think anything past that point woudl have been a mistake anyway. The funny thing is , security ALWAYS worked at keeping noise and people organized outside the club for this reasons - then they get called names and talked down to for this, but when the place gets closed for complains, people talk shit - if people hadn't been such assholes for not getting in, and calmed down/stayed sane out on the line, then the complaints wouldn't have been so bad! So its the same ppl that bitch and moan and cause drama at the door that cause it to close down - then say, oh it was b/c of noise complaints!

ITs funny how only people who get denied call Kenny names - people who dont appreciate his personality and quirkiness and the much needed tell-it-like-it is, no sugarcoating. In 3 years I can tell you - Kenny RESPONDS to people, he doesnt start it - if he says not tonight, and they respond with but, but, but and hold the line up - you better bet your ass ANY doorman would get pissed. It isn't being a dickhead or asshole, its doing the job, and dealing with the tons of assholes who give HIM a hard time. You guys probably haven't seen many of the complete morons who hold up the line, get loud, get violent, call him names etc etc....

When you dont have that at a door AT A PLACE LIKE THIS, the club goes downhill in terms of crowd for the most part. IF its something like Vinyl/ARC, you can have a much more lenient and open policy, because that's the type of venue/promotion it is. But a huge mega club it different............The minute he lets them in , its ' i love him, what a fabulous person' LOL. He was one of the reasons ppl buzzed about LIFE and buzz about anywhere, one of the last few charachters who brings some creativity and personality to the door, and come on, you HAVE to have cuntiness to do that job. FYI he is one of the most intelligent, well spoken, kind, caring and dedicated people I've ever met- respected staff and guests and clients better than 99 percent of ppl in the industry ever would......& would sit with me for hours at the end of the night when I had to work and everyone else was off.....

You have no idea the bullshit you deal with esp on opening night, 2940380492834 people who all 'know' someone and many who are loud, rude, pushing,obnoxious, throwing things etc... And the lies - I remember when I first started there, answering phones and even I WOULD HAVE PEOPLE come say they were my guests, Kenny would bring them in to me and I'd be like WHO the hell is that? LOL

He had people try to hit him, throw things at him,we even got half a dozen DEATH THREATS on the phone from ppl who got denied (and its not rocket science - 95 percent of the ppl denied either looked bad, acted bad, or were single guys at the wrong time - hellooooo) and called him every horrible name in the book - JUST because he was doing his job. & his job is not to let everyone in no matter what, it's to DO the door! I never understood why ppl didnt get that - they try to rationalize why they didnt get in "I was dressed good" (subjective) "I had girls" (so?) and "FAGGOT UGLY TRANNY" Well, with that attitude, he was RIGHT not to let you in - jesus lol :)

Sorry just had to put my 2 cents in after working w/ him for years I couldnt let these comments pass :)

BTW King who also does the door is wonderful - much more laid back, still as tough, but great guy!

I agree.

Did you work with him @spa from 98 thru 2000?

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Originally posted by sobecrobar

All the girls were looking HOT all around (great Jeans etc) trendy

The boy was probably wearing dark pants with blue collar shirt = 9am-5pm work CLOTHES BIG NO, NO for NYC CLUBBING


hang on a second....a NO-NO for clubbing...please what clubs have dresscodes anymore....i agree that the dark pants blue shirt look is kinda weak but i seen a pic of some doof in crobar wearing a champion t-shirt...what the fuck is that all about...i dont know what my friend was wearing to be honest but im sure it wasnt what u described....the trendy shit wont fly in a club that size (in NYC) for too long...maybe just the first few weeks

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Spa opened in 2000 when Life closed (The last night of life was New Years Eve 1999)

I ended up getting door jobs myself at other places after 2000 so didnt' work at Spa, (thank god, hehe - what a mess that turned out to be)

I actually started going out in the early 90's when he used to work at Limelight - little did I know years down the line we'd work together. Incidentally the other girl who did the door at Disco2000 who I was PETRIFIED of , ended up becoming one of my best friends 5 years later

Funny how shit turns out. Unfortunately things went downhill after those years :(((

Thus, my move to SouthBeach :)

BTW there's a big buzz about Crobar24 down here- but IMO there are TOO many places opening for no people!!!! My boyfriend works @ Maze and every Sat night he says the place is EMPTY - nuts!

OH and to the guy about the guy/5 girls who got denied - you can be gorgeous, but have the wrong look/attitude/age/type/timing - beauty doesnt guarantee you getting in all the time - in fact a funky, cool looking, unique and different looking ugly girl has more chance than a snotty, pretty tacky girl (not saying thats what they were , just making a point :)

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Originally posted by MissDiva

Spa opened in 2000 when Life closed (The last night of life was New Years Eve 1999)

I ended up getting door jobs myself at other places after 2000 so didnt' work at Spa, (thank god, hehe - what a mess that turned out to be)

I actually started going out in the early 90's when he used to work at Limelight - little did I know years down the line we'd work together. Incidentally the other girl who did the door at Disco2000 who I was PETRIFIED of , ended up becoming one of my best friends 5 years later

Funny how shit turns out. Unfortunately things went downhill after those years :(((

Thus, my move to SouthBeach :)

BTW there's a big buzz about Crobar24 down here- but IMO there are TOO many places opening for no people!!!! My boyfriend works @ Maze and every Sat night he says the place is EMPTY - nuts!

OH and to the guy about the guy/5 girls who got denied - you can be gorgeous, but have the wrong look/attitude/age/type/timing - beauty doesnt guarantee you getting in all the time - in fact a funky, cool looking, unique and different looking ugly girl has more chance than a snotty, pretty tacky girl (not saying thats what they were , just making a point :)

i have to check my notes about the opening month/year of Spa. (btw I live on 11th street - east side) Im pretty sure it was either 98 or 99.

Mess? what Mess? between Spa, Pangaea & Lotus I will call them the best parties on a Saturday night!

btw. NO MESS at door at spa.... i'm confused what mess?

Maze sucks... try OPIUM for sushi on Thursdays VIP

B.E.D. on Wednesdays, sofia V. cums twice a month here

Pearl @nikki is for big rollers and cali/medellin money laundry... LOL

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Originally posted by joecrack13

hang on a second....a NO-NO for clubbing...please what clubs have dresscodes anymore....i agree that the dark pants blue shirt look is kinda weak but i seen a pic of some doof in crobar wearing a champion t-shirt...what the fuck is that all about...i dont know what my friend was wearing to be honest but im sure it wasnt what u described....the trendy shit wont fly in a club that size (in NYC) for too long...maybe just the first few weeks

perhaps that champion t=shirt was purchased at 5th floor barney's nyc for $325 retail price

was your friend wearing white prada shoes=3rd floor barneys nyc for $725 a pair

jacket? was it dolce & g. IT BLOWS

change it to Carolina H. or I. Meyaki

glasses= try some DIOR FOR $488 @SFA

g. luck

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