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Register for Conference?

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Heading down to WMC for the first time, and was wondering if it was worth it to register. I called the office and the lady told me that a lot of people do it b/c it gets you into to poolside shows and other parties at night for free or reduced. So is it worth it to spend the $225 and register?


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Originally posted by jfu11

Heading down to WMC for the first time, and was wondering if it was worth it to register. I called the office and the lady told me that a lot of people do it b/c it gets you into to poolside shows and other parties at night for free or reduced. So is it worth it to spend the $225 and register?


not unless u are a dj or a producer that is gonna go to seminars and shit cause it does nuttin for u at nite
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dont register unless you plan on going to most of the seminars/panals and networking your ass off during the conf. i registered one year, went to a few seminars, met a few people, got into a party or two for free - and still it wasnt worth the fee.

if you're going down to just chillout and have a good time at a few parties, i wouldnt recommend getting a badge

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If you have never been and actually are interested in the Industry Side (pannels, workshops, demos)... then you May want to look into it...

However if you're just here to party... the Fu(k it and save your money... You'll need it!...

Even with a Badge most GOOD parties are NOT FREE you will still have to be on a list / pay something to get in...

Whateva' U decide 2 to DO IT EARLY....

If you wait too late, everything goes up in price! :blown:

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Interestingly enough, most of the "official" classes and seminars have free or cheap equivalents. There was the Remix Hotel sessions last year, and many others like it. I would say the official WMC is becoming quite worthless, unless you're getting someone else to spring for it.

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